General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Ephraim Ben Noach on April 05, 2015, 09:00:04 PM
Anyone know of this Rabbi?
Don't fall for it. Its just a guy trying to sell a book, I believe it was co-written with Pastor John Hagee. These two guys have predicted the end of world a million times. The passages they interpret about blood moons, when read in contact, obviously have nothing to do with the phonemena we know as "blood moons" or are any part of a specific prophecy. Furthermore contrary to what the book says, we actually have blood moons every year.
It’s interesting that in Hebrew the word for Damascus is 444, Biltz said.
“And in Isaiah there is a prophecy that Damascus will cease from being a city which has never happened before in history.”
BTW this has already started happening.
A bunch of meshugah!
Not much to see there... Most comments on that page are pure Christian meshigas.
A bunch of meshugah!
Not much to see there... Most comments on that page are pure Christian meshigas.
You're meshugah! ;D Look at this place...you don't think we are getting close to the redemption? Did you read it? Who cares what the Christians commented. What about the Rebbe?
We don't need 'blood moons' to tell we are close to the redemption. That is another whole discussion. The problem with 'Blood Moons' is that we know when they are coming, they happen at predictable times and they happen regularly. To try to suggest that a blood moon means this or that is not fruitful.
Read the Talmud for a full explanation of the happenings prior to the messianic age. I have posted these prophecies before and place little trust in the Christians crying 'blood moon' every year.
Last night I got into a blow out with leftists over Israel and the Iran deal... The Christians came out in full force for the Jews! You know what the left's best weapon was? It was small groups of Jews that hate Christians. I'm not saying anything, I'm just saying we should think about that. Christians and Jews need each other right now! Put theological differences aside, and remember it wasn't Christians, it was government! Christians couldn't even read the Bible , they were told what it said. Christians are being slaughtered! Along with other innocent non muzzeys, we all should be pissed about this injustice!
We don't need 'blood moons' to tell we are close to the redemption. That is another whole discussion. The problem with 'Blood Moons' is that we know when they are coming, they happen at predictable times and they happen regularly. To try to suggest that a blood moon means this or that is not fruitful.
Read the Talmud for a full explanation of the happenings prior to the messianic age. I have posted these prophecies before and place little trust in the Christians crying 'blood moon' every year.
I thought that originally, but the Rebbe is a Jew....
I thought that originally, but the Rebbe is a Jew....
yes, and what are you suggesting that the Rebbe said concerning blood moons? I cannot find any mention of such a statement.
See this @ http://www.chabad.org/library/article_cdo/aid/112226/jewish/Issues-in-Torah-and-Science.htm
Eclipses: Fate and Freedom
On the Verse, “Let there be luminaries… and they shall serve as signs…”31 Rashi quotes the statement of our Sages:32 “When the luminaries are stricken it is an ill omen for the world, as in the verse33 ‘Be not dismayed at the signs of heaven, etc.’ But when you comply with the will of G-d, you need not worry about punishment.”
Regarding the cause of eclipses the Talmud says,34 “On account of four things the sun is stricken: if the head of the rabbinical court dies and is not properly eulogized, etc. On account of four things the luminaries are smitten: on account of writers of forged documents, etc.” In other words, eclipses are related to people’s actions.
There is a famous question: The fact that the ‘luminaries are stricken’, i.e., that the sun and the moon become eclipsed, is a matter fixed in the nature of the cosmos, occurring at set intervals. In fact, one can even calculate in advance when it will occur. So how can we say that it happens as a result of human failings when it is really an unavoidable fact of nature?35
Over the course of time, certain people have used this “question” as “proof” that not everything the Sages said is correct.36 Thus, they excused and justified their own behavior, i.e., their decision not to fulfill Torah and Mitzvot.
The truth is, however, that one’s lack of Torah observance is not really because of his “intellectual questions”; it is rather because of the “appetite” of his emotions. The questions are no more than excuses to justify his improper behavior. That is why he can be comforted even with such a “question” that can be completely dispelled with even a little thought.
To preface:
It is well known that in Mishnaic and Talmudic times, the non-Jewish sages already knew the calculations to predict solar and lunar eclipses. Anyone who knows Jewish history (from the narratives in the teachings of our Sages, and — in greater detail — from the history texts of that era) knows that the non-Jewish scholars were in close contact with the Jewish Sages about matters of philosophy and science. They even traveled to meet each other and debate about various areas of knowledge,37 including astronomy.38
And even for those who are obstinate and unwilling to admit that the Jewish sages had a comprehensive knowledge of science39 and astronomy40 and that it was through them that this knowledge came to the non-Jews,41 it is nevertheless certain — completely beyond contention — that at the time when non-Jewish scholars knew about solar and lunar eclipses, our Sages knew as well,42 through the above-mentioned contact. This is especially true regarding astronomy, as the Sages had a particular interest in knowledge that impacts upon the Mitzvah of setting the Jewish calendar.43
It is therefore apparent that our Sages’ statement — that eclipses are an ill omen, and that they come because of specific misdeeds, etc. — cannot be contradictory to the necessity of eclipses according to the laws of nature.
