Shalom Chaim,
It always astonishes me how people constantly call President Ahmadinejad "nutty", "suicidal", etc. If he is crazy, it's crazy like a fox. How can a leader be deemed "suicidal" when he knows that the world will do absolutely nothing to him? Israel, the United States, and the rest of the West will not lay a finger on Ahmadinejad because (a) they need his oil, (b) if not they need the Saudis' oil, (c) they have a terminal phobia of anything that might harm Muslim "civilians", and (d) they are very afraid of Iran's powerful, wealthy, and nuclear friend, Russia.
Plus, he just needs to look back in time 70 years to recall that the world did absolutely nothing about his idol, the fuhrer.
G-d bless you. Chaimfan