General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on February 16, 2017, 01:43:15 PM
I know it's been a discussion among Kahanists and Zehutists. A thought crossed my mind and was wondering what others thought here?
Should it be that each arab familiy was offered 250K to leave Israel, what would stop rich Arab countries to pay each family 500k to stay? What's the solution then?
I will Israeli Arab cc cvvs and all their info, and you can pretend to be Arabs and we'll milk them for their 500ks and use it to pay more Arabs to leave.
Some won't leave some will. If one does good. If Zehut is the government though, I agree with Rav Kahane's platform to pay them after they compensate Sephardic Jews for what they took.
I see a very very low chance of Arabs spending money like that. They like more bang for their buck. In the event they do the Israeli government can simply tax this money. By the way foreign Arab money is used to purchase land (mostly farm land) within Israel. I think any such money or property bought with such money should be confiscated since Arab countries obviously forbid selling land to Jews. When I once had similar discussion on the family table my leftist relatives countered, but what if the Saudis would offer to pay every Jew to leave Israel. Obviously this line of reason is logically flawed because the Saudis have no way of making it impossible for a Jew to re-enter Israel.
One thing should be absolutely clear considering the throngs of Arab migrants flooding Europe and that is that despite their claim that they are attached to the land and would sooner die than leave, in reality they absolutely would leave given the opportunity and the incentives to do so.
Solution is maintain anonymity, they wont be afraid to die and the rich Arabs won't know to pay them double. Maybe put the house in another Arab's name.