Today's modern technology has a reach that touches practically every facet of our lives. And I guess it is only the fool who thinks that religion should somehow be exempt from modern technology's reach. Even as I type on this keyboard into a complex network of wires and cables, enabling these very words I write to appear before your eyes, that is a prime example of one of the many incredible capabilities of modern technology. And we should applaud it.
It's also no secret that our enemies use modern technology to scheme and execute harm against us. So therefore, we can assume that the technology is also somewhat of the proverbial "double edged sword".
I guess it is in our best interest to try to use our modern technology to further our beliefs, message and mission, hey, I guess that's what we're all doing on this sacred cyber message board. Although we live in a society that has become most comfortable with "dialing a pizza", we should do all in our power to encourage those unable to leave the confines of their homes and offices to feel comfortable when "dialing a Rabbi".