Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: ape on September 08, 2007, 08:02:45 PM
What do you do when your movie is interrupted by loud inconsiderate monkeys at the theater?
Have them tossed out by the management
What if the management is an ape?
Someone in the management must not be, and you can always go higher, that company is owned by someone
As Chaim Ben Pesach once said..
Monkey see ,, monkey do,,, monkey see,,, monkey do.
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
There's unfortunately nothing you can do. These apes don't have any sense of decency or consideration for others. If you tell them to be quiet they won't listen to you. They are uncontrollable. They think it's their "civil right" to squack and squeak as loud as they want. Plus if you tell them to quiet down all of the people around you will think you are a KKK member.
Well this also shows what human beings got to go through when having savages mingle in.
WHy are whites so scared of these creatures.....I guess it's the guns
It's probably the willingness of them to lash out with deadly force at the drop of a hat. I'm not too sure if that could be why but it's my gut feeling.
One time a gibbon cut me on line at Subway Sandwich. I told him to move. He said," I didn't see you on line." I told him, "you don't see very far." Then he moved. We just have to stand up to these beasts no matter what their color is.
Too many blacks and Puerto Ricans think: 'I'm black, I'm P.R. and I have a right to be abnoxious."
It's the way they drive too: "I'm black I'm P.R. and I'm coming through."
One time a gibbon cut me on line at Subway Sandwich. I told him to move. He said," I didn't see you on line." I told him, "you don't see very far." Then he moved. We just have to stand up to these beasts no matter what their color is.
Too many blacks and Puerto Ricans think: 'I'm black, I'm P.R. and I have a right to be abnoxious."
It's the way they drive too: "I'm black I'm P.R. and I'm coming through."
They were much more polite in the old South.
I wonder why.
the new religion of this country: worshipping schwartzas
I'd never go to a movie theater where a lot of blacks are. I don't know why people, especially whites, are intimidated by them. I read all sorts of idiotic genetic theories. That they're genetically more aggressive than whites and they have bigger muscle mass and all sorts of nonsense. Please. They're all cowards.
Walk out of a theater that patronizes blacks. None of the new movies out are good anyway. Rent good movies and stay at home.
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
Re: "...the new religion of this country: worshipping schwartzas..."
It's quite a simple formula actually...
-Affirmative Action gives them undeserved jobs which pay very well.
Their children now have cars, and lots of spending money thanks to their parents' AA jobs.
-The marketing firms study them; determine that what they want to spend their time and money on is absolute filth and drek.
-Result: Mass marketing to rake in tons of cash affirmative action idiots spend on garbage, filth, and violence.
-The Whites, being passed over for jobs which pay well, jobs for which they are actually qualified, no longer have the disposable income to give their teenage or college age children...The Marketers choose to pass them by in favor of cannibals with large checking accounts.
-Effect on society: Those who live of, by, and for money only, couldn't care less what damage they are doing...even to their own white children.
? "...What do you do when your movie is interrupted by loud inconsiderate monkeys at the theater?.."
Throw peanuts at them!
? "...What do you do when your movie is interrupted by loud inconsiderate monkeys at the theater?.."
Throw peanuts at them!
Don't you mean bananas? ;)
? "...What do you do when your movie is interrupted by loud inconsiderate monkeys at the theater?.."
Throw peanuts at them!
Don't you mean bananas? ;)
Don't go chucking KFC, whatever you do.
It'll cause a stampede!
I remember when I was seeing King Kong, and during the scene where they get to the Island - in the part where it all of a sudden flashes to those creepy looking inhabitants (who took the place of the Zulus in the original movie) - as soon as it flashed to them a Shvartzette sitting in my row let out the loudest scream I have ever heard in my entire life. She then ran out of the theater with her friend. And the part wasn't even that scary - I hope she never watches horror movies...
I remember when I was seeing King Kong, and during the scene where they get to the Island - in the part where it all of a sudden flashes to those creepy looking inhabitants (who took the place of the Zulus in the original movie) - as soon as it flashed to them a Shvartzette sitting in my row let out the loudest scream I have ever heard in my entire life. She then ran out of the theater with her friend. And the part wasn't even that scary - I hope she never watches horror movies...
It probably reminded her of a family reunion.
I remember when I was seeing King Kong, and during the scene where they get to the Island - in the part where it all of a sudden flashes to those creepy looking inhabitants (who took the place of the Zulus in the original movie) - as soon as it flashed to them a Shvartzette sitting in my row let out the loudest scream I have ever heard in my entire life. She then ran out of the theater with her friend. And the part wasn't even that scary - I hope she never watches horror movies...
It probably reminded her of a family reunion.
Could be... :laugh:
I remember when I was seeing King Kong, and during the scene where they get to the Island - in the part where it all of a sudden flashes to those creepy looking inhabitants (who took the place of the Zulus in the original movie) - as soon as it flashed to them a Shvartzette sitting in my row let out the loudest scream I have ever heard in my entire life. She then ran out of the theater with her friend. And the part wasn't even that scary - I hope she never watches horror movies...
It probably reminded her of a family reunion.
Could be... :laugh:
See any difference?(http://aycu39.webshots.com/image/26158/2006252402910849208_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2006252402910849208)
I remember when I was seeing King Kong, and during the scene where they get to the Island - in the part where it all of a sudden flashes to those creepy looking inhabitants (who took the place of the Zulus in the original movie) - as soon as it flashed to them a Shvartzette sitting in my row let out the loudest scream I have ever heard in my entire life. She then ran out of the theater with her friend. And the part wasn't even that scary - I hope she never watches horror movies...
It probably reminded her of a family reunion.
Could be... :laugh:
See any difference?(http://aycu39.webshots.com/image/26158/2006252402910849208_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2006252402910849208)
One of those apes likes Metallica.
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those damned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I heard numerous theories about the Jews' support for blacks.
One of the many theoretical reasons put forward was that out of fear of persecution, the Jews figured that if they could get the other goyim to accept the most backward & primative of all 'people', they'd have to accept Jews, too.
I don't think this was the main reason but it's an interesting idea.
This has happened to me a bunch of times. I once complained to the management and got a refund and a couple of free passes which was nice. I actually have a friend who complains every time some blacks cause a ruckus, and he gets free passes every time too.
The problems with animals like that is: If you remove them, within an hour you'll have the ACLU and the ADL shtupping your business for no reason! These are the same morons that would call these apes "African Americans". Meanwhile ask the typical schvartze about the "country of Africa". I'm willing to bet that 99.9% of them do not correct you about it being a continent!
