General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on December 06, 2017, 12:57:33 PM
Haven’t heard it yet, but....
Why does Israel have to grovel before any nation for its capital to be realized?
This is what you get with secular Zionism.
Showing gratitude is a very jewish concept.
Haven’t heard it yet, but....
Why does Israel have to grovel before any nation for its capital to be realized?
This is what you get with secular Zionism.
Now we'll see all the sand apes going ape.
It's about time someone reconizes Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. :dance:
It will be most interesting to see Chaim and Shlomo's take on this.
After Truman recognized Israel, he subsequently banned arms shipments to Israel. His speech basically says we didn't move the embassy because we thought it would bring peace, but now that we moved it, it might and we still really want that.
It's still, as Ben Shapiro said (if standalone, I would add) an act of political courage. The Czechs are following suit: http://www.israelnationalnews.com/News/News.aspx/238968
If he uses this to hurt Israel, it erases much of the good, but a few hours in and he hasn't, and even Truman gets a bit of credit for recognizing Israel despite his actions after.
I'm not getting my hopes up because of a political gesture, but no one can say anything negative about the action in of itself.
Sen. Cruz Commends President Trump for Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and Announcing He Will Move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
December 6, 2017 | 202-228-7561
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement after President Trump’s speech today on Jerusalem:
“I enthusiastically commend President Trump for today’s courageous and heroic decision. Roughly 120 years since a pioneer of the Zionist movement, Theodore Herzl, convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel, 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six Day War, and nearly 70 years after the United States was the first country to give recognition to the modern State of Israel, the President of the United States has for the first time formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Today, December 6, 2017, the President also announced that he will move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This day will forever be etched in the history books as one of the great moments in history. The strongest and most prosperous country in the world has rectified what has been a historic injustice for far too long, recognizing the ancient and sacred city that has been the eternal capital of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years, and the capital of the one and only Jewish State since 1948. This announcement recognizes the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and sends a powerful message that rejects all those who wrongly seek to delegitimize Israel through falsifying and erasing the profound ties that exist between the Jewish people and Jerusalem.
“I encourage countries around the world to now engage in their own moment of historical moral clarity, to follow America's lead in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, immediately begin the process of moving their embassies to Jerusalem, and stand with the United States and Israel in voting against any future effort in international forums that attempts to deny historic truth.”
Sen. Cruz Commends President Trump for Recognizing Jerusalem as the Capital of Israel and Announcing He Will Move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem
December 6, 2017 | 202-228-7561
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) issued the following statement after President Trump’s speech today on Jerusalem:
“I enthusiastically commend President Trump for today’s courageous and heroic decision. Roughly 120 years since a pioneer of the Zionist movement, Theodore Herzl, convened the first Zionist Congress in Basel, 50 years since the reunification of Jerusalem during the Six Day War, and nearly 70 years after the United States was the first country to give recognition to the modern State of Israel, the President of the United States has for the first time formally recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. Today, December 6, 2017, the President also announced that he will move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. This day will forever be etched in the history books as one of the great moments in history. The strongest and most prosperous country in the world has rectified what has been a historic injustice for far too long, recognizing the ancient and sacred city that has been the eternal capital of the Jewish people for over 3,000 years, and the capital of the one and only Jewish State since 1948. This announcement recognizes the reality that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel, and sends a powerful message that rejects all those who wrongly seek to delegitimize Israel through falsifying and erasing the profound ties that exist between the Jewish people and Jerusalem.
“I encourage countries around the world to now engage in their own moment of historical moral clarity, to follow America's lead in recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, immediately begin the process of moving their embassies to Jerusalem, and stand with the United States and Israel in voting against any future effort in international forums that attempts to deny historic truth.”
That man can tickle the ears. With all the due respect in the world to him and with full knowledge he said he'd do this on day one, I 1% less wish it was Cruz that won... Cruz 2024?
Trump is acknowleging reality.
Trump is acknowledging reality.
He's telling us outright in the speech for this that this is about a final deal for "peace" with the Terroristinians:
Philipines wants to move the embassy to Jerusalem too. A good ball is rolling. France is miffed.
