Blacks are one of the impediments of life. For all practical purposes they are useless. In the days of slavery it was noticed that these blacks are completely useless. It is a tragic state of affairs that this sub species was brought to civilization. The black is a poor creature that modern society has no use for. In my college (a city university) you can see the results of liberalism. The college offers all kinds of programs to save the black youth, special tutoring, guest white and jew haters, everything you can think of. Nothing works. It would be much better to build a reservation for the blacks. We can have gigantic tv screens that display the vilest rap videos, we can have crack and malt liquor air dropped to them, we can also air drop big macs and mac and cheese, we can air drop martin lucifer king's greatest speeches as well as screwy louie farrafart's rantings. We can build a faux white town where the blacks can riot, search for diapers in liquor stores as per maxine waters, they can pillage, rob, rape and kill each other to their heart's content. Since they invented medicine they will have a ample supply of witch doctors to cure their sexual tranmitted dieases. Think about how wonderful it would be, to ride the subways without blacks pan handleing or sleeping on the seats, ride the buses without the blacks urinating on the floor and destroying the windows, no marking up of buildings with their 'art'. No crime! No rape! No murder! Just think what a wonderful world this would be. We can make Karanga their king. He can hold his press conferences on Jerry Springer and hoprah. This is a win win for everyone involved.