Whenever I see a movie, it's usually in a mixed crowd with a good number of blacks and I haven't confronted anything like this, and this includes the times that I've gone to the Multiplex theatre in Valley Stream, NY where almost all of the moviegoers are black. The times I confront this is when I go to a movie with my Jewish friends and they can get a little too loud and rowdy to the point that I feel the need to chime in and tell them to hush it :)
Someone in the management must not be, and you can always go higher, that company is owned by someone
But you would miss part of the movie looking for someone in the management.
I think the theatres should install some type of Call buttons where you can ring for assistance in cases like this.
Yes, you would miss part of the movie thats true, so you should be compensated by the company.
Someone in the management must not be, and you can always go higher, that company is owned by someone
But you would miss part of the movie looking for someone in the management.
I think the theatres should install some type of Call buttons where you can ring for assistance in cases like this.
I don't about you guys, but I could picture it now: In case of fire press this button. In case of loud shvugs press this one! :D
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Yes Newman, it's true
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Yeah, those damn white boys! ;)
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Yeah, those damn white boys! ;)
Actually they were white females. lol But I didn't make a mental note that they were white, I just used them as an example. I remember when I was smaller, my mom and dad took me to the movies to see Saturday Night Fever. During the scene where Tony's friend died after falling off of the Brooklyn Bridge, everyone in the audience...whites, blacks and whoever else was there, screamed in horror. Rude speaking/ screaming during a movie should be outlawed. lol I really wish someone would take my neighbor (a white man) and shake him for opening up his front room window, blasting the volume on his 65 inch tv and screaming at the football game, while I'm trying to watch "Bob the Builder" with my 3 year old. lol
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
Erica - Rock musicians are load because their amps are loud. ::)
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
Erica - Rock musicians are load because their amps are loud. ::)
Oh, so they scream their heads off because their amps are loud. LOL Whatever. If they didn't like the music loud, why do they crank it up? How do you explain Death Metal?
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
Erica - Rock musicians are load because their amps are loud. ::)
Oh, so they scream their heads off because their amps are loud. LOL Whatever. If they didn't like the music loud, why do they crank it up? How do you explain Death Metal?
My point was that you could be the quietest guy in the world, but if you have a sick mind and an amp that goes to 11, you could be the lead singer in a Death Metal band.
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.,
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
Erica - Rock musicians are load because their amps are loud. ::)
Oh, so they scream their heads off because their amps are loud. LOL Whatever. If they didn't like the music loud, why do they crank it up? How do you explain Death Metal?
People like death metal because it's loud and for other reasons as well. You analogy isn't really correct though. You could say it's a tradition for blacks to be loud in movie theaters because you can see the older ones being loud, then you can see the younger ones being loud too. Then you can observe blacks being really loud today and ask your parents how blacks were in the 70s and they'll tell you "yeah they were really loud then too." The direct comparison of that to death metal musicians is that their parents would have had to have been death metal musicians (or at least really loud musicians) as well. When we mean loud, we don't mean in a specific context, like when it comes to making music or having sex for instance, we just mean loud generally.
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
Erica - Rock musicians are load because their amps are loud. ::)
Oh, so they scream their heads off because their amps are loud. LOL Whatever. If they didn't like the music loud, why do they crank it up? How do you explain Death Metal?
My point was that you could be the quietest guy in the world, but if you have a sick mind and an amp that goes to 11, you could be the lead singer in a Death Metal band.
And yet they still scream their heads off. lol Oh well...
I'm told that yelling at the movie is a negro tradition "Yeah....you whoop his @ss!".........."say 'no', fool!"..........."right on ".......
Does this really happen?
Only in blacksploitation movies, back in 1976, newman..::)
No one says 'right on' anymore. You're helplessly stuck in the 70's newman. I was in a movie theater once with my husband where we were the only blacks present but some white adults were behind us talking on their phones, and talking amongst themselves. Just as rude as anyone willing to pay 10 bucks to see a movie, only to miss it because of ignorant outbursts.
Notice I said "tradition"..... ::)
tra·di·tion (tr-dshn)
1. The passing down of elements of a culture from generation to generation, especially by oral communication.
a. A mode of thought or behavior followed by a people continuously from generation to generation; a custom or usage.
Its not a tradition, newman. Do you scream at the game (if you are into any)? What you said is saying Rock musicians are so loud because their families are loud.
Erica - Rock musicians are load because their amps are loud. ::)
Oh, so they scream their heads off because their amps are loud. LOL Whatever. If they didn't like the music loud, why do they crank it up? How do you explain Death Metal?
OY VEY!!!!!
Rock musicians are loud when performing at a concert! NOT when in the audience of a film!!!!!
Are you completely incapable of grasping any logical concept, Erica?
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
This would have been an excellent point and would have been 100% if only you left out the word "black." Aside from that, your point is well taken.
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
Yes. Loud white people; good... loud black people; bad menaces to society. Crystal. There's also another difference, Ze'ev. Not all black people LIKE to hear heavy metal, death metal and such. Some just think its too loud. So its not a color thing, its a music preference thing.
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
Yes. Loud white people; good... loud black people; bad menaces to society. Crystal. There's also another difference, Ze'ev. Not all black people LIKE to hear heavy metal, death metal and such. Some just think its too loud. So its not a color thing, its a music preference thing.
Can't you understand the difference between performers being loud at a concert like they're supposed to be and apes yabbering in the audience of of movie like they're NOT supposed to??
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
Yes. Loud white people; good... loud black people; bad menaces to society. Crystal. There's also another difference, Ze'ev. Not all black people LIKE to hear heavy metal, death metal and such. Some just think its too loud. So its not a color thing, its a music preference thing.
Erica - Rock musicians don't just go up to people in the street or sit down in a movie theater and then all of a sudden start playing Rock music in their face. They just don't do that...
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
Yes. Loud white people; good... loud black people; bad menaces to society. Crystal. There's also another difference, Ze'ev. Not all black people LIKE to hear heavy metal, death metal and such. Some just think its too loud. So its not a color thing, its a music preference thing.
Erica - Rock musicians don't just go up to people in the street or sit down in a movie theater and then all of a sudden start playing Rock music in their face. They just don't do that...
I understand that. You don't like loud black people in a theater... I don't like loud white people.period. lol
I don't like loud children in movie theaters. :laugh:
I don't like loud children in movie theaters. :laugh:
I don't like loud black/ white/ people or kids in movie theaters at all.
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
Yes. Loud white people; good... loud black people; bad menaces to society. Crystal. There's also another difference, Ze'ev. Not all black people LIKE to hear heavy metal, death metal and such. Some just think its too loud. So its not a color thing, its a music preference thing.
We're not talking about loudness in general, we're talking about loudness in situations where it's socially not acceptable to be loud.