Theoretically, one could explain44 that the statement that “eclipses are an ill omen, etc.” does not refer to the occurrence of the eclipses themselves, but rather to the fact that the person has seen one. Since the point of G-d exhibiting an “ill omen” would be so that the people should return to Him,45 they must obviously be able to see the sign.
Accepting this premise would answer our original question: All that is required by the laws of nature is the eclipse itself. Nature does not require that we be able to see the eclipse, since there could be clouds, etc., which conceal the eclipse.
This detail is dependent on human behavior: When people commit those “four misdeeds,” they are shown an ill omen by being able to see the eclipse, while if they are behaving properly there are clouds to conceal the eclipse, so that there is no “ill omen.”
However, this explanation is not satisfactory.
(First of all, there are some locations where there are almost never clouds, such as in Egypt.46 But in addition to that…)
From the wording of our Sages, “when the luminaries are eclipsed,” the implication is that the ill omen is the eclipse itself, and not the sighting of it.
This is why the Talmud47 differentiates there between Jews and heathens: “When the sun is stricken, it is an ill omen for heathens. When the moon is stricken, it is an ill omen for the ‘enemies of48 the Jews’; for Jews count by the moon and heathens by the sun.” The eclipse in their behavior causes the eclipse of the sun and moon. Solar and lunar eclipses (and failings) come as a result of the eclipses (and failings) in the behavior of heathens and Jews, respectively.
Thus, it is obvious that when Jews are behaving properly, there should not be any lunar eclipse at all (and not just that if there is one it would not be seen).
There is a simple explanation:49
The idea that “when the luminaries are stricken it is an ill omen” (and that this happens “on account of four things…”) is: When an eclipse occurs it is a sign that this time is dominated by a “mazal ra” — bad luck, or literally, an evil constellation.50 It is a time that has a predilection for tragedy. That, in turn, causes it to be a time more prone to being punished for the “four things.”
This is why “when you comply with the will of G-d, you need not worry about punishment.”51 If people are behaving as they should, there is nothing for which to be punished — even if it is a stricter time.
According to this interpretation, there is no longer any problem arising from the fact that eclipses must occur at predetermined times, in accordance with the laws of nature. Obviously the eclipse itself is not a consequence of human behavior. It is merely a sign of a period of tragedy, a time especially predisposed to punishment for the four things. These times (of bad luck etc.) with their omens are indeed predetermined within the nature of G-d’s creation [just like the times enumerated in tractate Shabbat:52 “One who is born on Sunday… will be a… etc.].
Muman, you can deny it all you want, because I'm sure it is a great embarrassment to you (it would be to me too), but those so-called "Christian meshugenehs" that we seem to love to hate are more pro-Israel/pro-Jew/pro-Zionism than the vast majority of world Jewry, including a lot of professing Orthodox.
Chaim would be the first to admit this, and admit that this gives him great shame. Why can't you?
Muman, you can deny it all you want, because I'm sure it is a great embarrassment to you (it would be to me too), but those so-called "Christian meshugenehs" that we seem to love to hate are more pro-Israel/pro-Jew/pro-Zionism than the vast majority of world Jewry, including a lot of professing Orthodox.
Chaim would be the first to admit this, and admit that this gives him great shame. Why can't you?
Woah, what are you on? Just because they support Israel doesn't mean their understanding of our Torah is better than that of the Jewish sages. The misinterpretations of Christianity is the issue here. This is why every other year some preacher somewhere declares that the next blood moon is the second coming. Judaism ascribes certain meaning and Christianity distorts what our scriptures say.
Regardless of the Christians who support Israel, which of course I hope is sincere and not without some perverted alternate purpose, the issue which I was debating here was a matter of interpretation of the blood moon. Your input here seems to simply be a challenge to Jewish beliefs concerning this phenomenon. If this is all you want to do, try to attack me for my beliefs, then this is your problem.
And LSDBR, your slimy attempt at shaming me was a FAILURE. I do not believe Jews need any Christians to support them. But your attempt was noble, and I'm sure you felt big as you tried. But you failed, sorry chump.
And while we're at it lets get some things out in the open here LSDBR...
If you have such contempt and hatred for the Jewish people then what are you doing in a forum called Jewish Task Force? You love Israel more than the Jews, eh? You make my stomach hurt from laughing chump. You know nothing about Jews and what they really think. You just parrot what you hear, and you are really looking to see the Jewish people fail so that your book will be justified in it's replacement theology. Yeah, we are the 'wandering Jews' who have rejected your messiah, aren't we?
Sometimes I think those vile remarks I see on talk-backs are really written by LSDBR because they share his sarcastic voice used in addressing Jews and Jewish issues. Have you ever written a good word about a Jew? Or are we all scandalous (of course you wouldn't say that about Chaim, at least not openly), are we all corrupt and money grubbers? Find me a thread you have written where you praise Jews and Judaism? None exist.
