Author Topic: Family of murdered Jewish baby by Arab terrorist. Arab hatred has no mercy  (Read 849 times)

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Online Dan193

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Grandfather of Slain Israeli Infant: ‘She Was Pure‏’, ‘Murdered for No Reason’ (VIDEO)
By Dave Bender
OCTOBER 22, 2014

Three-month-old Chayah Zissel-Bron “was pure,” and “was murdered for no reason,” her grandfather Shimshon Halperin said in a tearful statement at a Jerusalem hospital where she succumbed to injuries from a terror attack earlier on Wednesday, Israel’s Ynet News reported.

Bron was killed, and others were wounded when a Hamas terrorist drove a vehicle into people waiting at a Light Rail station close to the National Police headquarters on Wednesday evening.

“There was a suspect vehicle that hit and struck nine people that were waiting at the train stop. As a result the suspect tried to flee the scene and was shot by police officers in the vicinity,” Israeli Police Spokesman Micky Rosenfeld told The Algemeiner.

“The pure girl was living with a holy soul that never did anything wrong to anyone,” Halperin told reporters. Hayah “was murdered for no reason. Unfortunately ‘Esau has hated Jacob’ for thousands of years. Arab hatred has no mercy,” Halperin said.

Bron arrived at the emergency room of Hadassah Mount Scopus in critical condition, and, despite attempts at resuscitation, she was too gravely hurt from cranial bleeding to pull though surgery, according to Pediatrics chief, Prof. Yehuda Barkan.

“The baby was brought in mortally wounded. She fought for her life, but she suffered severe head injuries,” according to Barkan.

Halperin is the son of the late Rabbi Rafael Halperin, a public figure and founder of a national eyewear chain.

“Her parents are traumatized; they heard about it five minutes ago,” Halperin said. “They just returned from the Western Wall, it was [Hayah's] first time – she lived to see the Wall. They were photographed holding her facing the Temple Mount. They told her, ‘it’s the Temple, and that is the Temple Mount.’

“Then they got off the train, and the car sped into them and the stroller, and the baby went flying,” Halperin said, recalling the horror.

“She was bleeding very badly. Doctors at the hospital did their best efforts and I want to thank them. The parents are in total shock. They were waiting for [Hayah] a long time and were so grateful when she was born,” Halperin said.

“I’ve lived in the US for 40 years, and was here with them during the High Holidays. I laughed with them all the time that God sent them a gift, a gift from heaven.

“Her grandmother and her aunt are on the plane over now, but do not know yet,” Halperin said.

“The Lord gives and the Lord takes… and may the bloodshed only stop,” he concluded, in tears.

Watch the video of Halperin’s heartrending message:

Online Dan193

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SHmuel HaLevi

Since before 2003 our group has been warning about the true nature of the Netanyahu aggregate,in particular about his own speechster and liar profile. His TV face and gestures have no connection to his true plans, intents. The growing disaster in Jerusalem are direct consequence of Netanyahu’s, Livni, Lieberman, Aharonovich, (a Lieberman party member), as well as others intentional acts. They allowed the Islamic raise and violence. They abandoned Har Habait and Kever King David to the Wakft and to the Vatican.
Not for a second believe they will act for effect at all, not in Jerusalem, not against Hamas/Isis and not with respect to Iran.
Only a core change of systems and personnel can cause true corrective actions.

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Sonia Willats

Pain. So much pain and sorrow, to satisfy senseless hatred. And fuelled by the “liberal” media; which joins Islam in seeing all Jews, all over the world, as “settlers”. Jerusalem – all of her – is the City of G-d. Though they wreak their hatred on Jews and Jerusalem, they will not prevail.

Poor family and poor innocent little one. My heart goes out to the family, and the infant in her little life cut short. She will see the light again, in a world with no sorrow and pain.

Online Dan193

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The barbarian savages can do no wrong in the eyes of most of the Jew hating world (which is to say, almost all of the western world). The more horrific their crimes, the more support they garner. This is truly an era of evil.

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YJ Draiman
Bibi , we voted for you and not for Abbas , so YOU are responsible for our safety. For months now the Arabs have been terrorizing Jerusalem and the authorities have been helplessly sitting on their brains. So if you don’t have the balls to tackle this problem sensibly, then step back and let someone more determined do so. Enough with this two State talk, and Abbas is a partner for peace crap. Call a spade a spade, these guys only understand a strong hand and a swift kick in the backside, and I’m sure that you too know that, so act accordingly, and stop making a mockery of ” Har ha baith be yadhenu ” it’s so far from the truth today, it’s very sad !!

Online Dan193

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Fatah celebrates the massacre of this Jewish baby.

Why the hell is Chaim barred from Israel?
He can save Israel for these Palestinian Savages

Online Dan193

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Fayge Pollan Feder on Fatah celebrating murder of Jewish baby by Palestinian terrorists.
Sick animals. Disgusting. Evil. Heartless. Sick. Sick