He said he is moving it to advance peace. I guess he knows that the Arabs will never accept it as does Netanyahu. Netanyahu knows the Arabs will never accept a PLO state by way of an agreement. Now he can blame the Arabs for violence.
I don't know if Trump knows it but recognizing Israeli sovereignty and ending the "peace process" is how peace is achieved. Ending Oslo is real peace. Measure for measure, Oslo (the city) is being Islamicized, now they will see how we felt when the Arabs tried to Islamicize Israel.
Israel's only long lasting agreement with an Arab country was not a peace agreement. It was the armistice agreement with Muslim Nazi Syria in 1974. Israel did the same with Egypt but then signed a full "peace" agreement and surrendered the entire Sinai and now it's a terrorist den which is used to attack Israel and bring illegal aliens, drugs, and prostitution to Hamas Muslim Nazi controlled Gaza and once even a lion to the Gaza zoo. Until the rise of ISIS, the Israeli border with Syria was the most quiet and safest of all of Israel's borders.
This action at least tends to the righteousness.
This action at least tends to the righteousness.
It'll make him look good forever even if he does bad after. It certainly makes him look like a leader and earns him good will, hopefully he doesn't use it to hurt Israel. Honduras is recognizing Jerusalem.
I have to give credit. He kept his word unlike so many others. He claimed he was law and order president and now he made the embassy follow the law that Congress set. I'm very pleasantly surprised by this.
I imagine he had to fight bibi's resistance to make this happen! He is possibly more Zionist than bibi.
Now if only we had an Israeli leadership that could say to trump that a "peace deal" is not in our interest and is out of the question. Trump would accept that.
I have to give credit. He kept his word unlike so many others. He claimed he was law and order president and now he made the embassy follow the law that Congress set. I'm very pleasantly surprised by this.
I imagine he had to fight bibi's resistance to make this happen! He is possibly more Zionist than bibi.
Now if only we had an Israeli leadership that could say to trump that a "peace deal" is not in our interest and is out of the question. Trump would accept that.
And Kushner and Mattis and a whole army of losers. The American "Conservative" took a break from praising homosexual republicans to call this the worst thing ever, and said it's "tired and old" that America would be taking Israel's side, when the complete opposite is the truth. He took a beating on this, and while I wouldn't turn my back in case the "peace" he promised is giving land to terrorists for them to kill more Jews with, but someone needs to get his back on this issue. It should be harder for him to turn on his defenders than his enemies.
So far, I defend the move where I can on social media, what can we do good for in light of the good he did?
It will be most interesting to see Chaim and Shlomo's take on this.
It certainly would. :agree: You kind of know what their gonna say though. If I were a betting person...it will be more of the same anti Trump rhetoric.
It certainly would. :agree: You kind of know what their gonna say though. If I were a betting person...it will be more of the same anti Trump rhetoric.
With all due respect, I'd prefer Trump not tell Bibi no settlements on live tv or not fund Iran's nukes or not make the largest weapons deal in human history to the Saudis than move the embassy to the best place in Jerusalem. It's being like an abused wife that he hits us thrice and kisses us once and it's forgotten.
With all due respect, I'd prefer Trump not tell Bibi no settlements on live tv or not fund Iran's nukes or not make the largest weapons deal in human history to the Saudis than move the embassy to the best place in Jerusalem. It's being like an abused wife that he hits us thrice and kisses us once and it's forgotten.
I think moving the American Embassy to Jerusalem is more than just a kiss.
Funny, cause I was actually reading that right before hearing of Trump's announcement.
G-D has a sense of humor.
It will be most interesting to see Chaim and Shlomo's take on this.
I hope that Chaim will make his next video on this topic.
Mike Guzofsky's take on Trump:
Putting Trumps proclamation into proper perspective
They all promised – but Trump delivered. Hopefully, it won’t be used against us in the future
-Trump did what former presidents failed to do. I hope that will not be used by him in the future to demand concessions from Israel. Trump: “Nobody loves Israel more than me, as I have shown. Now Israel must make painful concessions for peace…” I know many will say that the Arabs will never agree to make peace. And Trump is just trying to pretend that he is even-handed, knowing that the Arabs will never agree to sit down and talk. Tell that to the thousands of Jews driven out of their homes in Sinai, after Egyptian Sadat agreed to do what he was never supposed to do – to recognize Israel. I can live without them recognizing us, especially if with their recognition, comes surrender of land, and the Temple Mount to the Arabs.
