General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: angryChineseKahanist on July 30, 2021, 09:39:41 AM

Title: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 30, 2021, 09:39:41 AM
Getting the vaccine
having had the virus and producing antibodies
having had the virus and producing antibodies and then getting the vaccine

I was looking at this thread that was unfortunately destroyed:
So, I've created a new topic.

I already got the virus last year and I have done blood tests several times. I still have the antibodies.

What do you think? Should I still get the vaccine?  Some places require it.

There are reports of issues of mRNA problems and how this is different from usual vaccines.

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Ulli on July 30, 2021, 10:40:06 AM
Getting the vaccine
having had the virus and producing antibodies
having had the virus and producing antibodies and then getting the vaccine

I was looking at this thread that was unfortunately destroyed:
So, I've created a new topic.

I already got the virus last year and I have done blood tests several times. I still have the antibodies.

What do you think? Should I still get the vaccine?  Some places require it.

There are reports of issues of mRNA problems and how this is different from usual vaccines.

I am not an expert. But I am now fully vaccinated. 2 times with moderna. The first time was without any adverse effects. The second one was hard. I got a heavy fever and was one day out of order. This is now the second day and I am still tired.

My advise is, that you ask the doctors here. If they think your antibodys are sufficient protection than of cause no. If they advise you the vaccine take two days off before.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on July 30, 2021, 02:01:43 PM
 If you had covid it doesn't make sense to get the vaccine. Now the city/state/country/ NWO?  is putting pressure to get the vaccine anyway which doesn't make sense. The best anti-bodies is actually getting Covid. Its probably back door $$$ and other things involved.  If you can avoid not getting it of-course don't get it. I personally would have to either get it or get tested weekly which sucks.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 30, 2021, 07:29:29 PM
Getting the vaccine
having had the virus and producing antibodies
having had the virus and producing antibodies and then getting the vaccine

I was looking at this thread that was unfortunately destroyed:
So, I've created a new topic.

I already got the virus last year and I have done blood tests several times. I still have the antibodies.

What do you think? Should I still get the vaccine?  Some places require it.

There are reports of issues of mRNA problems and how this is different from usual vaccines.

The vaccine on top of the prior infection will boost protection even higher. 
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 30, 2021, 07:37:55 PM
The best anti-bodies is actually getting Covid. Its probably back door $$$ and other things involved.  If you can avoid not getting it of-course don't get it. I personally would have to either get it or get tested weekly which sucks.

Even in the subset of patients in Pfizer's phase 3 trial who had prior infection, there were many more cases in the placebo group than the vaccinated group.  (0.4% cases in vaccinated group and 2% in placebo).  So prior infection is not the end all and be all.  Even though it offers some protection, it is pretty variable and not everyone gets as good of a response.

When "getting Covid" is the route to get antibodies, that's not a good option because then people may have to suffer with the disease in order to get there.  That's the whole point of a vaccination.  To induce the protection without having to suffer through the disease. 
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 30, 2021, 09:55:15 PM
Do any of you believe this:


Again, this is a serious question and this is an actual question.  I ask because, well, the most brilliant people on the planet are...
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Slobodan on July 31, 2021, 07:29:04 AM
You should (and if I where you I would too) get a vaccine, no matter whether you had Covid-19 or not. Imunity from vaccine is far stronger and last longer than imunity from having had the infection. The only question is should it be one dose, or two. Ask your doctor.
Even third dose is under consideration, for people with lower imune system.
Personally, I have received 2 doses of Sinopharm vaccine. It has been 4 months since the second dose. I had no adverse effects, but that is a classic vaccine (dead virus). In Serbia they are close to recommending a third dose 6 months after the second one. So I will see, if I should get the third dose in the next 2 months, although it is mostlly recommended for older people, and Sinopharm vaccine is the most effective against Delta strain so,...
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 31, 2021, 10:53:54 AM
You should (and if I where you I would too) get a vaccine, no matter whether you had Covid-19 or not. Imunity from vaccine is far stronger and last longer than imunity from having had the infection. The only question is should it be one dose, or two. Ask your doctor.
Even third dose is under consideration, for people with lower imune system.
Personally, I have received 2 doses of Sinopharm vaccine. It has been 4 months since the second dose. I had no adverse effects, but that is a classic vaccine (dead virus). In Serbia they are close to recommending a third dose 6 months after the second one. So I will see, if I should get the third dose in the next 2 months, although it is mostlly recommended for older people, and Sinopharm vaccine is the most effective against Delta strain so,...

