General Category => Introduce Yourself => Topic started by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2007, 04:24:51 PM

Title: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2007, 04:24:51 PM
i hope i didn't miss any spots in the world...

for those of you who are one nationality but were born in another country you can vote twice
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 20, 2007, 04:33:19 PM
To make it specific and easy - Italian/Czech   
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2007, 04:33:52 PM
i woudl call that european

not sure if czech is slavic or not.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on September 20, 2007, 04:41:12 PM
Every Jew is an Israeli.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Yisrael on September 20, 2007, 04:44:12 PM
I hold U.S. and Israeli citizenship.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Sarah on September 20, 2007, 04:44:51 PM
Every Jew is an Israeli.

Of course, because the Children of Israel are the Jewish people, so they are Israeli by their roots but Jews are spread across the world and have other identities by their place of birth, tradition and nationality etc
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 20, 2007, 04:44:58 PM
i woudl call that european

not sure if czech is slavic or not.

"European" isn't a nationality.. it's more of a generalized ethnic term.
As far as Czechs, hard to say.. they are associated with the Slavs because of the language and history, but they tend to look more Germanic than say the Slovaks. My mother's family doesn't look Slavic at all. They look German/Irish..
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2007, 04:45:02 PM
Every Jew is an Israeli.

Technically you are right...but legally not all of us are Israeli (yet)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 20, 2007, 04:46:23 PM
I'm an Israeli .
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: nopeaceforland on September 20, 2007, 04:59:02 PM
Every Jew is an Israeli.

Does this mean we can call ourselves Israeli-Americans even though I was born in America? The shvugs call themselves "African-Americans"? It makes sense.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 20, 2007, 05:00:25 PM
Every Jew is an Israeli.

Does this mean we can call ourselves Israeli-Americans even though I was born in America? The shvugs call themselves "African-Americans"? It makes sense.
Well, Salomon's and David's kingdom called Israel .
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Hail Columbia on September 20, 2007, 05:08:18 PM
I am 100% American, of the state of New York.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2007, 05:16:45 PM
I am 100% American, of the state of New York.

thought you might have a little latino in your blood..no?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Hail Columbia on September 20, 2007, 05:32:06 PM
I am 100% American, of the state of New York.

thought you might have a little latino in your blood..no?

I do not hold citizenship in any Latin American country.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: kellymaureen on September 20, 2007, 05:40:26 PM
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: RationalThought110 on September 20, 2007, 05:42:20 PM
To make it specific and easy - Italian/Czech   

Although you may have Italian and Czech heritage, aren't you American?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: decimos on September 20, 2007, 05:55:26 PM
English isnt on there ???
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on September 20, 2007, 06:23:38 PM
Every Jew is an Israeli.

Technically you are right...but legally not all of us are Israeli (yet)

okay Im Israeli in origin, was born in Uzbekistan, live and raised in NYC, hold U.S. citizinship.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Sarah on September 20, 2007, 06:34:49 PM
English isnt on there ???

British is though but someone could be a British citizen and an immigrant.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on September 20, 2007, 06:41:24 PM
To make this accurate, it should be asking what are you yourself, not nationality of where you live. And Jewish should have been included because Jewish is our nationality. You should also be able to choose any of them because people could have family from all over The World. My grandfather was born in Canada, my grandmother and mother were born in The United States, my other grandparents were born in Iraq, my dad was born in Israel, my great grandparents were born in Iraq, Russia, Ukraine, and Galicia, and I was born in The United States.

Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 20, 2007, 06:42:11 PM
To make it specific and easy - Italian/Czech   

Although you may have Italian and Czech heritage, aren't you American?

I'm American, but he asked nationality... usually that means background.. so that's how I answer. But yes, I'm an American citizen through and through   ;)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: RationalThought110 on September 20, 2007, 06:51:52 PM

I'm American, but he asked nationality... usually that means background.. so that's how I answer. But yes, I'm an American citizen through and through   ;)

There are some people who don't believe the US should be a sovereign nation and that citizenship and laws should mean nothing.  They claim that there's no such thing as an American.  Don't let them trick you.  So you have to be careful.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 20, 2007, 06:52:04 PM
I'm an Eskimo.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 20, 2007, 06:58:20 PM

I'm American, but he asked nationality... usually that means background.. so that's how I answer. But yes, I'm an American citizen through and through   ;)

There are some people who don't believe the US should be a sovereign nation and that citizenship and laws should mean nothing.  They claim that there's no such thing as an American.  Don't let them trick you.  So you have to be careful.

I understand what you're saying, but I simply answered the question in the way that I thought he asked it.

I'm an Eskimo.

You're not an Eskimo... the Inuit find that term very offensive being that it means "meat eater" by one of their rival tribes in Canada  :P
So what's your REAL background?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 20, 2007, 07:11:19 PM
I'm an Eskimo.
You're not an Eskimo... the Inuit find that term very offensive being that it means "meat eater" by one of their rival tribes in Canada  :P
So what's your REAL background?

