General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: DownwithIslam on August 13, 2007, 11:36:26 AM
Below is the iraelnn article documenting arafats relations with his bodyguards and young boys. Chaim was right.
Confirmed: Arafat Died of AIDS
by Ezra HaLevi
(IsraelNN.com) Arch-terrorist Yasser Arafat’s doctor has confirmed the long-circulating rumors that the PLO chairman had AIDS – though the doctor insists Israel poisoned Arafat as well, causing his death.
Rumors have long circulated in both Israel and the Palestinian Authority that Arafat’s symptoms prior to his death were caused by AIDS. Within the PA, Israel has always been accused of poisoning the PLO chairman.
Now, Arafat’s private doctor has joined other PLO officials in acknowledging that Arafat had the HIV virus, but is holding on to the claim that Israel was responsible for his ultimate demise, in a French hospital.
Dr. Ashraf al-Kurdi told the Jordanian Amman News Agency that Arafat did, in fact, have AIDS – but insisted that the HIV virus was injected into the chairman’s bloodstream, and not the result of illicit sexual activity.
Al-Jazeera interrupted an interview with al-Kurdi due to his mention of Arafat’s having had AIDS.
French doctors who treated Arafat insisted after his death that he had died of a massive stroke after suffering intestinal inflammation, jaundice and disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC), a blood condition.
Another Arafat aide, Bassam Abu Sharif, accused former French President Jacques Chirac of withholding knowledge that Israel killed Arafat with a substance that destroys red blood cells.
Even before Arafat died, US author and intelligence expert John Loftus said on the John Batchelor Show on WABC radio on October 26 that it was widely known in CIA circles that Arafat was dying from AIDS. Loftus further said that was the reason the US kept preventing Israel from killing Arafat – to allow him to be discredited by the ailment.
A 1987 book by Lt.-Gen. Ion Pacepa, the deputy chief of Romania's intelligence service under Communist dictator Nicola Ceausescu, may explain how Arafat contracted the sexually transmitted disease.
In his memoirs "Red Horizons," Pacepa relates a 1978 conversation with the general assigned to teach Arafat and the PLO techniques to deceive the West into granting the organization recognition. The general told him about Arafat’s nightly relations with his young male bodyguards and multiple partners. “Beginning with his teacher when he was a teen-ager and ending with his current bodyguards. After reading the report, I felt a compulsion to take a shower whenever I had been kissed by Arafat, or even just shaken his hand," Pacepa wrote.
Senior US intelligence official James J. Welsh, the National Security Agency's former PA analyst, told WorldNetDaily, "One of the things we looked for when we were intercepting Fatah communications were messages about Ashbal [Lion cub] members who would be called to Beirut from bases outside of Beirut. The Ashbal were often orphaned or abandoned boys who were brought into the organization, ostensibly to train for later entry into Fedayeen fighter units. Arafat always had several of these 13-15 year old boys in his entourage. We figured out that he would often recall several of these boys to Beirut just before he would leave for a trip outside Lebanon. It proved to be a good indicator of Arafat's travel plans. While Arafat did have a regular security detail, many of those thought to be security personnel - the teenage boys - were actually there for other purposes."
There was just something about the look of arafat that told you he was a cockroach!
It is incredible how the media covered up all these stories about Arafats homosexuality.
Oh he was disgusting in so many different ways.
Best part is that all those boys and guards he infected (well the ones still alive) can go about spreading AIDS through welfareistine :laugh:
Oh he was disgusting in so many different ways.
Best part is that all those boys and guards he infected (well the ones still alive) can go about spreading AIDS through welfareistine :laugh:
Great point, I was wondering if Suha has AIDS. Do you think he infected her and she is walking around with it?
The baby must be from sheik yassin
That is sad how the Romanian communist government apparently collaborated with the plo/hamas arab muslim nazis.
Great point, I was wondering if Suha has AIDS. Do you think he infected her and she is walking around with it
No way that she-male gave birth, they stole that baby from somewhere.
Yeah thats true but I am sure Arafat Raped her and stuff. I bet the media is ccovering up suha's AIDS because if she was diagnosed with it, the world would know the truth. I bet the little cub they produced has AIDS too. The cub is fairly young and must of been born way after arafat contracted it.
Arafat never raped a woman!!!!!
If suha has AIDS its not full blown yet, she hardly looks like shes "wasting away"
If suha has AIDS its not full blown yet, she hardly looks like shes "wasting away"
Yeah thats true. I just saw a picture of her this morning and it looks like her corpse could feed the entire Africa hehe. Can you imagine that she was the most beautiful woman in fakestine according to the muslim nazis?
I dunno if suha was raped but someone sure whooped the hell out of her with a big-@ssed ugly stick.
Listen Suha is smarter than all of us. She stole all of the fakestinians money and is living a life of luxury in france or wherever. I hope the AIDS in her body becomes active so we could see her getting skinny hehehe.