This conversation has nothing to do with music. Plus, no one is forcing any black people to listen to heavy metal or death metal, so it's really a non-issue. If white people were going around with their death metal bands and playing in libraries and movie theaters, you would have a point. Let's keep the context the same. The context is social situations where it's usually considered rude and unpleasant for people to be loud. Situations where if there are people who are being really loud, it is socially accepted to tell them to SHHHHHHHH!!! Obviously this would not be true at a rock concert. Examples, theaters, nice restaurants, classrooms, libraries. Hell, this even includes situations where it's somewhat permissible to be loud, but the blacks take it totally out of control and scream and yell, which even crosses the threshold and becomes impermissible in those situations.
I don't like loud people period, but it just seems to me through personal experience that black people are louder and are louder more often than most. Of course there are loud people from every race, but blacks seem to be the loudest of them all.
See, the difference is that rock musicians are loud, and the people who are listening to them are listening willingly and they WANT them to be loud. They LIKE it. When black people are loud in public they are being loud to unwilling people who don't want them to be loud and HATE it.
See the difference?
Yes. Loud white people; good... loud black people; bad menaces to society. Crystal. There's also another difference, Ze'ev. Not all black people LIKE to hear heavy metal, death metal and such. Some just think its too loud. So its not a color thing, its a music preference thing.
We're not talking about loudness in general, we're talking about loudness in situations where it's socially not acceptable to be loud.
This conversation has nothing to do with music. Plus, no one is forcing any black people to listen to heavy metal or death metal, so it's really a non-issue. If white people were going around with their death metal bands and playing in libraries and movie theaters, you would have a point. Let's keep the context the same. The context is social situations where it's usually considered rude and unpleasant for people to be loud. Situations where if there are people who are being really loud, it is socially accepted to tell them to SHHHHHHHH!!! Obviously this would not be true at a rock concert. Examples, theaters, nice restaurants, classrooms, libraries. Hell, this even includes situations where it's somewhat permissible to be loud, but the blacks take it totally out of control and scream and yell, which even crosses the threshold and becomes impermissible in those situations.
I don't like loud people period, but it just seems to me through personal experience that black people are louder and are louder more often than most. Of course there are loud people from every race, but blacks seem to be the loudest of them all.
Okay. Personal experience does count.
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
If I want your opinion on if the behavior is childish then I'll ask. Until then shut your mouth. ::)
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
If I want your opinion on if the behavior is childish then I'll ask. Until then shut your mouth. ::)
Shoshana, you don't have to ask for my opinion for me to give it. So I will 'shut my mouth' when I'm ready to. I was just making the point that acting like them is not proactive.
I guess you all get the idea of why Apartheid was neccesary...
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
Your fellow blacks would do the same, and much worse.
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
Your fellow blacks would do the same, and much worse.
I agreed with that point, Mstislav. Thanks. I said I hate loud black, white, kids or adults in movie theaters.
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
If I want your opinion on if the behavior is childish then I'll ask. Until then shut your mouth. ::)
I'm SO GLAD you're back Shoshana!
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
I agree that it's not a good idea to throw things at them, but not because it is childishness. I think it's a bad idea because you can end up getting a faceful of fist. But if she's not afraid of that, then my take would be that we should first ask them to politely keep it down, then if they keep going, we should tell them to shut the [censored] up. If that doesn't work, then we should resort to throwing popcorn or create a bigger scene than them to make them think you're a nut so then they might be scared to continue talking.
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
If I want your opinion on if the behavior is childish then I'll ask. Until then shut your mouth. ::)
I'm SO GLAD you're back Shoshana!
I don't know Shoshana too well, but she seems very feisty, and that's just how I like em :)
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
I agree that it's not a good idea to throw things at them, but not because it is childishness. I think it's a bad idea because you can end up getting a faceful of fist. But if she's not afraid of that, then my take would be that we should first ask them to politely keep it down, then if they keep going, we should tell them to shut the deleted up. If that doesn't work, then we should resort to throwing popcorn or create a bigger scene than them to make them think you're a nut so then they might be scared to continue talking.
Well in the several instances I've had to do this I usually throw something at them to get their attention and then tell them to " Shut the @#$% up"
The throwing is simply to get their attention. Yeah I could wind up getting in a fight but I would bet my bottom dollar I would win so I'm not really worried about it.
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
If I want your opinion on if the behavior is childish then I'll ask. Until then shut your mouth. ::)
I'm SO GLAD you're back Shoshana!
Thanks ;)
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
I agree that it's not a good idea to throw things at them, but not because it is childishness. I think it's a bad idea because you can end up getting a faceful of fist. But if she's not afraid of that, then my take would be that we should first ask them to politely keep it down, then if they keep going, we should tell them to shut the deleted up. If that doesn't work, then we should resort to throwing popcorn or create a bigger scene than them to make them think you're a nut so then they might be scared to continue talking.
Well in the several instances I've had to do this I usually throw something at them to get their attention and then tell them to " Shut the @#$% up"
The throwing is simply to get their attention. Yeah I could wind up getting in a fight but I would bet my bottom dollar I would win so I'm not really worried about it.
Do you know martial arts?
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
I agree that it's not a good idea to throw things at them, but not because it is childishness. I think it's a bad idea because you can end up getting a faceful of fist. But if she's not afraid of that, then my take would be that we should first ask them to politely keep it down, then if they keep going, we should tell them to shut the deleted up. If that doesn't work, then we should resort to throwing popcorn or create a bigger scene than them to make them think you're a nut so then they might be scared to continue talking.
Well in the several instances I've had to do this I usually throw something at them to get their attention and then tell them to " Shut the @#$% up"
The throwing is simply to get their attention. Yeah I could wind up getting in a fight but I would bet my bottom dollar I would win so I'm not really worried about it.
Do you know martial arts?
Nope, but I've taken many many self defense classes, boxing classes. Went to school for law enforcement. Shoot on a regular basis. I can hold my own. :)
Well in the several instances I've had to do this I usually throw something at them to get their attention and then tell them to " Shut the @#$% up"
The throwing is simply to get their attention. Yeah I could wind up getting in a fight but I would bet my bottom dollar I would win so I'm not really worried about it.
Do you know martial arts?
Our Shoshana is a grand-mistress of the redneck martial art of "Butt-whoopin'"
Well in the several instances I've had to do this I usually throw something at them to get their attention and then tell them to " Shut the @#$% up"
The throwing is simply to get their attention. Yeah I could wind up getting in a fight but I would bet my bottom dollar I would win so I'm not really worried about it.
Do you know martial arts?
Our Shoshana is a grand-mistress of the redneck martial art of "Butt-whoopin'"
Haha :D
I've ran into this problem many times while in the city at the movie theater. I usually throw stuff at them( popcorn,candy etc) while telling them to "Shut the %@#$ up!" It always works for me although I'll admit it's an easy way to get into a brawl with the black folk. I don't mind. :)
And you think that was adult behavior? You bash them, (and rightfully so, they're interrupting the movie), THEN you turn around and throw things like a kid, at them? I see childishness on both sides...My opinion though...
