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Mugabe Quotes
« on: April 02, 2008, 03:13:47 PM »

Mugabe Quotes

The whites can be citizens in our country, or residents, but not our cousins.
They are the greatest racists in the world.
At an election rally.

— Robert Mugabe, June 2000

Your vote will ensure you benefit from the agricultural mechanization programme.

— Robert Mugabe, 8 March 2008

We band you together with them, damn you together with them, and do not blame us when we do that!
In response to church leaders across Zimbabwe
banding together to talk to Western leaders
about human rights violations in Zimbabwe.

— Robert Mugabe, August 2004

We cannot discuss with allies of the West. The devil is the devil and we have no idea of supping with the devil.
On his 80th birthday, referring to the possibility of talks between MDC and ZANU PF.

— Robert Mugabe, February 2004

If they (the MDC) want to violate the laws of the country, we can unleash legal force and legal violence, which we are permitted to do. [...] Some measures of force must be used to restrain them.
At the ZANU-PF annual conference.

— Robert Mugabe, December 2003

This Hitler has only one objective: justice for his people, sovereignty for his people, recognition of the independence of his people and their rights over their resources… If that is Hitler, then let me be a Hitler tenfold.
In a speech at funeral of Dr Swithun Mombeshora.

— Robert Mugabe, March 2003

The more they [Western countries] work against us... the more negative we shall become to their kith and kin here.

At the annual conference of his ruling party, Zanu-PF.

— Robert Mugabe, December 2002

When I said gays are worse than dogs and pigs, I really meant it because pigs and dogs do not do unnatural things.

— Robert Mugabe, July 2002

All of you gathered here can see that whites want us to be their slaves and they are now closing shops and factories to throw you blacks into the streets so that you can turn against the government.
At a campaign rally.

— Robert Mugabe, March 2002

They will not be treated like special creatures. Why should they be treated as if they are next to G-d? If anything, they are next to he who commands evil and resides in [the] inferno.
Talking about middle aged white farmers arrested for refusing to move from their farms.

— Robert Mugabe, August 2001

We have not stopped singing to the theme of unity and the theme of love. Even the whites are free to live here. But they must change. Your kind - the British kind - are very difficult to change. We rate them as the most conceited, the most arrogant, the most selfish and the most racist in our situation.

BBC interview with David Dimbleby.

— Robert Mugabe, 26 June 2000

They have expressed their concern. What concern? We just want our land and will take it the way we know how. What can they do?

Responding to Commonwealth concerns about the use of violence to seize land

— Robert Mugabe, May 2000

Our present state of mind is that you [white commercial farmers] are now our enemies because you really have behaved as enemies of Zimbabwe.
Speech on Independence Day.

— Robert Mugabe, 2000

Cricket civilises people and creates good gentlemen. I want everyone to play cricket in Zimbabwe; I want ours to be a nation of gentlemen.

— Robert Mugabe

It could never be a correct justification that, because the whites oppressed us yesterday when they had power, that the blacks must oppress them today because they have power.

Zimbabwe Independence, (ZBC TV coverage)

— Robert Mugabe, 1980

Stay with us, please remain in this country and constitute a nation based on national unity.

A plea to the white community shortly before Independence

— Robert Mugabe, 27 January 1980

Our votes must go together with our guns. After all, any vote we shall have, shall have been the product of the gun. The gun which produces the vote should remain its security officer - its guarantor. The people's votes and the people's guns are always inseparable twins.

Said in 1976 while a leading commander of the Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army

— Robert Mugabe, 1976

It may be necessary to use methods other than constitutional ones.

Remarks to the press, 8 July 1962, concerning the future strategy of ZAPU in achieving majority rule.

— Robert Mugabe, 8 July 1962

« Last Edit: April 02, 2008, 07:01:22 PM by arisesouthafrica »
Let G_d arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him. (Psalm 68:1)