I have not seen the Sinopharm.  I only see options for pfizer, moderna, and johnson and johnson.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 31, 2021, 10:22:24 PM
Do any of you believe this:


Again, this is a serious question and this is an actual question.  I ask because, well, the most brilliant people on the planet are...

No, I do not believe their fabricated claims about deaths and disabilities.  These people are a joke. 
And after selfishly getting their protection for themselves, now they try to scare others out of getting protection.  Just like Malone.  A dishonest hack.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on July 31, 2021, 10:25:29 PM
I have not seen the Sinopharm.  I only see options for pfizer, moderna, and johnson and johnson.

Yes, those are the US options.  Pfizer has lighter side effects than Moderna.  If you are certain that you had Covid previously (positive PCR test and now positive for antibodies), then 2 shots are very likely to be unnecessary, and probably only 1 is helpful, but talk to your doctor.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 31, 2021, 11:23:54 PM
I had the virus in March 2020.  Right after this, something strange happened.

I have Hepatitis B and so I do blood tests every six months.  My Hep B viral load was always safely below the border line, but still a lot.

Search results will always show that covid damages the liver so that the Hep B viral load will spike.  So, that means that the Hep B viral load will be much higher than before.

After I've recovered from the covid-19, my Hep B viral load went down to nearly none.  It's still there and detectable, but very low. And it stayed low.

I did ask the doctor, but he does not know why.

Any guesses?
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on July 31, 2021, 11:24:56 PM
Even in the subset of patients in Pfizer's phase 3 trial who had prior infection, there were many more cases in the placebo group than the vaccinated group.  (0.4% cases in vaccinated group and 2% in placebo).  So prior infection is not the end all and be all.  Even though it offers some protection, it is pretty variable and not everyone gets as good of a response.

When "getting Covid" is the route to get antibodies, that's not a good option because then people may have to suffer with the disease in order to get there.  That's the whole point of a vaccination.  To induce the protection without having to suffer through the disease.

 Already had it. Did it fell good? No, but just like getting sick I got through it. Yes it's harsher then the flu but still. For some especially minors it's probably a much better option then the risk of the vaccine. For older people I can understand getting the shots, but for minors, no.
 Also already having it is probably the best antidote and the vaccines isn't as effective as having antibodies from Covid itself.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on July 31, 2021, 11:26:04 PM
What about this guy:


( spoiler: at the last few minutes, he shows you the beautiful new book he wrote.  I guess I already answered my own question. )
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 01, 2021, 12:35:15 AM
Already had it. Did it fell good? No, but just like getting sick I got through it. Yes it's harsher then the flu but still. For some especially minors it's probably a much better option then the risk of the vaccine. For older people I can understand getting the shots, but for minors, no.
 Also already having it is probably the best antidote and the vaccines isn't as effective as having antibodies from Covid itself.

Ok, I never had covid, and I got the pfizer vaccine and it was nothing.  On the second shot I had fever for 1 day.  Took some tylenol and felt fine.  When I catch a little sniffle it's worse than that.   

I am not talking about minors.  ChineseKahanist is not a minor. 

You claim that vaccines aren't as effective as prior covid but this is based on assumption only.  In someone who never had covid, 2 shots of the vaccine push antibody titer MUCH higher than the levels they reach with a prior covid.  1 shot levels are similar to the range of prior covid.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 01, 2021, 08:47:32 AM
Ok, I never had covid, and I got the pfizer vaccine and it was nothing.  On the second shot I had fever for 1 day.  Took some tylenol and felt fine.  When I catch a little sniffle it's worse than that.   

