It's great to see that the fashion magazines and runways have perpetually put their overpriced, designer booted foots into their mouths with nikab and kaffiyeh inspired fashions, what's next, articles hilighting the joys in polygamy and genital mutilation? It's critical to note that in Europe, non- muslim women are forced to wear hijab when in muslim neighborhoods out of fear of being raped, cases against male relatives mutilating the genitals of young girls is on the rise, and teenage girls in sweden have developed a new version of the chastity belt to deter rapists (, looks like Bernard Lewis's theory of an Islamized Europe is coming closer than predicted, and these sharia inpired fashions will be popping up in Paris or Milan. As a young American woman, I find this so disrespectful, these fembots love to trash judeo- christian values ( i never heard Pat Robertson defending rapists), but pander to a culture that call them "uncovered meat". Perhaps theyr'e ready to join the harems and be taken as booty by their future enslavers, but i have other plans...the first is telling my friends to cancel their subscriptions to this piece of filth, and the second is to get well acquainted with a shooting range...