Its like when blacks call themselves n-gger.  I can say Eskimo beause I am an Eskimo.  You cannot because you're not.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: mosquewatch on September 20, 2007, 07:11:47 PM
I'm a redneck :) American born and bred .
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dan on September 20, 2007, 07:15:01 PM
Great Poll!!!
I'm ethnic Romanian, born in Yugoslavia(Serbia), living in the US for the last 20+ years...  Yes, I am American!
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 20, 2007, 07:15:31 PM
English isnt on there ???

yeh it's there..with european/english/french..etc
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 20, 2007, 08:40:14 PM
I'm an Eskimo.
You're not an Eskimo... the Inuit find that term very offensive being that it means "meat eater" by one of their rival tribes in Canada  :P
So what's your REAL background?

Its like when blacks call themselves n-gger.  I can say Eskimo beause I am an Eskimo.  You cannot because you're not.

You're seriously Eskimo? 
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Kiwi on September 20, 2007, 08:42:20 PM
i hope i didn't miss any spots in the world...

for those of you who are one nationality but were born in another country you can vote twice

Well you did  ;D
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 20, 2007, 08:43:10 PM
I'm an Eskimo.
You're not an Eskimo... the Inuit find that term very offensive being that it means "meat eater" by one of their rival tribes in Canada  :P
So what's your REAL background?

Its like when blacks call themselves n-gger.  I can say Eskimo beause I am an Eskimo.  You cannot because you're not.

You're seriously Eskimo? 

No.  I'm a white American.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: New Yorker on September 20, 2007, 09:10:36 PM

Born here so I'm American, Mom n Dad, came from Morocco, but surprisingly we are as white as you can get, blue eyes, you'd think we'd have tanned complexions with that background.  :D
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: EagleEye on September 20, 2007, 09:17:25 PM
The real options for my ancestral background are not present.

They include various eastern european populations.
(Romanian but residing in Ukraine 1/4, Russian Jews 1/4, Polish 3/8, Lithounian 1/8)

However, my Great grandparents on both sides were already in Ameirca.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: MasterWolf1 on September 20, 2007, 11:06:37 PM
As it says on my signiture,,, American born,, Italian made..  And I hate being called Italian American.  I am American period.  I was born in the U.S. the Italian part is from my ancestors. 
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: judeanoncapta on September 20, 2007, 11:16:48 PM
I'm Jewish with some Irish mixed in.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 21, 2007, 12:15:39 AM
I'm an Eskimo.

Why did you say that?

I was bored and I wanted a response.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 21, 2007, 01:38:46 AM
I'm an Eskimo.

Why did you say that?

I was bored and I wanted a response.

Don't be hatin' on Scriabin, he be mah Eskiimo n**g** brothah.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 21, 2007, 01:41:16 AM
I'm an Eskimo.

Why did you say that?
I was bored and I wanted a response.
Don't be hatin' on Scriabin, he be mah Eskiimo n**g** brothah.

Yeeuh, y'knowumsayin'.

Keepin' it real, y'knowumsayin'.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 21, 2007, 01:51:32 AM
I'm Jewish with some Irish mixed in.

Is Irish wiskey kosher?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 21, 2007, 01:53:45 AM
I'm Jewish with some Irish mixed in.

Is Irish wiskey kosher?

With the percentage of alcohol in it, how could it not be? It's cleaner than any rabbi could ever hope for.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ehud on September 21, 2007, 02:06:25 AM
I'm 50% Lithuanian Jew  ;D, 50% German  :-[, 100% American, and 100% Israeli.   ;D
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 21, 2007, 02:21:44 AM
Irish, Norwegian, French, English mix.....with 1/16 Chinese.

So apart from the Chinese I'm from 100% anti-semite stock with the other little bit communist!!!!! :'(

I should be shot!!!
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: dhimmi_pride on September 21, 2007, 02:41:19 AM
Well i think a few more categories need to be added bc I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm Irish...no way will i check off my heritage as being "British"
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2007, 04:53:14 AM
Well i think a few more categories need to be added B.C.E. I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm Irish...no way will i check off my heritage as being "British"

You're European...
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: decimos on September 21, 2007, 05:18:34 AM
English isnt on there ???

British is though but someone could be a British citizen and an immigrant.

I dont consider my self British,Im English.And yes Sarah thats correct.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 21, 2007, 06:55:35 AM
I'm 50% Lithuanian Jew  ;D, 50% German  :-[, 100% American, and 100% Israeli.   ;D
Oh, ok, if you are talking about those sections then :
I'm 60% morrocon Jew ;D, I'm 30% spenish Jew, and 10% German Jew .
But bassiclly I'm sefardic/mizrahi .
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2007, 06:57:44 AM
English isnt on there ???

British is though but someone could be a British citizen and an immigrant.

I dont consider my self British,Im English.And yes Sarah thats correct.

