General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: muman613 on May 06, 2015, 03:47:52 PM
The leaders of the evil islamic state have called for the death of Pamela Geller. I sure hope that she is well protected and I would like to see more of these vile islamic fruit-cakes being shot to death on public TV. There is one sure way to excite me, show me the heads of islamic nutjobs being blown off their necks by high-powered automatic weapons.
The entire free-world should be standing with Pamela Geller but instead the MSM has it's head up it's rear-end in fear of these petulant losers.
A message on the website Just Paste It claims Pamela Geller, one of the organizers of Sunday's "Draw Muhammad" event in Garland, Texas, will be killed by Islamic State (ISIS) sympathizers.
"The attack by the Islamic State in America is only the beginning of our efforts to establish a wiliyah in the heart of our enemy," the message reads. "Our aim was the khanzeer Pamela Geller and to show her that we don't care what land she hides in or what sky shields her; we will send all our Lions to achieve her slaughter."
Two gunmen, Elton Simpson and Nadir Soofi, were shot to death by police outside the event when they jumped from a car with assault rifles.
The note said the two were aware the event was heavily guarded and gave their lives willingly in an effort to show "how easy we give our lives for the Sake of Allah." The note said anyone who attempts to shield Geller or who hosts any of her events also are "legitimate targets."
I would like to add that any muslim with a gun, knife, or other weapon should be immediately considered a valid target and be taken down to ensure the safety of American citizens. If anything I think ISIS will make it hard to be a muslim in America because now when I see any mussie I have thoughts about what is going on inside his slimey head.
I would like to suggest to our military powers to do their best to eliminate the leader of ISIS al-baghdadi immediately and broadcast his bloody corpse on the media. I would pay good money to see that.
I can't help but think how great it would have been if Hitler had been killed RIGHT AT THE BEGINNING and just as soon as he started in on his vicious Jew hating speeches. I hope that somehow we Jews wipe out individuals who spew their Anti-Semitic filth who are even on the verge of obtaining political power that they can wield against Jews in the same way that the Nazi's did. I write this here because this is what the Muslims do to protect their own. People definitely think twice about defaming mohamud but don't think anything at all when it comes to saying the worst lies about Jews. Who's afraid of we Jews? And on a macro scale, why isn't Iran afraid of Israel? We Jews, it seems to me, need to learn a very important lesson if we care to truly protect our people.
I hope she is well protected.I think she hates JTF but oh well, we can manage without her love.
I hope she is well protected.I think she hates JTF but oh well, we can manage without her love.
Hehe yep.
I'd worry about the Muslim in the oval office if I were Pamela before I'd worry about ISIS.
Hussein sides with ISIS over Pamela. As does the media.
NYPD are looking into the death threats, but Feds have not responded back. What's that tell ya?
I don't know what kind of beef she has with JTF, but Pam Geller is a hero. How many people have the guts to expose islam for what it really is. I wish she would work with JTF, it would give us more recognition.
Watch this shameless mussie imam call for Pamela's death on air. In my opinion, as a Jew, he should be held accountable for his hate speech against Pamela. He is a citizen of the UK and the UK should break his doors down and throw him in jail for making such a death threat. Drawing comics of the perverted prophet of the sick religion of islam is no crime. I personally think it should be done more often as moohamud was a shmuck and deserves all the derision he can get, muslim scum be damned.
What Pamela did was free speech according to the law. What this scummy imam did was make a death threat against Pamela. His hate speech is not protected under American law. I doubt they are protected by British law either.
Watch this shameless mussie imam call for Pamela's death on air. In my opinion, as a Jew, he should be held accountable for his hate speech against Pamela. He is a citizen of the UK and the UK should break his doors down and throw him in jail for making such a death threat. Drawing comics of the perverted prophet of the sick religion of islam is no crime. I personally think it should be done more often as moohamud was a shmuck and deserves all the derision he can get, muslim scum be damned.
What Pamela did was free speech according to the law. What this scummy imam did was make a death threat against Pamela. His hate speech is not protected under American law. I doubt they are protected by British law either.
