General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dexter on September 18, 2007, 12:21:20 PM

Title: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Dexter on September 18, 2007, 12:21:20 PM
From the Abir site :
"As the needs of our peoples survival changed with the onslaught of domestication, industry and commerce in the modern world it became more and more difficult to simply retain our beliefs and customs as well as preserving the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic languages that we used in ancient times.
As our faith in The Creator and the observance of His Torah and its laws and devotion to prayer and scholarship took precedence within the Jewish communities in the Diaspora our knowledge of Abir diminished with each passing generation.

Jews were held in contempt under the watchful suspicious eyes of their host nations who often sought to control them by limiting their mobility within the confines of a ghetto.

Jews were commonly denied the right to bear arms or own land and curfews were often enforced upon them.

Collectively congregating to train in Abir® or any form of Jewish combat arts would have been seen as incitement to overthrow their hosts and an invitation to collective genocide. That occurred often in our history without any provocation. These harsh conditions were mirrored in Jewish Communities across Europe as well as in Asia from the step and throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Bits and pieces of Abir® warrior arts were preserved to a greater degree by the more exotic and distant Israelite communities. Hasidic dances of Ukrainian Jews as well as similar steps and maneuvers by their brothers in Yemen and Kurdish mountain Jews testify to a common warlike sequence "

Abir video :

What do you think ?
I should ask Chaim about it .
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Material art .
Post by: mord on September 18, 2007, 12:27:20 PM
From the Abir site :
"As the needs of our peoples survival changed with the onslaught of domestication, industry and commerce in the modern world it became more and more difficult to simply retain our beliefs and customs as well as preserving the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic languages that we used in ancient times.
As our faith in The Creator and the observance of His Torah and its laws and devotion to prayer and scholarship took precedence within the Jewish communities in the Diaspora our knowledge of Abir diminished with each passing generation.

Jews were held in contempt under the watchful suspicious eyes of their host nations who often sought to control them by limiting their mobility within the confines of a ghetto.

Jews were commonly denied the right to bear arms or own land and curfews were often enforced upon them.

Collectively congregating to train in Abir® or any form of Jewish combat arts would have been seen as incitement to overthrow their hosts and an invitation to collective genocide. That occurred often in our history without any provocation. These harsh conditions were mirrored in Jewish Communities across Europe as well as in Asia from the step and throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Bits and pieces of Abir® warrior arts were preserved to a greater degree by the more exotic and distant Israelite communities. Hasidic dances of Ukrainian Jews as well as similar steps and maneuvers by their brothers in Yemen and Kurdish mountain Jews testify to a common warlike sequence "

Abir video :

What do you think ?
I should ask Chaim about it .
Interesting is the person a Black
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Material art .
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on September 18, 2007, 12:33:18 PM
I say that site before, he has some kool videos on youtube also. He's famous in Israel I hear.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Material art .
Post by: kahaneloyalist on September 18, 2007, 12:38:57 PM
From the Abir site :
"As the needs of our peoples survival changed with the onslaught of domestication, industry and commerce in the modern world it became more and more difficult to simply retain our beliefs and customs as well as preserving the ancient Hebrew and Aramaic languages that we used in ancient times.
As our faith in The Creator and the observance of His Torah and its laws and devotion to prayer and scholarship took precedence within the Jewish communities in the Diaspora our knowledge of Abir diminished with each passing generation.

Jews were held in contempt under the watchful suspicious eyes of their host nations who often sought to control them by limiting their mobility within the confines of a ghetto.

Jews were commonly denied the right to bear arms or own land and curfews were often enforced upon them.

Collectively congregating to train in Abir® or any form of Jewish combat arts would have been seen as incitement to overthrow their hosts and an invitation to collective genocide. That occurred often in our history without any provocation. These harsh conditions were mirrored in Jewish Communities across Europe as well as in Asia from the step and throughout the Middle East and Africa.

Bits and pieces of Abir® warrior arts were preserved to a greater degree by the more exotic and distant Israelite communities. Hasidic dances of Ukrainian Jews as well as similar steps and maneuvers by their brothers in Yemen and Kurdish mountain Jews testify to a common warlike sequence "

Abir video :

What do you think ?
I should ask Chaim about it .
Interesting is the person a Black
The family that started, or revived, Abir is from Yemen.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Material art .
Post by: mord on September 18, 2007, 01:01:22 PM
Oh so it's a white semite
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Material art .
Post by: Dexter on September 18, 2007, 01:05:30 PM
Kong fu rabbi  :D
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Material art .
Post by: ftf on September 18, 2007, 01:06:45 PM
It looks kinda cool.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Maccabi on September 18, 2007, 02:12:36 PM
I just watched all their videos a few days ago.

