Save Western Civilization => Save America => Topic started by: admin on September 15, 2007, 11:49:53 PM
I think he's a real Muslim though and not from Farakhan's "Nation of Islam".
I think he's a real Muslim though and not from Farakhan's "Nation of Islam".
That 'thing' made me want to strangle him. Truely.
This is what true black muslim 'scholars' are all about. This thing should be sterilzed and shipped out of this country. When the dutch first brought this black plaque to this land, it was the beginning of the end. It is now too late to take any kind of action that would reverse this trend. Hopefully when the race war between the blacks and hispanics take place, we then can cleanse this country of the remaining survivors. I am so sick and tired of these minorities complaning and destroying what is left of a once great country. If drastic action is not taken soon we will be all doomed. Complete separation of the races seems to be the only solution to this problem.
This is what true black muslim 'scholars' are all about. This thing should be sterilzed and shipped out of this country. When the dutch first brought this black plaque to this land, it was the beginning of the end. It is now too late to take any kind of action that would reverse this trend. Hopefully when the race war between the blacks and hispanics take place, we then can cleanse this country of the remaining survivors. I am so sick and tired of these minorities complaning and destroying what is left of a once great country. If drastic action is not taken soon we will be all doomed. Complete separation of the races seems to be the only solution to this problem.
Hitler wanted an all white society and look what he did. also white supremacy is not taught in the Torah.
white supremacy is not taught in the Torah.
We don't speak of white superiority here at JTF, only of black inferiority.
What would the liberals do without a nut job like hitler. The liberal whole way of life revolves around hitler, they are obsessed with this creep. Every other word out of their mouth is 'you sound like hitler'. To be honest with you, I try not to think of that animal at all, but is seems all the liberals want to talk about is hitler. Give it a rest and take a black to McDonalds.
What would the liberals do without a nut job like hitler. The liberal whole way of life revolves around hitler, they are obsessed with this creep. Every other word out of their mouth is 'you sound like hitler'. To be honest with you, I try not to think of that animal at all, but is seems all the liberals want to talk about is hitler. Give it a rest and take a black to McDonalds.
You must not be Jewish to have said that. the fact is the white race has been the Jewish people biggest enemy. six million Jews murdered by the white race the Nazis. the pogams in Russia the raping of Jews and the Murders the white race. etc. the white race has done more harm and will continue to do more harm to the Jewish people then the blacks or hispanics.
The nazis are not a race they were a satanic political party. As far as I am concerned the nazis can join there black and hispanic friends in jungle land. Ta ta for now.
Pond scum is what that animal is.
The nazis are not a race they were a satanic political party. As far as I am concerned the nazis can join there black and hispanic friends in jungle land. Ta ta for now.
you are a two time looser, you lost the civil war, you lost in world war two when Nazi Germany MEMBERS OF THE WHITE RACE! was defeated. you were defeated in the south in the USA, HEY that makes you a three time lossier. the fact is G-d was not please with you so so G-D took you down.
Rivera repudiates: "...you are a two time looser, you lost the civil war,..."
As a true Son of The South, I strongly reject your allegation, as well as the alligator!
A bus driver is conducting a tour of famous Civil War battle sites. “Here,” he points out at one spot, “is where the Southern troops routed a whole regiment of Yankees.
Over there, the Rebs wiped out a whole platoon of Yanks. Down about a mile, there's
another valley where we captured a thousand Union soldiers.”
A tourist says, “Didn't the North ever win a battle?”
“Yes, ma'am. But not while I'm driving this bus.”
Revera, why are you always starting fights for?
Wow is the is best and brightest that the black muslim community can get to represent them...he is NOT well spoken, and certainly didnt strike me as someone who had even gotten past the 7th grade :laugh:
A bus driver is conducting a tour of famous Civil War battle sites. “Here,” he points out at one spot, “is where the Southern troops routed a whole regiment of Yankees.
Over there, the Rebs wiped out a whole platoon of Yanks. Down about a mile, there's
another valley where we captured a thousand Union soldiers.”
A tourist says, “Didn't the North ever win a battle?”
“Yes, ma'am. But not while I'm driving this bus.”
Hashem defeats evil sooner or later, evil white raceist who rape, murdered, black people only because they were black, in the south caught G-Ds attention. the non-Jewish members of this site who are raceist do not fool me. You are no friend of Israel. That hate you have in your heart will one day be turn towards Jewish people. You May Have fool most of the Jewish people on this site but you do not fool me.
