only feminism is okay w/these kooks. all of us must join them in their fight for abortion and leftist views even if we don't believe in the same thing. throw out Christianity w/the rest of our foundations and traditions. there is no way Christians are going to go for this. nice try. this is why we are hearing about worship groups being interrupted by drag queens in San Francisco, Bash Back, and churches being set on fire to burn to the ground. a lot of people have a problem with creating babies, just to kill them, with embryonic research and abortion. this is why Obama is a good president for the feminists. the first order of business was to put abortion and stem cell research at the top of his list after he met with the President the other day, to cross off these policies. if it weren't Christianity, the feminist would find some other reason to join with them to undermine American foundation and tradition so we'd follow their crazy agenda.