Save Western Civilization => Save Serbia => Topic started by: AussieJTFer on October 13, 2007, 08:58:26 PM

Title: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: AussieJTFer on October 13, 2007, 08:58:26 PM
Could Serb posters please provide some REAL information on this man and his paramilitary group. All I have ever read about him is that he led an "ethnic-cleansing" unit and that he was gunned down in Belgrade a few years ago. Also, why do the white-"supremacists" worship this man?

Thank You!
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Jasmina on October 13, 2007, 11:35:54 PM
This is one example of who is Arkan, I REALLY CAN'T SAY ANYTHING ABOUT HIM...

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: serbian army on October 13, 2007, 11:55:30 PM
He saved my life in 92', muslim animaLs were there to kill us but his boys came on time O0 O0 ;D People can say whatever they want but all I can say is THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LIFE :)
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: AussieJTFer on October 14, 2007, 01:27:43 AM
Oh yes I remember seeing this interview. The interviewer, Richard Carleton (who is dead now and burning in hell) made the Serbs look like a bunch of savages whilst apologising for every single muslim/bosnian and kosovar muslim crime. He showed one video of Serbs apparently killing muslim men and projected the entire episode on every single Serb. Funny how he failed to mention the constant rape, pillaging and unadulterated slaughter of Serb men, women and children by the muslims themselves, or showed the photos of Serbian women with their limbs and genitals ripped off or children with heads torn in half. Funny how he failed to mention the constant muslim aggression and terrorism committed against the Serbs for years upon years. Funny how he failed to show the slaughter perpetuated by the indiscriminant bombing of Serb villages and towns. This beast of an interviewer is burning in hell and his whole family should burn in hell with him.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 03:48:24 AM
Could Serb posters please provide some REAL information on this man and his paramilitary group. All I have ever read about him is that he led an "ethnic-cleansing" unit and that he was gunned down in Belgrade a few years ago. Also, why do the white-"supremacists" worship this man?

Thank You!

Arkan's name was Zeljko Raznatovic.
He is a Serb from Montenegro.
He started very early with criminal activities he left his home on early age and became active in robberies and dealing. He arranged also Assassins.

He was a criminal by profession.
He also had strong connections with the UDBA (State Security Administration).
UDBA was the secret police of communist Yugoslavia. The agency was known as a union of dangerous en violent men. It was necessary to create such hardcore agency to protect the whole state from collapsing. Many of those communist oriented men from the UDBA used later their talents in criminal activities.

That’s why the Yugoslavs (Serbs) have an image as cold bloody criminals in Europe.

Arkan was one of them. He had a leading position in the undergrounds from Europe and Yugoslavia. When the war started in Yugoslavia Arkan organized a paramilitary unit.
They had some military operations but they fought in general for their own benefits and took advantage of the situations for their personal interests. They were several times banished from Krajina and Republika Srpska because of that.
Arkan was also a close cooperator of Milosevic and his regime.

Arkan is not popular among Krajina Serbs or Serbs from RS.
He is popular among young “gangsters” and criminals. Trust me serious people don't pay attention to people like him.   

But I must admit this: when Arkan was alive the Albanian criminals were very quite in Europe.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 03:56:58 AM
, why do the white-"supremacists" worship this man?

Thank You!

You know the level of the neo Nazis.
They worship everybody who is considered as a war criminal because their own leader was one too.

Arkan was not a racist or somebody who hated Croats and Muslims.
That are western media lies. Arkan was a man who made easy en quickly money and he did not care how. If he has to cooperated with Serbian enemies for his own interests he will do it. That kind of men was he.
A wrong example for the Serbian nation.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: AussieJTFer on October 14, 2007, 05:05:33 AM
Thank You to all for the feedback. The western media made him out to be a major player in the Balkans uniformily supported by all Serbs, I am glad to have received real information which further proves the absolute bias and lies of the media.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 11:16:00 AM

Arkan's paramilitary unit was not called white tygers but just Arkan's tigers.
The official name of the unit was the Serbian volunteer guard.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: serbian army on October 14, 2007, 11:55:45 AM
, why do the white-"supremacists" worship this man?

Thank You!

You know the level of the neo Nazis.
They worship everybody who is considered as a war criminal because their own leader was one too.

Arkan was not a racist or somebody who hated Croats and Muslims.
That are western media lies. Arkan was a man who made easy en quickly money and he did not care how. If he has to cooperated with Serbian enemies for his own interests he will do it. That kind of men was he.
A wrong example for the Serbian nation.

You are really starting to get on my nerves with your lies >:( Thank God that you are the best Serb, everyone is bad one from Milosevic, to Arkan to men who organizes march for unity of Serbia. You know what you big nobody I will tell you that much.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 14, 2007, 03:40:23 PM
Was ARKAN a "criminal" has a very few meaning,
knowing he waged war against slaughterers of Serbs.


ouch, excuse me,





Serbs, compared to ANYBODY else in the Balkan,
are not gloryfying CRIME and/or genocide.

