oo i bet this is a hot topic on the forum... id love to hear the reasons of the two people that voted that only jewish women should stay virgins and that for the men its optional.. so who do you propose they have sex with? other men? or shiksas? i mean i've heard shiksas are for practice but that doesn't seem very fair to the jewish women, who do they practice with?

That option was a trick answer...
If all women did stay virgins, then who would the men have sex with until marraige..and the obvious answer is that they wouldnt' have sex.
Because men are wired differently, they have the inclination to wnat to have sex even if they were virgins...Women have a different inclination and a different wiring and when they want sex, it is usually for different reasons compared to men. Most women can wait until they are virgins..but men, on the other hand, are another story. By forcing men to be virgins until marraige is unreasonable to most men's minds. By stating that it is optional, he feels better that he has no pressure to wait...However, if all the women followed suit and waited until marraige, then the men would haev no option.
ah i disagree.. i think its a huge double standard.. i think women can have the same inclinations as men, believe me, they want sex lol...
I'm sure if there were a poll of today, yesterday, 10 years ago and 20 years ago, more women would have been virgins than men...today it is about equal and that's because of the filth we deal with everyday in society and on TV.
And it's a fact, men are not women and women are not men... We are two completely different entities..wired very differently...The female and male are verrrrrry different to give them the same exact rule.
yet its very unfair to say one can do something the other can't... especially something like this
When you have a son and when you have a daughter and when you are married, you will understand. Apparantly, I haven't done any of the above yet...
Secondly I disagree wtih the statement you made. If i had a son and a daughter, I'm more likely to encourage my son to pursue higher education past college and graduate school, but for my daughter not encourage it (but I wouldnt' discourage it either). Why? Because I feel it is better for women to get married at a younger age as long as they are mature to do so. The younger she marries (if she's mature), the more likely she can have more children..and especially for Jews, that's a good thing.
I disagree, I think it's very important for a women to get an education post-high school. Family is very important to me, but i also want to be finsih my education and work so I can provide for them. Sometimes its not best for people to get married young and start having kids, I've had many people tell me they prefer getting married later on and having children because they don't think they coulkd have handled the stress when they were younger.
It's a dilemma for many women like myself...
I never said that a girl should not go to college. I said that after college, it should be optional for her to go for a post graduate education...I wouldn't discourage a daughter of mine, if i had one, to do that. But if I had a son, I would strongly encourage him to do so. And it's for the reason that I have expectations for the man to provide for the family in a financial sense and not as much for a woman. Women are better caretakers...and if she's mature enough, she should get married and have kids and take care of them.
Yes, if she had a higher education, it also goes to her advantage in another sense...once her kids grow up and go off to school, she has the ability and knowledge to pursue something other than house wife.
My understanding with you, gruznit, is that you are from Israel...so after highschool, women go to the army for a couple of years and THEN go to college...Once again, women should get a college education...but to become something huge and invest numerous difficult years to become a physician, for example, is not something I would recommend my daughter, if i had one, to do. If she liked medicine, I woudl encourage her to do something like become a pharmacist, optomotrist, dentist, or dental hygienist, for example.
Not trying to be chauvenistic. Many women are great doctors and there isn't a moment I woudl look down one that is a female EVER! However, with my own kids, when I get them, Gd willing, my sons i would encourage, my daughters i wouldn't encourage, but at the same time won't discourage...maybe advise that if she wants to become a medical doctor which takes years and years of studying and becoming established, that she is better off doing something that allows her to be a mother at the same time instead of Lupe or Juanita doing the job for her.