-Arabs, other Jew-haters and self-hating Jews are in mourning, how sad
My condolences are extended to the Jew-haters and self-hating Jews. This is indeed a difficult week for them. Fear not, my fellow Jews. Any violence perpetrated by the Arabs will only boomerang back into their collective kufiyah. I remember when everyone predicted that Baruch Goldstein’s attack on the Arabs in Hebron, would trigger hundreds of attacks against Jews. The reality was very different. In the end, the Arabs tried to retaliate and ended up getting themselves expelled from key areas in Hebron that became “Arabian-rein”. Jews were able to walk freely in areas that had previously been inundated with hostile Arabs.
-Trump showed that he was more Zionist than Bibi and most Jews-but people neglect to concede that he recognized Arab rights to part of Jerusalem – The holiest part – The Temple Mount
Trump recognized Jewish rights to part of Jerusalem and the Kotel, however, also recognized the Arab “right” to the Temple Mount and other parts of Jerusalem, to be determined in final status negotiations. In essence, what he really said was that the Jews could keep the outer wall - lower Kotel – and keep wailing at the Wailing Wall! I know this is “huge” or “yuge” as Trump would say, and it is far more than any other U.S. President and much more than Bibi has done, however, we need to aspire for more. And know that the Temple Mount is the heart of Judaism and of Jerusalem. He who controls the mount controls the land.
There are Jews who are thrilled with Trump and others that are angry that he recognizes that the Jews have any right to any part of Jerusalem. None appear to be even the slightest upset with Trump’s recognizing Arab rights to Temple Mount.
-Here is one Jew who appreciates the historic recognition that Trump has given to our G-d given rights to Jerusalem, however, it is incumbent upon us to clarify that all of Jerusalem is ours and to continue to demand of ourselves and our leaders to assert Jewish sovereignty on the Temple Mount. Trump is lightyears ahead of our leaders, but then that is not saying all too much.
-To the Jews that are qvelling – falling over themselves with yiddishe Nachas – Jewish Pride that the Big Goy in Washington has showered his love upon us
Jews must understand that our rights come from G-d and not from Trump or any other man. In the end we will need to place our faith in G-d as a precursor to redemption. In the end, we will need to stand alone without fear and faith in the gentile. We will be redeemed and build the holy Temple in Jerusalem regardless of Trump’s recognition or lack of recognition to our right over the Temple Mount.
Israel will live and thrive regardless. Trump, however, can restore greatness to America by showing his full support for Israel, for those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who don’t will be cursed. If you really care about Trump’s future and about the fate of America you will pressure POTUS to fully recognize the Jewish right to its holiest site, the heart of Zion – the Temple Mount. Falling over ourselves silly over Trump’s partial recognition of Jewish Jerusalem is fine, as long as we understand that the Temple mount is Jewish and as long as we make that clear to Trump and the rest of the world.
However, at the end of the day, restoring Jewish sovereignty over the mount is Bibi’s job, not Trump’s.
Turns out he's prob a sonofab. Signed the move waiver. If my info is correct, then his embassy move is exactly like his wall, gets all the support and doesn't have to do anything, but markets that as doing something.
Seems we got played again.
OK, he still recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, that's not nothing, google even had to change it from Tel to Jeru on their site, but turns out the embassy might not be moved for six months or at all.
Is it just me or Trump's move means that America does not really care anymore about the stability of the region and does not want to be involved directly anymore?
The "Arab League" now is demanding that America goes back on the decision but it is pretty obvious this is not going to happen. The massive weapon deal to Saudi Arabia and the sub-sequent ultimatum by the Saudis to Qatar (which ended up being a bluff by the Saudis) it all starts to make some sense. Let's see what the "UN" does now.
Is it just me or Trump's move means that America does not really care anymore about the stability of the region and does not want to be involved directly anymore?
