The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Shlomo on August 16, 2007, 01:05:23 AM

Title: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: Shlomo on August 16, 2007, 01:05:23 AM
These IDIOTS are worried about animal abuse and couldn't care less about the terrorism against human beings!! This is SICK. These liberal lunatics have no bearing on reality AT ALL. Notice how they gloss over the evils against humanity...

Hamas TV rapped for animal abuse
http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6948738.stm (http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/6948738.stm)

A US-based animal rights group says it will protest to a Hamas-run TV channel over a programme, showing animals being abused at a zoo in the Gaza Strip.

The group, Peta, criticised al-Aqsa TV for the children's show in which an actor was swinging cats around by their tails and throwing stones at lions.

The show's host said afterwards that children should not behave like this.

The show was criticised in June for featuring a character in a Mickey Mouse suit, denouncing Israel and the US.

The character was later shown being beaten to death by an actor who played an Israeli agent.


The episode about the Gaza zoo featured in the al-Aqsa TV children's programme - Tomorrow's Pioneers - last week.

In it, an actor dressed as a bee was swinging cats around by their tails and also throwing stones at lions in their cages.

The episode was reportedly aimed at teaching children not to abuse animals.

But it drew strong criticism from Peta (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) after it was posted on YouTube video-sharing website by Palestinian Media Watch group.

"It's shocking and sickening," Peta's Martin Mersereau told Reuters news agency.

"Any lessons meant to be contained in this segment are almost certainly lost on most children, who are more likely to imitate people they see treating animals cruelly rather than understand this behaviour is wrong," he said.

So far there have been no comments from al-Aqsa TV officials.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: ftf on August 16, 2007, 06:03:47 PM
Left wingers are generally missing a few marbles.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: kellymaureen on August 16, 2007, 06:07:31 PM
Was it wrong of me to be hoping that those lions would break out when that idiot in the bee suit was taunting them ;)
That little girl that hosts that show give me the creeps  :-\
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: newman on August 16, 2007, 06:09:17 PM
I detest cruelty to animals!

Nonetheless, if this will get the sheeple to see the 'harmless' little arabs in a negative light, then I hope it gets a run on the evening news.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: Shlomo on August 16, 2007, 06:27:19 PM
My point was, while animal cruelty is terrible, they didn't actually kill the animals and these lunatics freak out.

But when the same terrorists kill actual people (who's value SHOULD be more than that of an animal), there is complete silence (apathy) or worse, it's the victims' fault.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: ftf on August 16, 2007, 06:31:11 PM
My point was, while animal cruelty is terrible, they didn't actually kill the animals and these lunatics freak out.

But when the same terrorists kill actual people (who's value SHOULD be more than that of an animal), there is complete silence (apathy) or worse, it's the victims' fault.
I understood that from your first post, perhaps I should have posted a more verbose answer rather than just saying that left wingers are mad.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: mosquewatch on August 16, 2007, 07:02:50 PM
I find this amazing. Of all the child abuse that is going on in muslim lands. The bomb belts on children, muslims using baby bottles with explosives inside, children programs on muslim television teaching death to Jews, children being taught that Jews are sons of pigs and apes.....   


Has it come too this, that it's ok for muslims too eradicate Jews , using children, but when a muslim hurts a cat, SOME ONE GETS UPSET ?

Ladies and Gentlemen of this forum, this  should worry  the hell out of you, especially if you are Jewish.

Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: kellymaureen on August 16, 2007, 07:15:42 PM
This was an "animal rights" group getting uppity, the so called "human rights" groups are always on the side of the "poor oppressed koranimals" they can see the bombs and teaching children to kill and hate, but give it all a pass because of this myth of "oppression" and the once in a great while any group condemns an islamic (example when the teenage girl in iran was to be hanged after being raped) its always rather gentle, "yes yes we understand and respect your 'culture' but maybe please, pretty please rethink this decision"...thats about all the 'condemning' that will ever come out of any self professed HR group towards muslims.  On the bright side, there are more people today who understand what islam REALLY is and the REAL situation with that not-to-be-mentioned NON country within Israel's borders than there were even 5 years ago, so progress is being made, although not quickly enough.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: mosquewatch on August 16, 2007, 07:27:55 PM
kellymaureen ,

This is a very dangerous mindset, the world is living in , especially for the Jewish people. Muslims are causing misery, rape, murder, genocide, female genital mutilation, human trafficking/ slavery , child abuse by older muslim men marrying female children wherever they are the majority.

And no one says anything except when a cat is picked up by its tail.

I find this more than disturbing. If people get more upset when cat gets abused, than the death of the Jewish people at the hands of the nazi muslim hordes. This world is more upside down, than I have previously believed.

I guess hurting this (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/26/51027270_a061f9a5bf_m.jpg) is worse than this (http://www.michaeltotten.com/archives/images/Beslan%20Woman.jpg)

I'm going too be sick.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: kellymaureen on August 16, 2007, 07:43:52 PM
I agree, the world is totally upside down, all we can do is hope that more and more people get educated about whats going on.  There will always be people who are too complacent and lazy and just believe that ROP garbage where islam is concerened and the other favorite of their apologists, the "tiny minority of extremists" myth.  We need that post 911 anger and resolve back.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: Dexter on August 16, 2007, 07:58:43 PM

:o :o :o
Cats are more important than people !!!
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: newman on August 16, 2007, 08:01:42 PM
Come to think of it they may have a point.............................................

The life of an average flea is more important than the life of a muslim. ;D
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: mosquewatch on August 16, 2007, 08:02:51 PM
I agree, the world is totally upside down, all we can do is hope that more and more people get educated about whats going on.  There will always be people who are too complacent and lazy and just believe that ROP garbage where islam is concerened and the other favorite of their apologists, the "tiny minority of extremists" myth.  We need that post 911 anger and resolve back.

We need that post 911 anger and resolve back.  More sickening, is why we don't have it still too this day, and why we lost it.
Title: Re: Hamas TV rapped for ... "animal abuse"
Post by: Mstislav on September 14, 2007, 10:02:52 AM
kellymaureen ,

This is a very dangerous mindset, the world is living in , especially for the Jewish people. Muslims are causing misery, rape, murder, genocide, female genital mutilation, human trafficking/ slavery , child abuse by older muslim men marrying female children wherever they are the majority.

And no one says anything except when a cat is picked up by its tail.

I find this more than disturbing. If people get more upset when cat gets abused, than the death of the Jewish people at the hands of the nazi muslim hordes. This world is more upside down, than I have previously believed.

I guess hurting this (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/26/51027270_a061f9a5bf_m.jpg) is worse than this (http://www.michaeltotten.com/archives/images/Beslan%20Woman.jpg)

I'm going too be sick.

They are both terrible acts.