Shalom Chaim,
One of my very liberal college professors said that radical conservative muSSlims, Christians and Jews are all the same with their teachings and doctrines. He then said there is no difference between a very conservative muSSlim and a very conservative Jew. He said that Hasidic Jews suppress their women like the muSSlims with their garment, pleasure and other nonsense he mentioned. He was saying the Bible had lots of killing in it and basically seemed like he was comparing it to the Koran and making it sound worse than iSSlam. He also said there's no difference between a Nun and a religious muSSlim woman. Then a muSSlim Nazi raised his hand and said people interpret the Koran differently and make it to sound like all muSSlims are bad. All muSSlims including so-called dangerous "moderate muSSlims" all are Jew haters or at least have varying degrees of Jew hatred. Last time, I checked Jews and Christians on a daily basis don't behead infidels, blow up buildings, practice takiyah, plan mass terroristic activities, treat their women like dogs, practice female genital mutilation and conquer and convert the world for Allah. He then mentioned anything taken to the extreme is ridiculous and anyone radical or who's extremist has undeniable hatred they can't get over. It sounded like he was mentioning all things are good in moderation, including the Koran and iSSlam, the so-called "religion of peace." What do you think about this Bolshevism and why do liberals claim right-wing conservatives are undeniably racist when we stand for politically incorrect truth and righteousness?
G-d Bless you,