The Worldwide Crisis of Islam => The Truth About Islam => Topic started by: Eugene on October 11, 2007, 08:44:40 PM

Title: ISLAM
Post by: Eugene on October 11, 2007, 08:44:40 PM
Yes. We have to ban Nazi Muslim should be banned.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on October 11, 2007, 08:46:35 PM
No, free speach. If some1 brings facts then I think it shouldnt be banned.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: kellymaureen on October 11, 2007, 08:55:47 PM
The facts are all in the koran, haidt and sura, one can read them for themselves....and NEVER believe a muslim who tells you that you dont understand it...that it has to be read in arabic to be true, or that we are just silly infidels who cant understand that "great book", or any of the other reasons they come up with to tell us we "just dont understand'  its all BS.

Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Eugene on October 11, 2007, 09:06:54 PM
The facts are all in the koran, haidt and sura, one can read them for themselves....and NEVER believe a muslim who tells you that you dont understand it...that it has to be read in arabic to be true, or that we are just silly infidels who cant understand that "great book", or any of the other reasons they come up with to tell us we "just dont understand'  its all BS.

Great or not Great But the Bs In there kill the infidel on the way of allah or Oh those who belived you should not make freinds jew or christian or they are brother between in each but not muslims I think they all should be banned from country and other I only read 10 chapters and it was enough for me to "LOVE" them and one thing i dont understand. Now if I am not mistaken in Bible says that Abraham made muslims through Ismail and through him Made that Animal Muhamed.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Tzvi Ben Roshel1 on October 11, 2007, 11:24:24 PM
Arabs were the way they are without the koran, I dont need to defend it and am not going to, but the problem isnt the koran necessarily but its them. They act the way they do becuase they are peri adam- like a man but really animals. Islam is a weapon not the underlying problem necessarily.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: ftf on October 13, 2007, 09:05:38 PM
Arabs were the way they are without the koran, I dont need to defend it and am not going to, but the problem isnt the koran necessarily but its them. They act the way they do becuase they are peri adam- like a man but really animals. Islam is a weapon not the underlying problem necessarily.
Say what you will, not all arabs supported Muhammad, he had to kill a lot of them, not all of todays arabs are anti-semitic, the issue is not one of race.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Ehud on October 13, 2007, 09:11:35 PM
I say no, but it matters HOW they are defending Islam.  If they are defending it in legitimate ways (I can't really think of any myself but there COULD be some) then there isn't a problem, but if they are defending it by telling us what we know to be lies and engaging in taqiyya, they should definitely be banned.  I voted a no for the blanket, all-inclusive statement.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: ftf on October 13, 2007, 09:21:00 PM
If a muslim comes here, it is beneficial to our cause if we treat them with respect while pointing out that their religion is rubbish, if they try to use taqqiya we should call them up on it with quotes from their books, if we ban them, they will call us cowards, if we use personal insults, they will call us children.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Dan on October 13, 2007, 10:25:02 PM
Certain things are NOT open for discussion... Are we going to defend  Nazi's next?!
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Mstislav on October 13, 2007, 11:22:30 PM
If they want to debate, fine. Those who know what islam is should debate them using passages from the koran, sunna & hadiths. muzzies do not back up their claims with their own sources and they always digress. If a muslim does post something, they conveniently leave out some details thereby engaging in taqiyya & kitman. Sometimes they, along with their leftist traitorous allies, will post Judeo-Christian scripture to denigrate HaShem, Judaism and Christianity. It is funny how muslims accuse those who bring to light the unsavoury aspects of islam of 'taking things out of context' - amongst other things. They never explain what it is that is being taken out of context. If they can debate in a civilized manner, not engage in taqiyya & kitman, not digress, not engage in 'tu qouque' (the 'you too' excuse), not try to justify and downplay the barbarity taught in islam then I have no problem with letting them stay. We are on the side of truth and follow in the guidence of HaShem. Trust in Him and you will overcome many obstacles. Fight the lies with truth and many more will wake from their slumber and will warn others of the true face of islam. Sadly, we will not be able to win them all and some may even convert to it. Be eZrat HaShem, some will see the errors of their ways and correct themselves. The rest, Well, you know what happens when you play with fire. :) With muzzies, they will kill you for refusing to convert and even if you do, they will kill you for being in the wrong sect.

Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: newman on October 13, 2007, 11:28:09 PM
No. Let's just insult the hell out of them.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: kellymaureen on October 13, 2007, 11:54:14 PM
No. Let's just insult the hell out of them.

Well they ARE offended by every little stinking thing....

Its so amazing that the most offensive people on earth, can be offended by everything.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: newman on October 14, 2007, 12:02:11 AM
No. Let's just insult the hell out of them.

Well they ARE offended by every little stinking thing....

Its so amazing that the most offensive people on earth, can be offended by everything.


They advocate chopping off hands & heads, mutilation of girls' privates and death or forced conversion for everybody..........yet they're offended by US?????
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Mstislav on October 14, 2007, 12:07:07 AM
No. Let's just insult the hell out of them.

Well they ARE offended by every little stinking thing....

Its so amazing that the most offensive people on earth, can be offended by everything.


They advocate chopping off hands & heads, mutilation of girls' privates and death or forced conversion for everybody..........yet they're offended by US?????

Ahh the irony and hypocrisy of islam!!
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: ftf on October 14, 2007, 11:26:14 AM
Certain things are NOT open for discussion... Are we going to defend  Nazi's next?!
If we ban them, we lose the chance to humiliate them in open debate.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Husar on October 21, 2007, 07:01:13 AM

Drawings about mooohhhammmad and isssssslaaaaam:


Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: HiWarp on October 21, 2007, 08:09:12 AM
I say bring them on.  I welcome any Muslim who can debate and defend Islam in a truthful and logical manner.  Haven't found any yet, though.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Ultra Requete on October 21, 2007, 10:49:49 AM
Well when you found one not engaging in insults an/or taqiya let me know. ::) I'm sure they're good nazis somewhere too; and the moon is made from cheese. :::D
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: kellymaureen on October 21, 2007, 01:03:50 PM
Ive debated some who were, for a while anyhow, calm and rather pleasant, however once they realize that you DO know what youre talking about, the mask comes off and the threats start.
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Husar on October 21, 2007, 05:47:07 PM
kellymaureen, for your sake,
if you are to "debate" with one of these zombies,
Sister, do it anonymously.

Do not let them know anything about you.


In Serbia we say:

Let us debate, here, among us,
since we can use JTF as a THINKTANK.

Our enemies just need one thing from us: an atomisation.

Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Ultra Requete on October 28, 2007, 05:17:04 AM
kellymaureen, for your sake,
if you are to "debate" with one of these zombies,
Sister, do it anonymously.

Do not let them know anything about you.


In Serbia we say:

Let us debate, here, among us,
since we can use JTF as a THINKTANK.

Our enemies just need one thing from us: an atomisation.


Amen to that; although I cannot resist to put a few punches on them on you tube. ;) O0
Title: Re: ISLAM
Post by: Husar on October 28, 2007, 09:18:34 AM
We all punch them on YouTube.


I suggest letting islacannibals come here, in Jtf forum,
WE INSULT them to the bone,
and WE BAN them fastly,