This user has posted a lot of vids:

I also saw this thing on tv the other night called 'the Human Weapon' which is a martial arts tv in the USA where in each episode 2 guys travel to some remote location to study a different martial art.

In this episode, they traveled to Israel to train Krav Maga with the most elite units in the IDF.  They also trained at Masada on cliff tops with one of the top Krav instructors who runs an outdoor school near there...

It was awesome, and I was sort of surprised that the show spoke highly about Israel and it's fighters, because it is rare to see tough Jews get any credit on any show on American tv.

You might want to check this out too:

It has some portions of the episode.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: newman on September 19, 2007, 10:33:19 PM
All the martial arts we know today came from the shaolin temple in China. But it came to them from an Indian monk who traveled there. I wonder if HE got it from the Jews.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Ehud on September 19, 2007, 10:44:27 PM
Interesting.  It looks very similar to some of the asian martial arts.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: newman on September 19, 2007, 10:48:01 PM
Interesting.  It looks very similar to some of the asian martial arts.

I need to look at the time period of that Indian, budhist monk's life and Jewish movement through diaspora to see if there's a connection.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: jdl4ever on September 20, 2007, 01:29:12 AM
All the martial arts we know today came from the shaolin temple in China. But it came to them from an Indian monk who traveled there. I wonder if HE got it from the Jews.

I doubt it.  All martial arts come from Asia.  He just learned the martial arts and "judized" it.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: newman on September 20, 2007, 01:32:07 AM
All the martial arts we know today came from the shaolin temple in China. But it came to them from an Indian monk who traveled there. I wonder if HE got it from the Jews.

I doubt it.  All martial arts come from Asia.  He just learned the martial arts and "judized" it.

" Jew-jitsu or Oy Vey Do" :laugh:
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: judeanoncapta on September 20, 2007, 02:32:54 AM
Yuk it up if you like but the Habbani Jewish warriors were feared warriors in the Arab world. This guy comes from a Habbani family.

The Habbani Jews were paid mercenaries and possesed what they claimed as ancient Israelite fighting secrets.

That is historic fact.

Jews were not always Woody Allen types, you know?
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: newman on September 20, 2007, 02:38:27 AM
Yuk it up if you like but the Habbani Jewish warriors were feared warriors in the Arab world. This guy comes from a Habbani family.

The Habbani Jews were paid mercenaries and possesed what they claimed as ancient Israelite fighting secrets.

That is historic fact.

Jews were not always Woody Allen types, you know?

Whoa! That's not what I meant.

Just a play on words.

I know full well that it took 4 times as many Roman Legions to put down the Jewish uprising as it took to conquer the whole of Europe.

I forget the ratio, but I know the Jews thrashed the Greeks when outnumbered several fold.

I also know that Jewish slaves were THE most expensive in the Roman slave markets because of their brawn. They were the biggest and strongest you could get.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: judeanoncapta on September 20, 2007, 02:43:02 AM
During the Bar Kokhba revolt, the Jews in Alexandria rose up and slaughtered their Egyptian Nazi neighbors.

1900 years of exile turned most Jews into woody Allens but we're on our way back to our days of old as Jeremiah said.

It may take another 60 years, but we're on our way.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: newman on September 20, 2007, 02:49:41 AM
During the Bar Kokhba revolt, the Jews in Alexandria rose up and slaughtered their Egyptian Nazi neighbors.

1900 years of exile turned most Jews into woody Allens but we're on our way back to our days of old as Jeremiah said.

It may take another 60 years, but we're on our way.

