JDL4EVER, I have to agree with you that the problems you address exist within the Chassidic community. However, most of the Chassidim here do not engage in that kind of behavior.
Every tree grows a couple of rotten fruit. It isn't fair to paint a whole community with one brush.
The truth is, every sect has it's rotten fruit. The "Religious Zionists" have their share of rotten people too. So do the "Moder Orthodox" and everyone else.
DownWithIslam, Ovadia Yosef thinks that he has his own way of saving the Jewish people. He thinks that as long as the Israeli government will continue to support his Yeshivot and communities, that is all that is important. I'm not sure if he is just plain 'ole stupid, evil, or simply sorely mistaken.
Either way, history supports our position here at JTF.