Here we are a movement that is against political correctness and to you there is a difference between English and British?! Geez...  8)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eitan on September 21, 2007, 07:10:33 AM
I am jewish,i am against the term "israeli". :laugh:
judaism is not race or religion,judaism is nationality.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 21, 2007, 07:17:09 AM
I am jewish,i am against the term "israeli". :laugh:
judaism is not race or religion,judaism is nationality.
All Jews are Israeli, we are the sons and doughters of Israel .
I thought like you in the past Eitan, if you can remember, I posted a poll in the Hebrew forum "Israel or Judea", because I was against the term "Israel", just because of your reason and some more, like religous issues .
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eitan on September 21, 2007, 07:22:26 AM
I am jewish,i am against the term "israeli". :laugh:
judaism is not race or religion,judaism is nationality.
All Jews are Israeli, we are the sons and doughters of Israel .
I thought like you in the past Eitan, if you can remember, I posted a poll in the Hebrew forum "Israel or Judea", because I was against the term "Israel", just because of your reason and some more, like religous issues .
You didnt understand the meaning of the sentence,i know  i am sons and dougthers of israel.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 21, 2007, 07:24:02 AM
I am jewish,i am against the term "israeli". :laugh:
judaism is not race or religion,judaism is nationality.
All Jews are Israeli, we are the sons and doughters of Israel .
I thought like you in the past Eitan, if you can remember, I posted a poll in the Hebrew forum "Israel or Judea", because I was against the term "Israel", just because of your reason and some more, like religous issues .
You didnt understand the meaning of the sentence,i know  i am sons and dougthers of israel.
I do understand, because there is the Israeli nationality, people can say "We are not Jews, we are Israelis" etc'.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eitan on September 21, 2007, 07:26:43 AM
I am jewish,i am against the term "israeli". :laugh:
judaism is not race or religion,judaism is nationality.
All Jews are Israeli, we are the sons and doughters of Israel .
I thought like you in the past Eitan, if you can remember, I posted a poll in the Hebrew forum "Israel or Judea", because I was against the term "Israel", just because of your reason and some more, like religous issues .
You didnt understand the meaning of the sentence,i know  i am sons and dougthers of israel.
I do understand, because there is the Israeli nationality, people can say "We are not Jews, we are Israelis" etc'.
Well there is alot,but it's different.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: New Yorker on September 21, 2007, 09:08:10 AM
Oh, ok, if you are talking about those sections then :
I'm 60% morrocon Jew ;D, I'm 30% spenish Jew, and 10% German Jew .
But bassiclly I'm sefardic/mizrahi .

Morroco in dah house! Wassup homie!  ;D

Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: mord on September 21, 2007, 09:13:51 AM
I'm from the the U.S.of A
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 21, 2007, 09:18:05 AM
I'm from the the U.S.of A
U.S and A  ;)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: mord on September 21, 2007, 09:31:32 AM
I'm Borats better looking brother
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: mord on September 21, 2007, 09:34:09 AM
Well i think a few more categories need to be added B.C.E. I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm Irish...no way will i check off my heritage as being "British"

You're European...
Ireland is outside Europe it's an Island
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 21, 2007, 09:35:42 AM
I'm Borats better looking brother

you're Kazach or English Jew?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 21, 2007, 09:36:52 AM
Well i think a few more categories need to be added B.C.E. I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm Irish...no way will i check off my heritage as being "British"

You're European...
Ireland is outside Europe it's an Island
But Europe, Asia and Africa are conected therefor they are one land .
We are all Africans  ;D
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: mord on September 21, 2007, 09:37:23 AM
American mixed Ukrainian, Russian, Polish and Austrian :laugh: :laugh:
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 21, 2007, 09:47:32 AM
I'm 1/64 French 1/32 Austrian 1/32 Bohemian 1/16 Lithuanian, 1/8 Jewish and the rest is Polish. So I picked Slav and since our accesion to EU I'm european citisen by law; :( So I added European.      
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: mord on September 21, 2007, 09:53:12 AM
The E.U. :-\ :)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dexter on September 21, 2007, 10:12:17 AM
I'm Borats better looking brother

you're Kazach or English Jew?
Borat is Russian Jew .
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 21, 2007, 10:40:30 AM
African American.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 21, 2007, 10:45:52 AM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: nessuno on September 21, 2007, 10:48:39 AM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 21, 2007, 10:51:13 AM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?

I wish they'd go back.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 21, 2007, 11:12:02 AM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?

I wish they'd go back.

If my ancestors were sold to far away land by my African brothas; I woudnot call my self African. ::)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dominater96 on September 21, 2007, 01:32:49 PM
Me and both my  parents were born in America. 1 grandfather was born In Syria, 1 was born in Haiti. Both grandmothers were born in America. i have 4 great grandparents born in Syria, 2 IN america, 1 in Lebanon, and 1 in Egypt. All of my great great grandparents were born in Syria.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 21, 2007, 01:40:58 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 21, 2007, 01:49:57 PM
I'm 1/64 French 1/32 Austrian 1/32 Bohemian 1/16 Lithuanian, 1/8 Jewish and the rest is Polish. So I picked Slav and since our accesion to EU I'm european citisen by law; :( So I added European.       