Imagine how the arabs feel after expecting 'Woody Allen' and getting Samson?.....And getting it FOUR times.....OUTNUMBERED. :laugh:
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 20, 2007, 05:17:50 AM
Yes Macabean; Juda Machabeus the God's Hammer; I played the Machabean Judean Kingdom in RTR PC game; I kicked ass of Egyptians, Nabatean Arabs, and Armenians but in the end I was overun by Romans and Parthains; my army was to absolute to fight legionares and cataphracti but very brave and disciplined; And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: newman on September 20, 2007, 05:23:52 AM
And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   

I agree. Anger doesn't muck up my 'spiritual centre'. It makes even more bad-@ss. Anything that takes 6 years of intense training to master is useless to a soldier. Old fashion empty-hand killing of Captain Fairburn as taught to commandos over a few weeks in WW2 are still the most practical IMO.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 20, 2007, 05:47:35 AM
And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   

I agree. Anger doesn't muck up my 'spiritual centre'. It makes even more bad-@ss. Anything that takes 6 years of intense training to master is useless to a soldier. Old fashion empty-hand killing of Captain Fairburn as taught to commandos over a few weeks in WW2 are still the most practical IMO.

Exactly it's like with all this noble knight trained for years and equiped with expensive armour and killed by pesant with crossbow or commoner with halberd; Every of this experts can killed by bullet fired by a kid or woman ; some martial art shoud be implemented but only to help focus free and refine the instinct to kill; without it you're dead in real fight.   
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Dexter on September 20, 2007, 07:50:45 AM
During the Bar Kokhba revolt, the Jews in Alexandria rose up and slaughtered their Egyptian Nazi neighbors.

1900 years of exile turned most Jews into woody Allens but we're on our way back to our days of old as Jeremiah said.

It may take another 60 years, but we're on our way.
You meant Greeks and Egyptians .
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Dexter on September 20, 2007, 07:52:18 AM
Yes Macabean; Juda Machabeus the G-d's Hammer; I played the Machabean Judean Kingdom in RTR PC game; I kicked donkey of Egyptians, Nabatean Arabs, and Armenians but in the end I was overun by Romans and Parthains; my army was to absolute to fight legionares and cataphracti but very brave and disciplined; And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   
OH you mean 77 B.C.E. mode (or something like that) ? it never worked for me !!!!! :'( :'(
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 20, 2007, 08:09:33 AM
Yes Macabean; Juda Machabeus the G-d's Hammer; I played the Machabean Judean Kingdom in RTR PC game; I kicked donkey of Egyptians, Nabatean Arabs, and Armenians but in the end I was overun by Romans and Parthains; my army was to absolute to fight legionares and cataphracti but very brave and disciplined; And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   
OH you mean 77 B.C.E. mode (or something like that) ? it never worked for me !!!!! :'( :'(

Yes that's it; Fall of the Republic - Rise of the Empire (FRRE); rightly named  ;) you have posses BI oficial addon to play this: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=46 check this forum they have many mods addons and tech help to this game.
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Dexter on September 20, 2007, 08:14:48 AM
Yes Macabean; Juda Machabeus the G-d's Hammer; I played the Machabean Judean Kingdom in RTR PC game; I kicked donkey of Egyptians, Nabatean Arabs, and Armenians but in the end I was overun by Romans and Parthains; my army was to absolute to fight legionares and cataphracti but very brave and disciplined; And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   
OH you mean 77 B.C.E. mode (or something like that) ? it never worked for me !!!!! :'( :'(

Yes that's it; Fall of the Republic - Rise of the Empire (FRRE); rightly named  ;) you have posses BI oficial addon to play this: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=46 check this forum they have many mods addons and tech help to this game.
Can I play it on RTR platinium ? the original RTR never works for me .
Maybe it can't work on RTR platinium ...
Title: Re: "Abir" = The Jewish Martial art .
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 20, 2007, 08:31:55 AM
Yes Macabean; Juda Machabeus the G-d's Hammer; I played the Machabean Judean Kingdom in RTR PC game; I kicked donkey of Egyptians, Nabatean Arabs, and Armenians but in the end I was overun by Romans and Parthains; my army was to absolute to fight legionares and cataphracti but very brave and disciplined; And back to Jew-jitsu and such; The best jewish weapon is UZI or Tavor in Heand; I don't belive in eastern misticall mambo-jambo all this "superior spirytual" far eastern nations were conquered by men with primitive smooth borne muskets.   
OH you mean 77 B.C.E. mode (or something like that) ? it never worked for me !!!!! :'( :'(

Yes that's it; Fall of the Republic - Rise of the Empire (FRRE); rightly named  ;) you have posses BI oficial addon to play this: http://www.twcenter.net/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=46 check this forum they have many mods addons and tech help to this game.
Can I play it on RTR platinium ? the original RTR never works for me .
Maybe it can't work on RTR platinium ...

Platinium is patched already to 1.6 so it shoud work; check the thread for details though.