Author Topic: Zimbabwe blogs: 'Mugabe must go. He must go now' - Independent, UK  (Read 905 times)

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Zimbabwe blogs: 'Mugabe must go. He must go now'

Independent, UK

Forget the official media in Zimbabwe: the blogs are the place to find the
mood of the nation

Wednesday, 2 April 2008

"I need to scream. I can't stand it anymore. I've been waiting, waiting for
a press conference from the opposition and have just heard that they have
pulled back. I'm going mad. Talk oscillates between deep fear that the delay
is rigging, and the other talk is that big secret negotiations are being
held. The former doesn't surprise me, the latter, however, bothers me ...
what are they saying, is what I want to know!? What compromises are you
making behind The People's back? Which of our dreams are you trading against
our fears? Our voices and views are written on the walls and tents of
polling stations everywhere. What else do we need to say?!! Aaaaaargh... !
OK... breathe, just breathe... Nah, screaming's better at this stage...

Contributor to

"Welcome to Rumour City! With results still only trickling out of the
Zimbabwe EC, the rumour machine has been working overtime in Zimbabwe. With
scarcely any facts to go on, imaginations are running riot."

Moses Moyo on

"I am so happy to see change is finally coming to my country. I have worked
for 10 years. I think after change we will have a rainbow Zimbabwe made up
of tolerance and I pray for a prosperous Zimbabwe... Sehambile!!!! (He is

Contributor to

"Please God, one day we can look back and tell the grandkids about these
dark hours and laugh. The dream is so close we can taste it; but the regime
continues to wield the upper hand. Sitting by the radio and listening to the
inane dead BC (Zimbabwean television) programming. This whole afternoon they
have not given one result."

Contributor to

"It would be a welcome breath of fresh air for Zimbabwe to have its first
post-independence government without Mugabe and Zanu-PF at the helm. But it
is not in the country's interests for the MDC's win to be the electoral
"massacre" of Zanu-PF that the opposition party's official Tendai Biti
boasted about soon after the end of voting ... Before Tsvangirai and the MDC
mutate into power-drunk monster, which will happen within their first 12
months in power, we need to have a Zanu-PF that is poised to be a strong
opposition party, to revive a rude, irreverent independent media, to start
rebuilding an independent judiciary and to have various strong, non-partisan
citizen political interest groups."

Contributor to

"Victory is in the air. But so is uncertainty... The Zimbabwe Electoral
Commission is announcing results at the pace of a wheelchair-less cripple
making their way down a power-cut... corridor."

Comrade Fatso on

"Blaring from the speakers of a public address system with the din reaching
more than five streets is music which is likely to earn the man spinning the
discs a beating from the thought police. He plays Hugh Masekela where he
exhorts by name African despots – including our very own – to cede power and
retire peacefully; he plays Mbongeni Ngema's "Freedom Is Coming Tomorrow"...
Imbibers enjoy the beer and music despite their circumstances, and for them
hope lies in both the music and deep in their hearts that a better Zimbabwe
is nigh."

Marko Phiri on

 "We have tried the democratic route more than three times now and the
election has been stolen. We have tried the courts, and up to now Tsvangirai
does not have a verdict for an election of 2002. We have no choice but to...
exercise people power. [Kenya opposition leader Raila] Odinga asserted
himself and the world... listened. If Tsvangirai thinks the international
community is going to give us independence then he will remain in opposition
forever. Let's reclaim State House, it's unoccupied anyway!!!"

Anonymous on

"Zimbabwe cannot move on with Mugabe at the helm; Mugabe must go, and he
must go now before he plunges our beloved country into chaos and bloodshed.
Zanu-PF may want to take comfort in the knowledge that they have rigged
before and there was no uprising and South Africa and others looked away.
That was then, this time the people of Zimbabwe will defend their vote; the
prospect of another disastrous five years with Mugabe and Zanu-PF is
motivation enough to take the struggle to the next level, on the streets.
What Zimbabwe needs is a new leader with fresh ideas, not the look-east
nonsense and diet of starvation that we have known with Mugabe."

Dewa Mavhinga on

"I went to the supermarket today to peruse the empty shelves. What fun.
While there, I decided to run an informal survey. I asked nine people what
they would do if Bob gets in. Six answered they would leave the country; one
said she would follow me wherever I went; and only one said he would march
on State House. I wonder if the six who are leaving have already cut their
hole in the fence and what area of crime they will be forced to enter in
their unwelcome destinations? Update: OK... I can't do even small sums.
Maybe I should get a job for Zanu-PF?"

Contributor to
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)