Who could you be "1/8" Jewish?

Are you Jewish?

Also, Slavic countries are in Europe geographically whether or not self-hating Europeans include it in The EU, an artificial man-made entity.

It's quite simple; One of my grand grand mathers was jewess; one half of my family lived in XIX century under Austrian-Hungarian rule other under Russian that's why I'm so uniqly blended. ;D  I'm evenagelical christian but all my close family is RC. And I know I"m geographicly European and voted against EU accesion treaty in referendum.    
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on September 21, 2007, 01:57:52 PM
I am 100% Martian
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 21, 2007, 02:19:58 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.

You're realy the Eskimo; LOL! ;D
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2007, 02:30:03 PM
I'm Borats better looking brother

you're Kazach or English Jew?
Borat is Russian Jew .

Borat the character is Khazak, but the actor is an Israeli Englishman
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Dr. Dan on September 21, 2007, 02:32:43 PM
Well i think a few more categories need to be added B.C.E. I am none of the above. I'm not European/British/French....I'm Irish...no way will i check off my heritage as being "British"

You're European...
Ireland is outside Europe it's an Island

What continent is Ireland and Iceland a part of then?  Antarctica?! It's a part of Europe.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 21, 2007, 02:48:46 PM
Is it your mother's mother's mother that is Jewish? If so, you are Jewish.

There are no half Jews and other such nonsense in Judaism. You are either Jewish or not. But it is possible to have half Jewish blood without being Jewish.

I used Jew as nationality or rather etnicity not in halakla way; and even in this sense its not working beyound third generation outside judaism IRC. I will rather stay christian Pole than became phony reformed jew or goy in Israel; Thank you. ;)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 21, 2007, 04:44:14 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.

Mitää kuuluu?    ;D
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 21, 2007, 04:46:57 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.

Mitää kuuluu?    ;D

No comprendo.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 21, 2007, 04:49:37 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.

Mitää kuuluu?    ;D

No comprendo.

 Mitää kuuluu? = How are you? in Finnish. I thought you may have known a word or two..
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 21, 2007, 04:51:51 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.

Mitää kuuluu?    ;D

No comprendo.

 Mitää kuuluu? = How are you? in Finnish. I thought you may have known a word or two..

Unfortunately not.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Vito on September 21, 2007, 04:53:18 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.

Mitää kuuluu?    ;D

No comprendo.

 Mitää kuuluu? = How are you? in Finnish. I thought you may have known a word or two..

Unfortunately not.

Fan of Sibelius at least?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Joe Schmo on September 21, 2007, 04:57:01 PM
I'm 1/4 Finnish, 1/4 English, 1/8 Irish, 1/8 Scotish, 1/8 French, 1/8 Dutch.
Mitää kuuluu?    ;D
No comprendo.
Mitää kuuluu? = How are you? in Finnish. I thought you may have known a word or two..
Unfortunately not.
Fan of Sibelius at least?

Yes, of course.  I love Sibelius.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:01:59 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:03:23 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
Not all Blacks born in America are of African descent. There are Jamaicans, Granadans, West Indians and so on. I am the descendent of Africans.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Sarah on September 23, 2007, 05:04:44 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
Not all Blacks born in America are of African descent. There are Jamaicans, Granadans, West Indians and so on. I am the descendent of Africans.

What country in Africa?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:05:12 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?

I wish they'd go back.

If my ancestors were sold to far away land by my African brothas; I woudnot call my self African. ::)
What would you call yourself then? An animal? Sorry...that won't work for me. Not every African participated in selling blacks off into slavery.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:06:02 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
Not all Blacks born in America are of African descent. There are Jamaicans, Granadans, West Indians and so on. I am the descendent of Africans.

What country in Africa?
I don't know. No way to find out.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: ftf on September 23, 2007, 05:07:43 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
I am the descendent of Africans.

"the decendent", you're the only one?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Sarah on September 23, 2007, 05:08:38 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:10:25 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
I am the descendent of Africans.

"the decendent", you're the only one?
What does that mean? No, surely I'm not. Why is this such a big deal anyway. Everyone else is giving their nationalities and you're not asking them these pressing questions. I am a decendent of Africans. (sorry if "the" threw you off...I didn't mean to be so specific.)
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:13:01 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.
That's easier said than done, Sarah. You can ask your parents, grandparents and great-grandparents where your roots began and come up with a definate answer. Blacks in America are the only people who have no idea what tribe they originated from. After the slaves came to America, their identity was erased. There is almost NO record of where a lot of blacks here originated from.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:14:59 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.
And you speak as if my great grandparents are still alive. My grandmother was adopted...no one knew who her mother was...she died giving birth to her. No one knows who her father was either. The same for my father's parents. I know who they were but there are no records of their foreparents.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Sarah on September 23, 2007, 05:18:17 PM
Then you seem to have an impossible situation, many people are able to gather even the slightest information on their ancestors. An uncle of mine traced my family roots back to a turkish tribe in the Ottoman Empire.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 05:20:10 PM
Then you seem to have an impossible situation, many people are able to gather even the slightest information on their ancestors. An uncle of mine traced my family roots back to a turkish tribe in the Ottoman Empire.
Good for you and your family. Not many blacks have that luxury of knowing where they came from in Africa.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: ftf on September 23, 2007, 05:27:37 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
Yes - I had asked that question...are all black people African American?
I am the descendent of Africans.

