General Category => General Discussion => Topic started by: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 29, 2025, 04:42:24 PM

Title: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Chaim Ben Pesach on January 29, 2025, 04:42:24 PM

Please promote this important video everywhere possible.



Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Dan Ben Noah on January 29, 2025, 07:53:26 PM
Liked, commented, shared, tweeted.

Trump needs to cut off aid to Israel until all Arabs are out of Gaza.  If they don't want to settle in Arab countries, they can help Elon Musk colonize Mars.  It takes awhile to get to Mars so they better get going.
Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Hrvatski Noahid on January 30, 2025, 11:56:33 AM
Promoted on Telegram and Reddit.

I do not understand the nonchalance of Jewish leaders. For any Gentiles who do not accept and observe the Noahide Code, the Jews are commanded to expel them from the Land of Israel. A commandment is not a suggestion. 
Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Nachus on January 30, 2025, 12:51:46 PM
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                         :fist:

 G-d bless you Dan Ben Noah and Hrvatski Noahid
 for your great responses. It is almost impossible
 to imagine why the so-called leaders of Israel
 would oppose such a proposal unless, of course,
 they are somehow bribed or paid off besides insanity
 which is “right on the money” and a given. Only JTF
 produces these superb commentaries and do the
 Holy deed of saving Israel and America and the only
 organization worthy of suppott, excellent commentary!
Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 04, 2025, 09:51:54 PM
Trump just announced a complete removal of Arabs from Gaza and taking it over and transforming it into a place that it can be and will never allow anymore so called Palestinians in. Wow!!! Is this kahane reincarnated?
Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Binyamin Yisrael on February 04, 2025, 11:31:24 PM
It sounded like he wants to make it a US territory. He also said it would be for fakestinians and anyone else.

It's forbidden to hand over the Land of Israel whether it will bring real peace (under US control) or fake peace (like Oslo). What if a future US president then grants independence to a PLO state in Gaza?

Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Dr. Dan on February 05, 2025, 06:27:37 AM
It sounded like he wants to make it a US territory. He also said it would be for fakestinians and anyone else.

It's forbidden to hand over the Land of Israel whether it will bring real peace (under US control) or fake peace (like Oslo). What if a future US president then grants independence to a PLO state in Gaza?

Excellent forthsite
Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Ulli on February 05, 2025, 01:05:44 PM
In my oppinion nothing is sure, but with Democrats out of power, USAID defunded, EU bankrupt, Qatar (the right hand of the Democrats and the EU in the Middle East) called out as a terrorist actor and Iran cut off from Libanon it can only get better.  I want to add that Israel did exactly the right thing as she destroyed the air denfenses and the ballistic missiles in Syria.

In addition Russia is leaving Syria at the demand of the new Syrian government. Russia is fed up too.

Germans promised them 60 million for this and promised more money (that they don't have). If the Israeli government is clever, it can really end this story for good. :)

Without Russia draining the resources of this evil people and Israel decimating Hisbollah this would have never happened.
Title: Re: Trump proposes removing Gaza Arabs; we Kahanists were always right (JTF video)
Post by: Nachus on February 10, 2025, 12:58:06 PM
 :usa+israel:                                                                                                                         :fist:

  Good points well taken. To think that
  they and Merkel supposedly took in about a
  million of them to this point due to ‘guilt-
  feelings’ pretext as though anyone could
  legitimately by and large compare Arabs
  to Jews from any moral much less any
  other viewpoint. I am hesitant though
  to trust any of these foreign nations to
  do ‘what is right’ motivated by anything
  but strategic self interest. “With that said,”
  it is high time that Israel is led by genuine
  and competent ‘leaders’ that ensure
  Holy sovereignty and to deal effectively
  with all their enemies no matter what.