You May Have fool most of the Jewish people on this site but you do not fool me.
Fooling anyone on this forum has never been my intent. I support the Jewish people around the planet. I have been attacked by Christians, Jews, Athiests and have recieved death threats over the years on paltalk and the internet by muslims. Best of wishes to you and your family.
Hashem defeats evil sooner or later, evil white raceist who rape, murdered, black people only because they were black, in the south caught G-Ds attention. the non-Jewish members of this site who are raceist do not fool me. You are no friend of Israel. That hate you have in your heart will one day be turn towards Jewish people. You May Have fool most of the Jewish people on this site but you do not fool me.
There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.
JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race.
To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.
the non-Jewish members of this site who are raceist do not fool me.
That would be me, a Non Jew. Rivera, since you have called me a racist, what race am I against ?
Wow is the is best and brightest that the black muslim community can get to represent them...he is NOT well spoken, and certainly didnt strike me as someone who had even gotten past the 7th grade :laugh:
kellymaureen I am quessing that is a Irish name. did you know that the Irish TERROIEST GROUP THE IRA train HAMAS? the Hamas leaders said they learned a lot from them. were you a supporter of the IRA?
Rivera ,
What race am I against ? You have labeled me as a racist , please respond sir ?
the non-Jewish members of this site who are raceist do not fool me.
That would be me, a Non Jew. Rivera, since you have called me a racist, what race am I against ?
I said to the non-jewish racist. if you are not a racist why are you offended ?
the non-Jewish members of this site who are raceist do not fool me.
That would be me, a Non Jew. Rivera, since you have called me a racist, what race am I against ?
I said to the non-jewish racist. if you are not a racist why are you offended ?
You have not answered my question sir, you responded with a question. What race am I against ?
Ha ha you ASSUME alot because of a name, my mother just happened to like the name, I was almost Sophia Giada after my fathers Italian mother, guess that would have made me what...mafia ::) My grandparents are Polish, British and Italian...no Irish at all and although I identify with those parts of me I am AMERICAN first. I am also not Catholic or Protestant so that battle has nothing to do with me. I am anti islam no matter what color they are...and yes I think that white muslims are in particular very vile because they CHOSE to be muslim knowing what they were getting into, and having the opportunity to read and understand the teachings of a pedophile warlord, STILL chose it.
I think that white muslims are in particular very vile because they CHOSE to be muslim knowing what they were getting into, and having the opportunity to read and understand the teachings of a pedophile warlord, STILL chose it.
and NO i do not support ANY muslim group in ANY way, if the mods on this forum felt that I did, I would have been banned by now, are you suggesting that the mods arent astute enough to figure out who is BSing here ;)
kellymaureen ,
Shhhhh don't give our secret away, we are actually muslims in disguise ( sarc off ) ;)
Shhhhh don't give our secret away, we are actually muslims in disguise ( sarc off )
I'll try.....oohhh we are just too smart for our own good :laugh:
Ha ha you ASSUME alot because of a name, my mother just happened to like the name, I was almost Sophia Giada after my fathers Italian mother, guess that would have made me what...mafia ::) My grandparents are Polish, British and Italian...no Irish at all and although I identify with those parts of me I am AMERICAN first. I am also not Catholic or Protestant so that battle has nothing to do with me. I am anti islam no matter what color they are...and yes I think that white muslims are in particular very vile because they CHOSE to be muslim knowing what they were getting into, and having the opportunity to read and understand the teachings of a pedophile warlord, STILL chose it.
Well with the name kellymauren anyone could have made the same mistake! But the IRA did Train Hamas.
kellymaureen ,
I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you. Any muhalil around here ? ;)
Rivera ,
Once more I ask you Sir, what race am I against ?
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
I divorce you, I divorce you, I divorce you.
Oh dear...was it because my burka left too much showing :laugh:
And no I do not support anyone who supports hamas in any way, they are terrorists in every aspect and should all be shot dead, every last one of them.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
Kitty agrees ;)
Video I put together of the NOI idiot on pawn vanity.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=sgXfsEnFMhE (http://youtube.com/watch?v=sgXfsEnFMhE)
Rivera ,
Once more I ask you Sir, what race am I against ?