This guy obviously has a muslim boyfriend.
I hope she is well protected.I think she hates JTF but oh well, we can manage without her love.
in that case now we know she is a fraud.
how do you know this creature hate jtf?
I don't know what kind of beef she has with JTF, but Pam Geller is a hero. How many people have the guts to expose islam for what it really is. I wish she would work with JTF, it would give us more recognition.
The following thread from August, 2011 should provide the background:
Listen. I understand why she takes the position she does. JTF does engage in 'free speech' beyond the boundaries she is willing to go. And considering she is now at the forefront of ISIS's crosshairs I think we should be supportive of her. Remember that the Torah says that we must not bear a grudge. She is on our side when it comes to the problem of islam, and I congratulate her.
In my mind SPLC is a terrorist group engaging in attempts to silence those who stand for truth and justice.
It is sad because SPLC used to mean (Self-Paced Learning Center) back when I was a kid and my mother ran it... Now SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) is a center used to limit the free speech of American citizens.
Listen. I understand why she takes the position she does. JTF does engage in 'free speech' beyond the boundaries she is willing to go. And considering she is now at the forefront of ISIS's crosshairs I think we should be supportive of her. Remember that the Torah says that we must not bear a grudge. She is on our side when it comes to the problem of islam, and I congratulate her.
In my mind SPLC is a terrorist group engaging in attempts to silence those who stand for truth and justice.
It is sad because SPLC used to mean (Self-Paced Learning Center) back when I was a kid and my mother ran it... Now SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) is a center used to limit the free speech of American citizens.
Pamela Geller also didn't want to give Orly Taitz an opportunity to speak at the alternative CPAC conference in 2012.
Despite all of this, plus at least one other thing Pamela Geller did that I wasn't comfortable with, I went to listen to Geller speak at Chabad of Great Neck after another Synagogue decided to cancel her Great Neck speaking engagement after threats and intimidation. With an ' Interfaith' organization part of the process to prevent Geller from speaking at the other Synagogue. The reason I went to Chabad of Great Neck to hear Geller speak wasn't because of Geller. It was because of the courage of the Rabbi at the Chabad . And to demonstrate to the Muslim and leftists groups that want to silence the truth that they will fail.
Listen. I understand why she takes the position she does. JTF does engage in 'free speech' beyond the boundaries she is willing to go. And considering she is now at the forefront of ISIS's crosshairs I think we should be supportive of her. Remember that the Torah says that we must not bear a grudge. She is on our side when it comes to the problem of islam, and I congratulate her.
In my mind SPLC is a terrorist group engaging in attempts to silence those who stand for truth and justice.
It is sad because SPLC used to mean (Self-Paced Learning Center) back when I was a kid and my mother ran it... Now SPLC (Southern Poverty Law Center) is a center used to limit the free speech of American citizens.
Oh stop. The rightwing conservatives and media (fox including oreilly) turning on her is midda keneged midda for her ostrasizing jtf as supposedly outside the mainstream of anti. Islamism. She called us extreme to try to make herself sound legitimate, and now rightwingers are calling her extreme.
Rejoice in Hashem's justice we can for this instance see in this world!
She is a scoundrel of the worst kind. That doesn't mean I think she should be persecuted by
This is the very reason that nobody mainstream will ever embrace JTF. Because of all the division, namecalling, back-stabbing, and cursing of people who do not share the same exact view. I am willing to accept that certain people do not want to be associated with JTF because they are trying to get a message to the people who are not already on the same page (as we at JTF are).
I believe if JTF were more agreeable with people who differ in their approach to the problem we would certainly see more support from more well-known personalities.
JTF's approach, in my opinion, is too narrow and full of anger. I can accept that there are others who share our outlook on islam and yet have a softer approach. I support Pamela Geller and think those who condemn her are simply jealous because they have been ignored while she is famous for her courageous beliefs.