You have no right to suggest that I hate ANYONE, do you hear me dummy? How dare you suggest who I hate and who I don't. I will let you know if I hate someone or something. But I don't hate Christians and I deal with them happily and neighborly every day. I suspect you don't really have any Jewish friends though, because if you did you would act a lot wiser.
LSDBR, you and I are not getting along.
I really tried to like you... But you persist in your antagonism. I suppose we should avoid commenting to each other unless you want to continue this (which I would rather not).
Back to the topic.... The 'Blood Moon Prophecy' is a theory developed by John Hagee based on the New Testament...
The Blood Moon Prophecy is a theory studied and taught by some Christian ministers, such as John Hagee and Mark Biltz, which states that an ongoing tetrad (a series of four consecutive lunar eclipses—coinciding on Jewish Holidays—with six full moons in between, and no intervening partial lunar eclipses) which began with the April 2014 lunar eclipse is a sign of the end times as described in the Bible in Acts 2:20 and Revelation 6:12.
The idea of a "blood moon" serving as an omen of the coming of the end times comes from the Book of Joel, where it is written "the sun will turn into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes."[4] This phrase is again mentioned by Saint Peter during Pentecost, as recorded in Acts,[5] although Peter says that date, not some future date, was the fulfillment of Joel's prophecy. The blood moon also appears in the book of Revelation chapter 6 verses 11 - 13, [6] where verse 12 says " And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood"
Around 2008, Biltz began predicting that the Second Coming of Jesus would occur in the fall of 2015 with the seven years of the great tribulation beginning in the fall of 2008. He said he had "discovered" an astronomical pattern that predicted the next tetrad would coincide with the end times. When the prediction failed, he pulled the article from his website, but continued to teach on the "significance" of the tetrad.
"Blood Moons" are an invented theory, they have no place in Christian tradition and are not found in 2000 years of Christian prophetic and biblical commentaries. End of.
Muman, for the record, I don't even know what a "talkback" is. :P :::D
"Blood Moons" are an invented theory, they have no place in Christian tradition and are not found in 2000 years of Christian prophetic and biblical commentaries. End of.
I'll be perfectly honest, I don't know enough about "blood moons" and eschatology in general to have a coherent opinion about them. I think this is an area where we can be free to form our own opinions as long as we don't force them down other peoples' throats, no?
Muman, for the record, I don't even know what a "talkback" is. :P :::D
Basically any system which allows users to comment on a news site...
I dare any Jew to read the comments on the original WND article and tell me it is not CHOCK FULL of antisemitic comments. These kinds of 'prophecies' bring out the Jew haters in droves.
I note the following 'types' of Jew hatred there:
1) Traditional Christian Jew hatred of the type 'Jews are the spawn of satan'.
2) Denying that the Jewish people are the descendents of Abraham, rather the blacks, latinos, others are the 'real' Jews.
3) Jews should be exterminated because we believe we are the 'chosen' race.
I dare any Jew to read the comments on the original WND article and tell me it is not CHOCK FULL of antisemitic comments. These kinds of 'prophecies' bring out the Jew haters in droves.
I note the following 'types' of Jew hatred there:
1) Traditional Christian Jew hatred of the type 'Jews are the spawn of satan'.
2) Denying that the Jewish people are the descendents of Abraham, rather the blacks, latinos, others are the 'real' Jews.
3) Jews should be exterminated because we believe we are the 'chosen' race.
I saw some of them! I tried to respond, but I'm not a member.
While Pastor Hagees support of Israel is commendable, and it seems from my google search there are many churches which are trying to defame him, I hope he will stop with the false prophecies.
Our Torah clearly tells us how to deal with a false prophet. False prophets do nothing but desecrate Hashems good name, and cause good people to lose faith. It would be best for Hagee to cease and desist.
In April of last year, Hagee said the end of the world would happen on December 1, 2015
Last October, Hagee warned that God would punish America for its sins (homosexuality, abortion, etc) with a “hellish nightmare”
In 2012, he predicted the end of the world would happen that year
In 2010, Hagee declared that we are “the final generation” — again, while selling a book about it
Hagee’s 2008 book Financial Armageddon predicted economic calamity, but was actually published after the financial crisis had peaked in October
His 2006 book Jerusalem Countdown predicted the United States would invade Iran and claimed that Hurricane Katrina was God’s wrath on New Orleans for all the sinning in that city
Published in 1999, From Daniel to Doomsday predicted the “Y2K bug” would destroy the world’s computer networks, which did not happen
In 1996, he claimed in yet another book that the assassination of Yitzhak Rabin by a right wing Zionist was a sign of the imminent End Times
Aside from the fact that these Blood Moons have spiked curiosity and awareness of signs and wonders, Joel 2:19-31 speaks of signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth, Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. In Acts 2:19-20 Peter and avid follower of Jesus says exactly the same thing. Peter repeats what Joel says. God is the creator of heaven and earth In Genesis 1 God is mentioned by name 32 times in 31 verses If you believe God created the earth, then you can trust that He is offering us salvation, he created the planets, sun, moon, and stars too. You can't just take some of what God says as truth... it is all truth. He declares his existence with signs and wonders in the heavens. There are many times that Blood Moons have appeared to represent Jewish events, In 1948 Israel was born, God gathered the Jewish people that had been scattered through the Diaspora in one of the greatest miracles in human history. David Ben Gurion rushed down Rothchild Boulevard in Tel Aviv and stopped in front of the art museum. At exactly 4:00 p.m. he read the word that gave birth to the modern state of Israel. Eleven minutes later President Truman recognized Israel as the home of the Jews, America was blessed under Presidents who supported Israel and were an ally. God lit up the heavens with four blood moons after this event. God sent a signal. It seems the Blood moons occur before or after an event centered around Israel and the Jewish people, Israel is the Apple of God's eye. No nation will ever remove Israel from the map. God Almighty will protect her Himself. I'm saying that things are changing in this world and these moons are signs. Don't go buy the book, but be aware that people were enlightened about the signs from the bible.