Can you imagine that she was the most beautiful woman in fakestine according to the muslim nazis?
I think they meant goat...she was the most beautiful goat
Can you imagine that she was the most beautiful woman in fakestine according to the muslim nazis?
I think they meant goat...she was the most beautiful goat
What kind of goat is this?
Oh my bad, I tried to put a pic of suha in my last thread but it didn't work.
Hehe, that is the ugliest goat on earth. She looks farshtunken.
Suha's daughter looks pretty healthy in this latest pic:
(http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1022226_arafatsdaughter.jpg) (http://www.imagehosting.com)
Suha's daughter looks pretty healthy in this latest pic:
(http://www.imagehosting.com/out.php/i1022226_arafatsdaughter.jpg) (http://www.imagehosting.com)
Hehe, that is hilarious newman
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
I bet one day Suha was taking a dump and out came her daughter.
hey dont' make fun of pugs!
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Well it looks like something that cralled up out of the crapper.........Yep, definitely fakestinian arab!
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Well it looks like something that cralled up out of the crapper.........Yep, definitely fakestinian arab!
It is incredible that the big rapist Bill Clinton invited this AIDS infected camel over to the white house every other day.
Ha ha that old AIDS infested monkey must have been real disappointed to find out chelsea was 16 and not 6
Ha ha that old AIDS infested monkey must have been real disappointed to find out chelsea was 16 and not 6
yeah and he was prob disappointed that her name was chelsea and not charles hehe. Can you imagine if yassir came out and said he was gay? All the queers in America would of really loved the muzzies then and gone over to ramallah.
Ha ha that old AIDS infested monkey must have been real disappointed to find out chelsea was 16 and not 6
Clinton and arafat could have swapped a few stories. The worlds two biggest sexual pervert/ rapists sure have something in common.
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Actually, this is a Warthog and I'd like to see hundreds of them all over the Arab world.
Ha ha that old AIDS infested monkey must have been real disappointed to find out chelsea was 16 and not 6
Clinton and arafat could have swapped a few stories. The worlds two biggest sexual pervert/ rapists sure have something in common.
yeah but Clinton was not gay. He was just a rapist.
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Actually, this is a Warthog and I'd like to see hundreds of them all over the Arab world.
They are already all over the world. George Wahabi Bush has given them to all of our "Arab allies."
Thats her
and i agree, the more planes with bombs we can put there the better....long as we have someone in charge of the military with the stones to order them dropped with no promises of "nation building" or apologies.
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Actually, this is a Warthog and I'd like to see hundreds of them all over the Arab world.
Ah, the good ol' A10. Boy oh boy couldn't you have a ball in one of those over Mecca at haj time. :D :D
Chaim is always right.
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Actually, this is a Warthog and I'd like to see hundreds of them all over the Arab world.
Ah, the good ol' A10. Boy oh boy couldn't you have a ball in one of those over Mecca at haj time. :D :D
Absolutely. But I wouldn't limit it to one. Unless of course it was carrying a nuke in which case one would be just enough.
Ahhhh thats not a goat, its a wart hog!
Actually, this is a Warthog and I'd like to see hundreds of them all over the Arab world.
Ah, the good ol' A10. Boy oh boy couldn't you have a ball in one of those over Mecca at haj time. :D :D
Absolutely. But I wouldn't limit it to one. Unless of course it was carrying a nuke in which case one would be just enough.
All I know is that 30mm cannon alone would bugger up Achmed's day.
Arafat was into sado-masochistic pedophilia and fag sex even as a young terrorist in Egypt. Israel's greatest sin was legitimizing this devil instead of killing him and putting his head on a pike.
Great point, I was wondering if Suha has AIDS. Do you think he infected her and she is walking around with it
No way that she-male gave birth, they stole that baby from somewhere.
Yeah, and that hideous creature was Miss Balestine.
Just to show you the caliber of beauty found in the philistines.
ha ha ha!! we knew it all the time. remember when ara-fart (spelling?) was with bill clinton at the white house, used to go there all the time, and he kissed Bill. Not just the hello kiss common to the ara-Fart, but an nice big long messy wet one, tongue tied took on new meaning in Washington, ha ha ha. And the wet embrace was on TV, even CNN showed it. Wish I had the video.
Maybe that's why George W. Bush never invited ara-Fart to the White House. He knew that ara-Fart would try the tongue thing....
ha ha, lol, roflmao
arafat just had that look of a farm animal mollester.
Most Arabs have homosexual relations. They believe it is not a sin if you are the "man" instead of the b****. That's how consistent the Islamic faith is. ::)
Most Arabs have homosexual relations. They believe it is not a sin if you are the "man" instead of the b****. That's how consistent the Islamic faith is. ::)
That 'religion' justifies every vile practice under the sun because it's the only way Mo' could peddle it to the vile arabs.