Author Topic: BNP supports Israel!  (Read 3116 times)

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Offline Carlyle

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BNP supports Israel!
« on: October 03, 2006, 11:18:28 PM »
A BNP spokesman wrote a column to the BNP website in which he expressed his support for Israel.

These so called ‘Nationalists’ that attack Israel at the whim of the media can also be found standing shoulder to shoulder with Far Left activists, Communists, the United Nations and various repugnant Islamic terrorist groups, and yet never seem to think about the logic of them doing so. Any ' alliance' that involves nationalists agreeing with the media and communists etc is based either on stupidity or a misunderstanding of the nature of the issue. They should start understanding the future, instead of navel gazing into the past.
For decades the lunatic fringe of the Nationalist movement has said that the media is controlled by the ‘Jews’ and Israel. The reports from the BBC, and the rest of the British media, are so anti-Israel and pro-Hezbollah that such a contention has been revealed to be total rubbish. The fact is that Israel have adopted one of the most restrained invasions in world history. They have leafleted the areas where they are about to strike before they hit those targets. Thats not something NATO did in Serbia when it bombed the Serbs to assist the Kosovan Muslims in their campaign of ethnic cleansing. When they bombed the trains and TV station they did not warn the public and the media beforehand.
As a Nationalist I can say that I support Israel 100 % in their dispute with Hezbollah. In fact, I hope they wipe Hezbollah off the Lebanese map and bomb them until they leave large greasy craters in the cities where their Islamic extremist cantons of terror once stood. The 21st Century is the Islamic Century. Unless we start to resist the threat of Islamic extremism then within 100 years the West will have become Eurabia.
Israel is the only living organic nationalist state on the planet. They live only as they still have the will to fight and wage war. The West is now a senile culture, it sleeps in dreams of its former glory whilst a new generation of barbarians is beseiging its gates. In its quest for gold it has ignored the real dangers it has created for us all.
« Last Edit: October 03, 2006, 11:21:36 PM by Carlyle »


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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #1 on: December 17, 2006, 07:20:54 PM »
I have met the author, Lee Barnes and he is good guy. Very sound. Nutzi nationalists do not like him, but his articles are 100% logical and rational. You cannot fault him. Nationalist opinion in Britain is becoming more pro-Israel, but I live I hope that the rest of Europe become a bit more savvy about what is going on.


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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #2 on: January 14, 2007, 11:32:01 AM »
One thing the post war architects of the monstrous European Superstate never expected to happen has this week been born, ironically as a direct result of the accession of the two new member states this year.

The addition of Romania and Bulgaria has allowed at long last the establishment of a genuine pro-sovereignty, anti – EU voting bloc within the Parliament.

After years of abortive attempts, MEP Bruno Gollnisch, a Professor of Japanese at Lyons University and a leading member of the French National Front, publicly announced that he managed to gather the 20 members required to form a parliamentarian group.

The caucus would be formed by seven French in the National Front, including Le Pen and his daughter, Marine, Austrian Andreas Moelzer, from the Liberty Party, three Belgians from the Flemish party Vlaams Belang, UK's Ashley Mote, two Italians, including Alessandra Mussolini, one Bulgarian and five Romanians. It is anticipated that MEPs from Poland’s nationalist movement will also join.

The new group will be named "Identity, Tradition and Sovereignty". The formation of this body cannot be underestimated by all genuine Euro-realists and pro-sovereignty. It means that this group can repatriate funds from the EU institutions to promote their own work in their respective home nations, countering the propaganda of the insidious European Superstate. At a time when the EU is busy brainwashing school children this is a much needed response and undertaking which the phoney patriots in UKIP, famous for their Friday night drinking binges in Brussels failed to achieve.

It is to this genuine body of patriots, anti-EU nationalists and independents that BNP candidates aspire to join on winning places in the Brussels chamber in the Euro elections in 2009. The problems facing native Britons from the erosion of our national sovereignty, the clash of civilizations, the emergence of China and India as tomorrow’s superpowers and the inevitable collapse of the liberal experiment o multiculturalism are common to almost all 27 member states of the EU. Co-operation between like minded patriots will be essential for our individual, ethnic and cultural survival and prosperity.

I would like this group to have an alliance with Kahanists.


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Re: BNP supports Israel!
« Reply #3 on: January 14, 2007, 12:07:54 PM »
BNP Lee Barnes' article on Assymetical Warfare.

Yet another amazing article from Mr Barnes.