Oh stop. The rightwing conservatives and media (fox including oreilly) turning on her is midda keneged midda for her ostrasizing jtf as supposedly outside the mainstream of anti. Islamism. She called us extreme to try to make herself sound legitimate, and now rightwingers are calling her extreme.
Rejoice in Hashem's justice we can for this instance see in this world!
Well, we are acting like extremists when we won't support a Jewish woman that has been threatened with death by sandrats! Who are we? We are the Jewish TASK Force, the Jewish DEFENCE League! Man, we are Judgy! Just because we disagree, doesn't mean we shouldn't support her. She was threatened with DEATH!
This is the very reason that nobody mainstream will ever embrace JTF. Because of all the division, namecalling, back-stabbing, and cursing of people who do not share the same exact view. I am willing to accept that certain people do not want to be associated with JTF because they are trying to get a message to the people who are not already on the same page (as we at JTF are).
I believe if JTF were more agreeable with people who differ in their approach to the problem we would certainly see more support from more well-known personalities.
JTF's approach, in my opinion, is too narrow and full of anger. I can accept that there are others who share our outlook on islam and yet have a softer approach. I support Pamela Geller and think those who condemn her are simply jealous because they have been ignored while she is famous for her courageous beliefs.
You act like we just decided to dislike her for no reason. But, I think all of us said we need to support her in this time.
You act like we just decided to dislike her for no reason. But, I think all of us said we need to support her in this time.
I understand why she is perceived the way she is.. I don't argue that there are reasons for this feeling. I am just saying that in times like these we should seek to bring her into the fold rather than push her away.
I think we tried to do that and she wanted no part.
Two Muslim terrorist scumbags are dead as a result of her event. She's a hero.
I seem to recall that she labeled JTF and Chaim as a lunatic hate group, perhaps even called him a terrorist. It was brought to my attention through past threads of this forum so probably the material is still searchable.
in that case now we know she is a fraud.
how do you know this creature hate jtf?
This is the very reason that nobody mainstream will ever embrace JTF. Because of all the division, namecalling, back-stabbing, and cursing of people who do not share the same exact view. I am willing to accept that certain people do not want to be associated with JTF because they are trying to get a message to the people who are not already on the same page (as we at JTF are).
I believe if JTF were more agreeable with people who differ in their approach to the problem we would certainly see more support from more well-known personalities.
JTF's approach, in my opinion, is too narrow and full of anger. I can accept that there are others who share our outlook on islam and yet have a softer approach. I support Pamela Geller and think those who condemn her are simply jealous because they have been ignored while she is famous for her courageous beliefs.
Lol. We wanted to work with her and thought we were allies. Then she publicly denounces us and because we don't like that and express our dismay you call us backstabbers.
And then a whole lot of wah wah wah that I stopped reading. Come on bro.
Well, we are acting like extremists when we won't support a Jewish woman that has been threatened with death by sandrats! Who are we? We are the Jewish TASK Force, the Jewish DEFENCE League! Man, we are Judgy! Just because we disagree, doesn't mean we shouldn't support her. She was threatened with DEATH!
I don't recall any disagreement at all. She just attacked us for no reason. There is not one person here who does not support her against isis. So you are speaking nonsense.
But when the rightwing disowned her, she got what she deserved imo. Because she did that to us. It's called "what goes around comes around" in secular parlance.
I don't recall any disagreement at all. She just attacked us for no reason. There is not one person here who does not support her against isis. So you are speaking nonsense.
But when the rightwing disowned her, she got what she deserved imo. Because she did that to us. It's called "what goes around comes around" in secular parlance.
Well, now is our time to show we are better. And we wouldn't do what she did to us, but we are here now.
I'm not saying you, but making fun of, and calling people names we disagree with...makes us look weak and stupid. What our we a bunch of old hens in a coffee shop?
Thanks for your reply brother!
Yes, Heres the clip....notice how he calls her that woman, and not by her name...Women get no respect from Islam, they are treated like Dogs. She should take this threat seriously and make sure there is security around her everywhere she goes. See how we have lost our freedoms under the Politically Correct Left Politicians. They are now here on US soil threatening Americans!