General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Super Mentalita on August 13, 2014, 04:32:03 AM
Yasmina Haifi twitterd last night: ISIS has nothing to do with Islam. It is a conspiracy of the Zionists to put Islam in a bad daylight.
Since long I was expecting that somebody will be telling like this and that day came. :laugh:
heard this before on youtube especially.
The biitch should get raped and beheaded by isil
The biitch should get raped and beheaded by isil
Fully agree! Discusting muslim idiot! And a member of the Dutch leftwing workers party!
More proof of the idiocy of Islam...
Jews created Mohamud and the entire islamic religion. Why do they even pretend to believe in G-d?
D-i-e-m-o-e-t e-e-n-v-u-i-s-t i-nd'r-k-o-n-t.
D-i-e-m-o-e-t e-e-n-v-u-i-s-t i-nd'r-k-o-n-t.
Do what you have to do Leopard! :agree: :::D
Dont get it...
Here http://translate.googleusercontent.com/translate_c?depth=1&hl=en&prev=/search%3Fq%3DYasmina%2BHaifi%26client%3Dfirefox-a%26hs%3DpPh%26rls%3Dorg.mozilla:en-US:official%26channel%3Drcs&rurl=translate.google.com&sl=nl&u=http://www.geenstijl.nl/mt/archieven/2014/08/yasmina_halfie.html&usg=ALkJrhjwBij0BtIpV8Ayi7SC_tL2m9xxxA
This is her just following the koran in stage 2 war, demanding unfair rights.
People have been trying to pin the rise of Islamofascism on the Jews and Israel from the very beginning, and it's certainly all over on the Internet, this meme. People don't want to see that Islam is really as bad 'as advertised' and that these crazy Jihadis are the REAL Mohammedans.
Can she go to Chalifat and tell that to mudjaheddins, right in the face? No? I bet she can go to Israel and make the same statement.
So, dear muslamic witch, can you back up your words?
Oh great.
I've heard this BS soooooo many times from pro-Russian "far-right" neo-nazis in Western Europe, as well as all kinds of other moronic socialists, that the "Zionists" are supporting the Syrian rebel scum and allied with Saudi Arabia as well as al-Qaeda, to set up radical Islam and are propping up the Sunni scum as a proxy war against the Shia sh*t. These are the same a**holes who put pictures of their beloved Assad everywhere (just look at all the infowars nutcases on YouTube with pictures of Assad's hideous face as their avatar). Maybe the Israeli government does support Saudi Arabia and the Syrian rebels, because they take orders from the US government, which means they aren't true Zionists. I always tell these idiots:
I'm a Zionist, and yes I hate your precious Assad (who many of them actually think wants to save the West from radical Islam, LOL!), but I also hate the rebel filth. I support the Kurds, and those Christians allied with them. But their struggle has been ignored by the media.
I remember reading a comment from one of those dumb muzzies claiming that ISIS stone people because they follow bible and not the Koran. Filthy animals!
I remember reading a comment from one of those dumb muzzies claiming that ISIS stone people because they follow bible and not the Koran. Filthy animals!
Stoning according to Torah is first you drop the guy head-first off a cliff. If he manages to survive, have a big rock ready to drop on his head. If that doesn't finish him, a bunch of people wait near the bottom of the cliff with big stones, each meant to kill him in one shot. There's less than 1% chance of suffering. The kkkoran makes things up from their misunderstanding of xtian mistranslations of Torah.
Muslamic terrorists and their devilish advocates are completely unpredictable.
Stoning according to Torah is first you drop the guy head-first off a cliff. If he manages to survive, have a big rock ready to drop on his head. If that doesn't finish him, a bunch of people wait near the bottom of the cliff with big stones, each meant to kill him in one shot. There's less than 1% chance of suffering. The kkkoran makes things up from their misunderstanding of xtian mistranslations of Torah.
Absolutely correct. The Stoning in the Torah is nothing like what they do.