General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: SherePunjab on August 21, 2007, 04:44:01 PM
I am part of a far right group of Sikhs called the Shere Punjab (lions of punjab) which is dedicated to defend ourselves with force from the muslims who have oppressed us throughout our whole history. So I wanted to know what is the position on Sikhs by the JTF? Maybe we can have some sort of partnership.
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I definitely support the Sikhs, they burn mosques down! :D :D
YES! JTF DOES support Sikhs!
Chaim once said, "The Sikhs know how to deal with Muslims."
Welcome, SherePunjab
I hope that Hindus and Sikhs can unite against the islamic menace.
I'm very glad to have you with us.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
I support pretty much any victim of the Muslims.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Forgive me...this is not how I feel, but it does seem to be the mainstream liberal American opinion.
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
How (pray tell) can you love and support Jews and NOT be against the filth that are sworn to exterminate them??
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
It's very difficult to love Jews without being against their enemies
SherePunjab, what is your view on Christians in India? I know violence has been perpetrated against them by Hindu extremists and I was wondering what the far-right Sikh position is.
In fairness to the Hindus they only attack missionaries (which they have every right to do).
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
I would have to agree, just becuase we are anti-muslim doesnt automatically make every anti-muslim our ally.
SherePunjab, what is your view on Christians in India? I know violence has been perpetrated against them by Hindu extremists and I was wondering what the far-right Sikh position is.
We see Christians as peace loving people. The only thing we do not like about them is the fact that they take an aggressive approach in trying to convert others, but we strongly condemn the hindu extremists for attacking them.
I was just doing some research about Sikhs. It sounds like a respectable religion and logical. I think it would be great to have you on the forum and help your people any way possible.
Anyone wanting to learn more please check out sikhs.org (http://sikhs.org) .
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
Hindu extremists are no worse than muslims. They will try to force their pagan beleifs down any non hindus throat. They have tried to wipe out the sikhs for a long time now and so far they have killed 250,000 of us in india. We have had our own holocaust because of them.
SherePunjab, Welcome to the JTF Forum!
Perhaps you will learn something form us as we will learn something form you...
SherePunjab, Welcome to the JTF Forum!
Perhaps you will learn something form us as we will learn something form you...
Yes. Please, post a lot here, and tell us more about the religious situation in India.
Welcome to the JTF, welcome home.
Thank you. Appreciate the warm welcome.
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
How (pray tell) can you love and support Jews and NOT be against the filth that are sworn to exterminate them??
To quote the famous lines from Star Wars Episode III, Anakin states (after he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader) "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" to which Obi Wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" This is the type of absolutist thinking and logic you are using here creating a false either-or dichotomy. Just because you support one side doesn't necessarily mean you have to oppose the other side in order to support your side. Conversely, just because you don't agree or support with a certain side, it doesn't mean that you're against it. That's like saying that if you opposed the war in Iraq, you must have been a Saddam Hussein supporter. It's not like playing a game of baseball. Life and the world is a lot more complex than that.
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
How (pray tell) can you love and support Jews and NOT be against the filth that are sworn to exterminate them??
To quote the famous lines from Star Wars Episode III, Anakin states (after he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader) "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" to which Obi Wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" This is the type of absolutist thinking and logic you are using here creating a false either-or dichotomy. Just because you support one side doesn't necessarily mean you have to oppose the other side in order to support your side. Conversely, just because you don't agree or support with a certain side, it doesn't mean that you're against it. That's like saying that if you opposed the war in Iraq, you must have been a Saddam Hussein supporter. It's not like playing a game of baseball. Life and the world is a lot more complex than that.
The muslims desire to kill every Jew on the planet. It's a cental part of that vile religion. If you do not oppose it, you're NO firend of the Jews and you're also a traitor to the USA.
For once I agree with newman.
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
How (pray tell) can you love and support Jews and NOT be against the filth that are sworn to exterminate them??
To quote the famous lines from Star Wars Episode III, Anakin states (after he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader) "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" to which Obi Wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" This is the type of absolutist thinking and logic you are using here creating a false either-or dichotomy. Just because you support one side doesn't necessarily mean you have to oppose the other side in order to support your side. Conversely, just because you don't agree or support with a certain side, it doesn't mean that you're against it. That's like saying that if you opposed the war in Iraq, you must have been a Saddam Hussein supporter. It's not like playing a game of baseball. Life and the world is a lot more complex than that.
I agree with newman and ftf. Sounds like Clinton double speak to me!!