The "Arab League" now is demanding that America goes back on the decision but it is pretty obvious this is not going to happen. The massive weapon deal to Saudi Arabia and the sub-sequent ultimatum by the Saudis to Qatar (which ended up being a bluff by the Saudis) it all starts to make some sense. Let's see what the "UN" does now.
Due to Trump's (fake) actions, Arabs want to kill Jews, and if Trump had done nothing, Arabs would want to kill Jews. Based on his speech, he clearly wants to use this as a chip to bargain for a chunk of Israel with. America's policy for the last 50 years of helping Iran and hurting Israel is intact.
Also, there is no embassy move, Trump is a troll. He singed the same waiver everyone else did. They're preparing though or something.
After Jerusalem recognition, Trump signs waiver delaying embassy move
US president renews 6 month deferment of diplomatic mission's relocation, but has instructed State Department to begin preparations
By TOI staff 7 December 2017, 12:56 am 5
US President Donald Trump signs a memorandum after he delivered a statement on Jerusalem from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House in Washington, DC on December 6, 2017. (Saul Loeb/AFP)
US President Donald Trump signs a memorandum after he delivered a statement on Jerusalem from the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House in Washington, DC on December 6, 2017. (Saul Loeb/AFP)
Hours after recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital Wednesday, and saying he had instructed the State Department to begin preparation to relocate the US embassy there, US President Donald Trump signed the waiver putting off any such move by another six months.
In 1995, the US Congress passed the so-called Jerusalem Embassy Act recognizing Jerusalem as Israel’s capital and stating that the US Embassy should be moved there.
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But a built-in waiver, which allows the president to temporarily postpone the move on grounds of “national security,” has been repeatedly invoked by successive US presidents, from Bill Clinton to George W. Bush and Barack Obama, meaning the law has never taken effect.
Trump, in his speech Wednesday, said “After more than two decades of waivers, we are no closer to a lasting peace agreement between Israel and the Palestinians. It would be folly to assume that repeating the exact same formula would now produce a different or better result.”
They said if he didn't sign the waiver, funding for the current Embassy in Tel Aviv would be cut off. The process of moving the embassy takes around 4 years. The original law said 1999 so the waiver at this point is probably technical.
Section 3 of the Act outlined the U.S. policy and set the initial parameters for the Secretary of State to report in order to receive the full funding — again, with a May 1999 target deadline for the appropriations. The section also briefly stated U.S. policy concerning the matter.
Sec. 3. Timetable.
(a) Statement of the Policy of the United States.—
(1) Jerusalem should remain an undivided city in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected.
(2) Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel; and
(3) the United States Embassy in Israel should be established in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999.
(b) Opening Determination.—
Not more than 50 percent of the funds appropriated to the Department of State for fiscal year 1999 for "Acquisition and Maintenance of Buildings Abroad" may be obligated until the Secretary of State determines and reports to Congress that the United States Embassy In Jerusalem has officially opened.
Wasn't it Joseph Liberman that added the waiver part of the original law in 1995? Once again self-hating Jews in the Senate are worse than our enemies.
Guatemala just recognized. It's like people are being nice to Israel to get in good with Trump, or they always wanted to be, and Trump is giving them courage. I'm a fan of concrete, but Trump certainly has brought more hope and change than Obama did.
Wasn't it Joseph Liberman that added the waiver part of the original law in 1995? Once again self-hating Jews in the Senate are our worse than our enemies.
I don't know, but if that is true, what you're saying is not really fair. The waiver was to be used exclusively when the national security of America was at risk.
SECTION #7 - Section 7(a) states:
(1) Beginning on October 1, 1998, the President may suspend the limitation set forth in section 3(b) for a period of six months if he determines and reports to Congress in advance that such suspension is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.
(2) The President may suspend such limitation for an additional six month period at the end of any period during which the suspension is in effect under this subsection if the President determines and reports to Congress in advance of the additional suspension that the additional suspension is necessary to protect the national security interests of the United States.
(3) A report under paragraph (1) or (2) shall include—
(A) a statement of the interests affected by the limitation that the President seeks to suspend; and
(B) a discussion of the manner in which the limitation affects the interests.
I don't know, but if that is true, what you're saying is not really fair. The waiver was to be used exclusively when the national security of America was at risk.
