General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: JewishTeddyBear on August 28, 2007, 11:37:14 AM

Title: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 28, 2007, 11:37:14 AM
has any spoken to kelly maureen lately, or have seen her make comments in the last several days?  this is not like her to neither contact me nor even respond to my many messages to her.  I hope she is okay.  I hope she does not hate me or anything.  so if you know what is going on with her, please write to me directly at [email protected]
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: mord on August 28, 2007, 11:46:28 AM
Could she be on vacation?
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Joe Schmo on August 28, 2007, 02:34:08 PM
This is what it says in her profile.

Last Active:  August 26, 2007, 07:48:22 AM

Good gracious!  She's been gone for two days?!
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: HiWarp on August 28, 2007, 02:40:55 PM
Quote from: Scriabin link=topic=8198.msg75943#msg75943 date=
Quote from: Yacov Menashe Ben Rachamim link=topic=8198.msg75937#msg75937 date=
This is what it says in her profile.

Last Active:  August 26, 2007, 07:48:22 AM

Good gracious!  She's been gone for two days?!
Quick, let's form a posse and go out looking for her.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Shoshana on August 28, 2007, 02:57:06 PM
Does somebody have a crush on KellyMaureen? :D
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 28, 2007, 04:00:47 PM
She IS on vacation for a week or so. No need to worry.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: mord on August 28, 2007, 05:02:16 PM
Does somebody have a crush on KellyMaureen? :D
I think they are friends
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Daniel on August 28, 2007, 10:24:47 PM
Does somebody have a crush on KellyMaureen? :D

Hey! Who wouldn't! She's hot :)

She's probably too busy answering the whole big lists of flirts and messages from her JDate profile ;)
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: raiseyourfist on August 29, 2007, 10:49:21 AM
Does somebody have a crush on KellyMaureen? :D

Hey! Who wouldn't! She's hot :)

She's probably too busy answering the whole big lists of flirts and messages from her JDate profile ;)

Not as much as shane Warne he's used the smile button to excess :)
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Sarah on August 29, 2007, 10:51:31 AM
Jewish teddy bear? ;D
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 29, 2007, 11:32:20 PM
yes, sarah and soshana and everybody else, it is me, Jewish Teddy Bear.  and of course i have a crush on kelly maureen, all normal men do.  she is totally hot, not to mention about as pro-Israel and pro-Jewish as any gentile can possibly be.  we have even had discussions where she is defending our Jewish people, while i am the opposition!
in any case, it really is not like her to not contact me for this long of a period of time.  i know that her only child, a boy of just 12 years old, recently took a trip to israel.  my fear is that something terrible has happened to him, causing her to retreat into complete silence.  but i also am trying to not panic by assuming the worst.  so i do not know what to think at this point.
maybe all of us should form some kind of investigative team to find out her whereabouts, making sure she is okay.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Trumpeldor on August 29, 2007, 11:40:41 PM
yes, sarah and soshana and everybody else, it is me, Jewish Teddy Bear.  and of course i have a crush on kelly maureen, all normal men do.  she is totally hot, not to mention about as pro-Israel and pro-Jewish as any gentile can possibly be.  we have even had discussions where she is defending our Jewish people, while i am the opposition!
in any case, it really is not like her to not contact me for this long of a period of time.  i know that her only child, a boy of just 12 years old, recently took a trip to israel.  my fear is that something terrible has happened to him, causing her to retreat into complete silence.  but i also am trying to not panic by assuming the worst.  so i do not know what to think at this point.
maybe all of us should form some kind of investigative team to find out her whereabouts, making sure she is okay.

I don't blame her for not informing someone who calls himself 'The Jewish Teddy Bear' of her whereabouts.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 12:09:51 AM
She IS on vacation for a week or so. No need to worry.

I reapeat: (see above)
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 02:38:49 AM
it sounds liken newman knows kelly maureen better than I do.  i admit i feel jealous, but thank you for the information.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 02:44:54 AM
it sounds liken newman knows kelly maureen better than I do.  i admit i feel jealous, but thank you for the information.