Blood Moons are NOT invented...they are in Joel and Acts and throughout history. The times of 4 blood moons have been recorded as facts in human history, especially on Passover 4/15/14 Sukkot 10/08/14 Passover 4/4/14 and there will be one on 9/28/15....Nasa has also announced them.
Aside from the fact that these Blood Moons have spiked curiosity and awareness of signs and wonders, Joel 2:19-31 speaks of signs and wonders in the heavens and in the earth, Blood and fire and pillars of smoke. In Acts 2:19-20 Peter and avid follower of Jesus says exactly the same thing. Peter repeats what Joel says. God is the creator of heaven and earth In Genesis 1 God is mentioned by name 32 times in 31 verses If you believe God created the earth, then you can trust that He is offering us salvation, he created the planets, sun, moon, and stars too. You can't just take some of what God says as truth... it is all truth. He declares his existence with signs and wonders in the heavens. There are many times that Blood Moons have appeared to represent Jewish events, In 1948 Israel was born, God gathered the Jewish people that had been scattered through the Diaspora in one of the greatest miracles in human history. David Ben Gurion rushed down Rothchild Boulevard in Tel Aviv and stopped in front of the art museum. At exactly 4:00 p.m. he read the word that gave birth to the modern state of Israel. Eleven minutes later President Truman recognized Israel as the home of the Jews, America was blessed under Presidents who supported Israel and were an ally. God lit up the heavens with four blood moons after this event. God sent a signal. It seems the Blood moons occur before or after an event centered around Israel and the Jewish people, Israel is the Apple of God's eye. No nation will ever remove Israel from the map. God Almighty will protect her Himself. I'm saying that things are changing in this world and these moons are signs. Don't go buy the book, but be aware that people were enlightened about the signs from the bible.
The problem is the misapplication of the scriptures. Debbie, I respect you, but I gotta say the NT is not a good source for this.
The End of Days is not calculatable. I do not believe it will fall on a normal 'blood moon'. As you say Debbie, Hashem is capable of anything, including bringing a 'blood moon' when it is not supposed to happen. We believe the redemption will happen suddenly, without any warning. Hashem can cause anything to happen at any time, as we believe he creates everything constantly from nothing.
I think these kinds of 'prophecies' are foolish. They do not get people to believe because the dates of 'doom' come and go, and things don't seem to change that much. False prophets must be executed because they cause people to lose faith.
Blood Moons are NOT invented...they are in Joel and Acts and throughout history. The times of 4 blood moons have been recorded as facts in human history, especially on Passover 4/15/14 Sukkot 10/08/14 Passover 4/4/14 and there will be one on 9/28/15....Nasa has also announced them.
Jews do not believe in your NT... We have Joel, and our sages have (as I posted above) related how we understand this. Christianity does not represent Jewish faith at all.
You do realize that it is not mystical why these moons occur. Most Jewish festivals fall out on the 15th of the month (according to our lunar calendar this ensures it is a full moon that night, and a full moon is essential for the lunar eclipse)...
While Pastor Hagees support of Israel is commendable, and it seems from my google search there are many churches which are trying to defame him, I hope he will stop with the false prophecies.
Our Torah clearly tells us how to deal with a false prophet. False prophets do nothing but desecrate Hashems good name, and cause good people to lose faith. It would be best for Hagee to cease and desist.
That's not cool! I just thought he was looking at patterns... I still think the timing of the event is a heck of a crazy coincidence!
A prophet who 'speaks in the name of the L-rd' has a tremendous burden. What he says must come true 100% of the time. If anything in his prophecy is false, it is considered false prophecy. And we know what the Torah says about such false prophets.