Come on, Daniel isn't a traitor! He's simply misguided at the moment. But yah let's condemn him for life. Who needs to convert people when you can just write them off and move on?
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
The prohibition against Idolatry - they believe in more than one G-d.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
The prohibition against Idolatry - they believe in more than one G-d.
Other people break that one, too (like praying to 'that man') and we have them as allies.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
The prohibition against Idolatry - they believe in more than one G-d.
Other people break that one, too (like praying to 'that man') and we have them as allies.
Saying missionaries deserve to be attacked and calling Christians idolaters. It never ends! Don't worry, with attitudes like that you don't have to worry about having allies. You'll be all alone pretty quick.
I'm concerned there are some here now actively working to prevent JTF from acquiring allies.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
The prohibition against Idolatry - they believe in more than one G-d.
Other people break that one, too (like praying to 'that man') and we have them as allies.
Saying missionaries deserve to be attacked and calling Christians idolaters. It never ends! Don't worry, with attitudes like that you don't have to worry about having allies. You'll be all alone pretty quick.
I'm concerned there are some here now actively working to prevent JTF from acquiring allies.
I'm trying to convince him we SHOULD have sikhs as allies, twit.
Chakma613, SherePunjab is not a Hindu, but a Sikh. He was just referring to Hindu extremists with whon Sikhs clash. And from what I can tell reading that web site, the Sikhs worship one G-d like us, and they also are against slaughtering animals. So I think it's wonderful that he's posting here, and we should welcome him.
Newman even though we're against missionizing on the forum, we should not be taking pot shots at Christians, especially other members here, regardless of what you personally believe.
Anyway, welcome SherePunjab.
If you're against muslims but not against Jews you're a natural ally of JTF.
What about those who are not against muslims but who love and support Jews?
Anyone who is not against muslims after all the murder that they have perpetrated on this planet, is an amoral cretin.
ISLAM NEEDS TO BE ERADICATED anyone who wants to help us expose these demons for what they are is our ally
Welcome, everyone who is a supporter of jews and the world against Islam is welcome here .
Where do you live in India ?
To quote the famous lines from Star Wars Episode III, Anakin states (after he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader) "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" to which Obi Wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" This is the type of absolutist thinking and logic you are using here creating a false either-or dichotomy. Just because you support one side doesn't necessarily mean you have to oppose the other side in order to support your side. Conversely, just because you don't agree or support with a certain side, it doesn't mean that you're against it. That's like saying that if you opposed the war in Iraq, you must have been a Saddam Hussein supporter. It's not like playing a game of baseball. Life and the world is a lot more complex than that.
The Rebel Alliance in Star Wars were a bunch of left wing militants. Do you realize how many innocent people must have been massacred in the Death Star that was under construction when it was blown up by the Rebels in Return of the Jedi. I'll bet there were independent contractors working on that thing: plumbers, aluminum siders, roofers. Not just Imperials....In order to get it built quickly and quietly they'd hire anybody who could do the job. Do you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? All they know is killing and white uniforms....All those innocent contractors hired to do a job were killed--casualties of a war they had nothing to do with.
All right, look--you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia--this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everything within a three-mile radius. You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living. ;D
Kevin Smith fan, huh?
To quote the famous lines from Star Wars Episode III, Anakin states (after he turned to the dark side and became Darth Vader) "If you're not with me, then you're my enemy!" to which Obi Wan replies, "Only a Sith deals in absolutes!" This is the type of absolutist thinking and logic you are using here creating a false either-or dichotomy. Just because you support one side doesn't necessarily mean you have to oppose the other side in order to support your side. Conversely, just because you don't agree or support with a certain side, it doesn't mean that you're against it. That's like saying that if you opposed the war in Iraq, you must have been a Saddam Hussein supporter. It's not like playing a game of baseball. Life and the world is a lot more complex than that.
The Rebel Alliance in Star Wars were a bunch of left wing militants. Do you realize how many innocent people must have been massacred in the Death Star that was under construction when it was blown up by the Rebels in Return of the Jedi. I'll bet there were independent contractors working on that thing: plumbers, aluminum siders, roofers. Not just Imperials....In order to get it built quickly and quietly they'd hire anybody who could do the job. Do you think the average stormtrooper knows how to install a toilet main? All they know is killing and white uniforms....All those innocent contractors hired to do a job were killed--casualties of a war they had nothing to do with.