"the decendent", you're the only one?
What does that mean? No, surely I'm not. Why is this such a big deal anyway. Everyone else is giving their nationalities and you're not asking them these pressing questions. I am a decendent of Africans. (sorry if "the" threw you off...I didn't mean to be so specific.)
I wasn't trying to make a big fus, I just found the mistake in your writing rather amusing, to say you are "the something" means that there is only one of that "something" and you are it, I presume you meant to say that you are "a descendent" which would mean that you are one of many.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on September 23, 2007, 05:50:44 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.

Sarah, there were no countries in Sub-Saharan Africa when the Blacks were sold into slavery. The more appropriate word in this case would be a tribe and not a country, and that is a thing that would be almost impossible to trace back, unless Erica compares her physical features with such of typical member of existing tribes.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Sarah on September 23, 2007, 05:53:00 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.

Sarah, there were no countries in Sub-Saharan Africa when the Blacks were sold into slavery. The more appropriate word in this case would be a tribe and not a country, and that is a thing that would be almost impossible to trace back, unless Erica compares her physical features with such of typical member of existing tribes.

Oh ok Thanks. Interesting.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (Å¡umadinac) on September 23, 2007, 07:00:43 PM
Sorry if I offend my American friends in any way:P but I kinda start to giggle when i hear things like 100% american...

100% American = 100% Old European:P

If you are a real real american you are , Apache, Navajo, Commanche, Chinook and so forth.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 07:16:06 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.

Sarah, there were no countries in Sub-Saharan Africa when the Blacks were sold into slavery. The more appropriate word in this case would be a tribe and not a country, and that is a thing that would be almost impossible to trace back, unless Erica compares her physical features with such of typical member of existing tribes.
They have a way of determining what tribe blacks in America came from (in Africa)... DNA. I don't think I should have to pay close to $400 to find out though. I want to be able to trace my ancestors back from slaves who were 'taken' to America, to the tribe they came from. Its not fair for the records to have been burned and erased like they were.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Zvulun Ben Moshe on September 23, 2007, 08:18:48 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.

Sarah, there were no countries in Sub-Saharan Africa when the Blacks were sold into slavery. The more appropriate word in this case would be a tribe and not a country, and that is a thing that would be almost impossible to trace back, unless Erica compares her physical features with such of typical member of existing tribes.
They have a way of determining what tribe blacks in America came from (in Africa)... DNA. I don't think I should have to pay close to $400 to find out though. I want to be able to trace my ancestors back from slaves who were 'taken' to America, to the tribe they came from. Its not fair for the records to have been burned and erased like they were.

There is no question, Erica, the Blacks should not have been taken to America. It was a shame and disaster for both sides.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 08:29:53 PM
Surely your great grandparents must of come from a certain country in Africa, ask around.

Sarah, there were no countries in Sub-Saharan Africa when the Blacks were sold into slavery. The more appropriate word in this case would be a tribe and not a country, and that is a thing that would be almost impossible to trace back, unless Erica compares her physical features with such of typical member of existing tribes.
They have a way of determining what tribe blacks in America came from (in Africa)... DNA. I don't think I should have to pay close to $400 to find out though. I want to be able to trace my ancestors back from slaves who were 'taken' to America, to the tribe they came from. Its not fair for the records to have been burned and erased like they were.

There is no question, Erica, the Blacks should not have been taken to America. It was a shame and disaster for both sides.
I wasn't born in Africa before slavery but if America was better then than Africa was...I'd surely have voluntarily hopped on that ship. Its a shame that both places weren't fit to raise anyone, or any THING (cats, dogs, rats) then.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 08:59:23 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.

So what?

What's with all this hyphenated American BS?

I don't see 'Italian-American', 'Slavick-American' or 'Nordic-American' anywhere except by a few liberal idiots.

If you're American then that's it. If you're an african, move to africa. You can't be both without duel citizenship.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 09:03:55 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.

So what?

What's with all this hyphenated American BS?

I don't see 'Italian-American', 'Slavick-American' or 'Nordic-American' anywhere except by a few liberal idiots.

If you're American then that's it. If you're an african, move to africa. You can't be both without duel citizenship.
I didn't type AFRICAN(-) American, you dolt! Africans are the only people I identify with because of my skin color and the hisory of blacks in America.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 09:05:26 PM
I'm an American Jew. American should go first because the noun should be your ethnicity, not your nationality.