Jealous of what?

I'm on the underside of the planet hanging upside down like a bat. ;)

PS: You stick with Jewish girls or HaShem will get you.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on August 30, 2007, 02:50:46 AM
If shes on vacation let her be, shes entitled. 
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: HiWarp on August 30, 2007, 06:29:36 AM
Quote from: newman link=topic=8198.msg76733#msg76733 date=

Jealous of what?

I'm on the underside of the planet hanging upside down like a bat. ;)

Nothing that a short airplane trip of 24-28 hours can't resolve. :D
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 12:06:16 PM
woops, you caught me.  i must admit that probably the most difficult principle to keep as a Jewish man is resisting beautiful and right-thinking shiksa G-ddesses of love.  in spite of the odds being so much against me, though, i still hold out hope for one day marrying a nice Jewish girl with whom to have many healthy, good, kind, wise, intelligent, adorable Jewish children of my own
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 02:35:29 PM
Don't beat yourself up too much, JTB.

A Jew with a shiksa fetish is like a radio in a Toyota............

It's been standard equipment since anyone can remember. ;)
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: mord on August 30, 2007, 03:42:40 PM
 :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Ari on August 30, 2007, 04:24:11 PM
Control your emotions fellas.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on August 30, 2007, 04:29:09 PM
"...A Jew with a shiksa fetish is like a radio in a Toyota..."

Samson certainly thought so!

King David too!

What kind of Jewish fetish is like having a CB radio in a 18 wheeler?
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: kahaneloyalist on August 30, 2007, 04:33:52 PM
Shimshon HaShofet was a Tzadik who converted both of his wives who were from Pilishti backgrounds, and he only married them to wage war against our enemies.

All of David HaMelech's wives were Jewish be very careful before you speak about the most righteous of all Jewish kings.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 04:41:00 PM
"...A Jew with a shiksa fetish is like a radio in a Toyota..."

Samson certainly thought so!

King David too!

What kind of Jewish fetish is like having a CB radio in a 18 wheeler?

Joining the ACLU...?
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 04:54:18 PM
oh come on, just admit it that what King David did with bathsheva was wrong.  adultery is wrong even if the Jew happens to be a great King.  as for samson....well....wasn't it the shiksa delilah who proved to be his undoing?  isn't he THE best example of why we Jewish men, despite our weakness for beatiful shiksas, ought to keep away from them romantically?
in any case, i am glad to know that I am not the only one who has such temptations.  who among us men could resist the olivia newton-John of 1974 when she first sang "I honestly love you"? 
oh wait a moment, I forgot.  she is Jewish.  Great!
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: mord on August 30, 2007, 04:55:52 PM
I forgot.  she is Jewish.  Great!
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 04:57:21 PM
oh come on, just admit it that what King David did with bathsheva was wrong.  adultery is wrong even if the Jew happens to be a great King.  as for samson....well....wasn't it the shiksa delilah who proved to be his undoing?  isn't he THE best example of why we Jewish men, despite our weakness for beatiful shiksas, ought to keep away from them romantically?
in any case, i am glad to know that I am not the only one who has such temptations.  who among us men could resist the olivia newton-John of 1974 when she first sang "I honestly love you"? 
oh wait a moment, I forgot.  she is Jewish.  Great!

That's what I thought.

Rabbi Blech said that Samson lost his sight as punishment because he first sinned with his eyes by lusting after gentile women.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 04:59:07 PM
are you referring to rabbi benjamin blech?  isn't he great?  he writes well, he speaks well, and has a very appealing way of explaining Judaism
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 05:05:48 PM
are you referring to rabbi benjamin blech?  isn't he great?  he writes well, he speaks well, and has a very appealing way of explaining Judaism


