General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Irish Zionist on July 19, 2015, 09:42:58 AM

Title: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Irish Zionist on July 19, 2015, 09:42:58 AM


Anchorman and reporter Danny Kushmaro interviewed Candace Graff, a Harvard graduate and activist in Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP), who told him: "After spending a year in Israel before I started college, I've never felt less Jewish. I've never felt less connected to my religion than when I was in Israel. Because my Jewish identity is about justice, freedom and equality.”

A shaky video showed mostly female members of JVP entering the offices of Friends of the IDF and reading out names of Palestinians killed in Gaza, reportedly in a protest against US assistance to Israel.

Graff said that she boycotts all Israeli products, including those made in Tel Aviv. “There is no separation between the Occupation and the economy of Israel,” she explained. A second activist, Brandon Davis, confirmed to a shocked Kushmaro that he has no problem with several million Palestinians entering Israel as part of the “Right of Return.”.

“You want me to gamble on my life,” Kushmaro says to Davis, and says what he is supporting would spell the end of a Jewish Israel.

Davis is emphatic, however, and decrees: “We're talking about the end of a Jewish supremacist Israel.”

“I don't have anything against you,” Alice Rothschild tells Kushmaro. “I feel that Israel has lost its way.” When asked why this is her business, she refers to US military aid to Israel: “I am responsible because I am funding the occupation.”

A young woman called Tali Reskin (or Roskin) spoke to Kushmaro in Boston an hour after the United Church of Christ voted to boycott products made in Judea, Samaria and eastern Jerusalem, and expressed her excitement over the development. She claimed that JVP is growing fast, and that more and more Jews are supporting BDS.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Zelhar on July 19, 2015, 10:12:29 AM
They are below scum.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Chiram on July 19, 2015, 04:59:01 PM
The degree of Bolshevik and Muhammadan Nazi infiltration in US college campuses is reaching critical levels.

Just the fact that an institution such as Harvard would accept and graduate such vile self-hating individuals, strips it of any credibility as a prestigious house of learning.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Lewinsky Stinks, Dr. Brennan Rocks on July 19, 2015, 05:04:16 PM
This is the heart and soul of American Jewry.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on July 19, 2015, 05:27:45 PM
This type of garbage is happening all over.   >:(
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Rashi on July 20, 2015, 06:08:20 AM
So what are you doing to counter this sickness?...I have a very simple idea for Jews is America...For atleat one Shabbat a month only buy  Israeli goods...Kosher wine etc...If all you are doing is complaining you are doing nothing...How many on this board will even do that..maybe I should make a poll...and also tell these [censored] kappos to stop using there cell phones and most technology...Most of all founded in Eretz Yisrael
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Joe Gutfeld on July 20, 2015, 08:48:11 AM
Everyone on here and Jews who aren't should boycott the stores that remove Iserali or Kosher products.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Yehudayaakov on July 20, 2015, 11:34:44 AM
There should be a concerted action and also a list filled with the name and address of all jewish kappo in the world to be consulted on internet.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Rashi on July 20, 2015, 11:52:35 AM
Here is a good place to start

 Alisa Doctoroff.. Karen R. Adler
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Rashi on July 20, 2015, 12:02:03 PM
See all info by this man

Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Mishmaat on July 20, 2015, 04:50:02 PM
So what are you doing to counter this sickness?...I have a very simple idea for Jews is America...For atleat one Shabbat a month only buy  Israeli goods...Kosher wine etc...If all you are doing is complaining you are doing nothing...How many on this board will even do that..maybe I should make a poll...and also tell these [censored] kappos to stop using there cell phones and most technology...Most of all founded in Eretz Yisrael

I also don't believe in whining about worms like this. A "buycott" is more productive. If you live in New York City or close to New York City you don't have to travel too far to get Israeli imported goods. For mail order I recommend http://www.judaicawebstore.com.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Sparky on July 21, 2015, 02:02:55 AM
Jewish Voice for Peace (JVP) is full of self-hating Judenrat scum.    :yuck:
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Israel Chai on July 21, 2015, 08:23:44 AM
This is the heart and soul of American Jewry.

Nothing changing on your front.

The degree of Bolshevik and Muhammadan Nazi infiltration in US college campuses is reaching critical levels.

Just the fact that an institution such as Harvard would accept and graduate such vile self-hating individuals, strips it of any credibility as a prestigious house of learning.

JVP is a tiny non-entity, just a tentacle of what you mentioned, the college/university campus. It would be more influential on the States to have one conservative college (and not xtian, those always suck) where people are trained to think for real. Wouldn't even be hard to do a rewrite of half the curriculum to phase out the nonsense, and the other half are senseless degrees that wouldn't belong in an institution of learning in the first place.

Anyways, call now for a hot stone massage 510-465-1777 and please post fliers about what Islam is, what happens to Jewish girls that marry muslims, and the real story of Israel,  here:
237 Flatbush Ave. #451
Brooklyn, NY 11217

They have a campaign for free speech going, so everything should work out fine, can't imagine that they're hypocrites. Scream it out if you want to change something, the fliers and calls will just bug them.

