General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: mosquewatch on September 07, 2007, 07:05:30 PM
Any one in your family ever taken this drug for depression and anxiety?
Can't remember what brand.
Screwed me up even more.
I'm better off as a drug-free lunatic.
My father-in-law did. He was depressed after he had a stroke. It was effective for him.
He only took it for a short time though.
Well My doctor decided I needed 20mg (paxil) one time a day along with folic acid ( whatever that is.) The paxil is for depression and anxiety. I have no idea what the folic acid is for, it sounds like a heavy metal band to me. I've read up on paxil on the internet, but I'd rather speak to people that have ever taken it or know those that have. All I do know is once I start on the med, I can't stop, he said it would make me worse off.
Well My doctor decided I needed 20mg (paxil) one time a day along with folic acid ( whatever that is.) The paxil is for depression and anxiety. I have no idea what the folic acid is for, it sounds like a heavy metal band to me. I've read up on paxil on the internet, but I'd rather speak to people that have ever taken it or know those that have. All I do know is once I start on the med, I can't stop, he said it would make me worse off.
I'm no expert, but getting brain chemistry right is like picking lotto numbers. What combination? What dose? AGHH!
I'll stick with nicoteine.
Chew tobacco, MW.....It's safer.
I haven't taken any yet , but I've been the in Hospital for 2 days. Trust me, from any posts that I've said "I'm at my wits ends." I meant it. Anyway I'm signing off paltalk for a few weeks. Staying on JTF though. My son slammed his door 3 days ago, and I laid the place to oblivion, run him and my wife out and did something else not worth speaking of. On the bright side, I guess I can tell my boss, "don't mess with me, I haven't taken my meds." I see the work weeks ahead being very very easy.
If it's come to that, try the meds.
That's an emergency.
I personally reccomend two things, firstly pray, and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
I personally reccomend two things, firstly pray, and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
The Doc never said a word about prayer.
and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
Those were his exact words ftf. Same as yours.
Folic Acid is in the vitamin B family.
My Mom must take it everyday along with one of her arthritis meds - it helps prevent one of the side effects. Maybe it is the same for Paxil. Maybe some of our Docs know? I couldn't find mention of it anywhere - I just looked.
Paxil must be tapered down - not just stopped or you could feel really sick.
I'm not a big medication person - but sometimes you just need something to help you over the bump in the road. Sometimes it feels more like a mountain.
I will also keep you in my prayers - Jeff.
I personally reccomend two things, firstly pray, and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
The Doc never said a word about prayer.
and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
Those were his exact words ftf. Same as yours.
Well those are the two things that brought me back when I'd given up on living last year.
I personally reccomend two things, firstly pray, and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
The Doc never said a word about prayer.
and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
Those were his exact words ftf. Same as yours.
Well those are the two things that brought me back when II'd given up on living last year.
You are young. It was probably hormones.
I personally reccomend two things, firstly pray, and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
The Doc never said a word about prayer.
and secondly find someone you trust completely, and tell them about all of your problems, just telling someone about it should help a lot.
Those were his exact words ftf. Same as yours.
Well those are the two things that brought me back when II'd given up on living last year.
You are young. It was probably hormones.
I don't think so, but I'd rather not talk about it, it is in the past now.
My sister was on Paxil and it seemed to work for her. She stopped taking it after a short period of time but for the time she took it, it supposedly worked really great for her.
I know it's one of the most popular anti-depressents along with Zoloft, Lexapro, and Prozac. I always have had my doubts about these drugs, however. They are pushed on people by the big drug companies and some of the literature suggests they are little more effective than a placebo. Also, look at some of the side effects they can cause. I'm not sure it's worth it, unless you are in a truly desperate situation.