"American Jew" is not like "african-American". Saying that you're an American catholic or American Jew in context is fine. No Jew calls himselfe Ashkenazi-American or Semitic-American. No negro should call himself 'african-American'.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 09:07:52 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.

So what?

What's with all this hyphenated American BS?

I don't see 'Italian-American', 'Slavick-American' or 'Nordic-American' anywhere except by a few liberal idiots.

If you're American then that's it. If you're an african, move to africa. You can't be both without duel citizenship.
I didn't type AFRICAN(-) American, you dolt! Africans are the only people I identify with because of my skin color and the hisory of blacks in America.


You identify with savages who rub do-do on themselves in africa but not a middle class American like yourself if she happens to be white.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 09:11:25 PM
Huh? Why isn't "Jew" up there. Judaism is a religio-nation and you cant take away the national aspect. What's an "Israeli"? There are no Israel's only Jews in Israel and Jews not in Israel. We are all Jews!
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 09:12:02 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.

So what?

What's with all this hyphenated American BS?

I don't see 'Italian-American', 'Slavick-American' or 'Nordic-American' anywhere except by a few liberal idiots.

If you're American then that's it. If you're an african, move to africa. You can't be both without duel citizenship.
I didn't type AFRICAN(-) American, you dolt! Africans are the only people I identify with because of my skin color and the hisory of blacks in America.


You identify with savages who rub do-do on themselves in africa but not a middle class American like yourself if she happens to be white.
I identify myself with the people I LOOK like Newman. Just like you identify yourself with the people you SOUND like. I am not WHITE.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 09:15:18 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.

So what?

What's with all this hyphenated American BS?

I don't see 'Italian-American', 'Slavick-American' or 'Nordic-American' anywhere except by a few liberal idiots.

If you're American then that's it. If you're an african, move to africa. You can't be both without duel citizenship.
I didn't type AFRICAN(-) American, you dolt! Africans are the only people I identify with because of my skin color and the hisory of blacks in America.


You identify with savages who rub do-do on themselves in africa but not a middle class American like yourself if she happens to be white.
I identify myself with the people I LOOK like Newman. Just like you identify yourself with the people you SOUND like. I am not WHITE.

I identify with those of european descent, but I call myself Australian, not 'euro-Australian'!

If you must, call yourself an American negro, not african American.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 09:19:56 PM
African American.

Where you born in Africa?
My heritage began in Africa, Newman. They are the only people I look like. I certainly don't look like YOU, do I.

So what?

What's with all this hyphenated American BS?

I don't see 'Italian-American', 'Slavick-American' or 'Nordic-American' anywhere except by a few liberal idiots.

If you're American then that's it. If you're an african, move to africa. You can't be both without duel citizenship.
I didn't type AFRICAN(-) American, you dolt! Africans are the only people I identify with because of my skin color and the hisory of blacks in America.


You identify with savages who rub do-do on themselves in africa but not a middle class American like yourself if she happens to be white.
I identify myself with the people I LOOK like Newman. Just like you identify yourself with the people you SOUND like. I am not WHITE.

I identify with those of european descent, but I call myself Australian, not 'euro-Australian'!

If you must, call yourself an American negro, not african American.
A lot of people, like yourself, Mr. Man, don't see blacks as Americans at all..but rather as animals who should be shipped back to Africa. If you don't believe that African Americans are who they are, why should they go back to a place they've never been?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 09:28:57 PM

I identify with those of european descent, but I call myself Australian, not 'euro-Australian'!

If you must, call yourself an American negro, not african American.
A lot of people, like yourself, Mr. Man, don't see blacks as Americans at all..but rather as animals who should be shipped back to Africa. If you don't believe that African Americans are who they are, why should they go back to a place they've never been?
If your reason is correct, then by calling themselves "african-Americans", they must agree that they're NOT real Americans and should go back.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 09:32:37 PM

I identify with those of european descent, but I call myself Australian, not 'euro-Australian'!

If you must, call yourself an American negro, not african American.
A lot of people, like yourself, Mr. Man, don't see blacks as Americans at all..but rather as animals who should be shipped back to Africa. If you don't believe that African Americans are who they are, why should they go back to a place they've never been?
If your reason is correct, then by calling themselves "african-Americans", they must agree that they're NOT real Americans and should go back.
[/quote]I'm as real of an American as  you are a European. You have the NERVE tell people where they need to be shipped back to. I AM an American of African decent. And there is nothing you could do or say to make me think otherwise.

Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: ItalianZionist on September 23, 2007, 09:36:06 PM
  just curious. How do you feel about reparations for slavery?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 09:41:12 PM

I identify with those of european descent, but I call myself Australian, not 'euro-Australian'!

If you must, call yourself an American negro, not african American.
A lot of people, like yourself, Mr. Man, don't see blacks as Americans at all..but rather as animals who should be shipped back to Africa. If you don't believe that African Americans are who they are, why should they go back to a place they've never been?
If your reason is correct, then by calling themselves "african-Americans", they must agree that they're NOT real Americans and should go back.
I'm as real of an American as  you are a European. You have the NERVE tell people where they need to be shipped back to. I AM an American of African decent. And there is nothing you could do or say to make me think otherwise.