I am not talking about minors.  ChineseKahanist is not a minor. 

You claim that vaccines aren't as effective as prior covid but this is based on assumption only.  In someone who never had covid, 2 shots of the vaccine push antibody titer MUCH higher than the levels they reach with a prior covid.  1 shot levels are similar to the range of prior covid.

 Does it make sense though that they are pushing people like me to get the shot(s) or face weekly testing?
 Also as of now the information coming is that the effects of the shots wears off after some time and perhaps people would be needing to get them every 6 months- a year. This could be a yearly thing now. While having Covid their aren't cases of people getting it a second time.
 Anyway at this point I'm inclining to believe that this is a plandemic and perhaps a lot of $$$ is involved in backdoor channels with the pharmaceuticals and government.
 They already used Covid to beat Trump perhaps they are pushing "higher numbers" especially now to get mail in voting again before the November elections. They know that they can get away with more fraud + many of their voters are more lazier and wouldn't go to vote but mailing in a ballot is a lot easier.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 01, 2021, 03:33:30 PM
Vaccine effective only 16% after 6 months

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 01, 2021, 09:26:34 PM
Even in the subset of patients in Pfizer's phase 3 trial who had prior infection, there were many more cases in the placebo group than the vaccinated group.  (0.4% cases in vaccinated group and 2% in placebo).  So prior infection is not the end all and be all.  Even though it offers some protection, it is pretty variable and not everyone gets as good of a response.

When "getting Covid" is the route to get antibodies, that's not a good option because then people may have to suffer with the disease in order to get there.  That's the whole point of a vaccination.  To induce the protection without having to suffer through the disease.

I reread their study and it's a little unclear.  I had subtracted those numbers to get the answer, but in the section where they talk about prior infection, including all medical evidence of prior infection, it was 13 in vaxed group and 17 in placebo.  No statistical difference for numbers that small.  I would think as time goes on from the time of the infection, the vaccine would be more and more likely to help boost immunity further, but reinfection rate is rare so you need a large study to determine that.  It seems like an unanswered question although seems really plausible to be helpful. 
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 01, 2021, 09:34:00 PM
Does it make sense though that they are pushing people like me to get the shot(s) or face weekly testing?
 Also as of now the information coming is that the effects of the shots wears off after some time and perhaps people would be needing to get them every 6 months- a year. This could be a yearly thing now. While having Covid their aren't cases of people getting it a second time.

Yes there are cases of reinfection.  I know some personally.  In the Pfizer trial of 40,000 people there were around 2,000 enrolled who had prior covid before the trial, and out of these people there were around 30 in total who got covid a second time over the course of the trial.  So indeed it does happen.  But it is rarer than getting it a first time.

Anyway at this point I'm inclining to believe that this is a plandemic and perhaps a lot of $$$ is involved in backdoor channels with the pharmaceuticals and government. 

A lot of people have conspiratorial thoughts about it, but let me ask you this.  If this virus can kill people, and I know people it has killed, does it matter to me whether a government or governments planned this or not? The point is that it is now in the environment and there is an option to get protection from it.  And if someone makes money from that, so be it.  I do grant the point that this may have been a bioweapons attack by the Chinese Communist Party.  It doesn't change anything practically speaking though.  I hope Pfizer and other companies makes many billions with a product that can save so many lives. 

They already used Covid to beat Trump perhaps they are pushing "higher numbers" especially now to get mail in voting again before the November elections. They know that they can get away with more fraud + many of their voters are more lazier and wouldn't go to vote but mailing in a ballot is a lot easier.

Again, these are all separate issues.  You should try to stop the democrats from rigging elections.  But if they didn't use Covid, they'd use some other crisis to do so.  Or they'd manufacture one.    You cannot tell me that just because Democrats have benefitted from the Covid crisis this proves it is fake.  That's a terrible logic that makes no sense.   They capitalize on real crises just the same.   Just because GOP was impotent to stop them does not make you can tell me all data is fabricated and all people getting sick and all deaths are imagined.  We're not imagining it.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 01, 2021, 09:41:38 PM
Vaccine effective only 16% after 6 months



The Pfizer vaccine demonstrated 97% protection from severe disease, compared to placebo, over 6 months in a double blinded placebo controlled trial.   It demonstrated 91% efficacy on symptomatic infection over the 6 month period in total. 