I've got two of his books. I laughed so hard I nearly peed my pants. A brilliant writer.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 05:12:35 PM
one of the few problems i have with modern orthodox rabbis like him, though, is that sometimes i suspect that some of them still vote for the dhimmicrats.  but maybe i am wrong about this.  in fact, the opposite argument can be made: since the modern orthodox strive to be good americans as well as good Jews, they are MORE likely to be republicans, while the chareidi Jews, seeing themselves always as outsiders, may be the ones who still hold on to the dhimmicratic party.

in any case, i really do enjoy reading Rabbi Blech's books.  He writes so clearly, yet so intelligently, without making me feel guilty for somehow not being a good enough Jew.  he sounds like he is living today, and not in some oppressive eastern european shtetl from centuries ago.  He always writes about things that are of immediate interest, avoiding the irrelevant and esoteric.  And by the way, he is quite a lively, engaging speaker as well.  never a dull moment with him.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 05:15:25 PM
Rabbis Blech & Singer on the one card would bring the house (or should I say schul) down.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 05:17:46 PM
singer?  who is rabbi singer?  or do you mean the yiddish novelist, isaac singer?
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 05:24:13 PM
singer?  who is rabbi singer?  or do you mean the yiddish novelist, isaac singer?

Rabbi Tovia Singer of Israel National Radio. The Jackie Mason of the air.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 05:31:39 PM
to tell you the truth, i am not particularly impressed with rabbi tovia singer.  he seems like a nice enough guy, but he also seems to pretty much be a repeat of the kinds of things dennis prager says.  i like to learn about new things, or at least old things but in new ways.  but like i said, he seems like a nice man.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 05:35:44 PM
to tell you the truth, i am not particularly impressed with rabbi tovia singer.  he seems like a nice enough guy, but he also seems to pretty much be a repeat of the kinds of things dennis prager says.  i like to learn about new things, or at least old things but in new ways.  but like i said, he seems like a nice man.

You need to listen to all his shows. He's like Chaim in that the more wound up he gets, the funnier he is.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 05:45:29 PM
this is off the subject, but what country is that flag from that you have showing?  my guess is that it is from either new zealand or australia
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 05:50:35 PM
this is off the subject, but what country is that flag from that you have showing?  my guess is that it is from either new zealand or australia


Dunno the NZ one. NZ is Australia's Canada........they don't matter. ;)
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 06:00:25 PM
lol...actually, i recently heard something that helped level the playing field a little between the canadians and americans, and that is that apparently, america's ancestry comes largely from germany, while canada's comes from scotland.  scotland was one of the leaders of the very pro-Jewish puritan movement, and gave us people like the great free-market economist adam smith.  germany gave us two world wars, the nazis, and perhaps worst of all, the so-called music of richard wagner.  can you guess which people i like more?

my overall feeling is this, that the most moral nations on earth are those whose predominant language is either hebrew or english.  from that perspective, not only america and israel are great nations, but so is australia, canada, great britain, new zealand, the solomon islands, and others that i cannot think of at the moment.

i hope john howard is the leader of australia for the next fifty years.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 06:05:16 PM
It's also true that the longest lasting, real democracies on Earth are ALL English speaking, British or ex-British: USA, Canada, UK, Australia, NZ.

Tell that to the self-hating liberals who think Anglo-saxons are a cancer on the Earth and watch them squirm.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 06:14:41 PM
the only real cancers on the Earth are the islamofascists and their left-wing enablers.

it really is too bad that the british have lost all pride in their heritage.  classic british culture has a lot to contribute to the civilizing and enrichment of society.  one of my university degrees is in english, with a special emphasis on british literature; i absolutely love the stuff.   sorry to say this, but i prefer it over american literature!  shakespeare, milton, defoe, swift, scott, dickens, wilde, joyce...the list goes on.  then there are the great british leaders of history: oliver cromwell, benjamin disraeli, winston churchill, margaret thatcher, tony blair....and yes, the british have also produced some of the most beautiful music in the world, too.  yet often when i have asked the british themselves about all this, they have virtually no idea what i am talking about, treating me like i am some kind of ancient relic from times past.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 30, 2007, 06:21:34 PM
The British have contributed as much to western civilisation as the Greeks and Romans but the Brits seem to think their culture is somehow racist and evil and should be replaced with the 'wonderful' culture of the turd world!

