General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: ChabadKahanist on May 03, 2020, 01:58:24 PM

Title: My take on the Druze
Post by: ChabadKahanist on May 03, 2020, 01:58:24 PM
We should not be naïve to think that the Druze are any more lovers of Jews or Israel than any other Arabs they are basically mercenaries who are for sale to the highest bidder or to whom they perceive to having the upper hand & most strength if G-d forbid Fatah or Hamas had the upper hand the Druze would be "Palestinians" so fast your head would spin!!!!!
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Hrvatski Noahid on May 03, 2020, 02:41:05 PM
It amazes me how many religions arose in direct contradiction to the Torah of Moses. The entire history of man has been a rebellion against the Torah.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Ulli on May 03, 2020, 03:44:28 PM
It amazes me how many religions arose in direct contradiction to the Torah of Moses. The entire history of man has been a rebellion against the Torah.

Obviously true. In the west even the parts of this religions that are compliant with Gods will are under heavy attack. Even Islam nowerdays. How the media has attacked head of DITIB (Tuirkish Religious Authority) for relatively mild statements concerning the homos. But if this authority states something against  free markets, Israel or promotes hate against the Kurds. Silence. Only if you are 100 % wicked you are accepted. What a world we live in.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Israel Chai on May 03, 2020, 05:02:31 PM
Mercs should not be relied upon but they have their place.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 05, 2020, 06:40:23 PM
Point taken.  But that's why Israel should only be a democracy for Israeli Jews to only be allowed to vote and not non Jews, whether they are druze or arab or wanna be Jew.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Ulli on May 06, 2020, 12:05:56 PM
Point taken.  But that's why Israel should only be a democracy for Israeli Jews to only be allowed to vote and not non Jews, whether they are druze or arab or wanna be Jew.

Perhaps a good middle way would be, that gentiles in Israel must sign, that they obey the 7 commandments of Noah to be full citizens.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Dr. Dan on May 06, 2020, 02:17:14 PM
Perhaps a good middle way would be, that gentiles in Israel must sign, that they obey the 7 commandments of Noah to be full citizens.

It's a supposed to be a Jewish state with Jewish laws which also incorporate the Noahide laws for non Jews as well as Jews.

However, no offense to non Jews, but none should have a say of how a Jewish state should rule. The Jewish stage should be responsible for gentile individuals as well and not hold them to the Jewish rules such as having bread in their home during passover.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Ulli on May 06, 2020, 04:30:11 PM
It's a supposed to be a Jewish state with Jewish laws which also incorporate the Noahide laws for non Jews as well as Jews.

However, no offense to non Jews, but none should have a say of how a Jewish state should rule. The Jewish stage should be responsible for gentile individuals as well and not hold them to the Jewish rules such as having bread in their home during passover.

Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Judah Katz on May 11, 2020, 10:58:32 PM
What's astonishing is that there's a term called "Israeli Jew"? That's like saying Ishmaeli Arab. Next we'll have... The Jrewz. 

Whatta stupid world!
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Israel Chai on May 12, 2020, 05:55:19 PM
What's astonishing is that there's a term called "Israeli Jew"? That's like saying Ishmaeli Arab. Next we'll have... The Jrewz. 

Whatta stupid world!

Not really. It's like saying Saudi Arab. Saudi is where the Arabs are from but they moved about. You can have a Russian Jew and an Israeli Jew living in Jerusalem, it's their history. When they make babies in Israel, they become Sabra and that history is less relevant every generation. Israeli Arab is a term the Arabs hate alot, and I'm not fond of because it means they're citizens.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Judah Katz on May 17, 2020, 07:57:03 PM
Its redundant.. Israelite Israeli and Jew are the same thing. We are the Israelite people. Judah is a family name. The term "Jew" is slang. We never called ourselves that, others did and it stuck. We have our nation back so we're all Israelis and Israelites by our heritage and no one else should hold that title besides us. It's another part of learning what self respect is. The term "Israeli Arab" is disgusting its like saying Israelite Ishmaelite, its an oxymoron. I like having an distinct ethnicity and heritage and nation. I earned it, we all did! 

Israel is not America, its our ethnic homeland and only Jews/Israelite people should be allowed citizenship. All nations should be that way about preserving their homelands and people. America is not the standard model for the world to copycat like blind fools. The world is better when its organized and people know who they are where they come from. Its nice to have different and distinct colors and flavors in the world but when they're all mixed together it turns to mud. 

Saying the term Israeli Jew is acknowledging there is a difference between Israeli and Jew. There is no difference, its like saying Jew twice or Israeli twice. It's redundant. America is a bulls**t country. Israel is not America and should never be like America. Its OUR homeland and heritage going back thousands of years. Its real and actually it means something. It actually is blood and soil. 

No such thing as Israeli Arab or Israeli African or Israeli Irish or Israeli Japanese... Israeli ONLY = Jew and vice versa. We live in a stupid world where nation of people are destroying themselves because they think leftist liberalism is the highest expression virtue. They're all idiots who live in a self destructive fantasy and they're bringing us all down with them. 

I really like the idea of a Jewish Homeland. I earned the right to like it A LOT! So did all of you!           
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Israel Chai on May 17, 2020, 08:18:13 PM
Its redundant.. Israelite Israeli and Jew are the same thing. We are the Israelite people. Judah is a family name. The term "Jew" is slang. We never called ourselves that, others did and it stuck. We have our nation back so we're all Israelis and Israelites by our heritage and no one else should hold that title besides us. It's another part of learning what self respect is. The term "Israeli Arab" is disgusting its like saying Israelite Ishmaelite, its an oxymoron. I like having an distinct ethnicity and heritage and nation. I earned it, we all did! 

Israel is not America, its our ethnic homeland and only Jews/Israelite people should be allowed citizenship. All nations should be that way about preserving their homelands and people. America is not the standard model for the world to copycat like blind fools. The world is better when its organized and people know who they are where they come from. Its nice to have different and distinct colors and flavors in the world but when they're all mixed together it turns to mud. 

Saying the term Israeli Jew is acknowledging there is a difference between Israeli and Jew. There is no difference, its like saying Jew twice or Israeli twice. It's redundant. America is a bulls**t country. Israel is not America and should never be like America. Its OUR homeland and heritage going back thousands of years. Its real and actually it means something. It actually is blood and soil. 

No such thing as Israeli Arab or Israeli African or Israeli Irish or Israeli Japanese... Israeli ONLY = Jew and vice versa. We live in a stupid world where nation of people are destroying themselves because they think leftist liberalism is the highest expression virtue. They're all idiots who live in a self destructive fantasy and they're bringing us all down with them. 

I really like the idea of a Jewish Homeland. I earned the right to like it A LOT! So did all of you!           

Your point is strong. You can not separate the land of Israel from who we are. With this understanding, "Israeli Jew" is an anti-Judaism statement, as if Israel isn't relevant to being a Jew, when it's the foundation of it. Ok sold.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Israel Chai on May 17, 2020, 08:20:32 PM
But so long as there are "Russian Jews" then there will be a need for a term to denote Jews living where Hashem commands. So how do you differentiate between Jews currently living in Russia or elsewhere with a Russian heritage, and Jews living in Israel? I'm not one for semantics debates typically, but I see the need for a more accurate and less insulting term.
Title: Re: My take on the Druze
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on May 18, 2020, 03:26:11 PM
There are also evil people that call Middle Eastern Jews "Arab Jews". That's a racist and Anti-Semitic term.