Author Topic: Ask the Skip  (Read 95499 times)

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Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #25 on: February 16, 2008, 08:30:25 PM »
Skippy, the first person who suggested that you might work in an intelligence service was me. That's was because you said that you had heard Newman had been seen in pink. So I concluded that, even though it was a joke, you had some way of gathering information about peolple. Otherwise, noone would have possibly believed your joke, since it's impossible for a common internet user to get information about real identities of forum users.
Now, it's a Rav who has asked you, so please be serious. And remember that if you are a Jew and gather information about Jewish members of the forum for a Gentile government or org, that would probably render you a Moser (imformer), a great Hallachic sin. So, please tell the truth. Are you able to gather information of real identities and lives of forum users?

Raul quite honestly you underestimate the ability of the average, internet user. No one is completely hidden on the web.

You just have to know where to look, massive amounts of information is logged all it takes it a bit of searching to find it.   

Even on this forum people have given massive amounts of personal information out. I quick scan of peoples past posts will prove that. Go back over yours and look. You live in a country alone from other JTers, you have people that have kicked your front door in tons of times, and yet never reacted against them, you have Italian blood lines etc

Now that only comes from reading your posts, does that make me an informer  ::) Clearly not.

I would guess you know alot of personal things about me, if you even care to think about it.

The worse thing to any organization dear Raul is paranoid people. If they had a gun, they would be shooting at shadows.

The devilment in me Raul would be to say yes I have endless files on everyone, but seeing that you have taken a my sense of humour very wrongly, no my dear Raul I have no time, or need to compile anything on members of this forum.

Yes I know alot of things about different networks, its because I have been assisting in the fight for the jewish people for many years.

JTF is a great little organization, has the ability to be a mass movement, but the movements I am with have much more power and ability than JTF. Maybe thats what you are picking more up on.

So these comments about Raul losing weight, or Newman in a pink shirt, are just jokes? Because I don't' believe they ever said such things in their posts.

Stop it Lubab you will make me fall off my chair laughing, of course they are jokes........

You blood is worth bottling


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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #26 on: February 16, 2008, 08:30:58 PM »
 :P  Skippy can you give me the lottery numbers for next week lol

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #27 on: February 16, 2008, 08:33:04 PM »
:P  Skippy can you give me the lottery numbers for next week lol

Gambling is a sin young Kelly so no..................

(while no one is looking)
I will PM them to you and we will go 50/50  :::D :::D

Offline Lubab

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #28 on: February 16, 2008, 08:33:44 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #29 on: February 16, 2008, 08:36:12 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.


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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #30 on: February 16, 2008, 08:38:16 PM »
:P  Skippy can you give me the lottery numbers for next week lol

Gambling is a sin young Kelly so no..................

(while no one is looking)
I will PM them to you and we will go 50/50  :::D :::D
:::D  not much of a gamble if you give them to me ;)
and 50/50 is great with have an airline ticket to buy  ;D

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #31 on: February 16, 2008, 08:40:52 PM »
Therefore, by direct inference, a terrorist (according to the U.S.A.) is someone demanding Israel's destruction, and also is a Jew or non-Jew refusing to allow Israel's destruction via evil diplomacy conducted by Russia, EU, U.S.A., UK.

I am a non-Jew refusing to allow Israel's destruction via evil diplomacy. And I don't care what the US or anyother foreign Govt. thinks of me. I only write on forums and sign petitions and protests. that's completely legal under Argentinian Laws. I live here, not in USA.

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #32 on: February 16, 2008, 08:43:08 PM »
:P  Skippy can you give me the lottery numbers for next week lol

Gambling is a sin young Kelly so no..................

(while no one is looking)
I will PM them to you and we will go 50/50  :::D :::D
:::D  not much of a gamble if you give them to me ;)
and 50/50 is great with have an airline ticket to buy  ;D

Yes that I do  ;) 8;)

Offline Scriabin

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #33 on: February 16, 2008, 08:57:23 PM »
Do you have access to our names, addresses, DOB's, social security numbers, etc.?

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #34 on: February 16, 2008, 08:58:31 PM »
Do you have access to our names, addresses, DOB's, social security numbers, etc.?

Of course not :::D :::D

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #35 on: February 16, 2008, 09:00:49 PM »
Any whoooooo for those who are not interested this is me...... ^-^ ^-^ ^-^

My little take on saying sorry to the Abbos.

Now be kind I am not really good at this  :::D :::D :::D

Offline Lubab

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #36 on: February 16, 2008, 09:12:01 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #37 on: February 16, 2008, 09:17:50 PM »
Dear Skippy,

If you could change something about men and relationships what would it be?

Removal of the pussifaction of the white western males. That being Metro Sexual's or S.N.A.G's.

Sensitive New Age Guys.  ::) and then you have the caveman......

Men have lost the ability to be men. 

Real men are strong yet not abusive to women, they respect and honor the female. Currently that is not the case.

We are getting over run with the male caveman that believes they are G-ds gift, and women that are scum, or only use for women is on their backs.