Why are you so intent on convincing people that a product with dramatic efficacy doesn't work?   What do you gain from this? 

He admits in the video the methodology used by the Ministry of Health in his referenced study is in question, and yes it very much is. There are dramatically fewer deaths in this delta wave in Israel compared to all the previous waves of covid cases there.  This is undeniable fact which defeats the purpose of your arguments.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 01, 2021, 10:10:20 PM
  I personally don't care if people get it. I personally don't want to and dont need to. Already had Covid and I'm not old. I just hate the fact that I would have to be getting tested every week for no reason. This thing will be an ongoing occurrence nows. Watch and see. They are pushing these vaccines that people don't know the long term affects on all of the population now including children. Their are many many more deadlier things for children then Covid.

 Anyway I knew Covid was BS for nve they started promoting BLM riots. Statistical farce.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 01, 2021, 10:51:23 PM
  I personally don't care if people get it. I personally don't want to and dont need to. Already had Covid and I'm not old. I just hate the fact that I would have to be getting tested every week for no reason. This thing will be an ongoing occurrence nows. Watch and see. They are pushing these vaccines that people don't know the long term affects on all of the population now including children. Their are many many more deadlier things for children then Covid.

 Anyway I knew Covid was BS for nve they started promoting BLM riots. Statistical farce.

So not gonna answer the questions then?  Typical.   You conspiracists in the frum community are all the same.    "Muh the Democrats!"

I got the vaccine happily and there is no long term effect except that I have some protection from Covid. 
The materials in the vaccine itself (LNP, mRNA, excipients) are cleared from the body within weeks.  There is nothing there anymore to cause a longterm effect.  You are being misled by pied pipers who call themselves experts and spread the fearmongering about spike proteins in our community.  It's nonsense.  These people make me sick.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 03, 2021, 01:39:19 PM
So not gonna answer the questions then?  Typical.   You conspiracists in the frum community are all the same.    "Muh the Democrats!"

I got the vaccine happily and there is no long term effect except that I have some protection from Covid. 
The materials in the vaccine itself (LNP, mRNA, excipients) are cleared from the body within weeks.  There is nothing there anymore to cause a longterm effect.  You are being misled by pied pipers who call themselves experts and spread the fearmongering about spike proteins in our community.  It's nonsense.  These people make me sick.

 You mean this question?

 "Why are you so intent on convincing people that a product with dramatic efficacy doesn't work?   What do you gain from this?"

 I'm not intent. Like I told you, people can get it if they want to. If I was old and didn't have Corona yet I would probably get it. The facts that I'm young AND had Corona, why would I need or want to take this vaccine? No benefit and possible risks for me. The gov is trying to force us now, either get this vaccine that I dont need or do weekly testing.
 I just want people to be able to choose on their own for their own bodies. 
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Slobodan on August 03, 2021, 02:53:55 PM
Vaccine is far less of a risk (basically none) compared to COVID-19.

"Four in 10 of those between 19 and 49 developed problems with their kidneys, lungs or other organs while treated.

The research looked at 73,197 adults of all ages across 302 UK hospitals in the first wave of Covid in 2020."

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 03, 2021, 06:05:59 PM
You mean this question?

 "Why are you so intent on convincing people that a product with dramatic efficacy doesn't work?   What do you gain from this?"

 I'm not intent. Like I told you, people can get it if they want to. If I was old and didn't have Corona yet I would probably get it. The facts that I'm young AND had Corona, why would I need or want to take this vaccine? No benefit and possible risks for me. The gov is trying to force us now, either get this vaccine that I dont need or do weekly testing.
 I just want people to be able to choose on their own for their own bodies.