Well by looking at your postings let's start with the Joke about the black bus driver in the south that you stereotype it would lead me to believe black people.
Rivera ,
Once more I ask you Sir, what race am I against ?
Well by looking at your postings let's start with the Joke about the black bus driver in the south that you stereotype it would lead me to believe black people.
LOL so if I post this picture. (http://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-redneck-house-alarm-1LF.jpg) Am I a racist against White people, in the south, where I live ? And you have still not answered my question lol. I'm going too ask you one more time, what race am I against? If you can't answer admit it Sir.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
Newman are you Jewish? If you are you have a lot of nerve. the nazis members of the white race murdered your people only because they were Jewish. and here you are doing the same thnig to me.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
Newman are you Jewish? If you are you have a lot of nerve. the nazis members of the white race murdered your people only because they were Jewish. and here you are doing the same thnig to me.
I am not Jewish. Let me repeat:
There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.
JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race.
To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.
Rivera ,
Once more I ask you Sir, what race am I against ?
Well by looking at your postings let's start with the Joke about the black bus driver in the south that you stereotype it would lead me to believe black people.
LOL so if I post this picture. (http://www.wayodd.com/funny-pictures2/funny-pictures-redneck-house-alarm-1LF.jpg) Am I a racist against White people, in the south, where I live ? And you have still not answered my question lol. I'm going too ask you one more time, what race am I against? If you can't answer admit it Sir.
well then you must not read very well because I did answer your question!
Rivera ,
Since you can not answer a direct question, I'm finished with you. Have a great day / weekend.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
Newman are you Jewish? If you are you have a lot of nerve. the nazis members of the white race murdered your people only because they were Jewish. and here you are doing the same thnig to me.
I am not Jewish. Let me repeat:
There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.
JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race.
To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
White, black, arab, asian.....all vile terrorists.
Rivera ,
Since you can not answer a direct question, I'm finished with you. Have a great day / weekend.
You know Jeff there is a program called seeame street where they teach people how to read well. look at that program for a week and then you well learn the difference between answering a question and not answering a question.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
Newman are you Jewish? If you are you have a lot of nerve. the nazis members of the white race murdered your people only because they were Jewish. and here you are doing the same thnig to me.
I am not Jewish. Let me repeat:
There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.
JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race.
To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.
To continue:
The hatred we have for evil cultures at JTF is based on their evil actions and stated goals.
The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism. That is why we hate those cultures.
The fact that people of these cultures have physical characteristics resembling apes is something that we may reflect on but it is not the reason for our dislike of the culture created by such people.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
It may be Geraldo Rivera. There are striking similarities.
I suspect Rivera is a mexi-greaser here to make trouble.
Newman are you Jewish? If you are you have a lot of nerve. the nazis members of the white race murdered your people only because they were Jewish. and here you are doing the same thnig to me.
I am not Jewish. Let me repeat:
There are NO attacks on races at JTF. The attacks are on bad culture, NOT bad race.
JTF attacks evil and evil cultures REGARDLESS of race.
To not speak out against evil because of Orwellian political correctness (as advocated by liberals) is evil in itself.
To continue:
The hatred we have for evil cultures at JTF is based on their evil actions and stated goals.
The black, arab and mexican cultures are cultures of hate, envy, sloth, criminality and anti-semitism. That is why we hate those cultures.
The fact that people of these cultures have physical characteristics resembling apes is something that we may reflect on but it is not the reason for our dislike of the culture created by such people.
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
I agree. The 613 Mitzvot are a heavy burdon.
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
I agree. The 613 Mitzvot are a heavy burdon.
I know from history that people like you who attack in a racist way are no friends of the Jewish people. once again you do not fool me. In poland the Jewish people best friend from the gentile community's were quick to help the Nazis when the time was right. you are no different.
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
I agree. The 613 Mitzvot are a heavy burdon.
I know from history that people like you who attack in a racist way are no friends of the Jewish people. once again you do not fool me. In poland the Jewish people best friend from the gentile community's were quick to help the Nazis when the time was right. you are no different.
What race am I against?
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
I agree. The 613 Mitzvot are a heavy burdon.
I know from history that people like you who attack in a racist way are no friends of the Jewish people. once again you do not fool me. In poland the Jewish people best friend from the gentile community's were quick to help the Nazis when the time was right. you are no different.