All right, look--you're a roofer, and some juicy government contract comes your way; you got the wife and kids and the two-story in suburbia--this is a government contract, which means all sorts of benefits. All of a sudden these left-wing militants blast you with lasers and wipe out everything within a three-mile radius. You didn't ask for that. You have no personal politics. You're just trying to scrape out a living. ;D
you got that from the movie clerks
Its funny i watched it yesturday
Point is, don't get your inspiration for political philosophies from the writings of George Lucas! He's a hardcore lefty!
Sure, enjoy the special effects, go oooo' ahhh', be entertained, enjoy the film, but also be critical of the message of the film, the Star Wars films are a left wing diatribe.
Point is, don't get your inspiration for political philosophies from the writings of George Lucas! He's a hardcore lefty!
Sure, enjoy the special effects, go oooo' ahhh', be entertained, enjoy the film, but also be critical of the message of the film, the Star Wars films are a left wing diatribe.
What about natelie portman...
At least she's hot i guess that makes anything ok :)
Welcome, everyone who is a supporter of jews and the world against Islam is welcome here .
Where do you live in India ?
Born and raised in Vancouver, Canada.
If you want a lesson from a film, see 'Open Range'. Some people on this forum need to learn about moral absolutes instead of moral vaccuums.
Welcome to the forum SherePunjab.
Point is, don't get your inspiration for political philosophies from the writings of George Lucas! He's a hardcore lefty!
Sure, enjoy the special effects, go oooo' ahhh', be entertained, enjoy the film, but also be critical of the message of the film, the Star Wars films are a left wing diatribe.
What about natelie portman...
Ungh, her too! ::)
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
The prohibition against Idolatry - they believe in more than one G-d.
Other people break that one, too (like praying to 'that man') and we have them as allies.
Saying missionaries deserve to be attacked and calling Christians idolaters. It never ends! Don't worry, with attitudes like that you don't have to worry about having allies. You'll be all alone pretty quick.
I'm concerned there are some here now actively working to prevent JTF from acquiring allies.
I'm trying to convince him we SHOULD have sikhs as allies, twit.
Sikhs aren't idolators...are they?
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
I'd like to hear more about Hindu extremists. Here in the U.S. people have an image of Hindus as peace-loving, enlightened individuals.
enlightened? breaking the 7 laws of noah makes them enlightened? I'm sorry, but we cannot have idolatrous allies, it will damage our spirituality, and will make it harder for us to have divine assistance.
Which laws do they break?
The prohibition against Idolatry - they believe in more than one G-d.
Other people break that one, too (like praying to 'that man') and we have them as allies.
Saying missionaries deserve to be attacked and calling Christians idolaters. It never ends! Don't worry, with attitudes like that you don't have to worry about having allies. You'll be all alone pretty quick.
I'm concerned there are some here now actively working to prevent JTF from acquiring allies.
I'm trying to convince him we SHOULD have sikhs as allies, twit.
Sikhs aren't idolators...are they?
I don't think so, but the other guy did. I was trying to make a point.
Whoever said Sikhism is an idoltrous religion is ignorant. It is strictly a monotheistic religion (beleif in One God) Idol worshipping, praying 5 times a day, fasting, animal sacrifice and all these other blind rituals were strongly condemned by the 10 Sikh Gurus.
Point is, don't get your inspiration for political philosophies from the writings of George Lucas! He's a hardcore lefty!
Sure, enjoy the special effects, go oooo' ahhh', be entertained, enjoy the film, but also be critical of the message of the film, the Star Wars films are a left wing diatribe.
What about natelie portman...
What a terrible actress - the dialogue in Episode II was like something out of a Middle School play. And let us not forget the Kotel incident...
Whoever said Sikhism is an idoltrous religion is ignorant. It is strictly a monotheistic religion.
That's what I thought.
Point is, don't get your inspiration for political philosophies from the writings of George Lucas! He's a hardcore lefty!
Sure, enjoy the special effects, go oooo' ahhh', be entertained, enjoy the film, but also be critical of the message of the film, the Star Wars films are a left wing diatribe.
What about natelie portman...
True that was very disrepsectful
What a terrible actress - the dialogue in Episode II was like something out of a Middle School play. And let us not forget the Kotel incident...
"Hindu extremists" have links to JTF on their website. HinduUnity.org is an example. They are the Hindu version of Kahanists.