I was referring to these questions: 
"A lot of people have conspiratorial thoughts about it, but let me ask you this.  If this virus can kill people, and I know people it has killed, does it matter to me whether a government or governments planned this or not? The point is that it is now in the environment and there is an option to get protection from it.  And if someone makes money from that, so be it.  I do grant the point that this may have been a bioweapons attack by the Chinese Communist Party.  It doesn't change anything practically speaking though.  I hope Pfizer and other companies makes many billions with a product that can save so many lives. "

You claimed COVID was "BS" and a "statistical farce." Sadly, it is not BS.

You say you don't care if other people get the vaccine, yet here you are posting videos attempting to claim vaccine efficacy has waned.  You contradict yourself.    You also claimed that no one ever gets Covid a second time, and that's a lie.  You contrasted this fakenews claim with the idea that vaccine will lose efficacy in only 6 months.
You are speaking out of both sides of your mouth.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 03, 2021, 07:22:16 PM
   That was from i24 news. Not conspiracy. I think it's best to leave it to people to decide. Again peoples choice. You feel strongly for the vaccine all means get it. I dont want to and hate the fact that the government is pressing to get it now. You think it's a good idea to have vaccine passports?

  And it is partly BS and an excuse for Socialism.

  I can say a lot more but F it. I'm tired.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 09:23:42 AM

Dr. Zelenko speaks to a Rabbinical court in Jerusalem

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Ulli on August 09, 2021, 10:20:08 AM
So not gonna answer the questions then?  Typical.   You conspiracists in the frum community are all the same.    "Muh the Democrats!"

I got the vaccine happily and there is no long term effect except that I have some protection from Covid. 
The materials in the vaccine itself (LNP, mRNA, excipients) are cleared from the body within weeks.  There is nothing there anymore to cause a longterm effect.  You are being misled by pied pipers who call themselves experts and spread the fearmongering about spike proteins in our community.  It's nonsense.  These people make me sick.

This is the fault of the DEMOCRATS! They are obviously hating orthodox Jews and I am convinced, that they enjoy even the suffering they inflict on them. The same is with white Protestant Christians. They make weird statements that they are happy when they dissapear and so on. Their policies endangers daily the lifes specially by inciting

sewage water on the temple mount, it is the Benjamins baby, behind the curtain .., Israel is training US cops to murder minorities, murdering Palestinian children NYT, Israel the South Africa of our times, should I go on?

and tolerating attacks on the streets by PUNKS that they help by defunding police departments, banning of private guns as well as letting them go on the streets again by no bail policy.

Also they isolate Israel and help Iran, that is obviously an insane Nazi state, in so many ways that I don't want to discuss here, because it is well known.

And now such a Democrat comes and recommends a vaccine to you.

To tell you the truth. I only took the vaccine, because you and Rabbi Mizrachi have said it is ok. A Kahanist and an orthodox Rabbi will not kill their fellow Jews and so I took it.

But otherwise for shure not never ever.

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Slobodan on August 09, 2021, 11:05:17 AM
Corona imunity plus full vaccination gives you "hybrind imunity" which is far stronger than just Covid imunity and evenn stronger than vaccine imunity.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 11:25:03 AM

To tell you the truth. I only took the vaccine, because you and Rabbi Mizrachi have said it is ok. A Kahanist and an orthodox Rabbi will not kill their fellow Jews and so I took it.

The problem with Rabbi Mizrachi and the vaccines is that he has 0 knowledge about it. He said that people must take the vaccine because the "Gedolim" said that we should.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 11:26:15 AM
Corona imunity plus full vaccination gives you "hybrind imunity" which is far stronger than just Covid imunity and evenn stronger than vaccine imunity.

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 09, 2021, 12:11:39 PM
The problem with Rabbi Mizrachi and the vaccines is that he has 0 knowledge about it. He said that people must take the vaccine because the "Gedolim" said that we should.

According to you anyone who says to take it "has zero knowledge on it," while anyone who says not to is the only one with expertise.  A no true scotsman fallacy. 

