Author Topic: Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens  (Read 1312 times)

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Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens
« on: April 06, 2008, 09:26:22 AM »
The following is the mission statement of the Philadelphia Prison System: "To provide a secure correctional environment that adequately detains persons accused or convicted of illegal acts; to provide programs, services and supervision in a safe, lawful, clean and humane environment, and to prepare incarcerated persons for re-entry into society."

Unfathomably, the last part of that policy makes no distinction between American citizens and illegal aliens. Both are released back into our society, courtesy of the incompetent United States government.

It's good to be an illegal immigrant in America!

Try following this "logic": an illegal alien gets convicted of a crime, serves his sentence, and is then handed over to the Immigration service. More often than not, instead of being deported, the ILLEGAL alien (the key word being "illegal") is actually released back on the American streets. Why? Because many countries don't want their own convicts repatriated, so they deny or delay the process of deportation. Since the Supreme Court generally limits the detention of these aliens to 180 days, they go free.

Several small points come to mind:

1. Why are any countries dictating to us what we can and can't do with their citizens who are in this country illegally?

2. Since undocumented criminal aliens are rearrested an average of eight times (and we're not talking about stealing a candy bar; most offenses are robbery, assault, murder, drugs and sexual crimes), has it dawned on our political leaders that their inaction places every American in grave danger?

3. Perhaps most ironic, by instituting such a policy, our government is, in fact, committing a crime every time it releases an illegal alien. Aiding and abetting illegals is unquestionably against the law, and by definition, setting them free inside America qualifies as both.

A 2006 Department of Homeland Security Inspector General Report estimated that most of the 302,000 deportable criminals admitted into state and local facilities in 2007 would be released rather than removed at the end of their sentence. Given the there are estimated to be between 300,000 and 450,000 illegal aliens in federal, state and local jails already, and that the taxpayer cost to house these people is staggering, those with minor offenses should have the charges dropped and immediately deported to their country of origin. But how do we do this if the other countries are not cooperative? By refusing to roll over to the whims of other nations. It's time to play hardball.

Playing Hardball: Deportation Legislation

Sen. Arlen Specter has taken the lead on this issue by introducing a bill which would deny foreign aid and suspend visa issuances to countries which delay or refuse to repatriate. This common sense legislation should be passed swiftly by both houses and signed into law for the immediate benefits it will produce.

In addition to making the streets safer by deporting illegals (who broke the law to get here in the first place), the bill would make a significant dent in our prison overcrowding problem (the Philadelphia prison system houses 8,700 inmates, even though it was only designed for 6,200). Too many criminals are having their sentences reduced or suspended altogether because there is simply not enough capacity within our correctional facilities, placing our law-abiding citizens in jeopardy yet again. It also sends the message that crime does pay since the odds of serving a full sentence are remote.

There will also be a huge savings to taxpayers. Since the daily cost to house prisoners is very expensive (the Philadelphia Prison System cost is $91/day), it doesn't take a math genius to figure out how much will be saved by jettisoning the illegal alien deadweight. The numbers speak for themselves.

It is time America starts taking care of itself first, placing its citizens ahead of illegal invaders. Our economic future, our physical security, and continued respect for the rule of law depend on it.

Offline cjd

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Re: Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2008, 10:08:49 AM »
Excellent post because it describes a large part of the problem. The American Government is for whatever reason not deporting illegal aliens that come under the custody of law enforcement agencies. If people like this were were deported when it was discovered that they are here illegally the system would not be wasting resources on a revolving door policy. The whole setup is smoke and mirrors. Bottom line is that government wants the borders open to some extent. Any half baked attempts at border control are just enough to keep all of Mexico from migrating north. I really believe our government is determined to bring down the living standards of the American middle class. By destroying the wage structure with cheap labor from south of the border they are well on their way to doing just that.
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Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens
« Reply #2 on: April 06, 2008, 10:57:46 AM »
Illegal aliens are the "New Slaves" of the 21st Century.

Consider that America's corporate CEO's have taken the place of the Plantation Owners of the 19th Century...

Owning slaves was expensive:  costly to purchase, and costly to maintain.

If weak or sick, a slave could not work, and if unable to work, the slave owners could not profit from their labor.

American corporate leaders are today so corrupt and so greedy, that rather than pay living wage and standard benefits to Americans, they prefer allowing millions of uneducated and unskilled Mexican "slaves" to flood across our borders.

Then, the corporate bosses collude with our financial institutions, and with our state & local governments, to provide "modern day slave quarters":  a Plymouth van, cheap apartments, shanty houses, free health care, and free education.

All of this is by design to destroy the American middle class, and is being openly perpetrated in our midst with never before seen hubris and arrogance, and with no attempts to disguise corporate and governmental contempt for the American people.

Social disruption, civil unrest, and financial ruination of the America's middle class and working class, all just to benefit a small elite group of multi-billionaires, whose treason and greed have no limits!

Offline MassuhDGoodName

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Re: Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens
« Reply #3 on: April 06, 2008, 12:17:13 PM »

There is only one answer to your questions:

Our "so-called" leaders are actively and openly involved in a conspiracy to commit treason against the government and the people of the United States of America.

How are all of the drugs and narcotics finding their way into every neighborhood in the U.S. ?

Answer:  see bold print above

Why are our borders unguarded and unsupervised?

Answer:  see bold print above

Is it true that the reason 1/3 of our Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens is because with the advent of the privatized corporate penal sytem contracted by our governments, they must constantly increase their "assets" just like any other business?

Answer:  see bold print above

Is it true that fraudulent traitors such as Arlen Specter intentionally submit laws with hidden "escape" clauses included, never actually intending for the prescribed actions to be implemented?

Answer:  see bold print above

Is it true that the Federal Government is operating as an illegal, unconstitutional, criminal dictatorship much akin to Mussolini's Fascist State?

Answer:  see bold print above

Offline Wayne Jude

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Re: Our Government: Aiding And Abetting Illegal Aliens
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2008, 12:19:47 PM »
The North American Union agenda exposed
Get Jerome Corsi's brand new blockbuster – 'The Late Great USA'

Posted: June 18, 2007
1:00 am Eastern

© 2008

What's really behind the Washington elite's unpopular promotion of amnesty for millions of illegal aliens?

What is the bigger agenda that propels politicians from both parties to defy the will of the American people and ignore the laws of the land?

Is it possible it's really just part of a plot to erase the borders of North America and move Mexico, the U.S. and Canada toward a European Union-style superstate?

WND columnist Jerome Corsi exposes the whole globalist agenda in "The Late Great USA: The Coming Merger with Mexico and Canada," his latest book that, for the first time, puts together all the pieces of the puzzle.

(Story continues
The book is called The late great USA!!!!!!!!!!!! O0