Hey this is really good Yacov these people are for jews the same way we are for the heroic serbs
Chakma613, SherePunjab is not a Hindu, but a Sikh. He was just referring to Hindu extremists with whon Sikhs clash. And from what I can tell reading that web site, the Sikhs worship one G-d like us, and they also are against slaughtering animals. So I think it's wonderful that he's posting here, and we should welcome him.
Newman even though we're against missionizing on the forum, we should not be taking pot shots at Christians, especially other members here, regardless of what you personally believe.
Anyway, welcome SherePunjab.
I don't belive I said that Shiks were idolatrous, but rather, I was responding to what was said earlier about having Hindus as allies(page one), and I had to disagree with that. Similarly, I disagree with having certain types of christians are allies - the Rambam rules that certain types of christianity is idolatry for a non-jew. (I would guess that the trinity is what he was talking about, but saying that he was the messiah, is not idolatry, in wouldn't think) I am not stating that I believe, and I am not attacking any one in particular, this is, as far as I know, undisputed by other rabbinical authorities.
I'm for working with all decent peoples, regardless of their faith, who are dealing with the global plague of Islam. Of all the religions on earth, only Islam is acting as the enemy of all humanity and civilization. Therefore, I'm cool with Christians, Sikh's, Buhddists, Hindu's, Shintoists, and every flavor of Jews (except of course for the "Liberal" self hating traitorous variety of "Jew" which I loath more than the Islamics).
I'm for working with all decent peoples, regardless of their faith, who are dealing with the global plague of Islam. Of all the religions on earth, only Islam is acting as the enemy of all humanity and civilization. Therefore, I'm cool with Christians, Sikh's, Buhddists, Hindu's, Shintoists, and every flavor of Jews (except of course for the "Liberal" self hating traitorous variety of "Jew" which I loath more than the Islamics).
..I'll reiterate my point. We are vicorious because our merits and MItzvos, not because we have more people backng us. Therefore, we can affford to be selective about whom we associate with - being in the assembly of idolaters will only damage us spiritually and weaken our struggle against Islam.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
What about the extremely antisemetic Brits?
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
What about the extremely antisemetic Brits?
Daniel, I believe he was speaking on behalf of Sikhs.
Our only beef has been with muslims and hindu extremists.
What about the extremely antisemetic Brits?
Shere Punjab UK are good allies of the British National Party. They probably are anti semetic but do recognize that most Sikhs belong to the Indo Aryan races. Most importantly, we both share the same anti islamic agendas.
..I'll reiterate my point. We are vicorious because our merits and MItzvos, not because we have more people backng us. Therefore, we can affford to be selective about whom we associate with - being in the assembly of idolaters will only damage us spiritually and weaken our struggle against Islam.
Chaim says that the 6 million Jews of Europe should have been brought into the United States during the Holocaust.
Are you saying that because tens of millions of Americans are believers in the Trinity, European Jewry should not have come into the United States?
..I'll reiterate my point. We are vicorious because our merits and MItzvos, not because we have more people backng us. Therefore, we can affford to be selective about whom we associate with - being in the assembly of idolaters will only damage us spiritually and weaken our struggle against Islam.
Chaim says that the 6 million Jews of Europe should have been brought into the United States during the Holocaust.
Are you saying that because tens of millions of Americans are believers in the Trinity, European Jewry should not have come into the United States?
I fail to see the connection - living among idolaters is not what I was talking about, Associating and identifying one's self with them however, it something different.
..I'll reiterate my point. We are vicorious because our merits and MItzvos, not because we have more people backng us. Therefore, we can affford to be selective about whom we associate with - being in the assembly of idolaters will only damage us spiritually and weaken our struggle against Islam.
Chaim says that the 6 million Jews of Europe should have been brought into the United States during the Holocaust.
Are you saying that because tens of millions of Americans are believers in the Trinity, European Jewry should not have come into the United States?
I fail to see the connection - living among idolaters is not what I was talking about, Associating and identifying one's self with them however, it something different.
OK, so how are we identifying with Hindus, for example, apart from our shared contempt for Islam? (Actually, I think that Hinduism is a remarkable religion, with beautiful idols. But never mind about that....)
When you speak of "associating" and "assembling," don't you mean "standing in the same [religious] congregation with"? Or are you of the opinion that Jews should seek only the help of Noahides, who obey the Biblical injunction to worship only one G-d and to adore no idols?
I fail to see the connection - living among idolaters is not what I was talking about, Associating and identifying one's self with them however, it something different.
And let me get this straight - are you saying that Jews living in idolatrous lands, and accepting their aid in times of crisis, is kosher?