Crazy! May G-d help India!!
Ambiorix may G-d help every kufar country do you know what pakistans official policy is if any country attacks pakistan it will nuke india and israel to bring us down with them and pakistan already possess 3000km balistic missle which can hit israel.India has 4000km range ballistic missile we will nuke saudi arabia if pakistan attack us 
A friend of mine has married with a woman from Bombay.
i was her mother a week ago. They fled Pakistan in '47.
Horrible. But in Bangladesh it was worse, she said.
Lucky for them, they had a private airplane to evacuate the family.
I know Pakistani's in Belgium as well.
They are very clever people (just as Irani refugees) even if they are muslim,
but at least this family is not fundamentalist, their kids behave like europeans. Not a big difference with Indian people.
I just think, that in the end,
these backwards cultures will loose.
The biggest treat to Europe now , is to contain to ethno-religious tensions in the "muslim - ghettos" i call it enclaves ,
we will have a civil war in 15 years,
mark my words.
So , Good you can retaliate ,
and do have the ability to nuke MeKKKa.