General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: EagleEye on September 01, 2007, 04:48:56 PM
who against overwhelming evidence suggest that there are special privalages associated with being Jewish or partially Jewish. They ignore that fact that Jews are hurt by afffirmative action, left-wing anti-Zionism, neo-nazi bigotry, etc. They continue to suggest, against overwhelming evidence, that there is some ridiculous "Jewish privilege" that exists and that Jewish and partially people somehow benefit from it. Are these people retarded?
Well, these people aren't entirely wrong. There is one major advantage of being Jewish and that is having a Jewish brain. ;)
I know what sense of privilege you mean though. First of all, ask him what he means by that. Ask him to take that amorphous concept and translate it into a concrete idea. Do Jews get tax breaks? Is there Jewish affirmative action? Ask him to give proven examples of what he means, and hopefully when he recognizes that he doesn't know of anything, his argument starts to break down.
Then, point out that Jews have the highest IQs on earth and that with high IQs comes certain "privileges". If he points out that there are disproportionate amounts of Jews in positions that require high achievement, tell him that those positions mostly require people with IQs of more than 125 and that Jews have grossly disproportionate numbers of people with those sorts of IQs and that their existence in these sorts of positions shows no bias or favoritism when IQ is taken into account.
Hope that made sense
It's just one on a list of lies.
killed yeshu.
have horns
drink blood
put blood in the Pesach Matzot
run the world
control the banks
are communists
are capitalists
are not real Jews but Khazars
cause abortion
'niggerize' the USA
allow sex with children
believe they're entitled to keep gentiles as slaves
believe it's OK to rip gentiles off.............................
the list is endless.
It's pointless to debate these lunatics.
It does. I've always argued that Jewish high IQ leads them to powerful positions, and the left-wing viewpoints taught in academia are the main reason why Jews tend to lean to the left. Intelligent people can be misleaded.
It does. I've always argued that Jewish high IQ leads them to powerful positions, and the left-wing viewpoints taught in academia are the main reason why Jews tend to lean to the left. Intelligent people can be misleaded.
You're right. There is no correlation between education and morallity.
The germans of the 1930s were the most highly educated and highly skilled in all of Europe. Look how they went.
You're right, EagleEye, I've never really taken that into consideration. Jews tend to be highly educated, and the American education system has a liberal bent so it only makes sense that the output of that would be a bunch of leftist Jews.
That's one of the reasons, although there are many others.
There are actually some studies about Jews and IQs and the reasons for their high level of success and achievement, although I can't remember where I read them. It points out the levels of IQs needed for certain professions. Like nobel prize winners for instance, becoming one requires an IQ of around 150 and Jews actually make up a substantial percentage of ALL THE PEOPLE ON THE EARTH who have those sorts of IQs. I think it ends up being somewhere from 30-60%, a substantially large percentage. So if IQ is factored into the equation, there is no factor that leads Jews to get these positions any more than anyone else. IQ seems to play the only factor in that. The reason why people think that Jews have some sort of special advantage is because they don't understand how IQ or bell curves work, or just how many Jewish geniuses there really are and how intelligent the Jewish people are. Since they are ignorant to those concepts, they're going to see everything as "part of a big conspiracy".
The other main reason for liberalism is a history of persecution in Europe. However well-intended it is, liberalism is not based on reality.
As for higher education, I'm totally annoyed by it preeching leftism, I noticed early on. Thankfully, I am a business/computer major (information systems : development) so I don't get hit as badly now that I am into my major and out of the general education track.
As violent and bloody as the Khmer Rouge regime was, sometimes "intellectuals" preech views that would make me sympathetic, just kidding.
ZOG ZOG, I'm a victim of the ZOG!!!! Everywhere the ZOG! I knew it!!!!! :P
newman: "...It's pointless to debate these lunatics..."
The Jew-Haters attribute each and every human quality to the Jew, which allows them to rationalize their "truths" if even one human quality can be that of a Jew.
-Jews started every war in history vs Jews are all cowards and run from a fight.
-Jews are the International Bankers of Wall Street oppressing the world with capitalism vs Jews are all Communists out to destroy Free Enterprise.
-Democrats are the Party of The Jews vs The "Neo-cons" are Jews who have seized control of the Republican Party.
It's OK by me if I control the entire world, but...where's my paycheck?
newman: "...It's pointless to debate these lunatics..."
The Jew-Haters attribute each and every human quality to the Jew, which allows them to rationalize their "truths" if even one human quality can be that of a Jew.
-Jews started every war in history vs Jews are all cowards and run from a fight.
-Jews are the International Bankers of Wall Street oppressing the world with capitalism vs Jews are all Communists out to destroy Free Enterprise.
-Democrats are the Party of The Jews vs The "Neo-cons" are Jews who have seized control of the Republican Party.
It's OK by me if I control the entire world, but...where's my paycheck?
Mussah, do you mean to tell us you're not getting your 'cut'? ;)
Maybe we should try beating some sense into them.
Maybe we should try beating some sense into them.
lol like the jdl did Paul Fromm...
I support that!
It does. I've always argued that Jewish high IQ leads them to powerful positions, and the left-wing viewpoints taught in academia are the main reason why Jews tend to lean to the left. Intelligent people can be misleaded.
This slant can also be interpreted that those who lean to the left are more intelligent :)
Ah, but I blame the institutions of education as the cause, not the intelligence. The inteligence merely qualifies people for the institutions. In the institutions, they are hit with propaganda. Less intelligent people do not get indoctrinated.
Ah, but I blame the institutions of education as the cause, not the intelligence. The inteligence merely qualifies people for the institutions. In the institutions, they are hit with propaganda. Less intelligent people do not get indoctrinated.
Ah, sounds like the chicken or the egg argument.
just pretend you are debating yourself and just ignore all of the stupid morons... but if you are an idiot yourself to begin with... well then there is no hope for you and you should just give up trying... BECAUSE THERE IS NO WAY IN HELL THAT YOU CAN DEBATE FREAKING IDIOTS!!! that's all... nik. out...all
I do not want to sound arrogant, but one of my weaknesses is I often assume people who are less intelligent than me (as in redneck types) are simply misguided, when the bottom line is they are just stupid. I tend to give people the benefit of the doubt who don't deserve it.
I have found debating people is difficult when they are so firm set in their leftist beliefs, however stupid.
I have found debating people is difficult when they are so firm set in their leftist beliefs, however stupid.
The same can be said who are so firm set in their rightist beliefs.
I have found debating people is difficult when they are so firm set in their leftist beliefs, however stupid.
The same can be said who are so firm set in their rightist beliefs.
However they are not dangerous as they are not the majority and do not hold power in the country I am in (UK)
I have found debating people is difficult when they are so firm set in their leftist beliefs, however stupid.
The same can be said who are so firm set in their rightist beliefs.
However they are not dangerous as they are not the majority and do not hold power in the country I am in (UK)
Anyone with extremist or absolutist beliefs, regardless of which extreme side of the spectrum they're on, present a danger if they're not kept in check.
More moral equivelency.
Right is right and left is wrong.
More moral equivelency.
Right is right and left is wrong.
Ah, the brilliant insights of the Newman man!
No - right is right and left is wrong. Exactly! Newman is the man! ;)
No - right is right and left is wrong. Exactly! Newman is the man! ;)
*sigh* Debating idiots is one thing, but apparently, debating absolutists is impossible!