American liberals hold the same view. I just wish they could point to the example of the wonderful non-European culture they want us to adopt.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 08:41:57 PM
olivia newton-john is indeed Jewish.  the only problem is, she considers herself to be christian, and even wears a cross around her neck.  she was raised to believe in JESUS.  but her mother's mother was Jewish, so that makes her 100% Jewish.  same with actor harrison ford, and, believe it or not, elvis and moamar khadafi.

as for the liberal disdain for european culture, in a different sort of way, i share their aversion.  they hate europe because they hate anything white.  from my point of view, I have an aversion to them because it was europe that brought us the crusades, inquisitions, pogroms, jihads, and holocausts.  personally, i prefer my own Jewish culture, and any culture coming from English speaking countries.  true, that great britain is part of europe, but it is an island seperated from the main european continent,which has helped them think in a more independent, intelligent manner.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 30, 2007, 09:42:57 PM
yes, isn't that amazing?  the story i read in the local Jewish paper here many years ago is that some islamofascist then residing in israel raped and kidnapped a Jewish woman and took her to libya, where she gave birth to litle moamar.  imagine his shock if he learned he was Jewish!  maybe he should start attending some Torah classes!

yes, the british came from continental europe, but that was a long long time ago, and besides, it took character for them to leave the continent, much as it took courage for people who first came to america, so already they were a people apart from the mainstream herd
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: raiseyourfist on August 31, 2007, 12:41:27 AM
Another great torah abiding person in the entertainment industry is sacha baron Cohen..

Many jews hate him for his exploits acting as Borat however he recently married Isla Fisher telling her that he would only marry if she converted...

He really is a torah abiding jew
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 31, 2007, 12:47:40 AM
but converting for the sake of marriage is not considered a valid conversion.  and I question whether Borat is truly a religious Jew, the way he showed tens of millions of people his naked body.  did we really have to see that? 
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: raiseyourfist on August 31, 2007, 12:51:09 AM
sometimes as a jew you just need to learn to admit humour ....

If you have seen borat goes to america it shows how the kasaks despise the jews and how they portray "running of the Jew" which is a juxta position of spanish culture of "running of the bull"

what can i tell you if you look at how he embraces the jewish faith you would see that he really does care about the jewish people
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 31, 2007, 12:55:50 AM
i have mixed feelings about the borat movie.  on the one hand, i admit that there were times when i was laughing very hard, but on the other hand, there were times when it was just plain gross, like that horrible scene where he is wrestling his fat male friend and they are both completely naked.  it is the one and only time i ever watched a movie where i literally turned my head away so as not to watch to gruesome proceedings.  the fact that he had such a scene, makes me think that he must be a gay homo.  and that scene where he brings his feces to his guest host, might have been the movie's most disgusting scene of all.  no religious person would have such a completely tasteless scenes in their movies.

i know i am sounding like a prude, but the last thing i am is a prude.  if anything, i have to control what i say so that i do not shock people with what i really think about such matters.  and yet, that movie did offend me, because of scenes such as the ones i just described.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: raiseyourfist on August 31, 2007, 01:03:51 AM
i have mixed feelings about the borat movie.  on the one hand, i admit that there were times when i was laughing very hard, but on the other hand, there were times when it was just plain gross, like that horrible scene where he is wrestling his fat male friend and they are both completely naked.  it is the one and only time i ever watched a movie where i literally turned my head away so as not to watch to gruesome proceedings.  the fact that he had such a scene, makes me think that he must be a gay homo.  and that scene where he brings his feces to his guest host, might have been the movie's most disgusting scene of all.  no religious person would have such a completely tasteless scenes in their movies.

i know i am sounding like a prude, but the last thing i am is a prude.  if anything, i have to control what i say so that i do not shock people with what i really think about such matters.  and yet, that movie did offend me, because of scenes such as the ones i just described.

