Husar you are 100% right, I dont want any Germans on this forum, what they did to the Jews and other people(Serbs) is unforgivable.
You're HONORING your forum-name.

Well then you are wrong. A German that uses internet to know about politics, is able to hear our message. A lot of Germans have an interest in destroying Muslims in Europe.
We must fight together to get rid of Islam.
The war that stopped Germany in WWII , is ended already in 1945.
Therafter Germany was split in a communist and a social-democrat part.
The West-Germans are hard workers, and they rebuild their economy, (thanks to the Marshall-plan)
because everything was to rebuild they had the most modern economy in Europe soon after the war.
For those who think it was a bad idea to let Germany revive, don't forget the reason hitler got 32% of the votes, was because Germany was ruined by France and the allies after the WWI to pay back repair-costs . this turned Germans to Nazism. The hate against Jews was accumulating in the 19th century , also (first!) in France. Nazism is a further step in anti-semitism that was already there for hundreds of years (Luther is mainly responsible for this)
We Belgians were invaded by Germany twice, but no hard feelings.
We completely forgive them.
They are our brothers and sisters, and we fight the same war on immigration, war on Islam.
I must say the Germans treated (now-Jews/homos/gypsies/communists) civilians well.
The situation on the West-Front is not comparable with the Eastern Front.
I of course do not believe in the superiority of Germans/Scandinavians "Arisches Mensch=Übermensch" and Slavs/Jews/ are "Üntermensch".
Negroes were considered as non-human.
I believe that turd world people are inferior, but that is a cultural thing.
I however don't want turd world babies been born from white woman
That is disgusting.
I am a man who likes French/Jews/Germans/Russians/English/Americans and so on.
I simply do not like immigrants that hold a hidden agenda of overthrowing Europe.
Germany is a wonderful country, I speak German a lot.
I like the culture of Italy/Germany/France. It is our culture.
If a Kahanist hates Germans for the extermination of Jews in WWII, I completely understand this.
If a Serbian hates Germans for exterminating Serbs in WWII, I also completely understand this.
But, the anti-semites of Nazi-Germany, are regrouping , and you will need Germans to support JTF.
Unless you want Germany to be ruled again by a hitler, you need Germans that fight against anti-semites.
So , if you hate somebody for his bloodline rather than for his ideas , you are maybe wrong.
And you're having another view, because you are from a different country.
We Belgians made peace between us and Germans.
And German/Austrian/Hungarian-bashing is wrong.
You are just excluding, these people because of past wars.
Do not think Serbia is the only country were Germans killed.
You almost never mention the Russians killed by lenin, hitler, stalin.
Husar you live in France, I never hear a word about France?
I mean , you actually have an opinion about Western Europe, but you shut up!!
You treat Catholics&Germans as filth.
That is what Nazis do : they label all people of a certain group as "slavs-üntermenschen-jüdenschweinen"
Then they start exterminating all these people, and they ended up with a ruined europe.
So , my conclusion:
a German must be accepted on JTF if they support the views of Meir Kahane & Chaim Ben Pesach!