General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dan Ben Noah on July 24, 2014, 06:13:55 PM

Title: Shalom
Post by: Dan Ben Noah on July 24, 2014, 06:13:55 PM
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on July 24, 2014, 10:15:27 PM
Is this a homo page? It looks pretty gay to me.

Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: muman613 on July 24, 2014, 10:18:03 PM
Ironically the muslim arabs are nazi's who worked with hitler to exterminate Jews. They are Nazis, not comparable to nazis, because of their complicity in the final solution.

Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: eb22 on July 24, 2014, 10:44:50 PM
I'm not sure what to make of this story but I came across the following on the Truth Revolt website:


Anti-Semitic NYC Cupcake Crew Tweets May Be Fraudulent


Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: ChabadKahanist on July 24, 2014, 11:29:52 PM
What is cupcake crew?
Sounds like a bunch of pansies to me.
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 25, 2014, 05:55:54 AM
Here is the idiot Italian New Yawker guy who owns the Cupcake Crew.  This is the schmuck who decided to spew his vicious Anti-Semitic rage against his Jewish neighbors:


This fat Italian cup cake can suck my kosher hot dog..
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: mord on July 25, 2014, 07:23:44 AM
I'm not sure he's Italian he could be a muslim from downtown Bklyn.They might say they're Italian because people don't like to eat at muslim trucks food because muslims are dirty.Anyway he could pass as an arab
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: mord on July 25, 2014, 07:24:34 AM
I'm not sure he's Italian he could be a muslim from downtown Bklyn.They might say they're Italian because people don't like to eat at muslim trucks food because muslims are dirty.Anyway he could pass as an arab
here's the tweeter account          https://twitter.com/cupcakecrewnyc
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: Rubystars on July 25, 2014, 07:43:32 AM
I can't imagine why people spew these kinds of disgusting opinions on anything associated with their workplace. Do they think that's going to bring in more business?
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: Zelhar on July 25, 2014, 08:25:42 AM
He acts like a wigger.
Here is the idiot Italian New Yawker guy who owns the Cupcake Crew.  This is the schmuck who decided to spew his vicious Anti-Semitic rage against his Jewish neighbors:


This fat Italian cup cake can suck my kosher hot dog..
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: mord on July 25, 2014, 08:30:48 AM
It might be a fraud     http://www.truthrevolt.org/israel-revolt/anti-semitic-nyc-cupcake-crew-tweets-may-be-fraudulent 

In social media hate-speech travels fast, and an anti-Semitic tweet supposedly sent out on the Twitter account of a cupcake business called "Cupcake Crew" went viral less than a day after it was posted. However a TruthRevolt investigation reveals that "Cupcake Crew" likely no longer exists and its old phone number has been assigned to someone else.

"Cupcake Crew" was one of the many food vending trucks traveling through New York City on any given day. The product line consists of gourmet cupcakes.

The tweet in question was posted early in the morning on July 24th, but if you travel backward there is a constant presence of offensive tweets, anti-Semitic, anti Israel, as well as off-color comments about the German and Brazilian World Cup teams.


    Ironically what the Zionist pigs are doing to Palestinian Arabs today is exactly what Hitler and the Nazi's did to them #FreePalestine

    — Cupcake Crew (@CupcakeCrewNYC) July 23, 2014


Another offensive tweet was retweeted by the account ten days earlier.


The earliest anti-Semitic tweet seemed to have been made on January 7, 2014.

Everything before that date has a totally different tone, with many pictures of food, comments about faith, and sharing family milestones, indicating that after the first of the year a different person was using the account.

The homepage of the company's foursquare account indicates the business is closed:


"Cupcake Crew's" yelp reviews corroborate their foursquare information. The screenshot below reflects a good review about the produced cupcakes on May 13, 2013. There were no other reviews until the July 24, 2014 anti-Semitic tweet. Each review prior to the May 2013 one below speaks to their food products. Afterward there was a break of 14 months, then every listing beginning with the July 24th review below is a complaint about the offensive tweet.

The "Cupcake Crew" website as well some of the review sites list a number for the business. The person who answered the line said it was no longer the number of the "Cupcake Crew" business.  We researched the number and got the name of the person who owns the account and could not find a connection between that person and the "Cupcake Crew" business.

After examining its Twitter history and social media pages, along with calling and researching the phone number, it appears that "Cupcake Crew" went out of business sometime between mid-November 2013 and the first of January 2014. It is also likely that the person(s) sending out offensive tweets using the "Cupcake Crew" account is not the same person(s) who operated the account before January 2014, as the tone and verbiage used is totally different.

Finally the person using the old "Cupcake Crew" phone number does not seem to have a link to the original business. We strongly urge people not to call that number to complain about the offensive tweets as it is very likely the person on the other end has nothing to do with the Twitter account.
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: Every Jew AK47 on July 25, 2014, 03:05:35 PM
I have to be honest, Zionist Pigs is usually a term reserved by Muslims .. Usually white people in this country would just referred to JEws as "Zionists", not "Zionist Pigs"..  Who knows, maybe the guy's account was hacked.

His last facebook post was January 1st...

You'd think he'd keep his facebook page up to date.
Title: Re: New Yorkers: Boycott Cupcake Crew
Post by: mord on July 25, 2014, 03:35:27 PM
True he probably didn't care about it.