As our Sage Rambam (Maimonides) writes:
Chapter 7
1) One of the bases of religion is to know that G-d visits people in prophetic visions, which come only to exceedingly wise people of outstanding characteristics, whose inclinations never lead them to earthly matters but who always conquer their inclinations, and who are of correct temperaments. A person who fulfils these criteria, and is of perfect health, will, when studying esoterical philosophy and is attracted by those elevated issues and is of an appropriate temperament to understand and comprehend them , and sanctifies himself by moving away from anybody who concerns himself with ephemeral matters, and encourages himself not to have any thoughts about useless matters and its contrivances, have his thoughts permanently attuned to above, from under G-d's Throne, to understand the pure and holy forms, and looks upon the wisdom of G-d [in Creation] in its entirety, from the first form [i.e the Holy Chayot] till the centre of the Earth, and sees in them G-d's greatness, and then prophecy will immediately come to him. At the time when prophecy comes to him, his soul will be on the same level as that of the Ishim angels, and he will become a different man, and he will realize that he is not [any more] as he was, but will rise above the level of other wise men, as it is written, "...and you shall prophesy with him, and shall be turned into another man".
2) There are [many] levels of prophecy - in the same way that one person can be wiser than another, so can he be more prophetic. Prophetic insights come only in nocturnal visions in dreams, or by day after falling asleep, as it is written, "I the L-rd make Myself known to him in a vision, and speak to him in a dream". Whenever one is receiving a prophecy, one's limbs shake, the strength of one's body weakens, and one's thoughts become disturbed, leaving one's mind free to understand what one will see, as it is written in connection with Abraham, "...and, lo, a horror of great darkness fell upon him", and as it is written in connection with Daniel, "...for my comely appearance was horribly changed, and I retained no strength".
3) What is made known to a prophet during prophecy is done so by way of parable, and he will immediately realize what the parable means. For instance, when Jacob the Patriarch saw the ladder with angels ascending and descending it, it was a parable representing monarchy and its subjection. Similarly, the animals which Ezekiel saw, the boiling pot and almond tree which Jeremiah saw, and all the other objects seen by the other Prophets were also parables. Of the Prophets, some, like those mentioned above, related what they saw in their prophecy and their interpretation of it, whereas some related just their interpretation. Sometimes they related just the parables [of the prophecy], like Ezekiel and Zachariah sometimes did. All of the Prophets prophesized by way of parables and riddles.
4) None of the Prophets receive prophecies whenever they wanted, but they would attune their thoughts, be happy and of a good heart, and seek solitude, for prophecy does not come to those who are sad or lazy, but only to those who are happy. Therefore, the sons of prophets would have before them harps, drums and flutes, and would seek prophecy, as it is written, "...and they shall prophesy", that is to say that they will follow the ways of prophecy until they prophesize, progressing as they go.
5) Those who seek prophecy are called the sons of prophets. Even though they attune their thoughts, the Divine Presence may, or may not, inspire them.
6) All the Prophets, from the first to the last, prophesized in these ways, with the exception of Moses our Teacher, chief of the Prophets. In what ways did Moses differ from the other Prophets? Firstly, whereas the other Prophets received their prophecies in a dream or vision, Moses received his while awake and standing, as it is written, "And when Moses was in the Tent of Meeting to speak with Him, he heard the voice speaking to him, et cetera". Secondly, the other Prophets received their prophecies via an angel. Therefore, what they saw was by way of parable and riddle. Moses, on the other hand, did not receive his prophecies via an angel, as it is written, "With him I speak mouth to mouth", "And the L-rd spoke to Moses face to face", "...and the outward appearance of the L-rd does he behold", that is to say that what Moses saw what not by way of parable, but he saw each prophecy absolutely clearly without any parables or riddles. The Torah said about him, "...manifestly, and not in dark speeches", showing that when Moses received a prophecy he did not do so by way of riddles, but did so with clarity, and saw everything absolutely clearly. Thirdly, the other Prophets were scared [of their prophetic visions] and would shy away, but Moses wasn't and didn't. Scripture says, "...as a man speaks with a friend" - just as a man is not scared to listen to his friend, so Moses had the capabilities to understand his prophecies and to stand unafraid. Fourthly, none of the Prophets prophesized whenever they wanted to, but whenever G-d wanted to He would visit Moses and bestow upon him prophecy. Moses did not have to attune his thoughts or otherwise prepare himself, for the reason that he was always prepared and stood like a ministering angel. Therefore, he would receive prophecies at any time, as it is written, "Stand still and I will hear what the L-rd will command concerning you". In this G-d trusted him, as it is written, "Go say to them, `Return to your tents'. But as for you, stand here by Me, and I will speak to you, et cetera". From here we see that whenever any of the other Prophets had finished prophesizing they would return to their houses [and families] and other bodily needs, like everybody else, so they therefore did not separate themselves from their wives. Moses, on the other hand, did not return to his home, and separated himself from his wife, and all that resembled her, for ever. His mind was [always] connected to G-d, and G-d's glory never left him at all; light emanated from his face, and he was holy like an angel.
