My point was, while animal cruelty is terrible, they didn't actually kill the animals and these lunatics freak out.I understood that from your first post, perhaps I should have posted a more verbose answer rather than just saying that left wingers are mad.
But when the same terrorists kill actual people (who's value SHOULD be more than that of an animal), there is complete silence (apathy) or worse, it's the victims' fault.
I agree, the world is totally upside down, all we can do is hope that more and more people get educated about whats going on. There will always be people who are too complacent and lazy and just believe that ROP garbage where islam is concerened and the other favorite of their apologists, the "tiny minority of extremists" myth. We need that post 911 anger and resolve back.
kellymaureen ,
This is a very dangerous mindset, the world is living in , especially for the Jewish people. Muslims are causing misery, rape, murder, genocide, female genital mutilation, human trafficking/ slavery , child abuse by older muslim men marrying female children wherever they are the majority.
And no one says anything except when a cat is picked up by its tail.
I find this more than disturbing. If people get more upset when cat gets abused, than the death of the Jewish people at the hands of the nazi muslim hordes. This world is more upside down, than I have previously believed.
I guess hurting this ( is worse than this (
I'm going too be sick.