General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Mifletzet on August 23, 2007, 03:34:29 PM
Christiane Amanpour, the Anglo-Iranian CNN reporter whore who married in church that Clinton White House Jewish apostate Jamie Rubin, presented this week a very long documentary on the right wing settlers in Israel http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/gods.warriors/
the main protagonists interviewed being Haivri and Dov Hikind.
What is the informed opinion on Amanpour, Haivri and Hikind?
Short answer i never trusted Christiane Amanpour or Jamie Rubin
I think the biggest farce is that haivri was the big right winger.
Even though Amanpour is a masculine-type female, you could see that she was turned on by Haivri's cute little peyos!
But seriously: what exactly is the evidence that Haivri is a Shabak agent/double agent/turncoat/provocateur/subversive/informer/back-stabber, a la Raviv or Ben Gvirif any?!
Or is Haivri being judged unfairly/harshly/untruly, just because of personality differences/sour grapes/petty jealousies/unworthy rivalries, and because he's a "good-looking" Yiddisher boy?!
Where & when was Haivri born? What is his bio?
(Although as my rebbe said: "Never trust a religious Jew who has a beard but shaves his cheeks!").
She's a disgusting pig and a lousy journalist.
Xtian Amanpour ,
Forum rules forbid me too text my complete thoughts on this ( expletive deleted ) vermin, that blames the Jews for "Inflaming the Muslim world". She is a complete fraud. I would rather watch the grass grow.
I didn't see it.
Did anyone here see it?
I bet it was like the one Frontline did around 2 Years ago.
She is always sympathetic to the Arabs Muslims and makes them the victims in the whole thing... where's fair and balanced journalism?
She is Iranian isn't she?
I believe so.
I think she married an Iranian.
where's fair and balanced journalism?
World net Daily and Arutz Sheva. They're the ONLY two places.
She is a very ugly woman which makes me believe she is a muslim.
I didn't watch but heard from friends it painted the settlers in a terrible light. No surprise there.
Amanpour married a Jew, former White House democratic presidential spokesman Jamie "kak mouth" Rubin in a church wedding.
Amanpour was born in Blighty, raised in Iran, She is an Anglo-Iranian xtian
She is another whore for whom being locked up in a Ukranian Army barracks for a month would be most salubrious!
A jew marries a shiksa in a church. Wouldn't he be a self-hating kike!
She just wants to make Jews look bad. Point blank. Remember, CNN always makes the Muslim terrorist to be the victim here.
that is my perception as well...and I watched CNN for many years while in Europe. All their reports were Anti-Israel and some reporters even work for Al-Jazzera right now (David Frost,Riz Khan,Arnoo Naidoo). I know this to be fact because I have a satellite dish at home and I pick up over 800 channels, including Al-Jazzera, Al Arabia, Al Iraqiya,Al Alam etc... over 30-40 propaganda channels all are FTA(free to air) channels no charge to watch them.
I was surprised how lenient she was with Jimmy Carter. She pretty much gave him a pass.
She just wants to make Jews look bad. Point blank. Remember, CNN always makes the Muslim terrorist to be the victim here.
Yes isn't it interesting how "Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land" try to make it look like CNN and the rest of the mainstream media are extremely pro-Israel and very anti-Muslim. Talk about propaganda on propaganda.
Christiane Amanpour, the Anglo-Iranian CNN reporter whore who married in church that Clinton White House Jewish apostate Jamie Rubin, presented this week a very long documentary on the right wing settlers in Israel http://www.cnn.com/SPECIALS/2007/gods.warriors/
the main protagonists interviewed being Haivri and Dov Hikind.
What is the informed opinion on Amanpour, Haivri and Hikind?
Dov Hikind is the name that repeatedly comes up at NYC democratic events as the most iconic villain of New York democratic politics. He's also an orthodox Jew who if I'm not mistaken, I think Chaim said that he worked with Dov Hikind. So I'm guessing he would have a more right wing view on Israel. Hopefully, he will be the voice that will present the opposing viewpoint.
To summarize her entire 6 hour series in simple terms...Jews and Christians make muslims behave badly...its not really their fault, they are pushed into it and have no choice but to react the way they do...that was what I got out of 6 hours of putting up with her. She interviewed dhimmi carter in all 3 programs, disgusting. Her closing line for the muslim segment was "muslims like everyone abhor terrorism, its a small minority of extremists who chose that path....only during her segment she spoke with many muslims who were just run of the mill, not in any high position and they all held the same views as the terrorists. That she thinks that we are stupid enough to believe that 'tiny minority' BS makes me furious.
I had no idea she was married......she found someone to marry her, wow :laugh:
To summarize her entire 6 hour series in simple terms...Jews and Christians make muslims behave badly...its not really their fault, they are pushed into it and have no choice but to react the way they do...that was what I got out of 6 hours of putting up with her. She interviewed dhimmi carter in all 3 programs, disgusting. Her closing line for the muslim segment was "muslims like everyone abhor terrorism, its a small minority of extremists who chose that path....only during her segment she spoke with many muslims who were just run of the mill, not in any high position and they all held the same views as the terrorists. That she thinks that we are stupid enough to believe that 'tiny minority' BS makes me furious.
I had no idea she was married......she found someone to marry her, wow :laugh:
Thx, I'll have to rent this if it ever comes out on DVD since I don't have cable TV.
To summarize her entire 6 hour series in simple terms...Jews and Christians make muslims behave badly...its not really their fault, they are pushed into it and have no choice but to react the way they do...that was what I got out of 6 hours of putting up with her. She interviewed dhimmi carter in all 3 programs, disgusting. Her closing line for the muslim segment was "muslims like everyone abhor terrorism, its a small minority of extremists who chose that path....only during her segment she spoke with many muslims who were just run of the mill, not in any high position and they all held the same views as the terrorists. That she thinks that we are stupid enough to believe that 'tiny minority' BS makes me furious.
I had no idea she was married......she found someone to marry her, wow :laugh:
I watched this piece of "journalism" yesterday on CNN and quited after 10 minuts, you have absolutely right on this KM. She's dhimi or takiya employing muslim acting as christian.
I visists the muslim side they always try to drive the vedge between jews and chritians
talking about chritskillers or jewish paradise in Al-andalus. She's phony for me.
An Xtian Amanpour
-lookalike, the inscrutable Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan, also Anglo-trained.
More anti-Israeli than Musharraf, Bhutto is planning a presidential comeback.
With her horny little Muslim Paki fingers on the nuclear launch button, Israel & India would be in even greater danger.
May Benazir join her father Zulfiqar soon on the gallows!
Alternatively, a month locked in a Ukranian Army barracks (Ukranian muzhiks aren't averse to "dark meat"!) would be most salubrious for her!
She proves that Middle Eastern so-called "Christians" are nothing of the sort. Christianne Amanwhore is going to one place, and that is Gehenom.