Yeh when i watch the movie the first time i would agree with everything you have said... however i feel the movie really shows how silly anti-semetism is and the type of backward people that thinks this is appropriate thing to do..

By the way He did make fun of the kasaks in many ways by making these anti-semites look stupid in their own right

I think the movie breaks the barriers of what is and isn't ok things to say and do and its just funny to watch
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: JewishTeddyBear on August 31, 2007, 01:16:41 AM
i do agree with you when it comes to antisemitism.  the borat movie made it as clear as day how utterly stupid the antisemites are
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Mishmaat on August 31, 2007, 01:31:16 AM
yes, sarah and soshana and everybody else, it is me, Jewish Teddy Bear.  and of course i have a crush on kelly maureen, all normal men do.  she is totally hot, not to mention about as pro-Israel and pro-Jewish as any gentile can possibly be.  we have even had discussions where she is defending our Jewish people, while i am the opposition!
in any case, it really is not like her to not contact me for this long of a period of time.  i know that her only child, a boy of just 12 years old, recently took a trip to israel.  my fear is that something terrible has happened to him, causing her to retreat into complete silence.  but i also am trying to not panic by assuming the worst.  so i do not know what to think at this point.
maybe all of us should form some kind of investigative team to find out her whereabouts, making sure she is okay.

She has a kid? You're kidding me? With a smoking [edit: religious forum].

As Chaim has repeatedly said, do you notice how right wing Jews (and Gentiles) are so attractive and the leftists are generally so damn ugly?

There are exceptions, but it's a rule.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: newman on August 31, 2007, 03:53:49 AM
What Chaim says is true. The leftists are as ugly as sin.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: mord on August 31, 2007, 06:01:29 AM
Yes leftists tend to homely this might be the reason for them being leftists they find solace in leftist ideology.On the other hand they might be ugly due to the leftists ideology where their faces are always contorted with hate
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: raiseyourfist on August 31, 2007, 06:07:09 AM
What Chaim says is true. The leftists are as ugly as sin.

What about all those ones in the entertainment industry most of them are evil but a lot of them are attractive...

I don't think the way someone thinks is what they look like but i wish it were the case because then JTF dating section would be a fun place to be :)
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: HiWarp on August 31, 2007, 06:35:23 AM
Quote from: raiseyourfist link=topic=8198.msg77388#msg77388 date=
Quote from: newman link=topic=8198.msg77351#msg77351 date=
What Chaim says is true. The leftists are as ugly as sin.

What about all those ones in the entertainment industry most of them are evil but a lot of them are attractive...
You'd be amazed what can be done with surgery, injections and implants. ;D
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: Shoshana on August 31, 2007, 10:18:08 PM
olivia newton-john is indeed Jewish.  the only problem is, she considers herself to be christian, and even wears a cross around her neck.  she was raised to believe in JESUS.  but her mother's mother was Jewish, so that makes her 100% Jewish.  same with actor harrison ford, and, believe it or not, elvis and moamar khadafi.

as for the liberal disdain for european culture, in a different sort of way, i share their aversion.  they hate europe because they hate anything white.  from my point of view, I have an aversion to them because it was europe that brought us the crusades, inquisitions, pogroms, jihads, and holocausts.  personally, i prefer my own Jewish culture, and any culture coming from English speaking countries.  true, that great britain is part of europe, but it is an island seperated from the main european continent,which has helped them think in a more independent, intelligent manner.

Elvis was Jewish? ??? I didn't know that. He has to be the best looking man I've ever laid eyes on.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: mord on September 01, 2007, 07:17:38 AM
According to Halacha yes as a child he was told to stay quite about it because it might hinder him as he got older he becme more interested and proud of it.Elvis unlike many leftists never hide the fact.
Title: Re: where is kelly maureen?
Post by: raiseyourfist on September 01, 2007, 08:00:33 AM
Thats why i dont understand the term "Elvis country"

Anywhere where there are no jews or Italians...