I agree that it's not a good idea to throw things at them, but not because it is childishness. I think it's a bad idea because you can end up getting a faceful of fist. But if she's not afraid of that, then my take would be that we should first ask them to politely keep it down, then if they keep going, we should tell them to shut the deleted up. If that doesn't work, then we should resort to throwing popcorn or create a bigger scene than them to make them think you're a nut so then they might be scared to continue talking.
Well in the several instances I've had to do this I usually throw something at them to get their attention and then tell them to " Shut the @#$% up"
The throwing is simply to get their attention. Yeah I could wind up getting in a fight but I would bet my bottom dollar I would win so I'm not really worried about it.
Do you know martial arts?
Nope, but I've taken many many self defense classes, boxing classes. Went to school for law enforcement. Shoot on a regular basis. I can hold my own. :)
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
No good deed goes unpunished.
If you Boers had done to your kaffirs what Americans and aussies did to their indigionous people you'd be better off.
Look what you get for being kind.
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
No good deed goes unpunished.
If you Boers had done to your kaffirs what Americans and aussies did to their indigionous people you'd be better off.
Look what you get for being kind.
that's true Newman, im starting to feel regret that my foreparents did not clean up our country :-\ :'(
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
The strife is not because of apartheid!
There was never apartheid in the rest of africa and it's a crap hole, too!
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
The strife is not because of apartheid!
There was never apartheid in the rest of africa and it's a crap hole, too!
South Africa is probably better off than the majority of black African countries.
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
Erica...it was not classyfieng them into social class, the reason why apartheid was instated, was because you now had more than 9 different african groups living together. Now, these groups hated certain groups. what happens if you put a Siamese fighter fish in a tank with another siamese fighter fish?, they will fight each other to death. So you see, the government could havse said gold-lets let them kill each other ie. divide and conquer. but NO! the whites have ALWAYS been good and civilised towards the blacks! and so, apartheid was instated, which meant that the blacks got their own seperate homelands with complete autonomy, in usually very good lands, where they would be far away from each other. and so, the whites prevented the blacks from killing each other. The best choice propably would have been to let them kill each other...but thats just me looking at present south africa.
Blacks actually got better schooling that many whites did! Not to mention that the hospitals they got, were the best in the world!
ask a black person Erica, if looking at the present, if they would prefer to go back to apartheid, the answer would surely be YES YES and YES
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
The strife is not because of apartheid!
There was never apartheid in the rest of africa and it's a crap hole, too!
South Africa is probably better off than the majority of black African countries.
100% percent correct. The reason is because South Africa still has a few million whites left there.
Post-apartheid South African Dictionary:
DeKlerk.........."De Klerk is de fellow who take de messages for de noo boss"
Kleenex.........."Kleenex are beeldings containing doktors with weendows for throwing breeks through".
Post-apartheid South African Dictionary:
DeKlerk.........."De Klerk is de fellow who take de messages for de noo boss"
Kleenex.........."Kleenex are beeldings containg doktors with weendows for throwing breeks through".
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
The Boer:
"First you sew, then you reap"
The kaffir:
"First you reap your pants, den you get one of your wives to sew dem"
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
Erica...it was not classyfieng them into social class, the reason why apartheid was instated, was because you now had more than 9 different african groups living together. Now, these groups hated certain groups. what happens if you put a Siamese fighter fish in a tank with another siamese fighter fish?, they will fight each other to death. So you see, the government could havse said gold-lets let them kill each other ie. divide and conquer. but NO! the whites have ALWAYS been good and civilised towards the blacks! and so, apartheid was instated, which meant that the blacks got their own seperate homelands with complete autonomy, in usually very good lands, where they would be far away from each other. and so, the whites prevented the blacks from killing each other. The best choice propably would have been to let them kill each other...but thats just me looking at present south africa.
Blacks actually got better schooling that many whites did! Not to mention that the hospitals they got, were the best in the world!
ask a black person Erica, if looking at the present, if they would prefer to go back to apartheid, the answer would surely be YES YES and YES
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Erica, guess who made the place look as it did, the rioting blacks! They screwed up their own areas, mind you, those areas were damn good areas, even when the blacks lived there-when they were under check.
As for the shooting at the rioters, there were silenced reports, that some rioters had guns! ALSO, they were heading to Johannesburg, destroying everythin in their path, as they ALWAYS do.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
thats right newman, apartheid wanted to prevent blacks from killing each other, civilizing them...but maybe Erica prefers as you said, and not to mention the poverty, disease etc ::)
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
but then WHY criticise the system that prevent such barbarism. A system under which blacks GREATLY benefitted!
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
thats right newman, apartheid wanted to prevent blacks from killing each other, civilizing them...but maybe Erica prefers as you said, and not to mention the poverty, disease etc ::)
Could you STOP putting thoughts that aren't mine here! PLEASE? I wouldn't like to be bashed in the head no more than I'd like to be raped (again) or killed with a machete.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
Its all bad to me, newman. So I can't answer yes or no... I'm thankful I wasn't in Africa at either time.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
Its all bad to me, newman. So I can't answer yes or no... I'm thankful I wasn't in Africa at either time.
What a cop-out!
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
Its all bad to me, newman. So I can't answer yes or no... I'm thankful I wasn't in Africa at either time.
What a cop-out!
Its a cop out because I won't say what you want me to say? I'm not going to agree that being beat down is BETTER than being raped or killed. Both are bad to me... Sorry if that hurts your ego.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
What are they lyrics to the "Blue-Tail Fly" song? If its not offensive I'd rather sing the song rather than have flies in my face. Happy?!
I'm STILL not going to choose between being beat down or raped or killed. Been there and done that, newman.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
And you're comparing going to Disneyland with sticking your head in boiling water as if both are bad things. From what you and your friend Ze'ev told me about Africa Post slavery, that it was really bad and that the white man saved blacks from whatever would happen if slavery didn't exist. What is your point?
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
C'mon newman, have a bit of pity. You're talking to a person who has been a victim of rape and physical abuse and you're asking her to pick between them? That's just cruel in my opinion.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
C'mon newman, have a bit of pity. You're talking to a person who has been a victim of rape and physical abuse and you're asking her to pick between them? That's just cruel in my opinion.
I'm doing no such thing, Ze'ev. Read my previous posts.
I asked her to choose between aparheid and non-apartheid africa and africa versun slave era Mississippi.
I'm giving up because this woman is completely incapable of reading at 7th grade level.