This is a list of people that you should never do business with, whose kids you shouldn't marry, and whose neighborhood you shouldn't live in:

Leora Abelson- Boston, MA, Hebrew College

Rabbi Rebecca Alpert- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Lev Baesh- Boston, MA

Rabbi Chava Bahle- Suttons Bay MI

Rabbi David Basior- Seattle, WA

Rabbi David Dunn Bauer-San Francisco, CA

Rabbi Haim Beliak Los Angeles, CA

Rabbi Joseph Berman- Washington, DC

Rabbi Freyda Black- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Elizabeth Bolton- Ontario, Canada

Rabbi Meryl Crean- Philadelphia, PA

Cantor Michael Davis- Chicago, IL

Rabbi Art Donsky- Pittsburgh, PA

Rabbi Michael Feinberg- New York, NY

Rabbi Ari Lev Fornari- Boston, MA

Rabbi Shai Gluskin- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Borukh Goldberg- Santa Cruz, CA

Rabbi Lynn Gottlieb- Berkeley, CA

Rabbi Julie Greenberg- Philadelphia, PA

Miriam Grossman- Philadelphia, PA, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Linda Holtzman- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Margaret Holub- Albion, CA

Ariana Katz- Philadelphia, PA, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Edward Klein- Queens, NY

Rabbi Alan LaPayover- Philadelphia, PA

Sandra Lawson- Philadelphia, PA, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Sarra Lev- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Eyal Levinson- Givataim, Israel

Rabbi Rebecca Lilian- Sweden

Rabbi Jeremy Milgrom- Jerusalem, Israel

Rabbi David Mivasair- Vancouver, Canada

Rabbi Dev Noily- Oakland, CA

Rabbi Alexis Pearce- San Diego, CA

Rabbi Michael Ramberg- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Paula Reimers- Lebanon, PA

Mackenzie Tzvia Reynolds- Philadelphia, PA, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Brant Rosen- Evanston, IL

Jessica Rosenberg- Philadelphia, PA, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Ken Rosenstein- Boston, MA

Rabbi Shifrah Tobacman- Emeryville, CA

Ri Turner- Boston, MA, Hebrew College

Rabbi Brian Walt- Ithaca, NY

Rabbi Lew Weiss- Indianapolis, IN

Rabbi Alissa Wise- Philadelphia, PA

Rabbi Joey Wolf- Portland, OR

Nora Woods- Philadelphia, PA, Reconstructionist Rabbinical College

Rabbi Laurie Zimmerman- Madison, WI

Rabbi Rain Zohav- Rockville, MD
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Israel Chai on July 21, 2015, 08:28:28 AM
I would support physical violence if that would accomplish anything, just read this on the website of the "rabbis" of that group http://palestiniantalmud.com/2015/07/02/asblackchurchesburn/

To be a good Jew, go build a church for black people and study why white Jews are evil. Someone better than me curse them, I want it to work.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Yehudayaakov on July 21, 2015, 12:23:54 PM
They reaffirmed pipi with other leaders of Israel that the reform is a legitimate branch of Judaism which is absolutely false but when leaders of such level state such insanity they are destroying Jewish faith worldwide. The rabbinate the center of Judaism where Jewish life evolve in Israel do nothing to uphold Jewish faith which can be summarize  a Jew in Israel is like a defenseless prey attacked by those who claim to protect them.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: syyuge on July 21, 2015, 08:01:45 PM
The leftists can say and do anything.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Debbie Shafer on July 22, 2015, 10:27:19 AM
Sick....abandoning your own race!  Jews who aren't Jews....the Lord will reprimand.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: mord on July 23, 2015, 07:02:39 AM
JVP the name is misleading they are some atheist Jews as well as non Jews and qurananimals in the group.They're not even close 'Voices for peace' they should be called for the destruction of Israel
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Israel Chai on October 12, 2015, 10:02:22 AM
The Kapo voice for Jihad is now fighting for the rights of clitoris-cutters to say all Jews- In Israel only though of course- should be brutally murdered, and murder of them should be met with joy. https://jewishvoiceforpeace.org/stifling-dissent/

JVP Statement on State of Emergency in Jerusalem and the West Bank
04 October 2015 Press Release

Jewish Voice for Peace mourns the lives lost in violent attacks, both Palestinian and Israeli, in the last days and weeks.

I won't return the favor.
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: shai77 on October 12, 2015, 04:32:05 PM
More ugly 'jewish' [censored] for the Sinai Shelanu execution squad.  ;D
Title: Re: Jews Lead Boycott All Israeli Products on US Campuses
Post by: Israel Chai on October 13, 2015, 07:12:32 PM
More ugly 'jewish' [censored] for the Sinai Shelanu execution squad.  ;D

Stop spamming made-up retard companies. No one wants to buy software. You can just download it for free on a torrent.