What race am I against?
you stereotype blacks and Hispanics and call them apes! When the time is right you would turn on the Jewish people. Just like the Nazis members of the white race did and the polish members of the white race did. It will happen here in America. The Lubaviture Rebbi warn that what happen in Nazi Germany can happen here. and you will show your true colors when the time is right!
Rivera, Newman is a Noahide, as is Fjack.
Oh thank G-D you are not Jewish!
I agree. The 613 Mitzvot are a heavy burdon.
I know from history that people like you who attack in a racist way are no friends of the Jewish people. once again you do not fool me. In poland the Jewish people best friend from the gentile community's were quick to help the Nazis when the time was right. you are no different.
What race am I against?
you stereotype blacks and Hispanics and call them apes! When the time is right you would turn on the Jewish people. Just like the Nazis members of the white race did and the polish members of the white race did. It will happen here in America. The Lubuvitur Rebbi warn that what happen in Nazi Germany can happen here. and you will show your true colors when the time is right!
I am against their culture, not their pigmentation. The ape remarks refer to behaviour, not colour.
There are many threads and posts on this forum that sing the praises of leading members of the black community. I started one:
..........so how am I racist?
You are simply trying to drive a wedge between Jew and gentile on this forum, Rivera. It won't work.
Rivera, stop acting like a troll. You've been trolling and insulting our members ever since you got here. If you are a righteous Noahide, then stop acting foolishly and accusing our valued members of various crimes and appoligize to Newman and Mosquewatch.
I can't get it to work. Who was it?
Hey guys let's not be too hard on rivera, making him think too hard will overtax his pea sized brain and give him a headache. Rivera if you get a little nervous go get a taco, a case of corona and some forged documents, that should make you feel better. If this country and some of us Noahides are so racist, why did you and your low IQ tribesmen invade my country. Was the price of beer too costly in mexico?. Did you come so that the offspring you sired in a drunken orgy in the middle of a field of onions with a 15 year puta could be given free medical care, free schooling, free clothes, food stamps and the rest of the goodies that you and your kind always demand from us racists? Why are we plaqued by your presence. Go home and take all your kind with you. Go make Mexico a better place.
Hey guys let's not be too hard on rivera, making him think too hard will overtax his pea sized brain and give him a headache. Rivera if you get a little nervous go get a taco, a case of corona and some forged documents, that should make you feel better. If this country and some of us Noahides are so racist, why did you and your low IQ tribesmen invade my country. Was the price of beer too costly in mexico?. Did you come so that the offspring you sired in a drunken orgy in the middle of a field of onions with a 15 year puta could be given free medical care, free schooling, free clothes, food stamps and the rest of the goodies that you and your kind always demand from us racists? Why are we plaqued by your presence. Go home and take all your kind with you. Go make Mexico a better place.
Hey you guys are real losers, you site there attacking people you don't know. First I am not mexican! And G-D has dealt you a harsh defeat because of your evil heart. you the white race lost in the south the cilvi war when you tried to enslave black people. HASHEM delivered them. In Nazi Germany members of the white race MURDER six million Jews. G-D step in and stop you. and in the USA in the south you lost again. you are the lowest of the lowest. you are no different then the Nazis members of the white race who killed six million Jews.
Rivera, how did you sneak into my country? Did you come on a donkey, a jeep full of wetbacks, dropped from an airplane or were you hatched from an egg. I don't mind being called names but try and make it clever or humorous. You don't have the brain power to do either, which shows us that you don't have the IQ of a fire plug. You must have severe mental problems if you come to a country full of racists and nazis. If we were nazis, how long do you think you would last. If you want to call names and just make an ass out of yourself be my guess. You just reaffirm everything I believe about you and your brethren. Complete simpletons. You are unable to cope in a white society, you are forced to beg the government for food, special favors and the rest of the goodies that you are too stupid or lazy to get for yourself. In a way I pity you, you would be much happier swinging from a tree, eating bugs, drinking beer, doing drugs, and having sex with putas. Adios, amigo.