Did anyone point out that during the era of evil, eeeeeevil apartheid, there was massive illegal immigration into South Africa? Obviously, the whites must have done something right.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Since I'Ve esperience a fraction of what you just said, I'm going to repeat to you that I wouldn't choose either situation as a great situation to raise my family in.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
C'mon newman, have a bit of pity. You're talking to a person who has been a victim of rape and physical abuse and you're asking her to pick between them? That's just cruel in my opinion.
I'm doing no such thing, Ze'ev. Read my previous posts.
I asked her to choose between aparheid and non-apartheid africa and africa versun slave era Mississippi.
I'm giving up because this woman is completely incapable of reading at 7th grade level.
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slavery or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
oh booohooo Erica! ::)
Playing your most favourite card now hey? the blame/pity game!? Well guess what, im not falling for it!
I think you should stop watching all that liberal/communist crap on TV!
as for the beatings during Apartheid, well hell yeah, those blacks were running amuck destroying and spitting at the police. They were looking for trouble...
i will comment further, when i get back...
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
oh booohooo Erica! ::)
Playing your most favourite card now hey? the blame/pity game!? Well guess what, im not falling for it!
I think you should stop watching all that liberal/communist crap on TV!
as for the beatings during Apartheid, well hell yeah, those blacks were running amuck destroying and spitting at the police. They were looking for trouble...
i will comment further, when i get back...
Take your time...I can wait. ::) I ANSWERED ONE OF THE QUESTIONS>>> READ IT. As for newman asking if I'd chose being raped, beaten and killed over being beaten during apartheid...I refuse to answer. I know what its like to have had even fraction of that done to me. I wouldn't like to be in any situation.
I'm not saying that the blacks at that time weren't causing their own problems, fighting each other and carrying on. I'm saying that I wouldnt' have liked to be there. Is that so hard to understand?
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
What does it matter. Since I know what its like to have some of that done to me, why would I pick which is better than the other? Comprehend that. You constantly twist words up and talk about how I do it. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. That's where YOU are deficient. You're a right fighter to the end, and as long as someone agrees with you you're okay with them.
I'm going to finish preparing dinner... I'll be back later...
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
thats right newman, apartheid wanted to prevent blacks from killing each other, civilizing them...but maybe Erica prefers as you said, and not to mention the poverty, disease etc ::)
What about protecting the whites who would fall victim to the islamic like savagery?
or even perhaps their own imbred savagery...
or even perhaps their own imbred savagery...
There are degenerate whites, of course.
But we're speaking of averages.
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
What does it matter. Since I know what its like to have some of that done to me, why would I pick which is better than the other? Comprehend that. You constantly twist words up and talk about how I do it. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. That's where YOU are deficient. You're a right fighter to the end, and as long as someone agrees with you you're okay with them.
I'm going to finish preparing dinner... I'll be back later...
Dear L-rd, Erica - just answer the damn question! He's NOT asking what you'd rather have done to you! Quit avoiding the question!
or even perhaps their own imbred savagery...
There are degenerate whites, of course.
But we're speaking of averages.
Correct. But degererate whites are still whites, just as I'm still a [censored].
I'd imagine they would argue that they've been both victimized and removed of their superior status. No different than much of the sentiment expressed in this thread.
or even perhaps their own imbred savagery...
There are degenerate whites, of course.
But we're speaking of averages.
Correct. But degererate whites are still whites, just as I'm still a schvartza.
I'd imagine they would argue that they've been both victimized and removed of their superior status. No different than much of the sentiment expressed in this thread.
It happens once in a while with whites but it happens all the time with blacks, statistics don't lie.
Beside the liberal media doesn't put pictures of black criminals all over the newspapers, magazines or internet, that's a no no for the liberal media.
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
What does it matter. Since I know what its like to have some of that done to me, why would I pick which is better than the other? Comprehend that. You constantly twist words up and talk about how I do it. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. That's where YOU are deficient. You're a right fighter to the end, and as long as someone agrees with you you're okay with them.
I'm going to finish preparing dinner... I'll be back later...
Dear L-rd, Erica - just answer the damn question! He's NOT asking what you'd rather have done to you! Quit avoiding the question!
Why would I want to answer yes to a question that involves me going to two places where there is civil unrest. YOU make the decision.
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
What does it matter. Since I know what its like to have some of that done to me, why would I pick which is better than the other? Comprehend that. You constantly twist words up and talk about how I do it. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. That's where YOU are deficient. You're a right fighter to the end, and as long as someone agrees with you you're okay with them.
I'm going to finish preparing dinner... I'll be back later...
Dear L-rd, Erica - just answer the damn question! He's NOT asking what you'd rather have done to you! Quit avoiding the question!
Why would I want to answer yes to a question that involves me going to two places where there is civil unrest. YOU make the decision.
So then answer No! Just answer the damn question!
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
What does it matter. Since I know what its like to have some of that done to me, why would I pick which is better than the other? Comprehend that. You constantly twist words up and talk about how I do it. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. That's where YOU are deficient. You're a right fighter to the end, and as long as someone agrees with you you're okay with them.
I'm going to finish preparing dinner... I'll be back later...
Dear L-rd, Erica - just answer the damn question! He's NOT asking what you'd rather have done to you! Quit avoiding the question!
Why would I want to answer yes to a question that involves me going to two places where there is civil unrest. YOU make the decision.
So then answer No! Just answer the damn question!
I've done that before. Newman has called me a cop out for even answering no. From now on then, I'll say no... I'll wait until the next stupid response comes up... "OH, that's a cop out" or "I don't believe you!" What I say here is never taken seriously. You just want me to think and act like you, not hold my own opinions.
You were asking me to choose whether I'd go through the raping, beating, and killing post slaver or the beatings during apartheid. Not a fair question to ask someone who has experienced horrible things.
I asked what was better out of the two countries/ systems!!!!!
NOT what YOU'D rather personally endure!!!!!!!!!
What does it matter. Since I know what its like to have some of that done to me, why would I pick which is better than the other? Comprehend that. You constantly twist words up and talk about how I do it. At least I can admit when I'm wrong. That's where YOU are deficient. You're a right fighter to the end, and as long as someone agrees with you you're okay with them.
I'm going to finish preparing dinner... I'll be back later...
Dear L-rd, Erica - just answer the damn question! He's NOT asking what you'd rather have done to you! Quit avoiding the question!
Why would I want to answer yes to a question that involves me going to two places where there is civil unrest. YOU make the decision.
So then answer No! Just answer the damn question!
I've done that before. Newman has called me a cop out for even answering no. From now on then, I'll say no... I'll wait until the next stupid response comes up... "OH, that's a cop out" or "I don't believe you!" What I say here is never taken seriously. You just want me to think and act like you, not hold my own opinions.
Show me where you answered the question. Just show me.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
What are they lyrics to the "Blue-Tail Fly" song? If its not offensive I'd rather sing the song rather than have flies in my face. Happy?!