I might be confused with something else he did. I think he authored a letter to Clinton signed by Senators urging him not to free the Jewish hero Jonathan Pollard. But I'm sure that the original embassy bill didn't include the waiver part. It was some Democrats that added it.
On December 6, 2017, President Trump announced the decision to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of the State of Israel, and ordered the State Department to begin the process of relocation of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.[6] After the announcement, President Trump signed a Presidential Memorandum for the Secretary of State (Presidential Determination No. 2018-02): a declaration that waived the 50% funding cap normally in place when a new Embassy is opened, stating that the suspension is necessary to "protect the national security interests of the United States."[43] Following the announcement, Trump signed the embassy waiver whilst ordering the beginning of the relocation. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson stated that the relocation process will begin immediately. The relocation itself however could take years to be complete.[44]
I'm confused on what waiver was signed. Can someone clarify it?
MIke Guzofsky on Trump pt.II
Arab bluff rebuffed – No Gog and Magog over Trump’s Jerusalem Move
However, Trump may yet get The-bluff-of-the-year-award
Oops, so much for the Arab threats of World War III if Jerusalem is recognized by POTUS Donald Trump. In fact, the Wailing Wall – did not come tumbling down. Three days of rage? As if the ordinary days of our peace-loving Arabs symbolize the epitome of serenity, serendipity and calm. As if they did not kill Jews before there was a state in 1929? As if the Arabs were not outraged with us when they declared war on Israel in 1948 or on Judaism’s holiest day of Yom Kippur in 1973? As if they are willing to recognize an Israel of any size, with or without Jerusalem. One would think that the Arabs are Buddhist monks meditating in their temples. One would think that we are talking about kind-hearted pacifists who are not killing each other in every land from Egypt to Libya, from Yemen to Syria – with raging bloody civil wars. As if Trump has woken up these peaceful sleeping dragons who otherwise would never, heaven forbid, dream of attacking Jews.
Standing up to bullies may hurt short-term – but puts them in their place over the long-term
Bullies are generally deterred when they are put in their place and when they learn that they can no longer get away with murder. It is appeasement and caving in to them that ordinarily eggs them on to continue with their violence and their tantrums. Yes, there are outbursts of violence and protests here and there. Yes, it could get worse -The Arabs do look for new excuses to protest, rape, kill and riot.
It is in Israel’s hands whether the Arabs intensify their response or not
However, it is up to Bibi and Trump whether this will fizzle out or not. If Israel responds strong, swiftly, quickly and effectively to quell the Arab outbursts, then Arab protests will reduce back to their regular size. However, If Bibi shows fear and hesitation in his response than the Arabs will intensify their response. If Trump backtracks and shows hesitation then this will inspire the Arabs to raise the volume of their tantrum.
The Arabs are cowards and will back down if Israel uses sufficient force to quell the riots
The Chief of the Hamas Halad Mishal put it well when he said, “We will reverse this decree just as we reversed the placement of metal-detectors at the entrance to the Temple Mount”. That is how things work in the Middle East. That is the Arab mentality. Cowards and bullies who think that they can bully people around, continue to do so as long as they are unchallenged. However, they understand well the language of force and cower when good people stand up to their bloody nonsense.
I think Emma Green summed it up pretty well in her article in the Atlantic Daily, Dec. 8, 17 titled, “Trump Did Not Bring Jerusalem Crashing Down - In the Palestinian area of the city, many people just want to get on with their lives.”
After interviewing various Jerusalem Arabs during what was supposed to be the super Friday day of rage, “One reason why Palestinians in Jerusalem may be less eager to turn out for protests is the threat of being policed by Israeli forces, as opposed to Arab police forces in other countries that might be more friendly to the cause.”
Indeed it is more about Israel’s resilience in quelling the outbursts than anything else.
Ironically if anyone bothered to listen to Trumps proclamation – they would hear that it is all for “peace”
I know the happy Jews and the sad Arabs don’t want to hear this, but the recurring theme of Trump’s bombshell speech was not about giving Jerusalem to the Jews but rather about how this (empty) proclamation of words is being made so as to “facilitate” “peace” and how this move is needed to forge ahead with the “peace process”. Listen to his speech again. Don’t listen to what you want to hear, listen to what he repeatedly says in the underlining theme of his speech.
