We just have to agree that Ian Douglas Smith as being one of the Greatest Africans of all time!! How he and Rhodesians have been shown to be out and out racists, even to have caused that whole region to now suffer.. is typical of how propaganda remains alive, well and thriving, then is further spun out of control within a world gone, well.... We need to ask why it has remained so important that all ill's of those parts of the world, are then placed on the shoulders of those who in truth do not have access to a controlled media to air other, even view points, to wonder why a media remains so controlled! This alone throws up many a question, so please see our tribute to a great man, lands and peoples posted at
www.nextagemission.com and
www.lulu.com/NextagemissionHumba Gushley - Go well
Robert Winston-Burnett
A Rhodeian and proud of what we did achieve in an ever compromised world. We will yet have our say!