I'm STILL not going to choose between being beat down or raped or killed. Been there and done that, newman.
That's where I answered one of the questions to his liking.
Is it better for blacks to sing about the 'Blue-tail fly' on the Mississippi or the 'face flies' in africa?
As a black person whose NEVER sang that song, nor experienced 'face flies' in Africa, I can't answer that question.
Cop-out number 2
I've been raped and beat down before Newman... I don't prefer one over the other. I've spiritually died more times than I can count. I dont' want to experience any of the things you're asking me to choose 'which is better'.
Ive never been to Disneyland or stuck my head in boiling oil but if somebody asked which one I'd preferr, I'd still be able to answer.
So you're still copping out.
Can you not answer a hypothetical question like any normal person?
What are they lyrics to the "Blue-Tail Fly" song? If its not offensive I'd rather sing the song rather than have flies in my face. Happy?!
I'm STILL not going to choose between being beat down or raped or killed. Been there and done that, newman.
That's where I answered one of the questions to his liking.
Oh come on. You answered a question - Mazal Tov. Now answer the question or we have every right to say you're copping out.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
You have a point there, but killing South Africans off shouldn't have been the only answer to get them to listen to reason or opinions. It was an ugly affair.
but we didn't kill the blacks ???
I'm sorry, I got it mixed up with someone else's thoughts about how blacks should be treated. LOL SO sorry... but separating black Africans from WHite people shouldn't have happened either. I think that if Apartheid, much like many dumb actions in America, is the reason for so much strife there now. Who knows how things would have turned out. It looked as if poor blacks were put in classes. Superior (whites) vs Inferior (Black Africans.). Is it ever an okay idea to say to someone that they're inferior because they aren't like you ? (not you personally..)
Erica...it was not classyfieng them into social class, the reason why apartheid was instated, was because you now had more than 9 different african groups living together. Now, these groups hated certain groups. what happens if you put a Siamese fighter fish in a tank with another siamese fighter fish?, they will fight each other to death. So you see, the government could havse said gold-lets let them kill each other ie. divide and conquer. but NO! the whites have ALWAYS been good and civilised towards the blacks! and so, apartheid was instated, which meant that the blacks got their own seperate homelands with complete autonomy, in usually very good lands, where they would be far away from each other. and so, the whites prevented the blacks from killing each other. The best choice propably would have been to let them kill each other...but thats just me looking at present south africa.
Blacks actually got better schooling that many whites did! Not to mention that the hospitals they got, were the best in the world!
ask a black person Erica, if looking at the present, if they would prefer to go back to apartheid, the answer would surely be YES YES and YES
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
Here is another question I answered...
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
And THIS is where newman shot me down when I answered no to a yes or no question. My only answer in his mind should have been yes. That's why I went for the middle ground. I wouldn't choose either or because neither went nicely with 'good living'.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Well done!
That wasn't so hard after several attempts, was it?
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Well done!
That wasn't so hard after several attempts, was it?
I don't want you to think that by me typing "YES" that I'm all for it. That's why I go into explaining it.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Oy! Finally!
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Oy! Finally!
Again, don't get that answer mixed up in context. I didn't say that I'd like to live there in that situation. I just KNOW someone's going to use that answer against me at some point in time.
If the question was posed to me, I'd say no. I've seen riots on television during the Apartheid. It didn't exactly look like Disneyland to me. With that image stuck in my mind, it would be hard to say yes to that kind of living.
So you think the images of blacks raping babies, chopping each other up with machettes and burning each other alive in non-apartheid africa are better, eh?
Newman. I never said anything like that, and you know it. Every image involving men, women and children being tortured in any form bothers me.
So apartheid africa was better than non-apartheid africa, wasn't it?
Yes or No.
YES! I suppose.
Oy! Finally!
Again, don't get that answer mixed up in context. I didn't say that I'd like to live there in that situation. I just KNOW someone's going to use that answer against me at some point in time.
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
I used to think like you, Erica. I was active in anti-apartheid groups until one of your fekllow apes backstabbed me "for the cause." You can bet that some of the South African Boer students on campus straightened me out real fast and told me what happened was typical ape behavior.
If only apartheid was back in South Africa and here in the USA..I would have gotten my Masters...
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Lemme guess,
"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Who cares? We are PAST the apartheid period and now in the here and now...2007 with a few months left to spare until the next new year. Its a shame that after all this time, no one wants a positive change at all. People are happy with hating others because its easier than putting forth the effort of actually NOT hating someone. If there was no hate, half of you would die from boredom.
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Who cares? We are PAST the apartheid period and now in the here and now...2007 with a few months left to spare until the next new year. Its a shame that after all this time, no one wants a positive change at all. People are happy with hating others because its easier than putting forth the effort of actually NOT hating someone. If there was no hate, half of you would die from boredom.
Typical black / liberal non-argument.
Highlight the failures & crimes of a dysfunctional culture & it's 'hate'.
Blacks riot, murder & loot and it's a 'rainbow revolution'. ::)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Lemme guess,
"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".
Close...this Larry Leslie guy is one of those who feels that Jews are "privileged and advantaged" and are "oppressing" his Palestinkian brothers (Leslie is a white convert to Islam which explains why he hates Jews). He also told me that if i dared to try to get into any graduate program in Florida, I would not get in and that I should go to school out of state...as a "privileged and advatanged" person i could afford it...like all anti-Semites he assumed all Jews are rich.
Should we be surprised he's friends with Sami Al-Arian and those two Muslim pigs in jail for carrying explosives in SC who are USF students?
Apartheid was never necessary, it was easier to dispose of/ kill people because of their differences than to deal with them head on. The 'idiots' who came up with the idea of Apartheid were cowards.
But you see Erica, the WWhite South Africans have ALWAYS tried to approach the blacks in a civilised Christian manner...we did not believe in killing them..and i think that is where our foreparents made the mistake. It's much the same as Israel's history regarding the pali's :-\
Liberals like to ignore the fact that apes had better health care under apartheid
Who cares? We are PAST the apartheid period and now in the here and now...2007 with a few months left to spare until the next new year. Its a shame that after all this time, no one wants a positive change at all. People are happy with hating others because its easier than putting forth the effort of actually NOT hating someone. If there was no hate, half of you would die from boredom.
Typical black / liberal non-argument.
Highlight the failures & crimes of a dysfunctional culture & it's 'hate'.
Blacks riot, murder & loot and it's a 'rainbow revolution'. ::)
People like you, newman poison the world and the minds of children who (may) come from you. I told your dumb behind that I agree about the statistics but you don't want to read that. I MUST be your enemy at all costs because I look like the animals who [censored] you off so much. WHat I am angry with is that you CONSTANTLY highlight the failures that we ALL know exist, and never give respect to those who arent' doing the evil deeds. YOU don't see good black culture because you're in your own world. YOU don't know what good black culture is at ALL. I could list them for the 7th time and you'd click right over it without glancing because if good in black culture REALLY exists, you'd have to slightly change your position on whether there are good blacks/culture at all!
