Author Topic: Holland: Chief Rabbi needs constant police protection  (Read 539 times)

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Holland: Chief Rabbi needs constant police protection
« on: August 15, 2014, 08:25:40 AM »

That this is the status of Jews on that dark continent is obscene. And leftist political elites make it all possible all over again, while shrieking and hand-wringing over “islamophobia.” What a nightmare.

The Rabbi’s home has been attacked five times in the past couple of months.

And Obama wants to be just. like. them.

Multiculturalism — a euphemism for Islamic Jew-hatred.

“Today’s Multicultural Moment: Chief Rabbi Needs Constant Police Protection.” Blazing Cat Fur, August 15, 2014 (thanks to Armaros)

Chief Rabbi Binyomin Jacobs has declared in local paper, AD/Amersfoortse Courant, of August 8th, that he needs almost constant police protection. He says that he can no longer take the train and is continuously insulted, nor can he go to the shopping center in his neighborhood because groups of youth harass him.

The next time some idiot starts on about “diversity” or “multicult” tell them to shove it.

h/t M

This is not new. Back in 2010 told Israel News:

Dutch Chief Rabbi Benjamin Jacobs’ family has lived in Holland for generations. As a little boy, he recalls being almost embarrassed to be the only one of his friends to have both grandparents, a rare miracle indeed since 90 percent of Dutch Jewry was murdered by the Nazis.

“This horrifying statistic” he told an Israel National News’ interviewer, “was achieved with the full cooperation of the Dutch police who went from house to house to round up the Jews for the Nazi death machine.

“And last week”, he continued, “when I left my home located opposite a kindergarten, a four year old child pointed at me and yelled ‘Jew, Jew;”

Recently, when the rabbi presided at a memorial for Holocaust victims, Dutch youths  yelled “Heil Hitler” during his speech. “Punshing them won’t keep them from doing it again,” he asserts.

INN conducted a phone interview with Rabbi Jacobs on Thursday night, after he declared that the Dutch police force’s plan to impersonate Jews in order to catch perpetrators of anti Semitic acts was punitive but not preventive. He posited that only education could prevent the growing evidence that anti-Semitism is on the rise once again in Holland.
''At the siege of Vienna in 1683 Islam seemed poised to overrun Christian Europe.
We are in a new phase of a very old war.''