Then if you ARE a 'real American', call yourself an American and stop calling youself a (something)-American.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 09:42:11 PM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 09:43:07 PM
  just curious. How do you feel about reparations for slavery?
I don't think there is a need for them especially now. There comes a time when one must, in spite of what their pasts were, move on and make their lives better. I don't know what else to say about it other than the fact that I don't blame white America of today for what white America of Yesterday contributed to  the plight of African slaves. I don't need the reparations... that's why I'm in school now, so that I can teach my children how to do for themselves.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 23, 2007, 09:47:35 PM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: MassuhDGoodName on September 23, 2007, 09:50:46 PM
Re:  "...I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica..."

If you want to know why a person is who they are,
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes!

What do you get?
Sore feet.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 09:56:01 PM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 10:00:58 PM
Re:  "...I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica..."

If you want to know why a person is who they are,
Walk a Mile in Their Shoes!

What do you get?
Sore feet.

If the Jews here are simply Jews who believe in all right-wing ideas they are missing the point. Rav Kahane's point is that Jews must do what is best for the Jews. Unless you have a JEWISH reason for being against blacks, I don't see the reason. If we are simply Jews who believe in all the Conservative ideas we are little better than the Jews who believe in all the Liberal ideas, the point is not that the right or the left is correct, the point is that Jews must do what is best for the Jew and right now the right-wing is better for the Jews, but that could change and if it does we too must change.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 10:02:50 PM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.

Erica has ZERO interest in Israel.

She is only here to defend blacks who are destroying America with crime.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 10:07:07 PM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.

Erica has ZERO interest in Israel.

She is only here to defend blacks who are destroying America with crime.

If she indeed does not care about Israel then by all means go ahead, but if its about America, then you are missing the point. We are here because we care about ISRAEL, not because of America. So as long as she supports Israel, I don't care so much about her views on America
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 10:25:24 PM

Erica has ZERO interest in Israel.

She is only here to defend blacks who are destroying America with crime.

If she indeed does not care about Israel then by all means go ahead, but if its about America, then you are missing the point. We are here because we care about ISRAEL, not because of America. So as long as she supports Israel, I don't care so much about her views on America

I beg to fiffer.

JTF has BOTH an American AND a Jewish/ Israel agenda.

Evil cultures that threaten Jews, Israel OR the USA/ West are an important issue.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 10:30:34 PM

Erica has ZERO interest in Israel.

She is only here to defend blacks who are destroying America with crime.

If she indeed does not care about Israel then by all means go ahead, but if its about America, then you are missing the point. We are here because we care about ISRAEL, not because of America. So as long as she supports Israel, I don't care so much about her views on America

I beg to differ.

JTF has BOTH an American AND a Jewish/ Israel agenda.

Evil cultures that threaten Jews, Israel OR the USA/ West are an important issue.
At times however what is considered an  "evil culture" can change depending from who's perspective you consider it. For example the essential problem with the Jewish liberal is his refusal to understand that Western Democracy contradicts the concept of a Jewish State. According to Western Democracy If the Arabs were to become the Majority they could change the name of the state to Palestine.
At the same time I understand your view of America your country. You don't like to see crime in it and I understand that, but I think the function of the JTF (JEWISH Task Force) is to focus more on Jewish Issues because the rest of the Jewish Establishment has failed to do so.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 10:34:05 PM

I beg to differ.

JTF has BOTH an American AND a Jewish/ Israel agenda.

Evil cultures that threaten Jews, Israel OR the USA/ West are an important issue.
At times however what is considered an  "evil culture" can change depending from who's perspective you consider it. For example the essential problem with the Jewish liberal is his refusal to understand that Western Democracy contradicts the concept of a Jewish State. According to Western Democracy If the Arabs were to become the Majority they could change the name of the state to Eretz Yisrael.
At the same time I understand your view of America your country. You don't like to see crime in it and I understand that, but I think the function of the JTF (JEWISH Task Force) is to focus more on Jewish Issues because the rest of the Jewish Establishment has failed to do so.

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 10:41:14 PM

I beg to differ.

JTF has BOTH an American AND a Jewish/ Israel agenda.

Evil cultures that threaten Jews, Israel OR the USA/ West are an important issue.
At times however what is considered an  "evil culture" can change depending from who's perspective you consider it. For example the essential problem with the Jewish liberal is his refusal to understand that Western Democracy contradicts the concept of a Jewish State. According to Western Democracy If the Arabs were to become the Majority they could change the name of the state to Eretz Yisrael.
At the same time I understand your view of America your country. You don't like to see crime in it and I understand that, but I think the function of the JTF (JEWISH Task Force) is to focus more on Jewish Issues because the rest of the Jewish Establishment has failed to do so.