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on Palestinians...so blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so quickly..you've just given him power over your life.
Lemme guess,
"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".
Close...this Larry Leslie guy is one of those who feels that Jews are "privileged and advantaged" and are "oppressing" his Palestinkian brothers (Leslie is a white convert to Islam which explains why he hates Jews). He also told me that if i dared to try to get into any graduate program in Florida, I would not get in and that I should go to school out of state...as a "privileged and advatanged" person i could afford it...like all anti-Semites he assumed all Jews are rich.
Should we be surprised he's friends with Sami Al-Arian and those two Muslim pigs in jail for carrying explosives in SC who are USF students?
That "privileged and advatanged" thing is really gonna P__off the Jews I know who bust their humps 50+ hours a week in crappy jobs on modest salaries like everybody else.
I suppose in the AA world if your parents aren't junkie, misfit, criminal, slut, lazy, loser apes you are considered "privileged".
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...so blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so quickly..you've just given him power over your life.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
Lemme guess,
"Sorry Mr Joo but we already full up wid' Joo-boys who study hard & got brains & sheeet, we gots to keep sum places fo' da bros who don' do so good. mmmm hmmm".
Close...this Larry Leslie guy is one of those who feels that Jews are "privileged and advantaged" and are "oppressing" his Palestinkian brothers (Leslie is a white convert to Islam which explains why he hates Jews). He also told me that if i dared to try to get into any graduate program in Florida, I would not get in and that I should go to school out of state...as a "privileged and advatanged" person i could afford it...like all anti-Semites he assumed all Jews are rich.
Should we be surprised he's friends with Sami Al-Arian and those two Muslim pigs in jail for carrying explosives in SC who are USF students?
That "privileged and advatanged" thing is really gonna P__off the Jews I know who bust their humps 50+ hours a week in crappy jobs on modest salaries like everybody else.
I suppose in the AA world if your parents aren't junkie, misfit, criminal, slut, lazy, loser apes you are considered "privileged".
You got it..certainly POd me. I studied...maintained grades.juggled p/t work with taking care of a sick parent. Didn't know I was more privileged than apes who wear more gold than Fort Knox...
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
As an ex-liberal, you're what's known as a three day old kitten........Your eyes are open NOW.
That "privileged and advatanged" thing is really gonna P__off the Jews I know who bust their humps 50+ hours a week in crappy jobs on modest salaries like everybody else.
I suppose in the AA world if your parents aren't junkie, misfit, criminal, slut, lazy, loser apes you are considered "privileged".
You got it..certainly POd me. I studied...maintained grades.juggled p/t work with taking care of a sick parent. Didn't know I was more privileged than apes who wear more gold than Fort Knox...
They'll have to forgive me too for not getting teary eyed about black 'poverty'.........especially when it wears 25lbs of gold, $800 track suits and $250 sneakers.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
As an ex-liberal, you're what's known as a three day old kitten........Your eyes are open NOW.
My eyes have been open for close to 17 years now...
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...so blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so quickly..you've just given him power over your life.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
You specifically said that blacks are the reason why you're not in that school and also the admissions idiot who was racist against you. Half of that was the truth. I don't have any 'fellow apes' because I'm not an ape. Keep that in mind. Second, You sat there and believed everything those evil blacks told you. YOU did! YOU didn't have to leave the group! YOU DID IT BECAUSE A FEW BLACK EVIL PEOPLE SUGGESTED YOU SHOULD! DOn't put that on me.. Look in that mirror and take responsiblity for your part in this drama.
I've been 'suggested' to leave here since I got here by some people and I'm still here. I was told by NEWMAN to give up my dreams of becoming an educator..do you think I'd kowtow to anything he says? I run my life;I decide when and where I'll go somewhere! And YOU are supposed to have that power also. Stand up for yourself. Don't go blowing up the building or anything or killing people because they hate you. They'll get over it.
Meanwhile, take your angry, confused behind to the highest court wherever you are and fight for your right to attend school where you'd like. They'll bounce that admissions advisor out of that school and onto his a&& so fast, he won't see himself sitting in the unemployment line soon enough. Sue the school for hiring a person who wasted your time...if you choose to continue to go to that school.
Oh, and the Mammy comment...next time, keep it to yourself because I'm not typing to you calling you WHitey or Hymie...show me the same respect. Thanks.
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...so blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so quickly..you've just given him power over your life.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
You specifically said that blacks are the reason why you're not in that school and also the admissions idiot who was racist against you. Half of that was the truth. I don't have any 'fellow apes' because I'm not an ape. Keep that in mind. Second, You sat there and believed everything those evil blacks told you. YOU did! YOU didn't have to leave the group! YOU DID IT BECAUSE A FEW BLACK EVIL PEOPLE SUGGESTED YOU SHOULD! DOn't put that on me.. Look in that mirror and take responsiblity for your part in this drama.
I've been 'suggested' to leave here since I got here by some people and I'm still here. I was told by NEWMAN to give up my dreams of becoming an educator..do you think I'd kowtow to anything he says? I run my life;I decide when and where I'll go somewhere! And YOU are supposed to have that power also. Stand up for yourself. Don't go blowing up the building or anything or killing people because they hate you. They'll get over it.
Meanwhile, take your angry, confused behind to the highest court wherever you are and fight for your right to attend school where you'd like. They'll bounce that admissions advisor out of that school and onto his a&& so fast, he won't see himself sitting in the unemployment line soon enough. Sue the school for hiring a person who wasted your time...if you choose to continue to go to that school.
Oh, and the Mammy comment...next time, keep it to yourself because I'm not typing to you calling you WHitey or Hymie...show me the same respect. Thanks.
Apes like you deserve no respect.
And he's no admissions advisor..he's a professor and head of the Grad department. Hell, he'll admit you. Just tell him a Jew oppressed you and he'll admit you even if your GRE score is below 400...
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...so blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so quickly..you've just given him power over your life.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
You specifically said that blacks are the reason why you're not in that school and also the admissions idiot who was racist against you. Half of that was the truth. I don't have any 'fellow apes' because I'm not an ape. Keep that in mind. Second, You sat there and believed everything those evil blacks told you. YOU did! YOU didn't have to leave the group! YOU DID IT BECAUSE A FEW BLACK EVIL PEOPLE SUGGESTED YOU SHOULD! DOn't put that on me.. Look in that mirror and take responsiblity for your part in this drama.