Which means alot of these women are becoming weakened to the advances of Islam.

People ask why would a woman have a muslim male. Well because Muslim men shower women with gifts, are romantic, treat them like goddesses, yes we know its only a show, but women that have been long time abused are over come with emotion and fall heavy for the act.

And then you have the SNAGs that don't have the guts to reclaim women from these men, instead of standing up and saying "Hey go back home, leave our wimmins alone!", they sit back and play with there Ipods  ::) ::) ::)

Then in the mix you have women that say enough is enough, and will not have either of these types of men, are then labelled as feminists. Which is totally a cop out of the males who have no clue what women are meant to be, or even have the idea, that women have rights and not put on this earth, just to fetcha and carry for a gutless male.

Real women WANT real men.  O0

 O0 O0 O0

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #38 on: February 16, 2008, 09:50:49 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

Lubab I will not stop being who I am, if people can't see what is clearly there, then its their problem. I will not own another peoples paranoid  ways.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #39 on: February 16, 2008, 09:52:49 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

Lubab I will not stop being who I am, if people can't see what is clearly there, then its their problem. I will not own another peoples paranoid  ways.

There is nothing clear here. Anyone can hide their true identity easily on a forum such as this. This organization represents the only real threat to a group of very powerful people's hold on power in American and in Israel.

We will trust, but verify.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #40 on: February 16, 2008, 10:01:48 PM »
How do you deal with ignorance?
Some people like to make accusations based on MISREADING something one posts on the forum, others are just blinded...then the leftist society... there is no escape from it.

Such a fine example is clearly in this thread Mills, people been ignorant of another persons culture. I try to educate them, if that fails, then allow them to think what they will.

In the end G-d will judge them for who they truly are, and we then can have the matter dealt with.

I don't believe ignorance is justified, many use it as weapon for their own political stand points, they are narrow focused, and will never succeed.

Basically they can win their minor battles, but they will never win the war.

Only Truth and G-d will will over come even the most stubborn of ignorant people.

As they say who with out sin cast the first stone......... Its hard Mills to practice what is preached, but thats how we learn. We make mistakes, reassess and move on.

You can't change another if you are unwilling to change yourself.

Never lose hope that one day we will all see the end result of our great work. In the meantime, we must weather the storm.  8;)

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #41 on: February 16, 2008, 10:10:39 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

Lubab I will not stop being who I am, if people can't see what is clearly there, then its their problem. I will not own another peoples paranoid  ways.

There is nothing clear here. Anyone can hide their true identity easily on a forum such as this. This organization represents the only real threat to a group of very powerful people's hold on power in American and in Israel.

We will trust, but verify.

What is clear is a quick judgement without taking into account all the information.

I suggest strongly my friend Lubab you need to research more of what is happening in this world. Many people work for the same set of goals JTF does. Being openly in the focus of the public is good to a point.

For warning of an enemies approach is the worst of all military tacts don't you agree?

And stating what I have on this forum, does that not allow you to access the level of information regarding this forum I have.

For an intelligent man as yourself, I did assume that you would of clearly understood this.

Does B'nai B'rith hold no meaning for you  ???
« Last Edit: February 16, 2008, 10:17:32 PM by Skippy »

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #42 on: February 16, 2008, 10:14:28 PM »
Well I worked for the US Army in military intelligence, and I know that classified info (and I had a top secret security clearance) is not accessible without implicit permission and a "right to know"
In other words, just because someone works in intelligence and has the highest security clearance, it does not mean that we can know everything.

All I can say is that I didn't find out much.

Like everything Mills its a piece of the jigsaw type of thing. As mere ants in an ant hill, we shove pieces of information along and its others that makes sense of it.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2008, 10:20:09 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

Lubab I will not stop being who I am, if people can't see what is clearly there, then its their problem. I will not own another peoples paranoid  ways.

There is nothing clear here. Anyone can hide their true identity easily on a forum such as this. This organization represents the only real threat to a group of very powerful people's hold on power in American and in Israel.

We will trust, but verify.

What is clear is a quick judgement without taking into account all the information.

I suggest strongly my friend Lubab you need to research more of what is happening in this world. Many people work for the same set of goals JTF does. Being openly in the focus of the public is good to a point.

For warning of an enemies approach is the worst of all military tacts don't you agree?

And stating what I have on this forum, does that not allow you to access the level of information regarding this forum I have.

For an intelligent man as yourself, I did assume that you would of clearly understood this.

Does B'nai B'rith hold no meaning for you  ???

I do not understand most of what you have written here.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #44 on: February 16, 2008, 10:22:29 PM »
Well I worked for the US Army in military intelligence, and I know that classified info (and I had a top secret security clearance) is not accessible without implicit permission and a "right to know"
In other words, just because someone works in intelligence and has the highest security clearance, it does not mean that we can know everything.

All I can say is that I didn't find out much.

