That's not the point. Normal Atheists are fine, but fundamental Atheists are arrogant deluded people.
The sucess of this fundamental atheists, like Dawkins, is directly linked to the islamic threat. The problem is that the leftwing media in my country is pushing him. They want to blame all religions, in order to excuse Islam.
Why do you think that ?
First because the media in Europe are afraid of attacking the "religion of peace", so it is easier to support positions, which attacking religion in general.
Here is a very good article that is an example for this: leftist newspaper, the taz, loves Islam. They excuse every crime of Muslimes with social causes, rage because of discrimination, the evil USA and Israel etc.
I think this has something to do with selfhate and the fear to be called racists.
The core statement is, that all religions are as evil as Islam. This is a lie and an excuse.
Second rightwing newspapers like The World and the FAZ in Germany pushing for the positions of Dawkins. This is the first time, I can remember, that the rightwing newspapers going after the Church and the Synagoge. In addition to that, they introduce some scientists from Israel regulary, who mention that David and Salomo never lived, Judaism is a religion from human-hands, etc.
Because of the terrible history was this before only one year completely unthinkable.
Leftists attacking the religious positions of Christians and Jews openly since I can remember. But that rightwing newspapers jump on this train is completely new.
The increasing Muslime violence and this new trend in conservative newspapers are no accident. They try to use Dawkins position against Islam. But this will never work, because the wasp majority of Muslimes don't read books [except the quran]
I have looked for some articles: