If you could talk to anyone in the world dead or alive who would it be and why?
I would talk to my Nana, she is not here anymore.. I would ask her: WHAT DO I DO to go back and help New York. What do I say that will impact my Home. Who do I write to. Who do I talk to. What do I wear. How do I conduct myself. I would tell her: In 8 short years since you died, it has been terrible, and your home, CA is
infested with illegal occupiers and now they have taken over your condo. I would ask her to PLEASE give me her strength, so that I can fight a good fight to be a part of a revolt to take this nation back, I would tell her that I am SO SORRY that I waited SO long and did not do anything, and I am in terrible regret that I didnt do something ASAP. I would ask her to please come back, & I am sorry I didnt appreciate her more. Lillian A Cumming 1925-2000. She was in the Great Depression, and WW2- she would KNOW what to do, and would NEVER be afraid of ANYTHING.