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 10:48:17 PM

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 10:55:13 PM

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: newman on September 23, 2007, 10:59:23 PM

The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

A righteous, Torah-Jewish Israel could tell the US State Department to "get stuffed!" and righteous American noachides and christian zionists would back Israel.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 23, 2007, 11:00:44 PM

The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

A righteous, Torah-Jewish Israel could tell the US State Department to "get stuffed!" and righteous American noachides and christian zionists would back Israel.
Its nice to think that that would happen but I don't think that that is realistic. Hopefully I will be wrong though.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: ItalianZionist on September 23, 2007, 11:06:24 PM
  just curious. How do you feel about reparations for slavery?
I don't think there is a need for them especially now. There comes a time when one must, in spite of what their pasts were, move on and make their lives better. I don't know what else to say about it other than the fact that I don't blame white America of today for what white America of Yesterday contributed to  the plight of African slaves. I don't need the reparations... that's why I'm in school now, so that I can teach my children how to do for themselves.

I don't think there is a better answer than that...well put
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 24, 2007, 12:14:13 AM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.
How is that different from what I just said?
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Erica on September 24, 2007, 12:18:01 AM
I don't see why everyone is ganging up on Erica. She is in support of the Jewish State and that is really all that matters to me and it is all that should matter to you guys.
This thread was supposed to be about everyone's nationality...as soon as I told everyone what mine is, I get all of the questions, and all of a sudden I'm 'not a REAL American.' This is for the birds. As for what I'm in support of, I hate any kind of racial, religious oppression. My wish would be that those Jews who are oppressed get help fast. They want to go home.
While the thread may be about nationality we are all members here because we believe in a safe and strong Israel.

Erica has ZERO interest in Israel.

She is only here to defend blacks who are destroying America with crime.
I'm done with that argument, newman. Just read my sig line...take from it what you will. You bore me.
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Ultra Requete on September 24, 2007, 03:11:05 AM

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

We don't belive here in Wilsonian/NWO "spreading of democracy" above national Souverenity; that's the slogans of men who want to turn USA and Europe into GLOBAL EVIL ROMAN EMPIRE. Israelites can do anything with Israel; what G-d will not forbid; (an HE has HIS metods of voicing disaprovemnt); That's between  Jews and Hashem; not our buisness. Globalist Empire on the other hand certenly will not tolerate independent Kahanist Torah fallowing Israel they will try to eredicate it either physicly or spiritualy; Leftist Zionism and liberal Judasim failed you it legacy are assimilated Jewry in America; Smolmert and Nazis in Israel ; There're also 1 bilion of  Ishmaelites who're reeking with love and compassion towards both Jews  and Christian Westerners too; hostile Russia, China etc... We're condemned to stand together or we'll fall.   
Title: Re: What is everyone's nationality?
Post by: Eliezer Ben Avraham on September 24, 2007, 08:36:07 AM

Why not do both?

If America is allowed to slide further with evil, jungle, black culture or bolshevik subversion it will become an anti-Jewish monster.
I stand corrected. I did not think of that specific idea. Nonetheless that which is in American interest is not and will not always be in Jewish Interest and we must understand that. Right now a strong America is in Jewish interest but that can change and Jews must understand that. The fact that right now we both want a strong America is what unites the Christians and Jews in this Forum, but the we all must understand that this is not a "match made in heaven" and interests can change, nonetheless right now we must work together to achieve our common goals.
The current 'American multi-national' interests AREN'T in Israel's intersts. You are correct.

But a strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, zionist , JTF America WOULD be in Israel's interest........and the free world's.
That is exactly right and that is the reason why Jews and Christians are forming bonds. We both want the same thing a  strong, conservative, righteous, Bible-believing, Zionist, JTF America. Again though when (G-D willing) that America does arise, I know that there will be disagreements (be they however small in the large scheme of things) and we must understand that while we all want the same thing we want it for different reasons. For example, what would you say if Israel reverted to a religious monarchy with the kingdom of David Reestablished? That could go against America's goal of spreading democracy and even if to you personally it does not matter other Right Wing Christians might be bothered by such a change.

We don't belive here in Wilsonian/NWO "spreading of democracy" above national Souverenity; that's the slogans of men who want to turn USA and Europe into GLOBAL EVIL ROMAN EMPIRE. Israelites can do anything with Israel; what G-d will not forbid; (an HE has HIS metods of voicing disaprovemnt); That's between  Jews and Hashem; not our buisness. Globalist Empire on the other hand certenly will not tolerate independent Kahanist Torah fallowing Israel they will try to eredicate it either physicly or spiritualy; Leftist Zionism and liberal Judasim failed you it legacy are assimilated Jewry in America; Smolmert and Nazis in Israel ; There're also 1 bilion of  Ishmaelites who're reeking with love and compassion towards both Jews  and Christian Westerners too; hostile Russia, China etc... We're condemned to stand together or we'll fall.   
I am so glad that so many JTFers feel this way but we must know that not everyone will have these same views, nonetheless I am very happy to admit that I was wrong in my assumptions