I have a great deal of knowledge in this area, and the gedolim were right to recommend people get it.  They are from that bygone era where common sense meant to protect against infectious diseases with available vaccines recommended by infectious disease experts (you know, the ones with the knowledge). 
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 02:39:55 PM
According to you anyone who says to take it "has zero knowledge on it," while anyone who says not to is the only one with expertise.  A no true scotsman fallacy. 

I have a great deal of knowledge in this area, and the gedolim were right to recommend people get it.  They are from that bygone era where common sense meant to protect against infectious diseases with available vaccines recommended by infectious disease experts (you know, the ones with the knowledge).

 You really believe that those who had Covid already should Still get the vaccines? And also children that have higher chance to die from regular flu then this man made virus.

 Also what do you think of Dr. Zalinko? Also why are dissenting views by doctors being suppressed?
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 02:49:03 PM
According to you anyone who says to take it "has zero knowledge on it," while anyone who says not to is the only one with expertise.  A no true scotsman fallacy. 

I have a great deal of knowledge in this area, and the gedolim were right to recommend people get it.  They are from that bygone era where common sense meant to protect against infectious diseases with available vaccines recommended by infectious disease experts (you know, the ones with the knowledge).

 I said that because he himself said that (to that effect). He said that you should get the vaccine because Rabbi Kanievsky said to get it. Thats not based on science but blindly following the "gedolim". For me that's not a good answer.

  --- Also why dont and didn't they promote things like excercise, drinking enough water, vitamins, hydroxychloroquine?

Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 02:50:43 PM
According to you anyone who says to take it "has zero knowledge on it," while anyone who says not to is the only one with expertise.  A no true scotsman fallacy. 

I have a great deal of knowledge in this area, and the gedolim were right to recommend people get it.  They are from that bygone era where common sense meant to protect against infectious diseases with available vaccines recommended by infectious disease experts (you know, the ones with the knowledge).

 What kind of "vaccine" is it that people already are taking for a THIRD time? Any other vaccine I know its you take it once and that's that. This thing doesn't seem like a vaccine.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 02:54:16 PM
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 09, 2021, 04:10:25 PM
You really believe that those who had Covid already should Still get the vaccines? And also children that have higher chance to die from regular flu then this man made virus.

Explain to me how the odds of dying from something else should factor into the question of getting this vaccine or not?  Should children also not get vaccinated against chicken pox because they have a higher risk of dying in a car accident?

Then explain to me how the virus being man-made or not man-made has any relevance to the question of protecting against it?

Also what do you think of Dr. Zalinko?

What about him?   
I think he's full of baloney and I have thought that since back in early 2020 when he first started making himself the self-professed voice of pandemic matters on social media. Back then he was pulling numbers out of his behind telling people that within a week or two the entire Satmar community will have been infected (LOL).  He has only pushed more and more nonsense since then. 

Also why are dissenting views by doctors being suppressed?

Who did I suppress? 

Why do some doctors consider a critique of their insane views to be a form of suppression?
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 09, 2021, 04:11:41 PM
What kind of "vaccine" is it that people already are taking for a THIRD time? Any other vaccine I know its you take it once and that's that. This thing doesn't seem like a vaccine.

Once again showing ignorance but calling it as "knowing" or knowledge when it isn't.  Many vaccines have a prime and booster schedule.  Some viruses are easy to defeat with only a single shot.  Many are not.  What does this have to do with anything?
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 05:10:21 PM
Explain to me how the odds of dying from something else should factor into the question of getting this vaccine or not?  Should children also not get vaccinated against chicken pox because they have a higher risk of dying in a car accident?

Then explain to me how the virus being man-made or not man-made has any relevance to the question of protecting against it?

What about him?   
I think he's full of baloney and I have thought that since back in early 2020 when he first started making himself the self-professed voice of pandemic matters on social media. Back then he was pulling numbers out of his behind telling people that within a week or two the entire Satmar community will have been infected (LOL).  He has only pushed more and more nonsense since then. 

Who did I suppress? 

Why do some doctors consider a critique of their insane views to be a form of suppression?

