This was real Serbia, when king Petar Karadjordjevic ruled with Serbia.

In this time people were very serious in Serbia. After WWI the Serbs, as the winners, had established the kingdom between the Serbs, Croats and the Slovenes.
This was Royal Yugoslavia. The Serbs, Croats and the Slovenes.
were the constitutional nations of Yugoslavia.
The Orthodox faith was, in this period, respected in whole Yugoslavia.
It is a fact that the creation of a common sate with Croats & Slovenes was a historical mistake.
According to the founding principles of this country (the mentioned nations had agreed to join their ethnical territories to Yugoslavia) Yugoslavia's constitutional nations are the owners of the Adriatic-sea. This agreement couldnot be put out of power after Hitler's occupation of royal Yugoslavia. Also were the communists not authorized to put this Yugoslavian principle out of it's power.
The Adriatic sea belongs not only to the Croats but also to the Serbs and Slovens. The current Serbian political leaders are not informed enough about these historical facts. If they were, they would probably ask for the respect of their rights?
Boj se bije bije, zastava se vije za slobodu Srbije
Живела Краљевина Србија!