Itamar Eichner, a correspondent for Yediot Achronot, hit it right on the nose in his article, published in YNET 12.10.17:
“ … Trump has a surprise in store: He is offering Israel a major gesture in preparation for the ultimate deal he is planning, which would require painful concessions from Israel. After his announcement and Miri Regev’s promise that Trump’s name would be imprinted on the Western Wall stones, no one in the Israeli Right would dare declare Trump an anti-Israel president if he were to submit a peace plan in the near future that would force Israel to make many concessions…A second option Netanyahu was likely the first person to identify the brilliance in Trump’s move, when he told government sources that once trump presents his peace deal he would not be able to turn it down…”
“…If they (the Arabs) respond with violence, as expected, Trump may say to himself that the Israelis were right and that there is apparently no one to talk to. If they swallow the humiliation, exercise maturity and accept Trump’s plan, Netanyahu would have a problem.”
Trump Jerusalem Move - sincere or bluff of the year?
Eichner writes earlier, “It’s hard to shake the feeling that Trump fooled everyone and that this is sort of fake news. His decision was first and foremost the result of internal political considerations and pressure from the Republican Party and Evangelical circles… Trump wants to avoid being attacked again for signing the waiver to postpone the American embassy’s relocation…A senior White House official said in a press briefing, a day before Trump’s announcement that it would take three to four years to build the new American embassy in Jerusalem. In other words, Trump would have to sign the waiver 8 more times, but won’t be condemned again thanks to his declaration. He has simply bought time for himself…”
Eichner continues, “Why is it fake news? Because had Trump really wanted to move the American embassy, he could have announced its relocation to a temporary residence in the capital the very next day and moved Ambassador David Friedman’s office to the US Consul General’s office in the impressive Agron Street building in west Jerusalem. Nothing prevented the president from making such a move, which would have demonstrated the seriousness of his intentions more than a thousand words.”
Three additional troubling articles which have been published, one before the Trump declaration and two afterwards, ought to give food for thought for the many jubilant Jews still falling over themselves with joy over Trump. According to an article in the India Times, quoting four different “Palestinian” sources Trump’s move was coordinated first between Kushner and the Saudi Prince and with Abu Mazen. It is no secret that U.S. officials concede that Trump spoke to leaders in the Middle East before delivering his “historic” speech.
Another troubling article which appeared in IFP News Saturday might corroborate the U.S. – Saudi Jerusalem declaration collaboration theory: Ola Al-Fares a Jordanian female presenter of MBC TV, a private Saudi Arabian TV channel, has been sacked over her latest tweet revealing that “Trump chose a specific time to announce his decision to recognize Jerusalem al-Quds as Israel’s capital. He made the decision following his visits to the regional countries during which he concluded the Arab leaders would first condemn but then would praise his decision over Jerusalem al-Quds,” a Farsi report by Al-Alam News Network said on Saturday.”
According to an article published in “Yisrael HaYom” Heshvan 4, five weeks BEFORE Trumps Jerusalem declaration, Trump has no intention to allow the Israelis and Palestinians to stall for time and that he intends on forcing a peace deal on the table by the end of December. According to the reliable sources quoted in the article, Israel will be pleased with 50 percent of the deal but not pleased with the other 50 percent of the deal. Whichever side does not accept his peace deal proposal will bear the brunt of rejecting his offer and will be blamed for derailing the peace process. According to the sources Trump will try and buy Israeli street support by lofty gestures on behalf of Israel similar to his taking on Iran and UNESCO. At such time, if Bibi dears to reject Trumps peace deal he will not only turn into the peace-spoiler but may turn a smiling Trump into an unpredictable bitter, angry enemy.
The solar-eclipse viewed across America that Trump watched before the Jewish New Year, which is a sign of destruction according to the Talmud, and the recent forest fires and other natural disasters across America may have been a Divine-warning-sign to Trump. He indeed stands at a unique crossroads in history where he can turn empty words and proclamations into true blessings for himself and his land. If he really moves the embassy to Jerusalem and if his declaration is not a big bluff aimed at forcing future surrender of Jewish land upon Israel then he will be forever blessed. If this is a bluff aimed at forcing Israel to make suicidal concessions then this will bring tragedy upon himself and America.