  Again, those who had Covid, should they got this shot?
   About children- Any harm from Covid is almost none, while the shot has problems and we dont know the long term effects. Would you and why would you advocate for that?
 -- I didn't say YOU suppressed, I'm saying that those with power- Facebook, Youtube, Google and other "elites" and governments and Media are doing the suppression.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 09, 2021, 05:13:38 PM
    Also is it correct to screw small businesses, have them fined, closed while big business was allowed to be opened and people were all over each other ( I saw first hand the mess at Walwart). -- Who are they to tell people who is essential or not? --- They are printing $$$$$ all over and you will see the dollar sink lower-faster;
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 10, 2021, 11:34:10 AM
  Again, those who had Covid, should they got this shot?
Probably, yes.

   About children- Any harm from Covid is almost none, while the shot has problems and we dont know the long term effects. Would you and why would you advocate for that?

I'd rather see clinical trial data in children before advocating anything on the subject.  That is how I evaluate these products.  Not from made up theories, fears, or guesses.  But from the data.  There is no data available currently. Trials are ongoing.
The data in adults was excellent, so I immediately knew upon scrutinizing it that it's a good idea for adults to get vaccinated to protect against Covid.   

It depends on what the data will show in a comparison with placebo.   This is always how medicines should be evaluated.

As for "long term effects" - This is nonsense and fearmongering.  There is no reason to expect longterm effects from a vaccine.  This is not a lifetime, chronically administered drug.  Historically, vaccine side effects emerge within weeks of being dosed.  After that time the vaccine components are gone from the body, and the person is left only with immune memory cells. Attributing something longterm to the 2 shots over a 1 month period from years before would be irrational (UNLESS it emerged within days or weeks of the shots and has a plausible link).

-- I didn't say YOU suppressed, I'm saying that those with power- Facebook, Youtube, Google and other "elites" and governments and Media are doing the suppression.

This isn't my fault. I don't control facebook, youtube, google or elites and governments.   I only share my opinions about the covid vaccines, and the opinion is not determined by what facebook youtube google or elites and governments say about it.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Kahane-Was-Right BT on August 10, 2021, 11:36:15 AM
    Also is it correct to screw small businesses, have them fined, closed while big business was allowed to be opened and people were all over each other ( I saw first hand the mess at Walwart). -- Who are they to tell people who is essential or not? --- They are printing $$$$$ all over and you will see the dollar sink lower-faster;

I'll take "Things That Have Nothing to Do with Whether A Covid Vaccine Works" for $100, Alex!
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Slobodan on August 10, 2021, 02:53:19 PM
Corona imunity plus full vaccination gives you "hybrind imunity" which is far stronger than just Covid imunity and evenn stronger than vaccine imunity.


Another science denier.


Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Nachus on August 15, 2021, 07:36:19 PM
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                       :fist:

Although ‘time’ will tell what the best formula is
or are and no one seems to yet be an absolute
”authority” on this issue, I have to for the most
part concur with Kahane-Was-Right BT’s general
perspectives and overall take on this issue so far.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on August 16, 2021, 01:11:02 AM
I guess the only thing that still bothers me now is what the new mRNA jab will do to us in the long term.
I don't need the shot.   Being in the NE USA I have to deal with vaccine passports.   So, it might not even be a choice.  The tyrants usually win.
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: Tag-MehirTzedek on August 16, 2021, 02:06:54 PM
I guess the only thing that still bothers me now is what the new mRNA jab will do to us in the long term.
I don't need the shot.   Being in the NE USA I have to deal with vaccine passports.   So, it might not even be a choice.  The tyrants usually win.

 They are disgusting tyrants. Look at Obama and his crew. They are the ones trying to lock you up at your house and all this BS while they are partying.
  I hope the people stand up and rebel against these tyrants.
  We need to end this Plandemic asap
Title: Re: Vaccine vs antibodies vs antibodies + vaccine
Post by: angryChineseKahanist on August 24, 2021, 10:43:04 AM

Sinopharm vaccine

How did you get the Sinopharm vaccine?
In the USA, there are only three.