Shalom Chaim,
Why do some leftists label righteous Kahanists as "Nazis"? The real Nazis are excrement like David Nazi Duke who hates and despises the Jews, and who believes in "Jewish, Zionist Conspiracies." This sadistic Nazi scum vile trash bag said that the "Iraq war was because of Israel's fault" and "60% of the Republican Party is from Jewish sources and for Jewish interests." David Nazi Duke also said the media in this country is "Jewish and Zionist controlled" and furthermore even mentioned that "Obama was a Zionist and pro-Israel." His mind has been nazified and robotically naziwarpified to the point of a non-comprehendable state. He praised his intimate lover the Iranian dictator "Ahmadinejad." We in JTF know that this evil man's puppet and lover is the Iranian Nazi Holocauster "Ahmadinejad", who will wipe Israel off the face of the earth, G-d forbid. This Nazi is a pro-Saddam HuSSein Arafat muSSlim Saudi Nazi scum of the earth, pro-Fakistinian lover, along with his other former scumbag Nazis. May he burn in Gehenom for all his Nazi crimes, "yimach schmo vezichro" to him to the fullest. These people would love to have Black Muslim Nazis take over the world and rule if they were willing to destroy the Jewish people for them, G-d forbid. That's why we in JTF have to take over the Republican party, before these Nazis try to create their on mass media. Chaim, if you interviewed David Nazi Duke, this Nazi, wouldn't last one minute. David Nazi Duke also mentioned that "Jewish extremists have their own media." These people are Leftist Nazis, we in JTF are the real right for saving America, Israel and Western Civilization.
G-d Bless,