Chapter 9
1) It is explicitly and clearly stated in the Torah that it [the Torah] is an everlasting Mitzvah, and cannot be changed, subtracted from or added to, as it is written, "Every matter which I command you observe to do it; you shall not add to it, or subtract from it", and it is also written, "...but those things which are revealed belong to us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of the Torah". From here we see that we have been commanded to keep all the commandments of the Torah for always. In connection with this it is written, "...a statute for ever throughout your generations", and it is also written, "It is not in heaven". From here we see that a prophet may not make any changes [at all] in the Torah. Therefore, if a man, whether a gentile or a Jew, arises and performs signs and wonders, and says that G-d sent him to add to, or take away from, a mitzvah, or to institute a new mitzvah which we did not hear from Moses, or says that the commandments with which we have been commanded are not for eternity but are meant only for a temporary period, then he is a false prophet, for he has come to undermine the prophecy of Moses. His punishment is death by strangulation, which is the punishment for deliberately speaking in the name of G-d without having been commanded to do so. G-d told Moses that all the commandments are for eternity, and no man can accuse G-d of being deceitful.
2) If so, why is it written in the Torah, "I will raise up for them a prophet from amongst their brethren, like you, and will put My words in his mouth, and he shall say to them all that I shall command him"? The prophet in question does not come to start a [new] religion, but to reiterate the commandments of the Torah and to warn the people not to transgress them, as the last Prophet said, "Remember the Torah of Moses My servant". Similarly, if he gave us commandment in optional matters, such as by saying, `Go (or don't go) to such-and-such a place', or, `Start (or don't start) a war today', or, `Build (or don't build) a wall here', et cetera, we are commanded to listen to him, and anyone who doesn't is liable to death at the hands of G-d, for it is written, "And it shall come to pass, that whoever will not listen to My words which he shall speak in My Name, I will require it of him".
3) Similarly, a prophet who himself transgresses his own words, and a prophet who ignores his prophecy [and does not deliver it], are also liable to death at the hands of G-d, for it is written, "I will require it of him". Similarly, if a prophet who is known to be a [true] prophet tells us to transgress one, or many, of the commandments of the Torah, whether of the stringent or of the more lenient ones, but only as a temporary practice, then we are commanded to listen to him. So we learnt from the first Sages, that we should listen to a prophet whatever the commandments he tells us to transgress are, as with Elijah at Mount Carmel, except if the commandment he tells us to transgress is that of not practicing idolatry, and provided that he tells us to transgress only as a temporary practice, like Elijah did at Mount Carmel, when he offered sacrifices outside Jerusalem, which is the city chosen for offering sacrifices in, and anyone who does so outside Jerusalem is liable to karet. Even so, since Elijah was a prophet, it was a mitzvah to listen to him. The verse, "...to him you shall listen" applies also in situations like the one with Elijah. Had the people asked Elijah how he could violate the Torah verse of, "Take heed to yourself that you do not offer your burnt offerings in any place that you see", he could have told them that anyone offering sacrifices outside the Temple is liable to karet, in accordance with what Moses commanded, but he was offering sacrifices outside the Temple in accordance with what G-d had said to him, and in order to discredit the prophets of Ba'al. In this manner we are commanded to listen to any prophet who tells us to transgress as a temporary measure. If he tells us that a commandment of the Torah is to be abolished for ever, then his punishment is death by strangulation, for it is written, "...belong to us and to our children for ever".
4) Similarly, if he tries to abolish [for ever] a Rabbinical institution or decree, or, concerning one of the Laws of the Torah he says that G-d commanded for the Law to be one way,, but we practice [in a different way] according to the words of so-and-so, then he is a false prophet and is put to death by strangulation, even if he shows a sign, for he is trying to disprove the Torah's statement of, "It is not in heaven". If, however, he said that we should do what he says only as a temporary measure, we listen to him.
5) This is talking about any commandment other than the one not to serve idols, for if he told us to serve idols we do not listen to him, even if he told us to do so only as a temporary measure. Even if he performed great signs and wonders and says that G-d has commanded that we serve idols on a particular day, or at a particular hour, he is trying to turn us away from G-d, and about this it is written, "And the sign or wonder come to pass...you shall not listen to the words of that prophet...because he has spoken to turn you away from the L-rd your G-d", for he is trying to disprove the prophecy of Moses. Therefore, we know for sure that he is a false prophet, and that all his signs are the result of spells and witchcraft, and he must be put to death by strangulation.
Chapter 10
1) Any prophet who arises and says that G-d sent him does not have to perform a sign of the type that Moses, Elijah or Elishah did, which involved supernatural events. Instead, the sign that he has to perform is to predict the future, and we have to believe him, as it is written, "And if you say in your heart, `How shall we know the word which the L-rd has not to spoken?'". Therefore, when a man suitable for prophecy comes in the Name of G-d, without wanting to add to or take away from, any of the commandments, but wants us to serve G-d properly, we do not ask him to split the sea, or to resurrect the dead, or to perform some other supernatural event, and then believe him, but we tell him to predict the future because he is a prophet, which he does, and we wait to see if what he says happens or not. Even if was wrong in only a small matter, he is a false prophet, but if all of what he said comes true, then he is believed.
2) A prophet has to be checked many times. If all his words are true then he is a prophet, as it says with respect to Samuel, "And all Israel, from Dan to Be'er-Sheva, knew that Samuel was accredited as a prophet of the L-rd".