Youre right, I was married to someone with top govt clearance, he may have known plenty but didnt tell people anything, not even me....the only thing he had to say was that if the general public knew the whole truth there would be chaos.

Offline Raulmarrio2000

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #45 on: February 16, 2008, 10:22:49 PM »
Skippy, I have nothing to hide (except for private sins, possibly), and everything I do is legal under our Laws. But there may be some people on the forum who live under totalitarian regimes, or have problems with their family or neighbours (imagine the case of someone who may have fundamentalist Muslim relatives!!!!!!!....) and it's no good that you make that "jokes" about gathering or publishing information!!!!!!!!! That's not a game!!!!

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #46 on: February 16, 2008, 10:28:07 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

Lubab I will not stop being who I am, if people can't see what is clearly there, then its their problem. I will not own another peoples paranoid  ways.

There is nothing clear here. Anyone can hide their true identity easily on a forum such as this. This organization represents the only real threat to a group of very powerful people's hold on power in American and in Israel.

We will trust, but verify.

What is clear is a quick judgement without taking into account all the information.

I suggest strongly my friend Lubab you need to research more of what is happening in this world. Many people work for the same set of goals JTF does. Being openly in the focus of the public is good to a point.

For warning of an enemies approach is the worst of all military tacts don't you agree?

And stating what I have on this forum, does that not allow you to access the level of information regarding this forum I have.

For an intelligent man as yourself, I did assume that you would of clearly understood this.

Does B'nai B'rith hold no meaning for you  ???

I do not understand most of what you have written here.
Exactly my point. You are not understanding who I am, you just judged me and went on an attack.

It makes me  a little sad to think you have no real understanding of me.......... :(

But then again I don't really except for you too. Many that have taken that time and made the effort, they are now dear to me.

Offline Lubab

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #47 on: February 16, 2008, 10:30:18 PM »
You shouldn't laugh. The old JDL was infested with spies.

I have never been apart of the JDL, and I will say this, you need to get over the past to move on with the future.

The only people holding you back is yourselves.

Nobody is holding anything back. I care about the safety of these members before anything. This does not disrupt our activities, it is a compliment to it.

Someone who would joke about spying on these great people has a sick sense of humor. I'm no stick in the mud. But I just don't find that funny at all. You have alarmed various members of our forum with these "jokes" and I suggest you cut it out.

Lubab I will not stop being who I am, if people can't see what is clearly there, then its their problem. I will not own another peoples paranoid  ways.

There is nothing clear here. Anyone can hide their true identity easily on a forum such as this. This organization represents the only real threat to a group of very powerful people's hold on power in American and in Israel.

We will trust, but verify.

What is clear is a quick judgement without taking into account all the information.

I suggest strongly my friend Lubab you need to research more of what is happening in this world. Many people work for the same set of goals JTF does. Being openly in the focus of the public is good to a point.

For warning of an enemies approach is the worst of all military tacts don't you agree?

And stating what I have on this forum, does that not allow you to access the level of information regarding this forum I have.

For an intelligent man as yourself, I did assume that you would of clearly understood this.

Does B'nai B'rith hold no meaning for you  ???

I do not understand most of what you have written here.
Exactly my point. You are not understanding who I am, you just judged me and went on an attack.

It makes me  a little sad to think you have no real understanding of me.......... :(

But then again I don't really except for you too. Many that have taken that time and made the effort, they are now dear to me.

I still do not understand how you could joke about such matters when you are upsetting good people on this forum.
There is a problem there, and the problem is not with me.
"It is not upon you to finish the work, nor are you free to desist from it." Rabbi Tarfon, Pirkei Avot.


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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #48 on: February 16, 2008, 10:30:29 PM »
Well I worked for the US Army in military intelligence, and I know that classified info (and I had a top secret security clearance) is not accessible without implicit permission and a "right to know"
In other words, just because someone works in intelligence and has the highest security clearance, it does not mean that we can know everything.

All I can say is that I didn't find out much.

Youre right, I was married to someone with top govt clearance, he may have known plenty but didnt tell people anything, not even me....the only thing he had to say was that if the general public knew the whole truth there would be chaos.

Well, we don't talk about it. I wont event say as much as he did with the chaos thing because it makes people wonder and imaginations run wild etc. It's so much, so many things.
When I talk about it, all I say is that I looked at maps period. I wont say anything else.

Oh he only said that to me, and its nothing I didnt suspect already lol

Offline Tina Greco - Melbourne

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Re: Ask the Skip
« Reply #49 on: February 16, 2008, 10:30:48 PM »
Skippy, I have nothing to hide (except for private sins, possibly), and everything I do is legal under our Laws. But there may be some people on the forum who live under totalitarian regimes, or have problems with their family or neighbours (imagine the case of someone who may have fundamentalist Muslim relatives!!!!!!!....) and it's no good that you make that "jokes" about gathering or publishing information!!!!!!!!! That's not a game!!!!

Raul settle down, really you take the cake. What even makes you think out of millions of people in this world you are even interesting to any government.

Use your brains please    ::) ::)