I've been 'suggested' to leave here since I got here by some people and I'm still here. I was told by NEWMAN to give up my dreams of becoming an educator..do you think I'd kowtow to anything he says? I run my life;I decide when and where I'll go somewhere! And YOU are supposed to have that power also. Stand up for yourself. Don't go blowing up the building or anything or killing people because they hate you. They'll get over it.
Meanwhile, take your angry, confused behind to the highest court wherever you are and fight for your right to attend school where you'd like. They'll bounce that admissions advisor out of that school and onto his a&& so fast, he won't see himself sitting in the unemployment line soon enough. Sue the school for hiring a person who wasted your time...if you choose to continue to go to that school.
Oh, and the Mammy comment...next time, keep it to yourself because I'm not typing to you calling you WHitey or Hymie...show me the same respect. Thanks.
Apes like you deserve no respect.
And he's no admissions advisor..he's a professor and head of the Grad department. Hell, he'll admit you. Just tell him a Jew oppressed you and he'll admit you even if your GRE score is below 400...
Here we go with the 'ape' insults again. You're just jealous because I did something YOU can't do, apparently, and that's stand up on my own two feet and not let anyone ruin my dream of becomming a teacher. And I DON'T need Affirmative Action to foot the bill for my education.
And another thing, if this 'man' is a professor, he isn't in charge of admitting you at all. WHy go through a professor, why not apply for school like everyone else? You let that man stomp out your dream and now you're blaming me and people like me who can attend school and dare anyone to stop us. Get over yourself and grow up. You should be suing the school and that 'professor' instead of bashing me because I'm doing what I have to do to get MY education. Edit: ANd I want to point out that I share your anger about your situation and how you were treated but I blame YOU for not doing what you need to do to succeed. I even supported your anger by suggesting that you sue the pants off the school and the professor for illtreatment and discrimination. Instead of thanking me or NOT insulting me by calling me an APE, you bash me and then tell me that the professor would allow me in if I said "Jews are against me"... There was no need for that.
Grow a pair.
Schools, swimming pools, malls, cinemas...everywhere the shvartza goes becomes unfit for humans.
What scares me, is us Jews are the ones that gave shvartzes civil rights in the first place. They truly are King Midas in reverse anything they touch turns to drek!
Btw when I said "us" I meant those darned liberals, not me. I went to college and graduate school, I'm not that stupid! I am mischuga though! ;)
I was one of those self-hating Jews who believed in civil rights for apes. I learned my lesson and I regret my previous actions everyday.
Because of those apes (and their Liberal/Muslim pals, one in particular named Dr. Larry Z. Leslie of U/South Florida), I never was able to get into graduate school...
Man, go to another school! You're hating on blacks because you didn't get into ONE SCHOOL?
Correct. In fact, no doubt apes like you took my slot and most likely got the job that was rightfully mine "because dey be playin dat race card"
Don't get your underwear in a bunch man..I didn't take ANYTHING for you. I have a student loan of my OWN to pay off after I get MY degree. Get angry with that person and move on! Plus, from your explanation, you're not hating on blacks, You're hating on PLO/Hamas Arab Muslim Nazis...so blacks didn't take ANYTHING from you at all. The evil SOB who told you that he hated Jews ruined your chances of getting into college... why did you give up so quickly..you've just given him power over your life.
Listen here Mammy
After that Muslim convert told me that, I was then told a few days later by your fellow apes that it would be best if I left the anti-apartheid group. Seems that the advisor to the group at my school (different school from where Leslie was) was pals with Leslie and he told her that Jews should not be involved in the anti-apartheid movement..on that he was right, since your fellow apes BACKSTABBED me. Some Boer students on campus sought me out and told me that I was a dupe..they were right.
You specifically said that blacks are the reason why you're not in that school and also the admissions idiot who was racist against you. Half of that was the truth. I don't have any 'fellow apes' because I'm not an ape. Keep that in mind. Second, You sat there and believed everything those evil blacks told you. YOU did! YOU didn't have to leave the group! YOU DID IT BECAUSE A FEW BLACK EVIL PEOPLE SUGGESTED YOU SHOULD! DOn't put that on me.. Look in that mirror and take responsiblity for your part in this drama.
I've been 'suggested' to leave here since I got here by some people and I'm still here. I was told by NEWMAN to give up my dreams of becoming an educator..do you think I'd kowtow to anything he says? I run my life;I decide when and where I'll go somewhere! And YOU are supposed to have that power also. Stand up for yourself. Don't go blowing up the building or anything or killing people because they hate you. They'll get over it.
Meanwhile, take your angry, confused behind to the highest court wherever you are and fight for your right to attend school where you'd like. They'll bounce that admissions advisor out of that school and onto his a&& so fast, he won't see himself sitting in the unemployment line soon enough. Sue the school for hiring a person who wasted your time...if you choose to continue to go to that school.
Oh, and the Mammy comment...next time, keep it to yourself because I'm not typing to you calling you WHitey or Hymie...show me the same respect. Thanks.
Apes like you deserve no respect.
And he's no admissions advisor..he's a professor and head of the Grad department. Hell, he'll admit you. Just tell him a Jew oppressed you and he'll admit you even if your GRE score is below 400...
Here we go with the 'ape' insults again. You're just jealous because I did something YOU can't do, apparently, and that's stand up on my own two feet and not let anyone ruin my dream of becomming a teacher. And I DON'T need Affirmative Action to foot the bill for my education.
And another thing, if this 'man' is a professor, he isn't in charge of admitting you at all. WHy go through a professor, why not apply for school like everyone else? You let that man stomp out your dream and now you're blaming me and people like me who can attend school and dare anyone to stop us. Get over yourself and grow up. You should be suing the school and that 'professor' instead of bashing me because I'm doing what I have to do to get MY education. Edit: ANd I want to point out that I share your anger about your situation and how you were treated but I blame YOU for not doing what you need to do to succeed. I even supported your anger by suggesting that you sue the pants off the school and the professor for illtreatment and discrimination. Instead of thanking me or NOT insulting me by calling me an APE, you bash me and then tell me that the professor would allow me in if I said "Jews are against me"... There was no need for that.
Grow a pair.
I wanted to sue, believe me. I contacted lawyers who told me I had no recourse, that it was my word against theirs. Plus.ape-lover Leslie and some of his collegues told me that if I did sue, they would make sure that I was publicly painted as a racist. He tells me that I should go to school out of state and that a "privileged and advantaged" person like myself can afford it. Leslie at the time was the Graduate coordinator. And this happened almost 18 years ago. I became ill because of this; that is why I never was able to get into Grad school.
And ape-lover Leslie has been part of a movement to get Judith Genschaft, the president of the school ousted even before the Sami Al-Arian controversy.
Go ahead, Erica..contact the ape-lover. I'm sure he remembers me