3) Enchanters and diviners also predict the future, so how do they differ from a prophet? Of what enchanters and diviners say some comes true and some does not, as it is written, "Let now the astrologers, the stargazers, the monthly prognosticators, stand up, and save you from these things shall come upon you" - it says, "from these things", and not, "from all these things", so it is possible that not all of what they said will come true, and that they were mistaken in everything, as it is written, "...that frustrates the omens of imposters, and makes diviners mad". With respect to a [true] prophet, all of what he says comes true, as it is written, "Know now that nothing shall fall to the earth of the word of the L-rd", and it is also written, "The prophet that has a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that has My word, let him speak My word faithfully. What is the chaff of the wheat? says the L-rd", that is to say that the words of diviners is like some chaff into which some wheat has been mixed, whereas the words of the L-rd are completely true, with no falsehoods at all. This is backed up by Scripture, which says that prognosticators and diviners deceive the nations with their words, but a prophet makes known truthful matters, and we do not have to enchant or divine [to verify his words], for it is written, "There must not be found among you anyone that makes his son or his daughter pass through the fire...for these nations...The L-rd your G-d will raise up for you a prophet from amongst you". From here we see that a prophet makes known only earthly matters, such as famine or plenty, war or peace, and similar things. Prophets even answer the needs of the one, such as when Saul had lost an item and went to a prophet to help him find it. A prophet may say what he wants provided that he does not start another religion, add a mitzvah or take one away.
If a man says that G-d sent him to add to, or take away from, a mitzvah, or to institute a new mitzvah which we did not hear from Moses, then he is a false prophet
4) If a prophet predicts something bad, such as that so-and-so will die, or that this year will be one of war or famine, et cetera, and his prediction did not come true, then it is not a disproof of his prophecy and we do not label him as a false prophet, for the reason that G-d is exceedingly merciful and [often] revokes bad decrees, so it is possible that those on whom evil had been decreed had, like the citizens of Nineveh, repented, or had had their decree suspended, as with Hezekiah. But if, however, the prophet decreed good things and his prediction did not come true, then he is definitely a false prophet, for whenever G-d makes a good decree, even if it is conditional, He does not revoke it. From here we see that a prophet is tested only with respect to good matters. This is what Jeremiah said in his answer to Hananiah the son of Azur, when Jeremiah was prophesizing bad things and Hananiah good things: `If what I say does not come true, it is not a sign that I am a false prophet, but if what you say does not come true, it shows that you are a false prophet', for it is written, "Nevertheless, hear now this word...As for the prophet who prophecies for peace, when the word of that prophet shall come to pass, then shall it be known that the L-rd has truly sent the prophet".
I suppose it could be argued Hagee is not a 'false prophet' because his prophecy is of something bad happening, and according to Rambam 10:4, a prophecy of bad does not have to happen (and the prophet is not considered 'false') because an evil decree can be changed.
Basically any system which allows users to comment on a news site...
I don't waste time on mainstream news sites, and I certainly don't waste time arguing with pedophile Nazi trolls; how much time on my hands do you think that I have?
I don't waste time on mainstream news sites, and I certainly don't waste time arguing with pedophile Nazi trolls; how much time on my hands do you think that I have?
I don't quite agree with your assessment of those who post those antisemitic ideas. There certainly is a lot of Nazi Jew hatred, which I have explained previously consists of the claim of a basic genetic defect of the Jewish people. But admit it that there is sure a lot of 'supposed' Christians who can quote NT scripture against the Jews. Again I am not knocking all churches or all Christians, just those who read their scriptures with an eye toward blaming the Jewish people today for all the ills in the world, because of our denial of their purported savior.
Sites like WND are not really considered 'mainstream news sites' either. Nor is TheBlaze (Glenn Beck, who is very pro-Israel, attracts some Christians who occasionally release anti-Jewish comments. And so too on NewsMax... If you consider them 'mainstream' then what kind of 'underground' news sites are you reading (besides JTF)?
Just want to clarify what is considered 'Nazi' Jew hatred...
Scientific Jew Hatred
by Aish.com staff
Even German science was twisted against the Jews.
The German scientific community jumped on the Nazi bandwagon with pseudo-scientific presentations. They posited a theory that Jewish features could be scientifically determined. Many German citizens were measured to absolve themselves of the "taint" of Jewish genes.
Stores sold a device that could be placed on a person’s head: Twirl the dials, and it was guaranteed to tell whether the person was an Aryan or a Jew. Allegedly, Jewish heads are round and fat, while Aryan heads are narrow and thin.
A German doctor measuring facial features to determine racial superiority
At the turn of the century, Germany was on the cutting edge of everything: education, science, technology, you name it – Germany was there. And Jews were in the forefront, making tremendous gains in liberty and rights.
Between 1901-1933, there were 37 German Nobel Prize winners – 11 of them Jewish. The first three atomic bombs were built by Jewish scientists. Two of them – Edward Teller and Albert Einstein – were thrown out of the country by Hitler.
