Author Topic: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?  (Read 837 times)

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Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« on: December 28, 2008, 05:52:45 PM »
Also what are his attributes?

Thanks again!
aka Someone Else

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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #1 on: December 28, 2008, 06:04:51 PM »

I've often wondered that myself, because whenever I've seen him interviewed on tv he's said the right things.
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Offline Tzvi Ben Roshel1

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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #2 on: December 28, 2008, 06:12:33 PM »

I've often wondered that myself, because whenever I've seen him interviewed on tv he's said the right things.

It's when he is on t.v. maybe. When he is in office he caves in to the pressure by the u.s., u.n. and europe, etc. He has given away parts of our Holy city of Hevron.
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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2008, 05:02:56 AM »
Because he has a terrible record when it comes to his actions:
As prime minister, he agreed to a retreat from 13% of Judea and Samaria, and he gave away Hebron to the Plagiatinians. Apparently, he was willing to give away the Golan to Syria.

As minister of treasury under Sharon, Netanyahu voted FOR the expulsion from Gaza, even though he'd claimed he is against it. He did so because he didn't want to get fired by Sharon. I think it also serves to show what type of person he is.

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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2008, 06:19:17 AM »
There's a saying about Netanyahu.

"Talks like Begin, acts like Peres."

I am not sure i'd say that.. But he certainly believes that Israel has to obey the american government..  He says "yes" to their policies.. He may stall them, maybe, but he says Yes. So he said Yes to Oslo and doesn't apologise for that.
He defends saying "yes" as something that he had to do.

I heard him speak.. he was asked about Hevron. He said he only pulled out of the arab quarters of Hevron, and he did it because there was no way out of it, it was the first requirement of oslo.   He stalled Oslo by demanding reciprocity.

Interestingly, Arafat when he was near the end - perhaps a bit crazy - he said that if Netanyahu was P.M., the  "palestinians" would have a state by now.

Another problem with the rightist politicians.. is that they can give away land when leftist ones can't. The rightist ones talk tough and gain the trust of a rightist population.   Leftist politicians don't have that power, they can't do the agenda that easily. 

There is only ever one agenda. Whoever is in power does it.
We saw that with Sharon vs Mitzna , 2002 I think..
Mitzna talked about building a fence, and a unilateral withdrawal plan. withdrawing even if we can't agree with them.
Sharon kept quiet and just said "I have a plan".. He kept saying "I will stop zeh terror"..  People asked him what if the terrorism doesn't stop.. he said he has a plan.   People thought again, maybe there really is an old Sharon , great military genius, maybe he does have a plan.  Then Sharon won. (because mitzna was leftist and the people behind mitzna were Peres and Co, all leftists).  You know what Sharon did. He followed the Mitzna plan. Built the fence (which the left is right, it's really a de facto border for a future "Pali" state) , and in 2005, I think under Sharon, Israel withdrew from Gaza, throwing the jews out of Gush Katif.

So, they all want a "palestinian" state. 

Sharon and Netanyahu are the same in the policies they persue.. Just Netanyahu can talk.

Daniel Ben Avraham an old host from INR in 2002 and I think some of 2003, said "Sharon's plan is to say he wants a Palestinian state , and delay it for as long as possible"

Offline Muck DeFuslims

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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2008, 10:23:32 AM »
When Sharon ran against Mitzna he did more than keep quiet or just say he had a plan.

When campaigning, he was completely opposed to Mitzna's plan to abandon parts of Aza. Even Mitzna did not propose abandoning all of Aza.

Once elected, Sharon did a complete 180 and eventually left all of Aza under the guise of 'disengagement'.

Of course, JTF had repeatedly warned that Sharon - despite his strong right wing image - was in fact a leftist. This was well documented in JTF articles detailing his history during the destruction of Yamit and his establishment of a far left party earlier in his political career.

Sharon's right wing image stemmed mainly from his bold initiatives during the Yom Kippur war, and accusations that he was responsible for the so called 'massacre' of Paleostinkians in Lebanon by Christian Phalangists.

But outside of Sharon's excellent work establishing Unit 101, there were ample indications that, at heart, he was sympathetic to the Left.

In many respects, Netanyahu is remarkably similar to Sharon. Tough right wing image, but in fact, it's only a facade. It's abundantly clear that a Prime Minister Netanyahu will continue to pursue the suicidal 'land for peace' formula, to which JTF and all clear thinking people must be opposed.

I hope that clarifies why Netanyahu is largely disliked by JTF members, even though he might be marginally better than his Labor and Kadima counterparts.

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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2008, 11:41:38 AM »
maybe sharon spoke against giving away land.. it's possible. The so-called "right" do that. Though he still had no plan.

The reason why the so-called right wing politicians all give away land, is because they really don't state an end plan, their plan is the same as the left they just don't voice it.  It's to create a state for them. Current plan is unilateral disengagement.
Kahane stated a plan - transfer the arabs.

Offline Xoce

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Re: Why is Binyamin Netanyahu disliked by JTF?
« Reply #7 on: January 08, 2009, 02:22:02 AM »
Thank you all very much for your insightful replies.
aka Someone Else