Robert Woolfolk · Top Commenter · American Military University
These butchers of peace should not be allowed to even enter the Temple Mount. If these arab rioters come to this place to worship their own ¨god¨, its is their own problem, but if they come and start promotving & inciting violence, then, they should be arrestedn an sent to jail for a long time. Stoning a little girl is a crime against humanityl. Are we, civilized people, allow this kind of behavior in the West? Of course not. I have not stoned änybody¨in the first place, and if I had to do it in self-defense, it would be against people such as those commiting this crime against a Jewish child. We do not live in the stone age anymore.And these people do not seem to know that we already live in the twenty century. Why Israel has to put up with these uncivilized arab rioters? Long-term jail sentences is best to keep them out, and only those who promote peace or want peace with Jewish People should have the chance to be there. Israel should take over the Temple Mount once and for all. Shame on Moshe Dayan for having failed to see these ¨crimes¨against future Jewish Citizens in Jerusalem.
Ruth Cohen Harif · Top Commenter · Northview High School
oh moshe dayan knew this would happen. that is why he did it. its all planned to drive us out by our fake leaders.but it wont help them.i am in jerusalem along with many others to make damn sure it stays ours.all the dirty tricks will fail.its our land only.
Ruth Cohen Harif · Top Commenter · Northview High School
oh my what a lot of fuss over a little bit of pipi, way to go girl. upset the savages. a tinkle in a hot pot. he he he.
Marie Bendavid
When we will start to shoot at them all?
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![Huh ???](
Ruth Cohen Harif · Top Commenter · Northview High School
amen marie this second is fine with me and wipe out the lot
Gary Katz · Follow · Top Commenter · 682 subscribers