CJD rules! I have always kept a close eye on the traitors that slither through the halls of sodom, dc. There is no end to their treachery and deciept. You must remember that 'we' are thier enemies, not the muslims, not the invaders from parts known or unknown for that matter but 'us', white people. I find it of special interest that a congressanimale can have the congressional record changed, in other words, if he, she or it (barney frankfurther) says something on the floor, he can call up the congressional record and HAVE THEM CHANGE WHAT HE SAID. What a vile den of snakes, thieves, white haters, and sexual perverts they are. Constant vigilance and spreading the word will slow down the 'train to destruction', I , however think it is too far gone to reverse the process. In a few years we will be a minority overwhelmed by turd worlders who are illiterate even in their own language. Farewell America, Farewell.