Rivera, how did you sneak into my country? Did you come on a donkey, a jeep full of wetbacks, dropped from an airplane or were you hatched from an egg. I don't mind being called names but try and make it clever or humorous. You don't have the brain power to do either, which shows us that you don't have the IQ of a fire plug. You must have severe mental problems if you come to a country full of racists and nazis. If we were nazis, how long do you think you would last. If you want to call names and just make an donkey out of yourself be my guess. You just reaffirm everything I believe about you and your brethren. Complete simpletons. You are unable to cope in a white society, you are forced to beg the government for food, special favors and the rest of the goodies that you are too stupid or lazy to get for yourself. In a way I pity you, you would be much happier swinging from a tree, eating bugs, drinking beer, doing drugs, and having sex with putas. Adios, amigo.
You are a Nazi pig A FALSE NOAHIDE! It was your race the white race who MURDER six millon jews! and you are just as evil as they are. people like you are no friend to the Jewish people.
Am I getting under your skin? Here you ago again with nazis. Tell us, do you go to bed at night and think of nazis. Do you dream that they tie you up and do 'things' to you. What goes through your mind when you see a blond haired blue eyed SS man, say about 20 years old with the sun shinnig on his face and you laying prostrate under him. Tell us, what goes through your mind. Do have sick fantasies regarding nazis. You are obsessed with them. Do you secretly want to be one? Do you dress up like one and parade around your hovel? Do you watch the History Channel and let your hands wander when you see the ss parade on the screen. No, it not me that is the nazi here, it is you. You need professional help, there are trained people who can help you overcome this sick addiction to this sick cult of nazism. It is overpowering you, you are becoming its slave, you are finding it harder and harder to separate your sexual urges with your dreams of seeing nazis all over. Try and go to the clinic in Tijuana where corretta scott king went to, they might have a cure for your sick obsession with a sick and demented ideology that you seem to be unable to cleanse from your mind.
Am I getting under your skin? Here you ago again with nazis. Tell us, do you go to bed at night and think of nazis. Do you dream that they tie you up and do 'things' to you. What goes through your mind when you see a blond haired blue eyed SS man, say about 20 years old with the sun shinnig on his face and you laying prostrate under him. Tell us, what goes through your mind. Do have sick fantasies regarding nazis. You are obsessed with them. Do you secretly want to be one? Do you dress up like one and parade around your hovel? Do you watch the History Channel and let your hands wander when you see the ss parade on the screen. No, it not me that is the nazi here, it is you. You need professional help, there are trained people who can help you overcome this sick addiction to this sick cult of nazism. It is overpowering you, you are becoming its slave, you are finding it harder and harder to separate your sexual urges with your dreams of seeing nazis all over. Try and go to the clinic in Tijuana where corretta scott king went to, they might have a cure for your sick obsession with a sick and demented ideology that you seem to be unable to cleanse from your mind.
Hey, Rivera.....
If G_d is so against us,
How come all of us gringo, anglo, euro types are the richest nations on Earth and all you, mexi-greaser types are third world filth living up to your eyeballs in crap? Name ONE central or south American country that isn't a basket case.
Hey, Rivera.....
If G_d is so against us,
How come all of us gringo, anglo, euro types are the richest nations on Earth and all you latino, mexi-greaser types are third world filth living up to your eyeballs in crap?
Please man, the Mexicans are not Latino, they are mestizo. They are of a different people and of a different civilization than the real Latinos (Romance people).
Hey, Rivera.....
If G_d is so against us,
How come all of us gringo, anglo, euro types are the richest nations on Earth and all you latino, mexi-greaser types are third world filth living up to your eyeballs in crap?
Please man, the Mexicans are not Latino, they are mestizo. They are of a different people and of a different civilization than the real Latinos (Romance people).
My bad, HC. No offence intended. I've edited. :)
Hey, Rivera.....
If G_d is so against us,
How come all of us gringo, anglo, euro types are the richest nations on Earth and all you, mexi-greaser types are third world filth living up to your eyeballs in crap? Name ONE central or south American country that isn't a basket case.
It was your race the white race that killed young Jewish children in the camps and made soap out of their body's. it was your race the white race that that committed sodomy on Jewish men women and children. It is the Russian Nazi in Israel members of the white race that is attacking Jewish people today. You are no differeant. you are a false Noahide. America is falling apart because of the sins of the white race.
Hey, Rivera.....
If G_d is so against us,
How come all of us gringo, anglo, euro types are the richest nations on Earth and all you, mexi-greaser types are third world filth living up to your eyeballs in crap? Name ONE central or south American country that isn't a basket case.