Serbs carry in their hearts a Man

 :) :) :)

Would he "work" for Serbian's enemies for money ?...........
He could, why not ?
The fact is he did not.
End of quote.


What is a "white supremacists" ?

A nazi ?

I think so.


On dalmatian's (croatian's) side.





Thanks for reading.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 03:49:46 PM
In 1996 US’s agencies requested Milosevic to capture Radovan Karadzic.

Milosevic ordered his close friend and cooperator Arkan to accomplish the job.
In that same year Arkan’s men together with M. Lukovic arrived in Pale (Republica Srpska – Serbian territory of Bosnia) and tried to capture the former president of the Bosnian Serbs Radovan Karadzic.

The guard of Karadzic overpowered Arkan and M. Lukovic (Legija).
The head of Karadzic’s security guard shot Arkan in the leg in front of Karadzic.

Karadzic speared the life of Arkan and Lukovic (Legija).

But the message of Karadzic was clear
he said if Milosevic would even by accident repeat something like this then my specialist will visit him with the same mission.

This story was several time published in the media.
You can read this also in books about Arkan’s or Legija’s lifes.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 03:55:44 PM
When the Serb refugees arrived in Serbia in 1995.
Arkan and his men started to capture them and took them to new battle fields.

Arkan abused them because they chased him away from Krajina.
If you know some ex-soldiers from Krajina. You must listen to their stories about Arkan. He is not popular among us Krajina Serbs. 
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 04:01:04 PM

On dalmatian's (croatian's) side.

Are you saying that Dalmatinians are Croatians?
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 14, 2007, 04:39:50 PM
Unfortunately many Serbs still think that Arkan was some kind of hero.
He had some military operations but his main purpose was always his own financial benefit. Arkan was not for nothing banished by Krajina authorities from Republic of Serbian Krajina. He was also not welcome in Republic of Srpska.

Who killed captain Bogunovic from Benkovac?
Who killed the Serbian reporter Riste. D?
Who killed the famous real heroic warlord Veljko Milankovic?
Must I continue….. ??

Everybody who considers Arkan as a hero does not know anything about the war or about the Serbs. And it is really strange to consider someone Croatian only because he does not recognize Arkan as a hero? What kind of theory is that.

That’s naïve my brothers.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 14, 2007, 04:55:54 PM
I am definitely sorry (and sad)
to "agress" you on this topic,


But you seemed, in the very beginning of this topic,
to speak from a croatian point of view.
Not from a Serbian one.


And since you do so,
I couldn't do else but
tell you Dalmatia is seen,
in a croatian point of view too,
as a croatian land.

Of course,
this is not my Serbian point of view.

What is "right" for NAZICROATS
is WRONG for Serbians.

Arkan ?
If he ever saved, and he did,
he has my full respect.

 :) :) :)

Who wouldn't care about a bit of "own financial benefit" ?
clinton was interested in this kind of benefit too.
Stil, clinton is considered a hero by the archenemies of the Serbs....

Someone having financial benefit
is definitely not a bad guy.

You have much more people on this planet
having GREAT financial benefit by slaughtering the Serbs.
Arkan would have made much, much more money then.

The Karadzic-Bogunovic-Milankovic-Milosevic-Lukovic-raznjatovic
plot is too much of a rather Balkanic Clanic War of Power.

It is an old Serbian disease.

 ::) ::) ::)

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 15, 2007, 02:07:45 AM
I do not speak from a Croatian point of view.
I am only telling facts comrade.

If Arkan had bad activities than that’s not my or your fault.
Why can’t we criticize each other if its based on the truth and facts? I do not understand it. If I say that Arkan was a criminal that’s not Croatian propaganda but the truth. If I say that most people from the west consider ex Yugoslavs mostly us the Serbs as some hard criminals,
is that immediately a Croatian point of view? Go to the west and represent your self as a Serb and you will see how they will look at you.

Where are my Croatian points of views? Can you mark them.

All I said on this topic are facts.
You did not come with one argument to prove that it is not like that.

If you considered for example Milosevic as a Serbian hero in the beginning of the nineties that’s understandable. But to think in the year of 2007 that Milosevic and Arkan were true heroes and patriots that is insane.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 15, 2007, 03:25:47 AM
Тhe fact the west considers Serbs as criminals in general
is definitely NAZICROAT PROPAGANDA that came "true".

NAZICROATS went in the west
to carry the LIE of Serbs as "nazis" !!!


Where ?
At Ruder Finn "agency", in new-york.
This is a name we Serbs shall NEVER FORGET.


I do not need to "go" to the west,
since I am born and live in france.
I represent myself ALWAYS as a Serb,
and YES, we Serbs are seen as
the WORST CREATURES the world ever carried.


As for you,
I did not come with any "argument",
since I thought I shouldn't have to,
because we are, JTFers, on the same side (?)...

My reaction to your anti-Arkan post
had nothing to do with reason, but with passion.
I didn't expect any Serb here, if you are One of us,
to claim Arkan was in fact a "criminal"...