Make no mistake Israel will survive regardless, with the help of G-d. America’s fate, however, is in Trumps hand.
Electricity can be felt in the air that affiliated and Zionist Jews are breathing in wake of the Trump declaration. History is evolving before our very eyes. This may be the case. However, it may very well be a very different type of history which is evolving. It is premature to rejoice before we see how this plays out.
Several things are for certain: It is all in G-d’s Hands. It is up to the Jewish people to assert their sovereignty in Eretz Israel and on the Temple Mount. It is not words by gentiles which will determine Israel’s fate. It is not about what the Goyim think but rather about what the Jews do. It is time to liberate the mount and begin construction not necessarily of the American embassy or of the Trump Towers there, but rather blueprints for the eventual building of the Third Temple. And the time is ripe to use all force necessary to quell the Arab riots and to expel our hostile enemies, once and for all.
The question of the day from the perspective of the Jewish Idea: Will this speech make Jews have more faith in man or more faith in G-d?
If we learn the right things from the Trump Jerusalem declaration then it will indeed be remembered as a historic positive game changer. If not, it is meaningless. It is all in G-d’s hands not Trump’s. And we Jews need to decide our own fate, by actions of faith in G-d, not in the Goyim. That is the true barometer. If Trump’s words cause us to place more faith in man, then this is bad for Israel. If it causes us to have more faith in G-d then it is good for Israel.
Moving of the embassy will certainly take some time after all the arabs will get burned with the ire, envy and revenge.
Moving of the embassy will certainly take some time after all the arabs will get burned with the ire, envy and revenge.
The levels of ire, envy and revenge are no higher than usual.
The levels of ire, envy and revenge are no higher than usual.
Simply because the arabs know in their wicked hearts that Jerusalem is not theirs.
I don't think that the move will happen. Trump did it for his son-in-law and daughter.
I don't think that the move will happen. Trump did it for his son-in-law and daughter.
They're more Left Wing than him. He did it for the Evangelical voters.
Tomer Devorah's take that the force behind Trump's declaration is VP Pence, a much stauncher Xtian than Trump, whose goal is literally to Xtianise Jerusalem, & bring about the 2nd Coming of Yoshki!
An fundamentalist Xtian with a whiff of misguided Messianism is potentially x10,000 more dangerous to Jewry and Israel than even a fanatical Shiite waiting for the Twelfth Imam!
Any interference in the Jewish rule in Jerusalem is not acceptable. For that purpose even the second coming or twelfth coming is not acceptable.
This is biblical, and Historical. All pieces of the puzzle are being put together, just like the Bible says. The Lord is bringing the focus to His Holy City. Jerusalem is the Center of the Universe. Both the traitorous United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization. (UNESCO) and the Security Counsel itself passed resolutions that deny a Jewish connection to Jerusalem. The resolutions are part of an ongoing anti-Israel propaganda war to rewrite history and promote the narrative that the Temple Mount and adjoining Western Wall are Muslim, not Jewish.
Please Note that by stripping Jerusalem of its Jewish identity, the Un also stripped away Christian History and practice. These lies involve rewriting History. The UN is trying to rob the Jewish people of 4000 years of history and to erase 2000 years of Christian History.
The Prophecy of Isaiah 52:13 through 53:12 is the heart of the second part of the book of Isaiah. Here the Messianic vision reaches its pinnacle.
"Who art thou, O great mountain?" Zechariah 4:7 This refers to the King Messiah. And why does he call him "the great mountain?" Because He is greater than the patriarchs. As it is said, "My servant shall be high and lifted up and lofty exceedingly". He will be higher than Abraham, who says, "I will raise high my hand unto the Lord". Genesis 14:22. Lifted up above Moses, to whom it is said, "Lift it up into thy blossom". Numbers 11:12.
The Days are coming when there will be blessing upon blessing. Arise, Arise; for your light has come! And the glory of the Lord is risen upon you. For behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and deep darkness the people; but the Lord will arise over you, and His Glory will be seen upon you. The Gentiles shall come to your light, and kings to the brightness of our rising. Isaiah 60: 1-3.
