anecdotes and logical arguments are fine.
But stupid jokes like showing a bunch of gorillas and saying "haha look it's a bunch of blacks". That's pathetic. The other way around might make more sense. It's not like there aren't many examples.
q_q its like the lottery. You have to be in it to win it. If you spend some time around evil black animals the video innuendo would make a great deal of sense. Some years back I was at a place called Long Island Game Farm. They had a gorilla called Bobo there. Bobo was there for years and he had all the best gorilla mannerism's. Well the day I was there a large group of blacks were taunting poor old Bobo and he was acting out. The animals outside the cage were more pathetic than the one in the cage. After some time one of the black men remarked " Look he acts just like us" . With that I walked away what more needs to be said.
Yes, i've seen blacks acting like gorillas loads of times..
Again, that's an anecdote. About some blacks, and they are representative of a large number, most even. It's a very funny story. And any story about blacks acting like apes has its unique aspects. Especially your one,
But going in the other direction, looking at an ape family and saying hey look it's a bunch of blacks. it's not funny, it's just racist. To call it "innuendo" suggests that it's clever, some kind of verbal play on words. But no, it's an immature mind pointing to a video of some gorillas and saying look it's a bunch of blacks. It's probably been done already by a million 10 year olds, who didn't even bother saying it because it was not very clever or original, and is quite racist.
Perhaps a year or so ago there was a video of a guy getting dozens of prank calls. Each one was a repeat of the previous one. Some people here thought it was hilarious.
So yes, there will always be a core group of foolish minds, who whenever they see and hear somebody point to a gorilla and say "look it's a black man" , they'll laugh, no matter how often it happens. But it's pathetic behaviour.
And sadly, unlike the black person in your story, these kids are thus far not able to step outside the box and see themselves for the kids that they are, and mend their ways.
I once knew a person, 14 years old. Out of nowhere, he dropped onto his back and kicked a bag over his head.
I taught him to ask himself the question - "Would an adult do that?". He grew up fairly quickly, but he was fairly intelligent. I don't see it happening here We have perpetual kids here. One or two have grown up but many have been left behind.
Dont encourage them by putting your FUNNY story on the same level as theirs! Your story was an intelligent anecdote. If one of these kids had seen that, they wouldn't have walked away, they'd have probably rolled over onto their belly laughing, to the amusement of the black person that managed to step outside the box.