(Serbs= "criminal hordes"....their soldiers="criminal hordes"....their leaders="criminals"......)
Are you working for a western agency of "information",
like RUDER FINN's, about Serbs ?
You will make great money.
Do you intend to demonstrate all Serbs are, in fact, "criminals" ?
Perhaps you've got some first hand info ?
NAZICROATS will welcome you.


A "croatian" point of view is that Arkan is a "criminal".
You share this with them.


Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 15, 2007, 03:34:04 PM
I didn't expect any Serb here, if you are One of us,
to claim Arkan was in fact a "criminal

If you are not able to recognize a Serb? It says enough.

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: serbian army on October 17, 2007, 09:14:40 PM
Dalmatia learned these stories in flee market :::D
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on October 18, 2007, 09:24:22 AM
No he didn't. I'm from Knin in Krajina, and Arkan was, stoping refugees and abused them into joining his "voluntary" guard
wich was in the beginning voluntary.

Of course he saved serbian lives but he also destroyed serbian lives.
->True<- Serbian heroes are Radovan Karadzic, Milos Obilic, Ratko Mladic, Cica Draza and many more.

but NEVER Arkan, Milosevic and Legija.

I hated djindjic too. but that doesn't change the fact that those three are bastards. Might aswell be croats.

Don't argue with eachother over these bastards, It is below us. Unite and praise true heroes instead.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 18, 2007, 09:27:17 AM
Dalmatia learned these stories in flee market :::D

How do you know I heard it over there?
Because you are there every day…:)
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 18, 2007, 09:34:37 AM
I'm from Knin in Krajina

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 18, 2007, 10:20:18 AM
As far as I am concerned,
I won't argue anymore about them.

We have to think about OUR Serbian Future,
if we want to have One.


Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 18, 2007, 01:02:45 PM

I shared the shame opinion as Serbian Cetnik on this topic.
But I was accused for a
-   Croat
-   NHD
-   Non Serb 
-   somebody who works for a pro western institution/ agency.

Those are serious insults especially for somebody from my region.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Jasmina on October 18, 2007, 01:16:00 PM
As far as I am concerned,
I won't argue anymore about them.

We have to think about OUR Serbian Future,
if we want to have One.


    GOOD CHOICE HUSAR! and Dalmacija, we have to look in the future, not in the past! who cares what was then, but WE care what would be from now on!
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on October 18, 2007, 01:25:30 PM
DALMACIJA, I don't know why but thats how it goes sometimes, but now they know that your opinion counts and that it holds credibility
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 18, 2007, 02:02:18 PM
DALMACIJA, I apologize.
We are on the same side.

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 18, 2007, 02:45:13 PM

Apologize accepted my brother.
Yes I agree we are on the same side.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 18, 2007, 03:35:26 PM
Thank You Dalmacija.


Long Live Serbia.

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Husar on October 18, 2007, 04:31:04 PM
Concerning Serbian Dalmatia,
here's a book in Serbian language,
by Јово Бајић (Jovo Bajic),
distributed by "Бели Анђео" ("Beli Andjeo"),
printed in Шабац (Sabac), Serbia,
in 2003:

"Блажени Јероним
Солинска Црква
и Србо-Далмати"

" (?) Yeronim
Solinian Church
and serbo-Dalmatians"

Having always been Serbian,
Dalmatia was croaticized,
this succeeded with the full support
of the vatican.

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: serbian army on October 18, 2007, 04:41:06 PM
No he didn't. I'm from Knin in Krajina, and Arkan was, stoping refugees and abused them into joining his "voluntary" guard
wich was in the beginning voluntary.

Of course he saved serbian lives but he also destroyed serbian lives.
->True<- Serbian heroes are Radovan Karadzic, Milos Obilic, Ratko Mladic, Cica Draza and many more.

but NEVER Arkan, Milosevic and Legija.

I hated djindjic too. but that doesn't change the fact that those three are bastards. Might aswell be croats.

Don't argue with eachother over these bastards, It is below us. Unite and praise true heroes instead.
At that time he was not allowed on teritory of Krajina or RS :::D, secont where he would take these voluntary guard to fight? :::D name one place where he took them.
he is a hero, he saved my life in 1992
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: DALMACIJA on October 19, 2007, 10:56:15 AM

Now I understand it you are practising to become a clown?

Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Serbian Cetnik (šumadinac) on October 20, 2007, 05:57:12 AM
where do you think the refugees were going?
beside ratko was annoyed with Arkan, because he thought he was a cowboy. He was expelled out of RS several times.
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: serbian army on October 20, 2007, 08:33:53 AM
where do you think the refugees were going?
beside ratko was annoyed with Arkan, because he thought he was a cowboy. He was expelled out of RS several times.
:::D where was fighting in serbia at that time :::D he expelled arkan because he liked absolute control, and it was very bad move, arkan and his boys went first to fight than arterially would follow, bad move by ratko :o
Title: Re: Arkan and the "White Tigers"
Post by: Merkava on October 22, 2007, 05:06:09 AM
Well...I guess my impression of Arkan is quite positive. Thats from a personal experience.