They're more Left Wing than him. He did it for the Evangelical voters.
Trump’s overture only benefits the Gentiles in America.
Jews don’t need Gentiles to recognize Jerusalem. They should know it is already recognized by the Almighty
Tomer Devorah's take that the force behind Trump's declaration is VP Pence, a much stauncher Xtian than Trump, whose goal is literally to Xtianise Jerusalem, & bring about the 2nd Coming of Yoshki!
An fundamentalist Xtian with a whiff of misguided Messianism is potentially x10,000 more dangerous to Jewry and Israel than even a fanatical Shiite waiting for the Twelfth Imam!
Oooo gosh I'm just shaking in my boots. What pure galuti mindset hogwash.
Oooo gosh I'm just shaking in my boots. What pure galuti mindset hogwash.
again, relying on gentiles not a great thing..but it's good for the gentiles when they help. Jews only need to rely on Gd and if it means gentiles helping out as Gd's way, then fine with me.
My God, Don't any of you know that America will eventually BE the last to abandon Israel. America will cease to exist as we know it after the Rapture of the Church of Christ because the Holy Spirit with the Lord's church will be removed. (ALL THOSE CHRISTIANS WHO SUPPORT ISRAEL WILL BE GONE, AND MESSIANIC JEWS AS WELL. God has steps he is going through to bring all things to the end of his purpose for his people and for Israel, and his Millennial Kingdom... The United Nations, and the UNESCO resolution is part of an ongoing propaganda war to delegitimize the State of Israel by rewriting History in order to downplay the Jewish links to Jerusalem, in a Concerted effort to promote the narrative that the Temple Mount and adjoining Western Wall are muslim, the PA has worked relentlessly to change the language UNESCO USES TO REFER TO THE SITES. THE UN IS FIRMLY PLANTED IN THE ARAB CAMP. They got the help of Algeria, Egypt, Lebanon, Morocco, Oman, Qatar, and Sudan with the resolution vote. Obama helped set this up and he still conspires to destroy Israel with George Soros and Hillary Clinton.
This isn't the first or last time nations will attempt to separate what God has knit together. Satan believes he can disrupt God's role for Jerusalem;em, the city of peace, and obstruct God's plan to bring everlasting Peace on Earth through his Son, Jesus the Messiah. God will reclaim dominion over this world, the Messiah will sit on His throne, and Satan's corrupt rule will end.
Now it shall come to pass in the latter days, many nations shall come and say "Come, and let us go up to the mountain of the Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; H will teach us His ways, and we shall walk in His paths," FOR OUT OF ZION THE LAW SHALL GO FORTH, AND THE WORD OF THE LORD FROM JERUSALEM." MICAH 4:1-2. SATAN TRIES TO DECEIVE THE WORLD THAT JERUSALEM DOES NOT BELONG TO THE GOD OF ISRAEL. SATAN WILL NOT WIN. REVELATION 20:10.
Should we refer to her as prophet Debbie?
Why not? Isn't she one of the elite?
Should we refer to her as prophet Debbie?
Why not? Isn't she one of the elite?
Oh, chosen "end-time warrior" there for sure. Us poor Jews that don't know what will happen can really benefit from seeing her long posts with prophesies about what we'll happen. Wish we had prophets in Torah that had come up with this, but alas, we have Debbie.
Oh, chosen "end-time warrior" there for sure. Us poor Jews that don't know what will happen can really benefit from seeing her long posts with prophesies about what we'll happen. Wish we had prophets in Torah that had come up with this, but alas, we have Debbie.
Yes, on further thought, she is an Evangelical Christian. The greatest supporter of the Jewish people and state. So, you must give her the benefit of the doubt. She means well and doesn't realize, or care, that 'all Jesus all the time' prophecies could be touchy on a Jewish forum. Being that there is a conflict if you aren't 'saved'. Are they standing behind Jews...so they can 'save' Jews? Whatever. I think she means well in her heart.
looks like honduras and romania are going to move their embassy to Jerusalem.
looks like honduras and romania are going to move their embassy to Jerusalem.
Keep em coming!!!! I don't care if its Iceland, Mongolia, Vanuatua, whatever. I love it.