General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: admin on October 15, 2007, 12:24:18 AM
I am partially, but not completely.
I am partially, but not completely.
Do you really desecrate Shabat? Very surprised!!!!!
It's not only a mitzvah, Shabat is the greatest pleasure a human can feel. Even one little piece of bread in Shabat is more delicious than any sophisticated meal during the weak!!!!
When I decided to remain a Goy, my great sadness was to lose the Shabat!!! I used to keep it srtictly, except that I swtched a light on to avoid a full Shabat, as I was still a goy.
Well, it may be ok as for now if you are still beggining to be observant. But Hallacha forbids to cook in Shabat. You can use electricity as far as it was switched on before Shabat, for example leave the lights on since Friday afternoon. As far as I know you can leave cooked meal on an electrical appliance or even a fire if it was lit before Shabat, just to keep the food hot. But you must take the food you need without removing the recipient from the heat and placing it elsewhere. Once the recipient was removed from the heat source and you have placed it elsewhere and you no longer hold it with your hands, you cannot take it to the heat again.
Well, it may be ok as for now if you are still beggining to be observant. But Hallacha forbids to cook in Shabat. You can use electricity as far as it was switched on before Shabat, for example leave the lights on since Friday afternoon. As far as I know you can leave cooked meal on an electrical appliance or even a fire if it was lit before Shabat, just to keep the food hot. But you must take the food you need without removing the recipient from the heat and placing it elsewhere. Once the recipient was removed from the heat source and you have placed it elsewhere and you no longer hold it with your hands, you cannot take it to the heat again.
Shulchan Aruch says u cannot warm up a liquid, like a soup. Rambam allows it.
My holy day is on Sundays and I don't go to the church, I have my 10 minute prayer at home and start off my day. I am Catholic but the Catholic church has disgusted me for quite some time. Remember this is a Catholic saying this.
My holy day is on Sundays and I don't go to the church, I have my 10 minute prayer at home and start off my day. I am Catholic but the Catholic church has disgusted me for quite some time. Remember this is a Catholic saying this.
I was raised as a Catholic, though I was rather pagan when I was a child. I worshipped the Sun and Nature. I accepted Hashem when I was a teen and knew Judaism. Later I intended to convert, but then decided not to. I try to keep the Noahide Laws. I accepted Jesus a few months ago when I discovered that the first Christians had reached Rome in only a few years. But..... which church???? All chrches I know say that non Christians go to hell, it hurts me to hear that.
One thing I appreciate in Catholics is that they struggle against abortion and genetic experiments!