It was your race the white race that killed young Jewish children in the camps and made soap out of their body's. it was your race the white race that that committed sodomy on Jewish men women and children. It is the Russian Nazi in Israel members of the white race that is attacking Jewish people today. You are no differeant. you are a false Noahide. America is falling apart because of the sins of the white race.
It's falling apart because of an invasion by turd world savages.
Name a country of non-whites (apart from Japan, who copy whites) that is worth a damn.
Name one african or other non-white country (aprt from Japan) that is wealthy and democratic.
I dare you.
Hey, Rivera.....
If G_d is so against us,
How come all of us gringo, anglo, euro types are the richest nations on Earth and all you, mexi-greaser types are third world filth living up to your eyeballs in crap? Name ONE central or south American country that isn't a basket case.
It was your race the white race that killed young Jewish children in the camps and made soap out of their body's. it was your race the white race that that committed sodomy on Jewish men women and children. It is the Russian Nazi in Israel members of the white race that is attacking Jewish people today. You are no differeant. you are a false Noahide. America is falling apart because of the sins of the white race.
It's falling apart because of an invasion by turd world savages.
Name a country of non-whites (apart from Japan, who copy whites) that is worth a damn.
Name one african or other non-white country (aprt from Japan) that is wealthy and democratic.
I dare you.
It is sins of the white race that is causing Hashem to punish America! the white race in America refuse to bomb the trains that lead to the camps that was used by the white race to kill Jewish people. You are no different!
Answer my question, greaseball.
Whatsamatta.....no hubla?
Answer my question, greaseball.
Whatsamatta.....no hubla?
You are a Nazi pig! you do not fool me. You are a false Noahide who one day will attack Jewish people!
If we're a defeated people, why are you so angry with us?
Shouldn't you have pity on something so low?
If we're a defeated people, why are you so angry with us?
Shouldn't you have pity on something so low?
I suspect ol' senior rivera here has a chip on his shoulder bigger than your piano. I've met very few of his kind who don't.
Senor rivera suffers from a myriad of sexual fantasias regarding white men and nazis especially. This complusion manifests itself by repeating the same thing over and over. This is complusive behavior disorder which can be improved with treatment. This creature is typical of most of the turd worlders that flock into this country. He has a very low IQ, does not bath, will relieve itself in public as a form of voyeurism, drink and do drugs all the time, and have sexual illusions that manifest themselves in a strange mix of white hatred-white jealousy. These things border on the evolutionary tract of whether it is a true human or just an 'missing link' type of biped. We should let him ramble on so that some of the members of this forum that are involved with the sciences can study this strange creature and gain an insight into the strange, sad twist that evolution has taken in regards to this mental incompetent.
Rivera, G-d Bless You.
Have a look see.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=jNBNqUdqm1E (http://youtube.com/watch?v=jNBNqUdqm1E)
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Yes. :)
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Yes. :)
So 100% of Jews are flawless?
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Yes. :)
So 100% of Jews are flawless?
Yes. :)
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Yes. :)
So 100% of Jews are flawless?
Yes. :)
You're such a liar. NO ONE but GoD is perfect, newman. And you've displayed your imperfections on this board many, MANY times just by typing in ebonics like a moron. Everyone is flawed.
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Yes. :)
So 100% of Jews are flawless?
Yes. :)
You're such a liar. NO ONE but G-d is perfect, newman. And you've displayed your imperfections on this board many, MANY times just by typing in ebonics like a moron. Everyone is flawed.
(http://aycu02.webshots.com/image/29841/2005916800379896644_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005916800379896644)
Rivera is an affirmative action moron. Jews are also a part of the white race. If you hate whites, then hate Jews too. You should judge by whether someone is good or evil, not by their race. Nazi Germany were evil whites. Jews are good whites. Nazis didn't kill Jews because they were white but rather because they were evil. In the same way, Al Sharpton doesn't hate Jews because he is black but rather because he is part of the dominant black CULTURE that is evil.
What are the prerequisites for being a good Jew, Yacov? Are Jews perfect?
Yes. :)
So 100% of Jews are flawless?
Yes. :)
You're such a liar. NO ONE but G-d is perfect, newman. And you've displayed your imperfections on this board many, MANY times just by typing in ebonics like a moron. Everyone is flawed.
(http://aycu02.webshots.com/image/29841/2005916800379896644_rs.jpg) (http://allyoucanupload.webshots.com/v/2005916800379896644)
You have severe psychological issues.