Germany never built the bomb, but during the war this was a big worry for the Allies. The Germans were years ahead of everyone else in research, and they had Werner Heisenberg, a leading atomic researcher.
After the war, it was revealed why the Nazis never built the bomb: Hitler referred to atomic physics as "Jewish science." He instructed that Germany not develop a nuclear program, because it was considered to be a field “tainted by Jews.”
Nazi Children's Story: "How to Tell a Jew"
The following story, which describes “Jewish features,” appeared in “Der Giftpilz,” a children's book published by Julius Streicher, the Nazi propagandist and publisher of Der Stürmer. Streicher was executed as a war criminal in 1946.
Things are lively in Mr. Birkmann's 7th grade boys' class today. The teacher is talking about the Jews. Mr. Birkmann has drawn pictures of Jews on the blackboard. The boys are fascinated. Even the laziest of them, "Emil the Snorer," is paying attention, not sleeping, as he so often does during other subjects. Mr. Birkmann is a good teacher. All the children like him. They are happiest when he talks about the Jews. Mr. Birkmann can do that well. He learned about the Jews from life. He knows how to put it in gripping terms such that the favorite hour of the day is the "Jewish hour." Mr. Birkmann looks at the clock.
"It is noon," he says. "We should summarize what we have learned in the past hour. What have we talked about?"
All the children raise their hands. The teacher calls on Karl Scholz, a small lad in the front row. "We have talked about how to recognize the Jews."
"Good. Say more!"
Little Karl reaches for the pointer, steps up to the board and points at the drawings.
"One can most easily tell a Jew by his nose. The Jewish nose is bent at its point. It looks like the number six. We call it the Jewish six. Many non-Jews also have bent noses. But their noses bend upwards, not downwards. Such a nose is a hook nose or an eagle nose. It is not at all like a Jewish nose."
"Right!" says the teacher. "But the nose is not the only way to recognize a Jew..."
The boy goes on. "One can also recognize a Jew by his lips. His lips are usually puffy. The lower lip often protrudes. The eyes are different too. The eyelids are mostly thicker and more fleshy than ours. The Jewish look is wary and piercing. One can tell from his eyes that he is a deceitful person."
The teacher calls on another lad. He is Fritz Müller, and is the best in the class. He goes to the board and says:
"Jews are usually small to mid-sized. They have short legs. Their arms are often very short too. Many Jews are bow-legged and flat-footed. They often have a low, slanting forehead, a receding forehead. Many criminals have such a receding forehead. The Jews are criminals too. Their hair is usually dark and often curly like a Negro's. Their ears are very large, and they look like the handles of a coffee cup."
The teacher turns to the students.
"Pay attention, children. Why does Fritz always say 'many Jews have bow legs', or 'they often have receding foreheads,' or 'their hair is usually dark'?"
Heinrich Schmidt, a large, strong boy in the last row speaks.
"Every Jew does not have these characteristics. Some do not have a proper Jewish nose, but real Jewish ears. Some do not have flat feet, but real Jewish eyes. Some Jews cannot be recognized at first glance. There are even some Jews with blond hair. If we want to be sure to recognize Jews, we must look carefully. But when one looks carefully, one can always tell it is a Jew."
"Very good," the teacher says. "And now tell me about other ways to tell Jews from non-Jews. Richard, come up here!"
Richard Krause, a smiling blond lad, goes to the board. He says: "One can recognize a Jew from his movements and behavior. The Jew moves his head back and forth. His gait is shuffling and unsteady. The Jew moves his hands when he talks. He 'jabbers.' His voice is often odd. He talks through his nose. Jews often have an unpleasant sweetish odor. If you have a good nose, you can smell the Jews." The teacher is satisfied.
"That's how it is, kids. You have paid attention! If you pay attention outside school and keep your eyes open, you won't be fooled by the Jews."
The teacher goes to the lectern and turns the board. On the other side a poem is written. The children read it out loud:
From a Jew's face
The wicked Devil speaks to us,
The Devil who, in every country,
Is known as an evil plague.
Would we from the Jew be free,
Again be cheerful and happy,
Then must youth fight with us
To get rid of the Jewish Devil.
I don't quite agree with your assessment of those who post those antisemitic ideas. There certainly is a lot of Nazi Jew hatred, which I have explained previously consists of the claim of a basic genetic defect of the Jewish people. But admit it that there is sure a lot of 'supposed' Christians who can quote NT scripture against the Jews. Again I am not knocking all churches or all Christians, just those who read their scriptures with an eye toward blaming the Jewish people today for all the ills in the world, because of our denial of their purported savior.
Sites like WND are not really considered 'mainstream news sites' either. Nor is TheBlaze (Glenn Beck, who is very pro-Israel, attracts some Christians who occasionally release anti-Jewish comments. And so too on NewsMax... If you consider them 'mainstream' then what kind of 'underground' news sites are you reading (besides JTF)?
Is not anyone who hates Jews for any reason a Nazi?